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package scalasql.dialects
import scalasql.core.{
import scalasql.operations
import scalasql.query.{JoinOps, Joinable, LateralJoinOps, Select}
import scalasql.core.SqlStr.SqlStringSyntax
import scalasql.operations.{ConcatOps, HyperbolicMathOps, MathOps, PadOps, TrimOps}
trait PostgresDialect extends Dialect with ReturningDialect with OnConflictOps {
protected def dialectCastParams = false
override implicit def ByteType: TypeMapper[Byte] = new PostgresByteType
class PostgresByteType extends ByteType { override def castTypeString = "INTEGER" }
override implicit def StringType: TypeMapper[String] = new PostgresStringType
class PostgresStringType extends StringType { override def castTypeString = "VARCHAR" }
override implicit def ExprStringOpsConv(v: Expr[String]): PostgresDialect.ExprStringOps[String] =
new PostgresDialect.ExprStringOps(v)
override implicit def ExprBlobOpsConv(
v: Expr[geny.Bytes]
): PostgresDialect.ExprStringLikeOps[geny.Bytes] =
new PostgresDialect.ExprStringOps(v)
implicit def LateralJoinOpsConv[C[_, _], Q, R](wrapped: JoinOps[C, Q, R] & Joinable[Q, R])(
implicit qr: Queryable.Row[Q, R]
): LateralJoinOps[C, Q, R] = new LateralJoinOps(wrapped)
implicit def ExprAggOpsConv[T](v: Aggregatable[Expr[T]]): operations.ExprAggOps[T] =
new PostgresDialect.ExprAggOps(v)
implicit class SelectDistinctOnConv[Q, R](r: Select[Q, R]) {
* SELECT DISTINCT ON ( expression [, ...] ) keeps only the first row of each set of rows
* where the given expressions evaluate to equal. The DISTINCT ON expressions are
* interpreted using the same rules as for ORDER BY (see above). Note that the “first
* row” of each set is unpredictable unless ORDER BY is used to ensure that the desired
* row appears first. For example:
def distinctOn(f: Q => Expr[?]): Select[Q, R] = {
Select.withExprPrefix(r, true, implicit ctx => sql"DISTINCT ON (${f(WithSqlExpr.get(r))})")
override implicit def DbApiOpsConv(db: => DbApi): PostgresDialect.DbApiOps =
new PostgresDialect.DbApiOps(this)
object PostgresDialect extends PostgresDialect {
class DbApiOps(dialect: DialectTypeMappers)
extends scalasql.operations.DbApiOps(dialect)
with ConcatOps
with MathOps
with HyperbolicMathOps {
* Formats arguments according to a format string. This function is similar to the C function sprintf.
def format(template: Expr[String], values: Expr[?]*): Expr[String] = Expr { implicit ctx =>
sql"FORMAT($template, ${SqlStr.join( => sql"$v"), SqlStr.commaSep)})"
* Returns a random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0
def random: Expr[Double] = Expr { _ => sql"RANDOM()" }
class ExprAggOps[T](v: Aggregatable[Expr[T]]) extends scalasql.operations.ExprAggOps[T](v) {
def mkString(sep: Expr[String] = null)(implicit tm: TypeMapper[T]): Expr[String] = {
val sepRender = Option(sep).getOrElse(sql"''")
v.aggregateExpr(expr => implicit ctx => sql"STRING_AGG($expr || '', $sepRender)")
class ExprStringOps[T](v: Expr[T]) extends ExprStringLikeOps(v) with operations.ExprStringOps[T]
class ExprStringLikeOps[T](protected val v: Expr[T])
extends operations.ExprStringLikeOps(v)
with TrimOps
with PadOps {
def indexOf(x: Expr[T]): Expr[Int] = Expr { implicit ctx => sql"POSITION($x IN $v)" }
def reverse: Expr[T] = Expr { implicit ctx => sql"REVERSE($v)" }