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package mill.testkit
import mill.eval.Evaluator
import mill.resolve.SelectMode
import ujson.Value
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
* Helper meant for executing Mill integration tests, which runs Mill in a subprocess
* against a folder with a `build.mill` and project files. Provides APIs such as [[eval]]
* to run Mill commands and [[out]] to inspect the results on disk. You can use
* [[modifyFile]] or any of the OS-Lib `os.*` APIs on the [[workspacePath]] to modify
* project files in the course of the test.
* @param clientServerMode Whether to run Mill in client-server mode. If `false`, Mill
* is run with `--no-server`
* @param workspaceSourcePath The folder in which the `build.mill` and project files being
* tested comes from. These are copied into a temporary folder
* and are no modified during tests
* @param millExecutable What Mill executable to use.
class IntegrationTester(
val clientServerMode: Boolean,
val workspaceSourcePath: os.Path,
val millExecutable: os.Path
) extends IntegrationTester.Impl {
object IntegrationTester {
* A very simplified version of `os.CommandResult` meant for easily
* performing assertions against.
case class EvalResult(isSuccess: Boolean, out: String, err: String)
trait Impl extends AutoCloseable with IntegrationTesterBase {
def millExecutable: os.Path
def workspaceSourcePath: os.Path
val clientServerMode: Boolean
def debugLog = false
* Evaluates a Mill command. Essentially the same as ``, except it
* provides the Mill executable and some test flags and environment variables
* for you, and wraps the output in a [[IntegrationTester.EvalResult]] for
* convenience.
def eval(
cmd: os.Shellable,
env: Map[String, String] = millTestSuiteEnv,
cwd: os.Path = workspacePath,
stdin: os.ProcessInput = os.Pipe,
stdout: os.ProcessOutput = os.Pipe,
stderr: os.ProcessOutput = os.Pipe,
mergeErrIntoOut: Boolean = false,
timeout: Long = -1,
check: Boolean = false,
propagateEnv: Boolean = true,
timeoutGracePeriod: Long = 100
): IntegrationTester.EvalResult = {
val serverArgs = Option.when(!clientServerMode)("--no-server")
val debugArgs = Option.when(debugLog)("--debug")
val shellable: os.Shellable = (millExecutable, serverArgs, debugArgs, cmd)
val res0 =
cmd = shellable,
env = env,
cwd = cwd,
stdin = stdin,
stdout = stdout,
stderr = stderr,
mergeErrIntoOut = mergeErrIntoOut,
timeout = timeout,
check = check,
propagateEnv = propagateEnv,
timeoutGracePeriod = timeoutGracePeriod
res0.exitCode == 0,
fansi.Str(res0.out.text(), errorMode = fansi.ErrorMode.Strip).plainText.trim,
fansi.Str(res0.err.text(), errorMode = fansi.ErrorMode.Strip).plainText.trim
private val millTestSuiteEnv = Map("MILL_TEST_SUITE" -> this.getClass().toString())
* Helpers to read the `.json` metadata files belonging to a particular task
* (specified by [[selector0]]) from the `out/` folder.
def out(selector0: String): Meta = new Meta(selector0)
class Meta(selector0: String) {
* Returns the raw text of the `.json` metadata file
def text: String = {
val Seq((List(selector), _)) =
mill.resolve.ParseArgs.apply(Seq(selector0), SelectMode.Separated).getOrElse(???)
val segments = selector._2.value.flatMap(_.pathSegments) / "out" / segments.init / s"${segments.last}.json")
* Returns the `.json` metadata file contents parsed into a [[Evaluator.Cached]]
* object, containing both the value as JSON and the associated metadata (e.g. hashes)
def cached: Evaluator.Cached =[Evaluator.Cached](text)
* Returns the value as JSON
def json: Value.Value =
* Returns the value parsed from JSON into a value of type [[T]]
def value[T: upickle.default.Reader]: T =[T](cached.value)
* Helper method to modify a file containing text during your test suite.
def modifyFile(p: os.Path, f: String => String): Unit = os.write.over(p, f(
* Tears down the workspace at the end of a test run, shutting down any
* in-process Mill background servers
override def close(): Unit = {
if (clientServerMode) {
// try to stop the server
try {
cmd = (millExecutable, "shutdown"),
cwd = workspacePath,
stdin = os.Inherit,
stdout = os.Inherit,
stderr = os.Inherit,
env = millTestSuiteEnv
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>