utest.TestQueryParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package utest
import utest.framework.Tree
import scala.collection.mutable
* Parses query strings.
* Fastparse grammar:
* val quoted: P[String] = P("\"" ~/ CharsWhile(_ != '"').! ~ "\"")
* val ident: P[String] = P(CharIn('a' to 'z', 'A' to 'Z', "_-").rep(1).!)
* val item: P[String] = P(quoted | ident)
* val chain: P[Any] = P(item.rep(1, sep="." ~/) ~ ("." ~/ parseCurlies).?)
* val commas: P[Any] = P(chain.rep(1, sep=","~/))
* val curlies: P[Any] = P(commas | "{" ~/ curlies ~ "}")
* But here written manually to avoid the dependency on FastParse.
class TestQueryParser(input: String) {
type Parsed[T] = Either[String, (T, Int)]
type Trees = Seq[Tree[String]]
def curlies(index: Int): Parsed[Trees] = {
input.lift(index) match {
case Some('{') =>
curlies(index + 1) match{
case Right((v, i)) => input.lift(i) match{
case Some('}') => Right((v, i + 1))
case _ => Left(s"Expected closing bracket at index $i")
case l => l
case Some(c) => commas(index) match{
case Right((v, i)) => Right((v, i))
case Left(e) => Left(e)
case None => Left(s"Unexpected end of input at index $index")
def repSep[T](index0: Int, p: Int => Parsed[T], sep: Char): Parsed[Seq[T]] = {
def rec(index: Int, acc: List[T]): Parsed[Seq[T]] = {
p(index) match{
case Right((v, i)) =>
val newAcc = v :: acc
input.lift(i) match{
case Some(`sep`) => rec(i+1, newAcc)
case _ => Right((newAcc.reverse, i))
case Left(e) if index == index0 => Left(e)
case _ => Right((acc.reverse, index-1))
rec(index0, Nil)
def commas(index: Int): Parsed[Trees] = repSep(index, chain, ',')
def treeify(s: Seq[String], end: Trees): Tree[String] = {
(children, value) => List(Tree(value, children:_*))
def chain(index: Int): Parsed[Tree[String]] = repSep(index, item, '.') match{
case Left(e) => Left(e)
case Right((v, i)) =>
if (input.lift(i) == Some('.')) curlies(i+1) match{
case Right((v2, i2)) => Right(treeify(v, v2), i2)
case Left(e) => Left(e)
} else Right((treeify(v, Nil), i))
def item(index: Int): Parsed[String] = {
input.lift(index) match{
case Some('"') =>
input.indexOf('"', index+1) match {
case -1 => Left(s"Unclosed quote at index $index")
case n => Right(input.substring(index + 1, n), n+1)
case Some(c) if delimiters(c) => Left(s"Expected non-delimiter at index $index")
case Some(c) =>
input.indexWhere(delimiters.contains, index) match{
case -1 =>
if (index == input.length) Left(s"Expected identifier ati ndex $index}")
else Right(input.substring(index, input.length), input.length)
case n =>
if (index == n) Left(s"Expected identifier at index $index")
else Right(input.substring(index, n), n)
case None => Left(s"Unexpected end of input at index $index")
val delimiters = "{}.,".toSet
object TestQueryParser{
def apply(input: String) = {
parse(input).fold(e => throw new QueryParseError(input, e), x => x)
def parse(input: String) = new TestQueryParser(input).curlies(0) match{
case Right((v, i)) =>
if (i == input.length) Right(collapse(v))
else Left(s"Expected end of input at index $i")
case Left(e) => Left(e)
* Combine common prefixes, converting
* {foo.bar,foo.baz}
* into
* foo.{bar,baz}
def collapse(input: TestQueryParser#Trees): TestQueryParser#Trees = {
val mapping = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
val ordered = mutable.Buffer.empty[List[Tree[String]]]
for(subtree <- input){
mapping.get(subtree.value) match{
case None =>
mapping(subtree.value) = ordered.length
case Some(i) =>
ordered(i) = subtree :: ordered(i)
(for (grouping <- ordered) yield {
case class QueryParseError(input: String, msg: String)
extends Exception("[" + input + "] " + msg)
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