mill.testkit.ExampleTester.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package mill.testkit
import mill.util.Util
import mill.main.client.EnvVars.MILL_TEST_SUITE
import utest._
* A variant of [[IntegrationTester]], [[ExampleTester]] works the same way
* except the commands used to test the project come from a `/** Usage ... */`
* comment inside the project's `build.mill` file. This is intended to make the
* `build.mill` file usable as documentation, such that a reader can skim the `build.mill`
* and see both the build configuration and the commands they themselves can
* enter at the command line to exercise it.
* Implements a bash-like test DSL for educational purposes, parsed out from a
* `Example Usage` comment in the example's `build.mill` file. Someone should be
* able to read the `Example Usage` comment and know roughly how to execute the
* example themselves.
* Each empty-line-separated block consists of one command (prefixed with `>`)
* and zero or more output lines we expect to get from the command (either stdout
* or stderr):
* 1. If there are no expected output lines, we do not perform any assertions
* on the output of the command
* 2. Output lines can be prefixed by `error: ` to indicate we expect that
* command to fail.
* 3. `...` can be used to indicate wildcards, which match anything. These can
* be used alone as the entire line, or in the middle of another line
* 4. Every line of stdout/stderr output by the command must match at least
* one line of the expected output, and every line of expected output must
* match at least one line of stdout/stderr. We ignore ordering of output
* lines.
* For teaching purposes, the output lines do not show the entire output of
* every command, which can be verbose and confusing. They instead contain
* sub-strings of the command output, enough to convey the important points to
* a learner. This is not as strict as asserting the entire command output, but
* should be enough to catch most likely failure modes
* Because our CI needs to run on Windows, we cannot rely on just executing
* commands in the `bash` shell, and instead we implement a janky little
* interpreter that reads the command lines and does things in-JVM in response
* to each one.
object ExampleTester {
def run(
clientServerMode: Boolean,
workspaceSourcePath: os.Path,
millExecutable: os.Path,
bashExecutable: String = defaultBashExecutable(),
workspacePath: os.Path = os.pwd
): Unit = {
new ExampleTester(
def defaultBashExecutable(): String = {
if (!mill.main.client.Util.isWindows) "bash"
else "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe"
class ExampleTester(
clientServerMode: Boolean,
val workspaceSourcePath: os.Path,
millExecutable: os.Path,
bashExecutable: String = ExampleTester.defaultBashExecutable(),
val baseWorkspacePath: os.Path
) extends IntegrationTesterBase {
def processCommandBlock(commandBlock: String): Unit = {
val commandBlockLines = commandBlock.linesIterator.toVector
val expectedSnippets = commandBlockLines.tail
val (commandHead, comment) = commandBlockLines.head match {
case s"$before#$after" => (before.trim, Some(after.trim))
case string => (string, None)
val incorrectPlatform =
(comment.exists(_.startsWith("windows")) && !Util.windowsPlatform) ||
(comment.exists(_.startsWith("mac/linux")) && Util.windowsPlatform) ||
(comment.exists(_.startsWith("--no-server")) && clientServerMode) ||
(comment.exists(_.startsWith("not --no-server")) && !clientServerMode)
if (!incorrectPlatform) {
processCommand(expectedSnippets, commandHead.trim)
def processCommand(
expectedSnippets: Vector[String],
commandStr0: String,
check: Boolean = true
): Unit = {
val commandStr = commandStr0 match {
case s"mill $rest" => s"./mill --disable-ticker $rest"
case s"./mill $rest" => s"./mill --disable-ticker $rest"
case s"curl $rest" => s"curl --retry 5 --retry-all-errors $rest"
case s => s
Console.err.println(s"$workspacePath> $commandStr")
s"""--- Expected output ----------
val res =
(bashExecutable, "-c", commandStr),
stdout = os.Pipe,
stderr = os.Pipe,
cwd = workspacePath,
mergeErrIntoOut = true,
env = Map(MILL_TEST_SUITE -> this.getClass().toString()),
check = false
res.exitCode == 0,
fansi.Str(res.out.text(), errorMode = fansi.ErrorMode.Strip).plainText,
fansi.Str(res.err.text(), errorMode = fansi.ErrorMode.Strip).plainText
def validateEval(
expectedSnippets: Vector[String],
evalResult: IntegrationTester.EvalResult,
check: Boolean = true
): Unit = {
if (check) {
if (expectedSnippets.exists(_.startsWith("error: "))) assert(!evalResult.isSuccess)
else assert(evalResult.isSuccess)
val unwrappedExpected = expectedSnippets
.map {
case s"error: $msg" => msg
case msg => msg
def plainTextLines(s: String) =
.replace("\\\\", "/") // Convert windows paths in JSON strings to Unix
// Don't bother checking empty lines
// Strip log4j noisy prefixes that differ on windows and mac/linux
.map(ln =>
ln.stripPrefix("[info] ").stripPrefix("info: ")
.stripPrefix("[error] ").stripPrefix("error: ")
val filteredOut = plainTextLines(evalResult.out).mkString("\n")
for (expectedLine <- unwrappedExpected.linesIterator) {
assert(filteredOut.linesIterator.exists(globMatches(expectedLine, _)))
def globMatches(expected: String, line: String): Boolean = {
.glob(expected.split("\\.\\.\\.", -1).toIndexedSeq, line)
def globMatchesAny(expected: String, filtered: String): Boolean = {
expected.linesIterator.exists(globMatches(_, filtered))
def run(): Any = {
val parsed = ExampleParser(workspaceSourcePath)
val usageComment = parsed.collect { case ("example", txt) => txt }.mkString("\n\n")
val commandBlocks = ("\n" + usageComment.trim).split("\n> ").filter(_.nonEmpty)
try {
os.copy.over(millExecutable, workspacePath / "mill")
for (commandBlock <- commandBlocks) processCommandBlock(commandBlock)
} finally {
if (clientServerMode) processCommand(Vector(), "./mill shutdown", check = false)