mill.contrib.checkstyle.CheckstyleModule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package mill
package contrib.checkstyle
import mill.api.{Loose, PathRef}
import mill.scalalib.{DepSyntax, JavaModule}
import mill.util.Jvm
* Performs quality checks on Java source files using [[ Checkstyle]].
trait CheckstyleModule extends JavaModule {
* Runs [[ Checkstyle]] and returns one of
* - number of violations found
* - program exit code
* @note [[sources]] are processed when no [[CheckstyleArgs.sources]] are specified.
def checkstyle(@mainargs.arg checkstyleArgs: CheckstyleArgs): Command[Int] = Task.Command {
val (output, exitCode) = checkstyle0(checkstyleArgs.stdout, checkstyleArgs.sources)()
checkstyleHandleErrors(checkstyleArgs.stdout, checkstyleArgs.check, exitCode, output)
protected def checkstyle0(stdout: Boolean, leftover: mainargs.Leftover[String]) = Task.Anon {
val output = checkstyleOutput().path
val args = checkstyleOptions() ++
Seq("-c", checkstyleConfig().path.toString()) ++
Seq("-f", checkstyleFormat()) ++
(if (stdout) Seq.empty else Seq("-o", output.toString())) ++
(if (leftover.value.nonEmpty) leftover.value else sources().map(_.path.toString()))"running checkstyle ...")
T.log.debug(s"with $args")
val exitCode = Jvm.callSubprocess(
mainClass = "",
classPath = checkstyleClasspath().map(_.path),
mainArgs = args,
workingDir = millSourcePath, // allow passing relative paths for sources like src/a/b
streamOut = true,
check = false
(output, exitCode)
protected def checkstyleHandleErrors(
stdout: Boolean,
check: Boolean,
exitCode: Int,
output: os.Path
)(implicit ctx: mill.api.Ctx): Int = {
val reported = os.exists(output)
if (reported) {"checkstyle output report at $output")
if (exitCode == 0) {} // do nothing
else if (exitCode < 0 || !(reported || stdout)) {
s"checkstyle exit($exitCode); please check command arguments, plugin settings or try with another version"
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"checkstyle exit($exitCode)")
} else if (check) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"checkstyle found $exitCode violation(s)")
} else {
T.log.error(s"checkstyle found $exitCode violation(s)")
* Classpath for running Checkstyle.
def checkstyleClasspath: T[Loose.Agg[PathRef]] = Task {
* Checkstyle configuration file. Defaults to `checkstyle-config.xml`.
def checkstyleConfig: T[PathRef] = Task {
PathRef(T.workspace / "checkstyle-config.xml")
* Checkstyle output format (` plain | sarif | xml `). Defaults to `plain`.
def checkstyleFormat: T[String] = Task {
* Additional arguments for Checkstyle.
def checkstyleOptions: T[Seq[String]] = Task {
* Checkstyle output report.
def checkstyleOutput: T[PathRef] = Task {
PathRef(T.dest / s"checkstyle-output.${checkstyleFormat()}")
* Checkstyle version.
def checkstyleVersion: T[String] = Task {