com.litongjava.db.hikaricp.HikariCpPlugin Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.litongjava.db.hikaricp;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import com.jfinal.kit.StrKit;
import com.litongjava.db.IPlugin;
import com.litongjava.db.activerecord.IDataSourceProvider;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig;
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource;
* Fast, simple, reliable. HikariCP is a "zero-overhead" production ready JDBC connection pool.
* At roughly 130Kb, the library is very light
* @ClassName: HikaricpPlugin
public class HikariCpPlugin implements IPlugin, IDataSourceProvider{
* jdbc Url
private String jdbcUrl;
* username
private String username;
* password
private String password;
* default auto-commit behavior of connections returned from the pool
* Default:true
private boolean autoCommit = true;
* the maximum number of milliseconds that a client (that's you)
* will wait for a connection from the pool
* Default: 30000 (30 seconds)
private long connectionTimeout = 30000;
* the maximum amount of time that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool
* Default: 600000 (10 minutes)
private long idleTimeout = 600000;
* the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool
* Default: 1800000 (30 minutes)
private long maxLifetime = 1800000;
* If your driver supports JDBC4 we strongly recommend not setting this property.
* This is for "legacy" databases that do not support the JDBC4 Connection.isValid() API
* Default: none
private String connectionTestQuery = null;
* the maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections
* Default: 10
private int maximumPoolSize = 10;
* user-defined name for the connection pool and appears mainly in logging
* Default: auto-generated
private String poolName = null;
* This property controls whether Connections obtained from the pool are in read-only mode by default.
* Default: false
private boolean readOnly = false;
* the default catalog for databases that support the concept of catalogs.
* Default: driver default
private String catalog = null;
* a SQL statement that will be executed after every new connection creation before adding it to the pool
* Default: none
private String connectionInitSql = null;
* HikariCP will attempt to resolve a driver through the DriverManager based solely on the jdbcUrl,
* but for some older drivers the driverClassName must also be specified
* Default: none
private String driverClass = null;
* the default transaction isolation level of connections returned from the pool.
* Default: driver default
private String transactionIsolation = null;
* the maximum amount of time that a connection will be tested for aliveness.
* This value must be less than the connectionTimeout. Lowest acceptable validation timeout is 250 ms.
* Default: 5000(5 seconds)
private long validationTimeout = 5000;
* the amount of time that a connection can be out of the pool before a message is logged indicating a possible connection leak.
* A value of 0 means leak detection is disabled. Lowest acceptable value for enabling leak detection is 2000 (2 seconds).
* Default: 0
private long leakDetectionThreshold = 0;
* Hikari DataSource
private HikariDataSource ds;
public HikariCpPlugin(String jdbcUrl, String username, String password) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
public HikariCpPlugin(String jdbcUrl, String username, String password, String driverClass) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.driverClass = driverClass;
public DataSource getDataSource() {
return ds;
public boolean start() {
HikariConfig config = new HikariConfig();
if(this.leakDetectionThreshold != 0){
config.addDataSourceProperty("cachePrepStmts", "true");
config.addDataSourceProperty("useServerPrepStmts", "true");
config.addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSize", "256");
config.addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSqlLimit", "2048");
config.addDataSourceProperty("readOnly", "true");
config.addDataSourceProperty("prepareThreshold", "3");
config.addDataSourceProperty("preparedStatementCacheQueries", "128");
config.addDataSourceProperty("preparedStatementCacheSizeMiB", "4");
ds = new HikariDataSource(config);
return true;
public boolean stop() {
if (ds != null)
return true;
* 驱动类名
* @param driverClass
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setDriverClass(String driverClass) {
this.driverClass = driverClass;
* 数据库类型
* @param username
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
* 数据库密码
* @param password
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
* 是否自动提交
* @param autoCommit
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) {
this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
* 是否是只读连接 ,是否有效取决于相应的数据库是否支持
* @param readOnly
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
this.readOnly = readOnly;
* @param connectionTimeoutMs 连接超时时间(单位:毫秒)
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setConnectionTimeout(long connectionTimeoutMs) {
this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeoutMs;
* 空闲超时时间(单位:毫秒),默认600000 (10 分钟)
* @param idleTimeoutMs
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setIdleTimeout(long idleTimeoutMs) {
this.idleTimeout = idleTimeoutMs;
* 最大生命周期/最大存活时间(单位:毫秒) ,默认1800000 (30 分钟)
* @param maxLifetime
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setMaxLifetime(long maxLifetimeMs) {
this.maxLifetime = maxLifetimeMs;
* 连接池最大连接数 默认10
* @param maximumPoolSize
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setMaximumPoolSize(int maximumPoolSize) {
this.maximumPoolSize = maximumPoolSize;
* 用户指定的连接池名
* @param poolName
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setPoolName(String poolName) {
this.poolName = poolName;
* 新连接生成后,添加到连接池前执行的初始化sql
* @param connectionInitSql
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setConnectionInitSql(String connectionInitSql) {
this.connectionInitSql = connectionInitSql;
* JDBC4以下版本数据库驱动需要设定此参数
* @param connectionTestQuery 连接时测试sql
* @since V1.0.0
public final void setConnectionTestQuery(String connectionTestQuery) {
this.connectionTestQuery = connectionTestQuery;
* jdbc连接url
* @param jdbcUrl
public final void setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
* 支持 catalog 概念的数据库可以设定该参数
* @param catalog
public final void setCatalog(String catalog) {
this.catalog = catalog;
* 事物等级
* @param isolationLevel
public final void setTransactionIsolation(String isolationLevel) {
this.transactionIsolation = isolationLevel;
* 连接是否存活测试周期,默认5000(5秒)
* @param validationTimeoutMs
public final void setValidationTimeout(long validationTimeoutMs) {
this.validationTimeout = validationTimeoutMs;
* 内存泄露侦测周期,最小为2000(2秒)
* @param leakDetectionThresholdMs
public final void setLeakDetectionThreshold(long leakDetectionThresholdMs) {
this.leakDetectionThreshold = leakDetectionThresholdMs;
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