utest.Tests.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package utest
import utest.framework.{TestCallTree, Tree}
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.macros._
* Represents a single hierarchy of tests, arranged in a tree structure, with
* every node having a name and an associated executable test.
* The two hierarchies are parallel: thus you can inspect the `nameTree` to
* browse the test listing without running anything, and once you decide which
* test to run you can feed the `List[Int]` path of that test in the `nameTree`
* into the `callTree` to execute it and return the result.
case class Tests(nameTree: Tree[String], callTree: TestCallTree)
object Tests{
def apply(expr: Unit): Tests = macro Builder.applyImpl
object Builder {
* Raise an exception if a test is nested badly within a `TestSuite{ ... }`
* block.
def dieInAFire(testName: String) = {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Test nested badly: $testName")
def applyImpl(c: Context)(expr: c.Expr[Unit]): c.Expr[Tests] = {
import c.universe._
def literalValue(t: c.Tree): String = {
t match{
case q"scala.Symbol.apply(${Literal(Constant(foo))})" => foo.toString
case Literal(Constant(foo: String)) => foo
case Literal(Constant(foo: scala.Symbol)) => foo.name
def checkLhs(prefix: c.Tree) = prefix match{
case q"utest.this.`package`.TestableString" => true
case q"utest.`package`.TestableString" => true
case q"utest.this.`package`.TestableSymbol" => true
case q"utest.`package`.TestableSymbol" => true
case _ => false
def matcher(i: Int): PartialFunction[c.Tree, (Option[String], c.Tree)] = {
// Special case for *
case q"""utest.this.`package`.*.-($body)""" => (None, body)
case q"""utest.`package`.*.-($body)""" => (None, body)
case q"""$p($value).apply($body)""" if checkLhs(p) => (Some(literalValue(value)), body)
case q"""$p($value).-($body)""" if checkLhs(p) => (Some(literalValue(value)), body)
def recurse(t: c.Tree, path: Seq[String]): (c.Tree, collection.Seq[c.Tree]) = {
val b = t match{
case b: Block => b
case t => Block(Nil, t)
val (nested, normal0) = b.children.partition(matcher(0).isDefinedAt)
val transformer = new Transformer{
override def transform(t: c.Tree) = {
t match{
case q"framework.this.TestPath.synthetic" =>
case _ => super.transform(t)
val normal = normal0.map(transformer.transform(_))
val (normal2, last) =
if (normal.isEmpty
|| normal.last.isInstanceOf[MemberDefApi]
|| nested.contains(b.children.last)) {
(normal, q"()")
(normal.init, normal.last)
val (names, bodies) = {
var index = 0
val names = mutable.Buffer.empty[String]
val bodies = mutable.Buffer.empty[c.Tree]
for(inner <- nested){
val (nameOpt, tree2) = matcher(index)(inner)
nameOpt match{
case Some(name) => names.append(name)
case None =>
index += 1
(names, bodies)
val (childCallTrees, childNameTrees) =
.map{case (name, body) => recurse(body, path :+ name)}
val nameTree = names.zip(childNameTrees).map{
case (name, suite) => q"_root_.utest.framework.Tree($name, ..$suite)"
val callTree = q"""
new _root_.utest.framework.TestCallTree({
if (childCallTrees.isEmpty) q"_root_.scala.Left($last)"
else q"$last; _root_.scala.Right(_root_.scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq(..$childCallTrees))"
(callTree, nameTree)
val (callTree, nameTree) = recurse(expr.tree, Vector())
val res = q"""
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