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package mill.scalalib
import mainargs.arg
import mill.api.JsonFormatters.pathReadWrite
import mill.api.{Ctx, PathRef, Result}
import mill.define.{Command, Task}
import mill.util.Jvm
import mill.{Agg, Args, T}
import os.{Path, ProcessOutput}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
trait RunModule extends WithZincWorker {
* Any command-line parameters you want to pass to the forked JVM.
def forkArgs: T[Seq[String]] = T { Seq.empty[String] }
* Any environment variables you want to pass to the forked JVM.
def forkEnv: T[Map[String, String]] = T { Map.empty[String, String] }
def forkWorkingDir: T[os.Path] = T { T.workspace }
* All classfiles and resources including upstream modules and dependencies
* necessary to run this module's code.
def runClasspath: T[Seq[PathRef]] = T { Seq.empty[PathRef] }
* The elements of the run classpath which are local to this module.
* This is typically the output of a compilation step and bundles runtime resources.
def localRunClasspath: T[Seq[PathRef]] = T { Seq.empty[PathRef] }
* Allows you to specify an explicit main class to use for the `run` command.
* If none is specified, the classpath is searched for an appropriate main
* class to use if one exists.
def mainClass: T[Option[String]] = None
def allLocalMainClasses: T[Seq[String]] = T {
def finalMainClassOpt: T[Either[String, String]] = T {
mainClass() match {
case Some(m) => Right(m)
case None =>
allLocalMainClasses() match {
case Seq() => Left("No main class specified or found")
case Seq(main) => Right(main)
case mains =>
s"Multiple main classes found (${mains.mkString(",")}) " +
"please explicitly specify which one to use by overriding mainClass"
def finalMainClass: T[String] = T {
finalMainClassOpt() match {
case Right(main) => Result.Success(main)
case Left(msg) => Result.Failure(msg)
* Control whether `run*`-targets should use an args file to pass command line args, if possible.
def runUseArgsFile: T[Boolean] = T { scala.util.Properties.isWin }
* Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish
def run(args: Task[Args] = T.task(Args())): Command[Unit] = T.command {
runForkedTask(finalMainClass, args)
* Runs this module's code in-process within an isolated classloader. This is
* faster than `run`, but in exchange you have less isolation between runs
* since the code can dirty the parent Mill process and potentially leave it
* in a bad state.
def runLocal(args: Task[Args] = T.task(Args())): Command[Unit] = T.command {
runLocalTask(finalMainClass, args)
* Same as `run`, but lets you specify a main class to run
def runMain(@arg(positional = true) mainClass: String, args: String*): Command[Unit] = {
val task = runForkedTask(T.task { mainClass }, T.task { Args(args) })
T.command { task }
* Same as `runBackground`, but lets you specify a main class to run
def runMainBackground(@arg(positional = true) mainClass: String, args: String*): Command[Unit] = {
val task = runBackgroundTask(T.task { mainClass }, T.task { Args(args) })
T.command { task }
* Same as `runLocal`, but lets you specify a main class to run
def runMainLocal(@arg(positional = true) mainClass: String, args: String*): Command[Unit] = {
val task = runLocalTask(T.task { mainClass }, T.task { Args(args) })
T.command { task }
* Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish
def runForkedTask(mainClass: Task[String], args: Task[Args] = T.task(Args())): Task[Unit] =
T.task {
try Result.Success(
runner().run(args = args().value, mainClass = mainClass(), workingDir = forkWorkingDir())
catch {
case NonFatal(_) => Result.Failure("Subprocess failed")
def runner: Task[RunModule.Runner] = T.task {
new RunModule.RunnerImpl(
def runLocalTask(mainClass: Task[String], args: Task[Args] = T.task(Args())): Task[Unit] =
T.task {
def runBackgroundTask(mainClass: Task[String], args: Task[Args] = T.task(Args())): Task[Unit] =
T.task {
val (procId, procTombstone, token) = backgroundSetup(T.dest)
args = Seq(procId.toString, procTombstone.toString, token, mainClass()) ++ args().value,
mainClass = "mill.scalalib.backgroundwrapper.BackgroundWrapper",
workingDir = forkWorkingDir(),
extraRunClasspath = zincWorker().backgroundWrapperClasspath().map(_.path).toSeq,
background = true,
runBackgroundLogToConsole = runBackgroundLogToConsole
* If true, stdout and stderr of the process executed by `runBackground`
* or `runMainBackground` is sent to mill's stdout/stderr (which usualy
* flow to the console).
