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ammonite.util.Model.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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  * Various common, "dumb" data-structures that represent common things that
  * are passed around inside Ammonite
package ammonite.util

import acyclic.file
import pprint.{PPrint, PPrinter}

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

  * Exception for reporting script compilation failures
class CompilationError(message: String) extends Exception(message)

case class Evaluated(wrapper: Seq[Name],
                     imports: Imports,
                     tag: String)

  * Represents the importing of a single name in the Ammonite REPL, of the
  * form
  * {{{
  * import $prefix.{$fromName => $toName}
  * }}}
  * All imports are reduced to this form; `import $prefix.$name` is results in
  * the `fromName` and `toName` being the same, while `import $prefix._` or
  * `import $prefix.{foo, bar, baz}` are split into multiple distinct
  * [[ImportData]] objects.
  * Note that imports can be of one of three distinct `ImportType`s: importing
  * a type, a term, or both. This lets us properly deal with shadowing correctly
  * if we import the type and term of the same name from different places
case class ImportData(fromName: Name,
                      toName: Name,
                      prefix: Seq[Name],
                      importType: ImportData.ImportType)

object ImportData{
  sealed case class ImportType(name: String)
  val Type = ImportType("Type")
  val Term = ImportType("Term")
  val TermType = ImportType("TermType")

  * Represents the imports that occur before a piece of user code in the
  * Ammonite REPL. It's basically a `Seq[ImportData]`, except we really want
  * it to be always in a "canonical" form without shadowed/duplicate imports.
  * Thus we only expose an `apply` method which performs this de-duplication,
  * and a `++` operator that combines two sets of imports while performing
  * de-duplication.
class Imports private (val value: Seq[ImportData]){
  def ++(others: Imports) = Imports(this.value, others.value)
  override def toString() = s"Imports(${value.toString})"

object Imports{
  // This isn't called directly, but we need to define it so uPickle can know
  // how to read/write imports
  def unapply(s: Imports): Option[Seq[ImportData]] = Some(s.value)
    * Constructs an `Imports` object from one or more loose sequence of imports
    * Figures out which imports will get stomped over by future imports
    * before they get used, and just ignore those.
  def apply(importss: Seq[ImportData]*): Imports = {
    // We iterate over the combined reversed imports, keeping track of the
    // things that will-be-stomped-over-in-the-non-reversed-world in a map.
    // If an import's target destination will get stomped over we ignore it
    // At the end of the day we re-reverse the trimmed list and return it.
    val importData = importss.flatten
    val stompedTypes = mutable.Set.empty[Name]
    val stompedTerms = mutable.Set.empty[Name]
    val out = mutable.Buffer.empty[ImportData]
    for(data <- importData.reverseIterator){
      val stomped = data.importType match{
        case ImportData.Term => Seq(stompedTerms)
        case ImportData.Type => Seq(stompedTypes)
        case ImportData.TermType => Seq(stompedTerms, stompedTypes)
      if (!stomped.exists(_(data.toName))){
    new Imports(out.reverse)

  * Represents a single identifier in Scala source code, e.g. "scala" or
  * "println" or "`Hello-World`".
  * Holds the value "raw", with all special characters intact, e.g.
  * "Hello-World". Can be used [[backticked]] e.g. "`Hello-World`", useful for
  * embedding in Scala source code, or [[encoded]] e.g. "Hello$minusWorld",
  * useful for accessing names as-seen-from the Java/JVM side of thigns
case class Name(raw: String){
    NameTransformer.decode(raw) == raw,
    "Name() must be created with un-encoded text"
  assert(raw.charAt(0) != '`', "Cannot create already-backticked identifiers")
  override def toString = s"Name($backticked)"
  def encoded = NameTransformer.encode(raw)
  def backticked = Name.backtickWrap(raw)

object Name{
    * Read/write [[Name]]s as unboxed strings, in order to save verbosity
    * in the JSON cache files as well as improving performance of
    * reading/writing since we read/write [[Name]]s a *lot*.
  implicit val nameRW: upickle.default.ReadWriter[Name] = upickle.default.ReadWriter[Name](
    name => upickle.Js.Str(name.raw),
    {case upickle.Js.Str(raw) => Name(raw)}

  val alphaKeywords = Set(
    "abstract", "case", "catch", "class", "def", "do", "else",
    "extends", "false", "finally", "final", "finally", "forSome",
    "for", "if", "implicit", "import", "lazy", "match", "new",
    "null", "object", "override", "package", "private", "protected",
    "return", "sealed", "super", "this", "throw", "trait", "try",
    "true", "type", "val", "var", "while", "with", "yield", "_", "macro"
  val symbolKeywords = Set(
    ":", ";", "=>", "=", "<-", "<:", "<%", ">:", "#", "@", "\u21d2", "\u2190"

