utest.runner.BaseRunner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package utest
package runner
//import acyclic.file
import sbt.testing._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Failure
import utest.framework.{StackMarker, Tree}
object BaseRunner{
* Checks whether the given query needs the TestSuite at testSuitePath
* to execute or not. It needs to execute if one of the terminal nodes in the
* query is one of the TestSuite's ancestors in the tree, or one-or-more of
* it's children, but not if the terminal nodes are unrelated.
def checkOverlap(query: Seq[Tree[String]], testSuitePath: Seq[String]): Boolean = {
def rec(current: Seq[Tree[String]], remainingSegments: List[String]): Boolean = {
(current, remainingSegments) match {
// The query refers to a *parent* node of this TestSuite, thus this tree gets run
case (Nil, _) => true
// The query refers to a *child* node of this TestSuite, also meaning this tree gets run
case (_, Nil) => true
case (subtrees, nextSegment :: rest) =>
subtrees.find(_.value == nextSegment) match{
// This query refers only to sibling nodes for this TestSuite, so we do not run it
case None => false
case Some(subtree) => rec(subtree.children, rest)
rec(query, testSuitePath.toList)
abstract class BaseRunner(val args: Array[String],
_remoteArgs: Array[String],
testClassLoader: ClassLoader,
useSbtLoggers: Boolean,
formatter: utest.framework.Formatter,
startHeader: Option[String => String])
extends sbt.testing.Runner{
def this(args: Array[String],
remoteArgs: Array[String],
testClassLoader: ClassLoader,
useSbtLoggers: Boolean,
formatter: utest.framework.Formatter) =
this(args, remoteArgs, testClassLoader, useSbtLoggers, formatter, None)
def remoteArgs(): Array[String] = _remoteArgs
lazy val path = args.headOption.filter(_(0) != '-')
lazy val query = path
def addResult(r: String): Unit
def addFailure(r: String): Unit
def incSuccess(): Unit
def incFailure(): Unit
def tasks(taskDefs: Array[TaskDef]) = {
val allPaths = query.flatMap(_.leafPaths)
// This is in theory quadratic but it is probably find
val unknownPaths = allPaths.filter( p =>
!taskDefs.exists{ t =>
val taskSegments = t.fullyQualifiedName().split('.')
taskSegments.startsWith(p) || p.startsWith(taskSegments)
if (unknownPaths.nonEmpty){
throw new NoSuchTestException(unknownPaths:_*)
}else for{
taskDef <- taskDefs
fromSelectors = pathsFromSelectors(taskDef)
fullQuery = TestQueryParser.collapse(query ++ fromSelectors)
if BaseRunner.checkOverlap(fullQuery, taskDef.fullyQualifiedName().split('.'))
} yield makeTask(taskDef, fullQuery)
private def pathsFromSelectors(taskDef: TaskDef): TestQueryParser#Trees = {
if (taskDef.selectors().exists(!_.isInstanceOf[NestedTestSelector])) Nil
else {
val testNames = taskDef.selectors().collect {
case nts: NestedTestSelector => s"${nts.suiteId()}.${nts.testName()}"
try TestQueryParser(testNames.mkString(","))
catch { case _: Throwable => Nil }
@deprecated("Use the variant that takes the full query instead")
def runSuite(loggers: Seq[Logger],
suiteName: String,
eventHandler: EventHandler,
taskDef: TaskDef): Future[Unit] =
runSuite(loggers, suiteName, eventHandler, taskDef, query)
def runSuite(loggers: Seq[Logger],
suiteName: String,
eventHandler: EventHandler,
taskDef: TaskDef,
fullQuery: TestQueryParser#Trees): Future[Unit] = {
startHeader.foreach(h => println(h(path.fold("")(" " + _))))
def handleEvent(op: OptionalThrowable,
st: Status,
subpath: Seq[String],
millis: Long) = {
eventHandler.synchronized {
eventHandler.handle(new Event {
def fullyQualifiedName() = suiteName
def throwable() = op
def status() = st
def selector() = {
new NestedTestSelector(suiteName, subpath.mkString("."))
def fingerprint() = taskDef.fingerprint()
def duration() = millis
override def toString: String = selector().toString
val suiteEither =
try {
PlatformShims.loadModule(suiteName, testClassLoader).asInstanceOf[TestSuite]
} catch{case e: Throwable => Left(e)}
def log(msg: String) = {
if (useSbtLoggers) loggers.foreach(_.info(msg.split('\n').mkString("\n")))
else println(msg)
suiteEither match{
case Left(e) =>
val dummyDuration = 0
handleEvent(new OptionalThrowable(e), Status.Failure, Nil, dummyDuration)
val result = utest.framework.Result("lols", Failure(e), dummyDuration)
for(fstr <- formatter.formatSingle(suiteName.split('.'), result)){
case Right(suite) =>
val innerQuery = {
def rec(currentQuery: TestQueryParser#Trees, segments: List[String]): TestQueryParser#Trees = {
segments match{
case head :: tail =>
currentQuery.find(_.value == head) match{
case None => Nil
case Some(sub) => rec(sub.children, tail)
case Nil => currentQuery
rec(fullQuery, suiteName.split('.').toList)
implicit val ec = utest.framework.ExecutionContext.RunNow
val suiteFormatter = Option(suite.utestFormatter).getOrElse(formatter)
val results = TestRunner.runAsync(
(subpath, result) => {
val str = suiteFormatter.formatSingle(suiteName.split('.') ++ subpath, result)
str.foreach(s => log(s.render))
result.value match{
case Failure(e) =>
handleEvent(new OptionalThrowable(e), Status.Failure, subpath, result.milliDuration)
// Trim the stack trace so all the utest internals don't get shown,
// since the user probably doesn't care about those anyway
e.getStackTrace.takeWhile(_.getClassName != "utest.framework.TestThunkTree")
case _ =>
handleEvent(new OptionalThrowable(), Status.Success, subpath, result.milliDuration)
query = innerQuery,
executor = suite,
ec = ec
results.map(suiteFormatter.formatSummary(suiteName, _).foreach(x => addResult(x.render)))
private def makeTask(taskDef: TaskDef, fullQuery: TestQueryParser#Trees): sbt.testing.Task = {
new runner.Task(taskDef, runSuite(_, taskDef.fullyQualifiedName(), _, taskDef, fullQuery))
// Scala.js test interface specific methods
def deserializeTask(task: String, deserializer: String => TaskDef): sbt.testing.Task = {
val taskDef = deserializer(task)
val fromSelectors = pathsFromSelectors(taskDef)
val fullQuery = TestQueryParser.collapse(query ++ fromSelectors)
makeTask(taskDef, fullQuery)
def serializeTask(task: sbt.testing.Task, serializer: TaskDef => String): String =
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