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ammonite.main.Router.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package ammonite.main

import ammonite.main.Compat
import sourcecode.Compat.Context

import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
  * More or less a minimal version of Autowire's Server that lets you generate
  * a set of "routes" from the methods defined in an object, and call them
  * using passing in name/args/kwargs via Java reflection, without having to
  * generate/compile code or use Scala reflection. This saves us spinning up
  * the Scala compiler and greatly reduces the startup time of cached scripts.
object Router{
    * Allows you to query how many things are overridden by the enclosing owner.
  case class Overrides(value: Int)
  object Overrides{
    def apply()(implicit c: Overrides) = c.value
    implicit def generate: Overrides = macro impl
    def impl(c: Context): c.Tree = {
      import c.universe._
      q"new _root_.ammonite.main.Router.Overrides(${c.internal.enclosingOwner.overrides.length})"

  class doc(s: String) extends StaticAnnotation
  class main extends StaticAnnotation
  def generateRoutes[T]: Seq[Router.EntryPoint[T]] = macro generateRoutesImpl[T]
  def generateRoutesImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context): c.Expr[Seq[EntryPoint[T]]] = {
    import c.universe._
    val r = new Router(c)
    val allRoutes = r.getAllRoutesForClass(


    * Models what is known by the router about a single argument: that it has
    * a [[name]], a human-readable [[typeString]] describing what the type is
    * (just for logging and reading, not a replacement for a `TypeTag`) and
    * possible a function that can compute its default value
  case class ArgSig[T](name: String,
                       typeString: String,
                       doc: Option[String],
                       default: Option[T => Any])

  def stripDashes(s: String) = {
    if (s.startsWith("--")) s.drop(2)
    else if (s.startsWith("-")) s.drop(1)
    else s
    * What is known about a single endpoint for our routes. It has a [[name]],
    * [[argSignatures]] for each argument, and a macro-generated [[invoke0]]
    * that performs all the necessary argument parsing and de-serialization.
    * Realistically, you will probably spend most of your time calling [[invoke]]
    * instead, which provides a nicer API to call it that mimmicks the API of
    * calling a Scala method.
  case class EntryPoint[T](name: String,
                           argSignatures: Seq[ArgSig[T]],
                           doc: Option[String],
                           varargs: Boolean,
                           invoke0: (T, Map[String, String], Seq[String]) => Result[Any],
                           overrides: Int){
    def invoke(target: T, groupedArgs: Seq[(String, Option[String])]): Result[Any] = {
      var remainingArgSignatures = argSignatures.toList

      val accumulatedKeywords = mutable.Map.empty[ArgSig[T], mutable.Buffer[String]]
      val keywordableArgs = if (varargs) argSignatures.dropRight(1) else argSignatures

      for(arg <- keywordableArgs) accumulatedKeywords(arg) = mutable.Buffer.empty

      val leftoverArgs = mutable.Buffer.empty[String]

      val lookupArgSig = => (, x)).toMap

      var incomplete: Option[ArgSig[T]] = None

      for(group <- groupedArgs){

        group match{
          case (value, None) =>
            if (value.startsWith("-") && !varargs){
              lookupArgSig.get(stripDashes(value)) match{
                case None => leftoverArgs.append(value)
                case Some(sig) => incomplete = Some(sig)

            } else remainingArgSignatures match {
              case Nil => leftoverArgs.append(value)
              case last :: Nil if varargs => leftoverArgs.append(value)
              case next :: rest =>
                remainingArgSignatures = rest
          case (rawKey, Some(value)) =>
            val key = stripDashes(rawKey)
            lookupArgSig.get(key) match{
              case Some(x) if accumulatedKeywords.contains(x) =>
                if (accumulatedKeywords(x).nonEmpty && varargs){
                  leftoverArgs.append(rawKey, value)
                  remainingArgSignatures = remainingArgSignatures.filter( != key)
              case _ =>
                leftoverArgs.append(rawKey, value)

      val missing0 = remainingArgSignatures.filter(_.default.isEmpty)
      val missing = if(varargs) {
        missing0.filter(_ != argSignatures.last)
      } else {
        missing0.filter(x => incomplete != Some(x))
      val duplicates = accumulatedKeywords.toSeq.filter(_._2.length > 1)

      if (
        incomplete.nonEmpty ||
          missing.nonEmpty ||
          duplicates.nonEmpty ||
          (leftoverArgs.nonEmpty && !varargs)
          missing = missing,
          unknown = leftoverArgs,
          duplicate = duplicates,
          incomplete = incomplete

