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* Instance life-cycle is such that an partially configured "blueprint" object
* is registered with {@link ObjectMapper} (and {@link ObjectReader},
* and when an actual instance is needed for deserialization,
* a fully configured instance will
* be created using a method in excented API of sub-class
* ({@link lowentry.ue4.libs.jackson.databind.deser.DefaultDeserializationContext#createInstance}).
* Each instance is guaranteed to only be used from single-threaded context;
* instances may be reused iff no configuration has changed.
* Defined as abstract class so that implementations must define methods
* for reconfiguring blueprints and creating instances.
public abstract class DeserializationContext
extends DatabindContext
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4290063686213707727L;
* Let's limit length of error messages, for cases where underlying data
* may be very large -- no point in spamming logs with megs of meaningless
* data.
private final static int MAX_ERROR_STR_LEN = 500;
/* Configuration, immutable
* Object that handle details of {@link JsonDeserializer} caching.
protected final DeserializerCache _cache;
/* Configuration, changeable via fluent factories
* Read-only factory instance; exposed to let
* owners (ObjectMapper, ObjectReader)
* access it.
protected final DeserializerFactory _factory;
/* Configuration that gets set for instances (not blueprints)
/* (partly denormalized for performance)
* Generic deserialization processing configuration
protected final DeserializationConfig _config;
* Bitmap of {@link DeserializationFeature}s that are enabled
protected final int _featureFlags;
* Currently active view, if any.
protected final Class> _view;
* Currently active parser used for deserialization.
* May be different from the outermost parser
* when content is buffered.
protected transient JsonParser _parser;
* Object used for resolving references to injectable
* values.
protected final InjectableValues _injectableValues;
/* Per-operation reusable helper objects (not for blueprints)
protected transient ArrayBuilders _arrayBuilders;
protected transient ObjectBuffer _objectBuffer;
protected transient DateFormat _dateFormat;
* Lazily-constructed holder for per-call attributes.
* @since 2.3
protected transient ContextAttributes _attributes;
* Type of {@link JsonDeserializer} (or, more specifically,
* {@link ContextualDeserializer}) that is being
* contextualized currently.
* @since 2.5
protected LinkedNode _currentType;
/* Life-cycle
protected DeserializationContext(DeserializerFactory df) {
this(df, null);
protected DeserializationContext(DeserializerFactory df,
DeserializerCache cache)
if (df == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not pass null DeserializerFactory");
_factory = df;
_cache = (cache == null) ? new DeserializerCache() : cache;
_featureFlags = 0;
_config = null;
_injectableValues = null;
_view = null;
_attributes = null;
protected DeserializationContext(DeserializationContext src,
DeserializerFactory factory)
_cache = src._cache;
_factory = factory;
_config = src._config;
_featureFlags = src._featureFlags;
_view = src._view;
_parser = src._parser;
_injectableValues = src._injectableValues;
_attributes = src._attributes;
* Constructor used for creating actual per-call instances.
protected DeserializationContext(DeserializationContext src,
DeserializationConfig config, JsonParser p,
InjectableValues injectableValues)
_cache = src._cache;
_factory = src._factory;
_config = config;
_featureFlags = config.getDeserializationFeatures();
_view = config.getActiveView();
_parser = p;
_injectableValues = injectableValues;
_attributes = config.getAttributes();
* Copy-constructor for use with copy() by {@link ObjectMapper#copy()}
protected DeserializationContext(DeserializationContext src) {
_cache = new DeserializerCache();
_factory = src._factory;
_config = src._config;
_featureFlags = src._featureFlags;
_view = src._view;
_injectableValues = null;
/* DatabindContext implementation
public DeserializationConfig getConfig() { return _config; }
public final Class> getActiveView() { return _view; }
public final AnnotationIntrospector getAnnotationIntrospector() {
return _config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
public final TypeFactory getTypeFactory() {
return _config.getTypeFactory();
/* Access to per-call state, like generic attributes (2.3+)
public Object getAttribute(Object key) {
return _attributes.getAttribute(key);
public DeserializationContext setAttribute(Object key, Object value)
_attributes = _attributes.withPerCallAttribute(key, value);
return this;
* Accessor to {@link JavaType} of currently contextualized
* {@link ContextualDeserializer}, if any.
* This is sometimes useful for generic {@link JsonDeserializer}s that
* do not get passed (or do not retain) type information when being
* constructed: happens for example for deserializers constructed
* from annotations.
* @since 2.5
* @return Type of {@link ContextualDeserializer} being contextualized,
* if process is on-going; null if not.
public JavaType getContextualType() {
return (_currentType == null) ? null : _currentType.value();
/* Public API, config setting accessors
* Method for getting current {@link DeserializerFactory}.
public DeserializerFactory getFactory() {
return _factory;
* Convenience method for checking whether specified on/off
* feature is enabled
public final boolean isEnabled(DeserializationFeature feat) {
/* 03-Dec-2010, tatu: minor shortcut; since this is called quite often,
* let's use a local copy of feature settings:
return (_featureFlags & feat.getMask()) != 0;
* "Bulk" access method for checking that all features specified by
* mask are enabled.
* @since 2.3
public final boolean hasDeserializationFeatures(int featureMask) {
return _config.hasDeserializationFeatures(featureMask);
* Method for accessing the currently active parser.
* May be different from the outermost parser
* when content is buffered.
* Use of this method is discouraged: if code has direct access
* to the active parser, that should be used instead.
public final JsonParser getParser() { return _parser; }
public final Object findInjectableValue(Object valueId,
BeanProperty forProperty, Object beanInstance)
if (_injectableValues == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No 'injectableValues' configured, can not inject value with id ["+valueId+"]");
return _injectableValues.findInjectableValue(valueId, this, forProperty, beanInstance);
* Convenience method for accessing the default Base64 encoding
* used for decoding base64 encoded binary content.
* Same as calling:
* getConfig().getBase64Variant();
public final Base64Variant getBase64Variant() {
return _config.getBase64Variant();
* Convenience method, functionally equivalent to:
* getConfig().getNodeFactory();
public final JsonNodeFactory getNodeFactory() {
return _config.getNodeFactory();
* Method for accessing default Locale to use: convenience method for
* getConfig().getLocale();
public Locale getLocale() {
return _config.getLocale();
* Method for accessing default TimeZone to use: convenience method for
* getConfig().getTimeZone();
public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
return _config.getTimeZone();
/* Public API, pass-through to DeserializerCache
@Deprecated // since 2.3, use overloaded variant
public boolean hasValueDeserializerFor(JavaType type) {
return hasValueDeserializerFor(type, null);
* Method for checking whether we could find a deserializer
* for given type.
* @param type
* @since 2.3
public boolean hasValueDeserializerFor(JavaType type, AtomicReference cause) {
try {
return _cache.hasValueDeserializerFor(this, _factory, type);
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
if (cause != null) {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (cause == null) { // earlier behavior
throw e;
return false;
* Method for finding a value deserializer, and creating a contextual
* version if necessary, for value reached via specified property.
public final JsonDeserializer