ammonite.main.Scripts.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ammonite.main
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException
import ammonite.main.Router.{ArgSig, EntryPoint}
import ammonite.runtime.Evaluator.AmmoniteExit
import ammonite.util.Name.backtickWrap
import ammonite.util.Util.CodeSource
import ammonite.util.{Name, Res, Util}
import fastparse.internal.Util.literalize
* Logic around using Ammonite as a script-runner; invoking scripts via the
* macro-generated [[Router]], and pretty-printing any output or error messages
object Scripts {
def groupArgs(flatArgs: List[String]): Seq[(String, Option[String])] = {
var keywordTokens = flatArgs
var scriptArgs = Vector.empty[(String, Option[String])]
while(keywordTokens.nonEmpty) keywordTokens match{
case List(head, next, rest@_*) if head.startsWith("-") =>
scriptArgs = scriptArgs :+ (head, Some(next))
keywordTokens = rest.toList
case List(head, rest@_*) =>
scriptArgs = scriptArgs :+ (head, None)
keywordTokens = rest.toList
def runScript(wd: os.Path,
path: os.Path,
interp: ammonite.interp.Interpreter,
scriptArgs: Seq[(String, Option[String])] = Nil) = {
val (pkg, wrapper) = Util.pathToPackageWrapper(Seq(), path relativeTo wd)
scriptTxt <- try Res.Success(Util.normalizeNewlines( catch{
case e: NoSuchFileException => Res.Failure("Script file not found: " + path)
processed <- interp.processModule(
CodeSource(wrapper, pkg, Seq(Name("ammonite"), Name("$file")), Some(path)),
autoImport = true,
// Not sure why we need to wrap this in a separate `$routes` object,
// but if we don't do it for some reason the `generateRoutes` macro
// does not see the annotations on the methods of the outer-wrapper.
// It can inspect the type and its methods fine, it's just the
// `methodsymbol.annotations` ends up being empty.
extraCode = Util.normalizeNewlines(
|val $$routesOuter = this
|object $$routes
|extends scala.Function0[scala.Seq[ammonite.main.Router.EntryPoint[$$routesOuter.type]]]{
| def apply() = ammonite.main.Router.generateRoutes[$$routesOuter.type]
hardcoded = true
routeClsName <- processed.blockInfo.lastOption match{
case Some(meta) => Res.Success(
case None => Res.Skip
mainCls =
.loadClass( + "$")
routesCls =
.loadClass(routeClsName + "$$routes$")
scriptMains =
.asInstanceOf[() => Seq[Router.EntryPoint[Any]]]
mainObj = mainCls.getField("MODULE$").get(null)
res <- Util.withContextClassloader(interp.evalClassloader){
scriptMains match {
// If there are no @main methods, there's nothing to do
case Seq() =>
if (scriptArgs.isEmpty) Res.Success(())
else {
val scriptArgString =
scriptArgs.flatMap{case (a, b) => Seq(a) ++ b}.map(literalize(_))
.mkString(" ")
Res.Failure("Script " + path.last + " does not take arguments: " + scriptArgString)
// If there's one @main method, we run it with all args
case Seq(main) => runMainMethod(mainObj, main, scriptArgs)
// If there are multiple @main methods, we use the first arg to decide
// which method to run, and pass the rest to that main method
case mainMethods =>
val suffix = formatMainMethods(mainObj, mainMethods)
scriptArgs match{
case Seq() =>
s"Need to specify a subcommand to call when running " + path.last + suffix
case Seq((head, Some(_)), tail @ _*) =>
"To select a subcommand to run, you don't need --s." + Util.newLine +
s"Did you mean `${head.drop(2)}` instead of `$head`?"