      } else {
        val mapping = accumulatedKeywords
          .collect{case (k, Seq(single)) => (, single)}

        try invoke0(target, mapping, leftoverArgs)
        catch{case e: Throwable =>

  def tryEither[T](t: => T, error: Throwable => Result.ParamError) = {
    try Right(t)
    catch{ case e: Throwable => Left(error(e))}
  def readVarargs[T](arg: ArgSig[_],
                     values: Seq[String],
                     thunk: String => T) = {
    val attempts =
      for(item <- values)
        yield tryEither(thunk(item), Result.ParamError.Invalid(arg, item, _))

    val bad = attempts.collect{ case Left(x) => x}
    if (bad.nonEmpty) Left(bad)
    else Right(attempts.collect{case Right(x) => x})
  def read[T](dict: Map[String, String],
              default: => Option[Any],
              arg: ArgSig[_],
              thunk: String => T): FailMaybe = {
    dict.get( match{
      case None =>
        tryEither(default.get, Result.ParamError.DefaultFailed(arg, _))

      case Some(x) =>
        tryEither(thunk(x), Result.ParamError.Invalid(arg, x, _))

    * Represents what comes out of an attempt to invoke an [[EntryPoint]].
    * Could succeed with a value, but could fail in many different ways.
  sealed trait Result[+T]
  object Result{

      * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] was totally successful, and returned a
      * result
    case class Success[T](value: T) extends Result[T]

      * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] was not successful
    sealed trait Error extends Result[Nothing]
    object Error{

        * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed with an exception while executing
        * code within it.
      case class Exception(t: Throwable) extends Error

        * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed because the arguments provided
        * did not line up with the arguments expected
      case class MismatchedArguments(missing: Seq[ArgSig[_]],
                                     unknown: Seq[String],
                                     duplicate: Seq[(ArgSig[_], Seq[String])],
                                     incomplete: Option[ArgSig[_]]) extends Error
        * Invoking the [[EntryPoint]] failed because there were problems
        * deserializing/parsing individual arguments
      case class InvalidArguments(values: Seq[ParamError]) extends Error

    sealed trait ParamError
    object ParamError{
        * Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter;
        * the thrown exception is stored in [[ex]]
      case class Invalid(arg: ArgSig[_], value: String, ex: Throwable) extends ParamError
        * Something went wrong trying to evaluate the default value
        * for this input parameter
      case class DefaultFailed(arg: ArgSig[_], ex: Throwable) extends ParamError

  type FailMaybe = Either[Seq[Result.ParamError], Any]
  type FailAll = Either[Seq[Result.ParamError], Seq[Any]]

  def validate(args: Seq[FailMaybe]): Result[Seq[Any]] = {
    val lefts = args.collect{case Left(x) => x}.flatten

    if (lefts.nonEmpty) Result.Error.InvalidArguments(lefts)
    else {
      val rights = args.collect{case Right(x) => x}

  def makeReadCall[T: scopt.Read](dict: Map[String, String],
                                     default: => Option[Any],
                                     arg: ArgSig[_]) = {
    read[T](dict, default, arg, implicitly[scopt.Read[T]].reads(_))
  def makeReadVarargsCall[T: scopt.Read](arg: ArgSig[_],
                                         values: Seq[String]) = {
    readVarargs[T](arg, values, implicitly[scopt.Read[T]].reads(_))

class Router [C <: Context](val c: C) {
  import c.universe._
  def getValsOrMeths(curCls: Type): Iterable[MethodSymbol] = {
    def isAMemberOfAnyRef(member: Symbol) = {
      // AnyRef is an alias symbol, we go to the real "owner" of these methods
      val anyRefSym = c.mirror.universe.definitions.ObjectClass
      member.owner == anyRefSym
    val extractableMembers = for {
      member <- curCls.members.toList.reverse
      if !isAMemberOfAnyRef(member)
      if !member.isSynthetic
      if member.isPublic
      if member.isTerm
      memTerm = member.asTerm
      if memTerm.isMethod
      if !memTerm.isModule
    } yield memTerm.asMethod

