cask.router.Decorators.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package cask.router
import cask.internal.Conversion
import cask.model.{Request, Response}
* A [[Decorator]] allows you to annotate a function to wrap it, via
* `wrapFunction`. You can use this to perform additional validation before or
* after the function runs, provide an additional parameter list of params,
* open/commit/rollback database transactions before/after the function runs,
* or even retrying the wrapped function if it fails.
* Calls to the wrapped function are done on the `delegate` parameter passed
* to `wrapFunction`, which takes a `Map` representing any additional argument
* lists (if any).
trait Decorator[OuterReturned, InnerReturned, Input, InputContext] extends scala.annotation.Annotation {
final type InputTypeAlias = Input
type InputParser[T] <: ArgReader[Input, T, InputContext]
final type Delegate = (InputContext, Map[String, Input]) => Result[InnerReturned]
def wrapFunction(ctx: Request, delegate: Delegate): Result[OuterReturned]
def getParamParser[T](implicit p: InputParser[T]) = p
object Decorator{
* A stack of [[Decorator]]s is invoked recursively: each decorator's `wrapFunction`
* is invoked around the invocation of all inner decorators, with the inner-most
* decorator finally invoking the route's [[EntryPoint.invoke]] function.
* Each decorator (and the final `Endpoint`) contributes a dictionary of name-value
* bindings, which are eventually all passed to [[EntryPoint.invoke]]. Each decorator's
* dictionary corresponds to a different argument list on [[EntryPoint.invoke]]. The
* bindings passed from the router are aggregated with those from the `EndPoint` and
* used as the first argument list.
def invoke[T](ctx: Request,
endpoint: Endpoint[_, _, _, _],
entryPoint: EntryPoint[T, _],
routes: T,
remainingDecorators: List[Decorator[_, _, _, _]],
inputContexts: List[Any],
bindings: List[Map[String, Any]]): Result[Any] = try {
remainingDecorators match {
case head :: rest =>
head.asInstanceOf[Decorator[Any, Any, Any, Any]].wrapFunction(
(ictx, args) => invoke(ctx, endpoint, entryPoint, routes, rest, ictx :: inputContexts, args :: bindings)
case Nil =>
endpoint.wrapFunction(ctx, { (ictx: Any, endpointBindings: Map[String, Any]) =>
val mergedEndpointBindings = endpointBindings ++ ctx.boundPathSegments.mapValues(endpoint.wrapPathSegment)
val finalBindings = mergedEndpointBindings :: bindings
.asInstanceOf[EntryPoint[T, Any]]
.invoke(routes, ictx :: inputContexts, finalBindings)
// Make sure we wrap any exceptions that bubble up from decorator
// bodies, so outer decorators do not need to worry about their
// delegate throwing on them
}catch{case e: Throwable => Result.Error.Exception(e) }
* A [[RawDecorator]] is a decorator that operates on the raw request and
* response stream, before and after the primary [[Endpoint]] does it's job.
trait RawDecorator extends Decorator[Response.Raw, Response.Raw, Any, Request]{
type InputParser[T] = NoOpParser[Any, T, Request]
* An [[HttpEndpoint]] that may return something else than a HTTP response, e.g.
* a websocket endpoint which may instead return a websocket event handler
trait Endpoint[OuterReturned, InnerReturned, Input, InputContext]
extends Decorator[OuterReturned, InnerReturned, Input, InputContext]{
* What is the path that this particular endpoint matches?
val path: String
* Which HTTP methods does this endpoint support? POST? GET? PUT? Or some
* combination of those?
val methods: Seq[String]
* Whether or not this endpoint allows matching on sub-paths: does
* `@endpoint("/foo")` capture the path "/foo/bar/baz"? Useful to e.g. have
* an endpoint match URLs with paths in a filesystem (real or virtual) to
* serve files
def subpath: Boolean = false
def convertToResultType[T](t: T)
(implicit f: Conversion[T, InnerReturned]): InnerReturned = {
* [[HttpEndpoint]]s are unique among decorators in that they alone can bind
* path segments to parameters, e.g. binding `/hello/:world` to `(world: Int)`.
* In order to do so, we need to box up the path segment strings into an
* [[Input]] so they can later be parsed by [[getParamParser]] into an
* instance of the appropriate type.
def wrapPathSegment(s: String): Input
* Annotates a Cask endpoint that returns a HTTP [[Response]]; similar to a
* [[RawDecorator]] but with additional metadata and capabilities.
trait HttpEndpoint[InnerReturned, Input] extends Endpoint[Response.Raw, InnerReturned, Input, Request]
class NoOpParser[Input, T, InputContext] extends ArgReader[Input, T, InputContext] {
def arity = 1
def read(ctx: InputContext, label: String, input: Input) = input.asInstanceOf[T]
object NoOpParser{
implicit def instance[Input, T, InputContext]: NoOpParser[Input, T, InputContext] = new NoOpParser[Input, T, InputContext]
implicit def instanceAny[T, InputContext]: NoOpParser[Any, T, InputContext] = new NoOpParser[Any, T, InputContext]
implicit def instanceAnyRequest[T]: NoOpParser[Any, T, Request] = new NoOpParser[Any, T, Request]
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