case Seq((head, None), tail @ _*) =>
mainMethods.find( == head) match{
case None =>
s"Unable to find subcommand: " + backtickWrap(head) + suffix
case Some(main) =>
runMainMethod(mainObj, main, tail)
} yield res
def formatMainMethods[T](base: T, mainMethods: Seq[Router.EntryPoint[T]]) = {
if (mainMethods.isEmpty) ""
val leftColWidth = getLeftColWidth(mainMethods.flatMap(_.argSignatures))
val methods =
for(main <- mainMethods)
yield formatMainMethodSignature(base, main, 2, leftColWidth)
|Available subcommands:
def getLeftColWidth[T](items: Seq[ArgSig[T]]) = { + 2) match{
case Nil => 0
case x => x.max
def formatMainMethodSignature[T](base: T,
main: Router.EntryPoint[T],
leftIndent: Int,
leftColWidth: Int) = {
// +2 for space on right of left col
val args =, _, leftColWidth + leftIndent + 2 + 2, 80))
val leftIndentStr = " " * leftIndent
val argStrings =
for((lhs, rhs) <- args)
yield {
val lhsPadded = lhs.padTo(leftColWidth, ' ')
val rhsPadded = Predef.augmentString(rhs).lines.mkString(Util.newLine)
s"$leftIndentStr $lhsPadded $rhsPadded"
val mainDocSuffix = main.doc match{
case Some(d) => Util.newLine + leftIndentStr + softWrap(d, leftIndent, 80)
case None => ""
|${ + Util.newLine).mkString}""".stripMargin
def runMainMethod[T](base: T,
mainMethod: Router.EntryPoint[T],
scriptArgs: Seq[(String, Option[String])]): Res[Any] = {
val leftColWidth = getLeftColWidth(mainMethod.argSignatures)
def expectedMsg = formatMainMethodSignature(base: T, mainMethod, 0, leftColWidth)
def pluralize(s: String, n: Int) = {
if (n == 1) s else s + "s"
mainMethod.invoke(base, scriptArgs) match{
case Router.Result.Success(x) => Res.Success(x)
case Router.Result.Error.Exception(x: AmmoniteExit) => Res.Success(x.value)
case Router.Result.Error.Exception(x) => Res.Exception(x, "")
case Router.Result.Error.MismatchedArguments(missing, unknown, duplicate, incomplete) =>
val missingStr =
if (missing.isEmpty) ""
else {
val chunks =
for (x <- missing)
yield "--" + + ": " + x.typeString
val argumentsStr = pluralize("argument", chunks.length)
s"Missing $argumentsStr: (${chunks.mkString(", ")})" + Util.newLine
val unknownStr =
if (unknown.isEmpty) ""
else {
val argumentsStr = pluralize("argument", unknown.length)
s"Unknown $argumentsStr: " +" ") + Util.newLine
val duplicateStr =
if (duplicate.isEmpty) ""
else {
val lines =
for ((sig, options) <- duplicate)
yield {
s"Duplicate arguments for (--${}: ${sig.typeString}): " +" ") + Util.newLine
val incompleteStr = incomplete match{
case None => ""
case Some(sig) =>
s"Option (--${}: ${sig.typeString}) is missing a corresponding value" +
|Arguments provided did not match expected signature:
case Router.Result.Error.InvalidArguments(x) =>
val argumentsStr = pluralize("argument", x.length)
val thingies ={
case Router.Result.ParamError.Invalid(p, v, ex) =>
val literalV = literalize(v)
val rendered = {renderArgShort(p)}
s"$rendered: ${p.typeString} = $literalV failed to parse with $ex"
case Router.Result.ParamError.DefaultFailed(p, ex) =>
s"${renderArgShort(p)}'s default value failed to evaluate with $ex"
s"""The following $argumentsStr failed to parse:
|expected signature:
def softWrap(s: String, leftOffset: Int, maxWidth: Int) = {
val oneLine = Predef.augmentString(s).lines.mkString(" ").split(' ')
lazy val indent = " " * leftOffset
val output = new StringBuilder(oneLine.head)
var currentLineWidth = oneLine.head.length
for(chunk <- oneLine.tail){
val addedWidth = currentLineWidth + chunk.length + 1
if (addedWidth > maxWidth){
output.append(Util.newLine + indent)
currentLineWidth = chunk.length
} else{
currentLineWidth = addedWidth
output.append(' ')
def renderArgShort[T](arg: ArgSig[T]) = "--" + backtickWrap(
def renderArg[T](base: T,
arg: ArgSig[T],
leftOffset: Int,
wrappedWidth: Int): (String, String) = {
val suffix = arg.default match{
case Some(f) => " (default " + f(base) + ")"
case None => ""
val docSuffix = arg.doc match{
case Some(d) => ": " + d
case None => ""
val wrapped = softWrap(
arg.typeString + suffix + docSuffix,
wrappedWidth - leftOffset
(renderArgShort(arg), wrapped)
def mainMethodDetails[T](ep: EntryPoint[T]) = {
case ArgSig(name, tpe, Some(doc), default) =>
Util.newLine + name + " // " + doc
* Additional [[scopt.Read]] instance to teach it how to read Ammonite paths
implicit def pathScoptRead: scopt.Read[os.Path] =, os.pwd))
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