    extractableMembers flatMap { case memTerm =>
      if (memTerm.isSetter || memTerm.isConstructor || memTerm.isGetter) Nil
      else Seq(memTerm)


  def extractMethod(meth: MethodSymbol, curCls: c.universe.Type): c.universe.Tree = {
    val baseArgSym = TermName(c.freshName())
    val flattenedArgLists = meth.paramss.flatten
    def hasDefault(i: Int) = {
      val defaultName = s"${}$$default$$${i + 1}"
      if (curCls.members.exists( == defaultName)) Some(defaultName)
      else None
    val argListSymbol = q"${c.fresh[TermName]("argsList")}"
    val extrasSymbol = q"${c.fresh[TermName]("extras")}"
    val defaults = for ((arg, i) <- flattenedArgLists.zipWithIndex) yield {
      val arg = TermName(c.freshName())
      hasDefault(i).map(defaultName => q"($arg: $curCls) => $arg.${newTermName(defaultName)}")

    def getDocAnnotation(annotations: List[Annotation]) = {
      val (docTrees, remaining) = annotations.partition(_.tpe =:= typeOf[Router.doc])
      val docValues = for {
        doc <- docTrees
        if doc.scalaArgs.head.isInstanceOf[Literal]
        l =  doc.scalaArgs.head.asInstanceOf[Literal]
        if l.value.value.isInstanceOf[String]
      } yield l.value.value.asInstanceOf[String]
      (remaining, docValues.headOption)

    def unwrapVarargType(arg: Symbol) = {
      val vararg = arg.typeSignature.typeSymbol == definitions.RepeatedParamClass
      val unwrappedType =
        if (!vararg) arg.typeSignature
        else arg.typeSignature.asInstanceOf[TypeRef].args(0)

      (vararg, unwrappedType)

    val (_, methodDoc) = getDocAnnotation(meth.annotations)
    val readArgSigs = for(
      ((arg, defaultOpt), i) <-
    ) yield {

      val (vararg, varargUnwrappedType) = unwrapVarargType(arg)

      val default =
        if (vararg) q"scala.Some(scala.Nil)"
        else defaultOpt match {
          case Some(defaultExpr) => q"scala.Some($defaultExpr($baseArgSym))"
          case None => q"scala.None"

      val (docUnwrappedType, docOpt) = varargUnwrappedType match{
        case t: AnnotatedType =>

          val (remaining, docValue) = getDocAnnotation(t.annotations)
          if (remaining.isEmpty) (t.underlying, docValue)
          else (Compat.copyAnnotatedType(c)(t, remaining), docValue)

        case t => (t, None)

      val docTree = docOpt match{
        case None => q"scala.None"
        case Some(s) => q"scala.Some($s)"
      val argSig = q"""
          ${docUnwrappedType.toString + (if(vararg) "*" else "")},

      val reader =
        if(vararg) q"""
        """ else q"""
      c.internal.setPos(reader, meth.pos)
      (reader, argSig, vararg)

    val (readArgs, argSigs, varargs) = readArgSigs.unzip3
    val (argNames, argNameCasts) = { arg =>
      val (vararg, unwrappedType) = unwrapVarargType(arg)
        if (!vararg) q"${}.asInstanceOf[$unwrappedType]"
        else q"${}.asInstanceOf[Seq[$unwrappedType]]: _*"


      ${methodDoc match{
        case None => q"scala.None"
        case Some(s) => q"scala.Some($s)"
      ($baseArgSym: $curCls, $argListSymbol: Map[String, String], $extrasSymbol: Seq[String]) =>
        ammonite.main.Router.validate(Seq(..$readArgs)) match{
          case ammonite.main.Router.Result.Success(List(..$argNames)) =>
          case x: ammonite.main.Router.Result.Error => x

  def hasMainAnnotation(t: MethodSymbol) = {
    t.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[Router.main])
  def getAllRoutesForClass(curCls: Type,
                           pred: MethodSymbol => Boolean = hasMainAnnotation)
                            : Iterable[c.universe.Tree] = {
      t <- getValsOrMeths(curCls)
      if pred(t)
    } yield {
      extractMethod(t, curCls)

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