    * Custom implementation of ID parsing, instead of using the ScalaParse
    * version. This lets us avoid loading FastParse and ScalaParse entirely if
    * we're running a cached script, which shaves off 200-300ms of startup time.
  def backtickWrap(s: String) = {
    if (s.isEmpty) "``"
    else if (s(0) == '`' && s.last == '`') s
    else {
      val chunks = s.split("_", -1)
      def validOperator(c: Char) = {
        c.getType == Character.MATH_SYMBOL ||
        c.getType == Character.OTHER_SYMBOL ||
      val validChunks = chunks.zipWithIndex.forall { case (chunk, index) =>
        chunk.forall(c => c.isLetter || c.isDigit || c == '$') ||
          chunk.forall(validOperator) &&
          // operators can only come last
          index == chunks.length - 1 &&
          // but cannot be preceded by only a _
          !(chunks.lift(index - 1).exists(_ == "") && index - 1== 0))

      val firstLetterValid = s(0).isLetter || s(0) == '_' || s(0) == '$' || validOperator(s(0))
      val valid =
        validChunks &&
        firstLetterValid &&
        !alphaKeywords.contains(s) &&

      if (valid) s else '`' + s + '`'
 * Encapsulates a read-write cell that can be passed around
trait StableRef[T]{
   * Get the current value of the this [[StableRef]] at this instant in time
  def apply(): T

   * Set the value of this [[StableRef]] to always be the value `t`
  def update(t: T): Unit

trait Ref[T] extends StableRef[T]{
   * Return a function that can be used to get the value of this [[Ref]]
   * at any point in time
  def live(): () => T

   * Set the value of this [[Ref]] to always be the value of the by-name
   * argument `t`, at any point in time
  def bind(t: => T): Unit

object Ref{
  implicit def refer[T](t: T): Ref[T] = Ref(t)
  implicit def refPPrint[T: PPrint]: PPrinter[Ref[T]] = PPrinter{ (ref, cfg) =>
    Iterator(cfg.colors.prefixColor("Ref").render, "(") ++
    implicitly[PPrint[T]].pprinter.render(ref(), cfg) ++
  def live[T](value0: () => T) = new Ref[T]{
    var value: () => T = value0
    def live() = value
    def apply() = value()
    def update(t: T) = value = () => t
    def bind(t: => T): Unit = value = () => t
    override def toString = s"Ref($value)"
  def apply[T](value0: T) = live(() => value0)

 * Nice pattern matching for chained exceptions
object Ex{
  def unapplySeq(t: Throwable): Option[Seq[Throwable]] = {
    def rec(t: Throwable): List[Throwable] = {
      t match {
        case null => Nil
        case t => t :: rec(t.getCause)

trait CodeColors{
  def ident: fansi.Attrs
  def `type`: fansi.Attrs
  def literal: fansi.Attrs
  def comment: fansi.Attrs
  def keyword: fansi.Attrs

 * A set of colors used to highlight the miscellanious bits of the REPL.
 * Re-used all over the place in PPrint, TPrint, syntax highlighting,
 * command-echoes, etc. in order to keep things consistent
 * @param prompt The command prompt
 * @param ident Definition of top-level identifiers
 * @param `type` Definition of types
 * @param literal Strings, integers and other literal expressions
 * @param prefix The Seq/Foo when printing a Seq(...) or case class Foo(...)
 * @param selected The color of text selected in the line-editor
 * @param error The color used to print error messages of all kinds
case class Colors(prompt: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  ident: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  `type`: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  literal: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  prefix: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  comment: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  keyword: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  selected: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  error: Ref[fansi.Attrs],
                  warning: Ref[fansi.Attrs])
object Colors{

  def Default = Colors(
  def BlackWhite = Colors(
    fansi.Attrs.Empty, fansi.Attrs.Empty, fansi.Attrs.Empty, fansi.Attrs.Empty,
    fansi.Attrs.Empty, fansi.Attrs.Empty, fansi.Attrs.Empty, fansi.Attrs.Empty,
    fansi.Attrs.Empty, fansi.Attrs.Empty

 * Models a binding of a value to a typed name, and is passed into the
 * REPL so it can re-create the bindings inside the REPL's scope
case class Bind[T](name: String, value: T)
                  (implicit val typeTag: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T])
object Bind{
  implicit def ammoniteReplArrowBinder[T](t: (String, T))(implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]) = {
    Bind(t._1, t._2)(typeTag)
  * Encapsulates the ways the Ammonite REPL prints things. Does not print
  * a trailing newline by default; you have to add one yourself.
  * @param out How you want it to print streaming fragments of stdout
  * @param warning How you want it to print a compile warning
  * @param error How you want it to print a compile error
  * @param info How you want to print compile info logging. *Not* the same
  *             as `out`, which is used to print runtime output.
case class Printer(out: String => Unit,
                   warning: String => Unit,
                   error: String => Unit,
                   info: String => Unit)

case class ImportTree(prefix: Seq[String],
                      mappings: Option[ImportTree.ImportMapping],
                      start: Int,
                      end: Int)

object ImportTree{
  type ImportMapping = Seq[(String, Option[String])]

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