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* Copyright 2003 by Michael Niedermair.
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is 'iText, a free JAVA-PDF library'.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Bruno Lowagie. Portions created by
* the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Bruno Lowagie.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Co-Developer of the code is Paulo Soares. Portions created by the Co-Developer
* are Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): all the names of the contributors are added in the source code
* where applicable.
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
* LGPL license (the "GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"), in which case the
* provisions of LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
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* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
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* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the MPL as stated above or under the terms of the GNU
* Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library general Public License for more
* details.
* If you didn't download this code from the following link, you should check if
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package com.lowagie.text;
* A special-version of LIST whitch use roman-letters.
* @see com.lowagie.text.List
* @version 2003-06-22
* @author Michael Niedermair
public class RomanList extends List {
* UpperCase or LowerCase
protected boolean romanlower;
* Initialisierung
* @param symbolIndent indent
public RomanList(int symbolIndent) {
super(true, symbolIndent);
* Initialisierung
* @param romanlower roman-char in lowercase
* @param symbolIndent indent
public RomanList(boolean romanlower, int symbolIndent) {
super(true, symbolIndent);
this.romanlower = romanlower;
* set the roman-letters to lowercase otherwise to uppercase
* @param romanlower
public void setRomanLower(boolean romanlower) {
this.romanlower = romanlower;
* Checks if the list is roman-letter with lowercase
* @return true if the roman-letter is lowercase, false otherwise.
public boolean isRomanLower() {
return romanlower;
* Adds an Object to the List.
* @param o the object to add.
* @return true if adding the object succeeded
public boolean add(Object o) {
if (o instanceof ListItem) {
ListItem item = (ListItem) o;
Chunk chunk;
if (romanlower)
chunk = new Chunk(toRomanLowerCase(first + list.size()), symbol.font());
chunk = new Chunk(toRomanUppercase(first + list.size()), symbol.font());
} else if (o instanceof List) {
List nested = (List) o;
nested.setIndentationLeft(nested.indentationLeft() + symbolIndent);
return list.add(nested);
} else if (o instanceof String) {
return this.add(new ListItem((String) o));
return false;
// ****************************************************************************************
* Wandelt eine Integer-Zahl in r?mische Schreibweise um
* Regeln:
* 1. Die Ziffern werden addiert, wobei sie von gro? nach klein sortiert sind:
* XVII = 10+5+1+1=17
* 2. Eine kleinere Ziffer, die links von einer gr??eren steht, wird abgezogen:
* IV = 5-1=4
* CM = 1000-100=900
* 3. Maximal drei gleiche Ziffern stehen nebeneinander (Ausnahme: IIII auf Zifferblaettern von Uhren):
* XL = 40 (und nicht XXXX)
* IX = 9 (und nicht VIIII)
* Diese "Subtraktionsschreibweise" ist erst im Mittelalter allgemein gebr?uchlich geworden.
* Vorher wurde oft "IIII" f?r "4" geshrieben.
* 4. Bei mehreren m?glichen Schreibweisen wird in der Regel der k?rzesten der Vorzug gegeben:
* IC = 99 (auch LXLIX)
* IL = 49 (auch XLIX oder sogar XLVIV)
* Andererseits gibt es die Vorschrift, nach der ein Symbol, das einen Wert von 10n darstellt,
* nicht einem Symbol, das einen Wert von 10(n+1) darstellt, direkt voranstehen darf.
* Nach dieser Regel w?re die Schreibweise "XCIX" f?r "99" der Schreibweise "IC" vorzuziehen.
* 5. Die r?mischen Zahlen V, L und D k?nnen nicht gr??eren Zahlen voran gestellt werden:
* XCV = 95 (nicht VC)
* Zahlen ?ber 3000 werden dargestellt durch Einkastung der Tausender: |IX|LIV=9054
* Zahlen gr??er als 3.000.000 werden durch Doppelstrich etc. dargestellt.
* Array mit r?mischen Zeichen und deren Wert
private static final RomanDigit[] roman =
new RomanDigit('m', 1000, false),
new RomanDigit('d', 500, false),
new RomanDigit('c', 100, true),
new RomanDigit('l', 50, false),
new RomanDigit('x', 10, true),
new RomanDigit('v', 5, false),
new RomanDigit('i', 1, true)};
* Wandelt eine Integerzahl in r?mische Kleinbuchstaben um.
* @param number the original number
* @return the roman number (lower case)
public static String toRoman(int number) {
return toRomanLowerCase(number);
* Wandelt eine Integerzahl in r?mische Gro?buchstaben um.
* @param number the original number
* @return the roman number (upper case)
public static String toRomanUppercase(int number) {
return toRomanLowerCase(number).toUpperCase();
* Wandelt eine Integerzahl in r?mische Kleinbuchstaben um.
* @param number the original number
* @return the roman number (lower case)
public static String toRomanLowerCase(int number) {
// Buffer
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
// kleiner 0 ? Vorzeichen festlegen
if (number < 0) {
number = -number;
// gr??er 3000
if (number > 3000) {
// rekursiver Aufruf (ohne tausender-Bereich)
buf.append(toRomanLowerCase(number / 1000));
// tausender-Bereich
number = number - (number / 1000) * 1000;
// Schleife
int pos = 0;
while (true) {
// roman-array durchlaufen
RomanDigit dig = roman[pos];
// solange Zahl gr??er roman-Wert
while (number >= dig.value) {
// Zeichen hinzuf?gen
// Wert des Zeichens abziehen
number -= dig.value;
// Abbruch
if (number <= 0) {
// pre=false suchen (ab Stelle pos)
int j = pos;
while (!roman[++j].pre);
// neuer Wert gr??er
if (number + roman[j].value >= dig.value) {
// hinzuf?gen
// Wert vom Rest abziehen
number -= dig.value - roman[j].value;
return buf.toString();
* Hilfsklasse f?r r?mische Zeichen
private static class RomanDigit {
/** part of a roman number */
public char digit;
/** value of the roman digit */
public int value;
/** can the digit be used as a prefix */
public boolean pre;
* Constructs a roman digit
* @param digit the roman digit
* @param value the value
* @param pre can it be used as a prefix
RomanDigit(char digit, int value, boolean pre) {
this.digit = digit;
this.value = value;
this.pre = pre;
// Test
// public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// for (int i = -1; i <= 20; i++) {
// System.out.println(i + " = " + toRoman(i));
// }
// System.out.println("49 = " + toRoman(49));
// System.out.println("50 = " + toRoman(50));
// System.out.println("51 = " + toRoman(51));
// System.out.println("99 = " + toRoman(99));
// System.out.println("100 = " + toRoman(100));
// System.out.println("101 = " + toRoman(101));
// System.out.println("499 = " + toRoman(499));
// System.out.println("500 = " + toRoman(500));
// System.out.println("501 = " + toRoman(501));
// System.out.println("999 = " + toRoman(999));
// System.out.println("1000 = " + toRoman(1000));
// System.out.println("1001 = " + toRoman(1001));
// System.out.println("2999 = " + toRoman(2999));
// System.out.println("3000 = " + toRoman(3000));
// System.out.println("3001 = " + toRoman(3001));
// System.out.println("9054 = " + toRoman(9054));
// System.out.println("99999 = " + toRoman(99999));
// System.out.println("100000 = " + toRoman(100000));
// System.out.println("109054 = " + toRoman(109054));
// System.out.println("3109054 = " + toRoman(3109054));
// }