* If false, output will be directed to files `stdout.log` and `stderr.log`
* in `runBackground.dest` (or `runMainBackground.dest`)
// TODO: make this a task, to be more dynamic
def runBackgroundLogToConsole: Boolean = true
@deprecated("Binary compat shim, use `.runner().run(..., background=true)`", "Mill 0.12.0")
protected def doRunBackground(
taskDest: Path,
runClasspath: Seq[PathRef],
zwBackgroundWrapperClasspath: Agg[PathRef],
forkArgs: Seq[String],
forkEnv: Map[String, String],
finalMainClass: String,
forkWorkingDir: Path,
runUseArgsFile: Boolean,
backgroundOutputs: Option[Tuple2[ProcessOutput, ProcessOutput]]
)(args: String*): Ctx => Result[Unit] = ctx => {
val (procId, procTombstone, token) = backgroundSetup(taskDest)
try Result.Success(
(runClasspath ++ zwBackgroundWrapperClasspath).map(_.path),
Seq(procId.toString, procTombstone.toString, token, finalMainClass) ++ args,
workingDir = forkWorkingDir,
useCpPassingJar = runUseArgsFile
catch {
case e: Exception =>
Result.Failure("subprocess failed")
private[this] def backgroundSetup(dest: os.Path): (Path, Path, String) = {
val token = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString
val procId = dest / ".mill-background-process-id"
val procTombstone = dest / ".mill-background-process-tombstone"
// The background subprocesses poll the procId file, and kill themselves
// when the procId file is deleted. This deletion happens immediately before
// the body of these commands run, but we cannot be sure the subprocess has
// had time to notice.
// To make sure we wait for the previous subprocess to
// die, we make the subprocess write a tombstone file out when it kills
// itself due to procId being deleted, and we wait a short time on task-start
// to see if such a tombstone appears. If a tombstone appears, we can be sure
// the subprocess has killed itself, and can continue. If a tombstone doesn't
// appear in a short amount of time, we assume the subprocess exited or was
// killed via some other means, and continue anyway.
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
while ({
if (os.exists(procTombstone)) {
} else {
System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 100
}) ()
os.write(procId, token)
os.write(procTombstone, token)
(procId, procTombstone, token)
object RunModule {
trait Runner {
def run(
args: os.Shellable,
mainClass: String = null,
forkArgs: Seq[String] = null,
forkEnv: Map[String, String] = null,
workingDir: os.Path = null,
useCpPassingJar: java.lang.Boolean = null,
extraRunClasspath: Seq[os.Path] = Nil,
background: Boolean = false,
runBackgroundLogToConsole: Boolean = false
)(implicit ctx: Ctx): Unit
private class RunnerImpl(
mainClass0: Either[String, String],
runClasspath: Seq[os.Path],
forkArgs0: Seq[String],
forkEnv0: Map[String, String],
useCpPassingJar0: Boolean
) extends Runner {
def run(
args: os.Shellable,
mainClass: String = null,
forkArgs: Seq[String] = null,
forkEnv: Map[String, String] = null,
workingDir: os.Path = null,
useCpPassingJar: java.lang.Boolean = null,
extraRunClasspath: Seq[os.Path] = Nil,
background: Boolean = false,
runBackgroundLogToConsole: Boolean = false
)(implicit ctx: Ctx): Unit = {
Option(mainClass).getOrElse(mainClass0.fold(sys.error, identity)),
runClasspath ++ extraRunClasspath,
background = background,
Option(useCpPassingJar) match {
case Some(b) => b
case None => useCpPassingJar0
runBackgroundLogToConsole = runBackgroundLogToConsole