com.lucidworks.spark.SolrRelation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.lucidworks.spark
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import com.lucidworks.spark.query.sql.SolrSQLSupport
import com.lucidworks.spark.rdd.{SolrRDD, StreamingSolrRDD}
import com.lucidworks.spark.util.ConfigurationConstants._
import com.lucidworks.spark.util.QueryConstants._
import com.lucidworks.spark.util._
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery.SortClause
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.schema.SchemaRequest.{AddField, MultiUpdate, Update}
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.{SolrQuery, SolrServerException}
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode
import org.apache.solr.common.params.{CommonParams, ModifiableSolrParams}
import org.apache.solr.common.{SolrException, SolrInputDocument}
import org.apache.spark.SparkFirehoseListener
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{SparkListenerApplicationEnd, SparkListenerEvent}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext, SparkSession}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.breakOut
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
class SolrRelation(
val parameters: Map[String, String],
val dataFrame: Option[DataFrame],
@transient val sparkSession: SparkSession)(
val conf: SolrConf = new SolrConf(parameters))
extends BaseRelation
with Serializable
with TableScan
with PrunedFilteredScan
with InsertableRelation
with LazyLogging {
override val sqlContext: SQLContext = sparkSession.sqlContext
sparkSession.sparkContext.addSparkListener(new SparkFirehoseListener() {
override def onEvent(event: SparkListenerEvent): Unit = event match {
case e: SparkListenerApplicationEnd =>
logger.debug(s"Invalidating cloud client and http client caches for event ${e}")
case _ =>
def this(parameters: Map[String, String], sparkSession: SparkSession) {
this(parameters, None, sparkSession)
lazy val solrVersion : String = SolrSupport.getSolrVersion(conf.getZkHost.get)
lazy val initialQuery: SolrQuery = SolrRelation.buildQuery(conf)
// we don't need the baseSchema for streaming expressions, so we wrap it in an optional
var baseSchema : Option[StructType] = None
lazy val collection: String = initialQuery.get("collection")
var optimizedPlan = false
// loaded lazily to avoid going to Solr until it's necessary, mainly to assist with mocking this class for unit tests
lazy val uniqueKey: String = SolrQuerySupport.getUniqueKey(conf.getZkHost.get, collection.split(",")(0))
// to handle field aliases and function queries, we need to parse the fields option
// from the user into QueryField objects
lazy val userRequestedFields : Option[Array[QueryField]] = if (!conf.getFields.isEmpty) {
val solrFields = conf.getFields
logger.debug(s"Building userRequestedFields from solrFields: ${solrFields.mkString(", ")}")
val qf = SolrRelationUtil.parseQueryFields(solrFields)
if (qf.exists(_.funcReturnType.isDefined)) {
// must drop the additional type info from any func queries in the field list ...
}"userRequestedFields: ${qf.mkString(", ")}")
} else {
// Preserve the initial filters if any present in arbitrary config
lazy val queryFilters: Array[String] = if (initialQuery.getFilterQueries != null) initialQuery.getFilterQueries else Array.empty[String]
lazy val dynamicSuffixes: Set[String] = SolrQuerySupport.getFieldTypes(
skipDynamicExtensions = false
.filter(f => f.startsWith("*_") || f.endsWith("_*"))
.map(f => if (f.startsWith("*_")) f.substring(1) else f.substring(0, f.length-1))
lazy val querySchema: StructType = {
if (dataFrame.isDefined) {
} else {
if (userRequestedFields.isDefined) {
// filter out any function query invocations from the base schema list
val baseSchemaFields = userRequestedFields.get.filter(_.funcReturnType.isEmpty).map( ++ Array(uniqueKey)
if (conf.schema.isEmpty) {
baseSchema = Some(getBaseSchemaFromConfig(collection, baseSchemaFields))
} else {
val fieldSet = SolrRelation.parseSchemaExprSchemaToStructFields(conf.schema.get)
if (fieldSet.isEmpty) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Failed to extract schema fields from schema config ${schema}")
baseSchema = Some(new StructType(fieldSet.toArray.sortBy(f =>
SolrRelationUtil.deriveQuerySchema(userRequestedFields.get, baseSchema.get)
} else if (initialQuery.getRequestHandler == QT_STREAM) {
var fieldSet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[StructField] = scala.collection.mutable.Set[StructField]()
var streamingExpr = StreamExpressionParser.parse(initialQuery.get(SOLR_STREAMING_EXPR))
if (conf.getStreamingExpressionSchema.isDefined) {
// the user is telling us the schema of the expression
} else {
// we have to figure out the schema of the streaming expression
var streamOutputFields = new ListBuffer[StreamFields]
findStreamingExpressionFields(streamingExpr, streamOutputFields, 0)"Found ${streamOutputFields.size} stream output fields: ${streamOutputFields}")
for (sf <- streamOutputFields) {
val streamSchema: StructType =
SolrRelationUtil.getBaseSchema( =>,
logger.debug(s"Got stream schema: ${streamSchema} for ${sf}")
sf.fields.foreach(fld => {
val fieldName = fld.alias.getOrElse(
if (fld.hasReplace) {
// completely ignore the Solr type ... force to the replace type
fieldSet.add(StructField(fieldName, fld.dataType))
} else {
if (streamSchema.fieldNames.contains(fieldName)) {
} else {
// ugh ... this field coming out of the streaming expression isn't known to solr, so likely a select
// expression here with some renaming going on ... just assume string and keep going
fieldSet.add(StructField(fieldName, fld.dataType))
sf.metrics.foreach(m => {
val metricName = m.alias.getOrElse(
// crazy hack here but Solr might return a long which we registered as a double in the schema
if (!"count(")) {
val metadata = new MetadataBuilder().putBoolean(Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE, value = true).build()"Set ${Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE} for metric $metricName")
fieldSet.add(StructField(metricName, DoubleType, metadata = metadata))
} else {
fieldSet.add(StructField(metricName, m.dataType))
if (fieldSet.isEmpty) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to extract schema fields for streaming expression: " + streamingExpr)
// Remove presence of any duplicates in the set
val fieldList: List[StructField] = fieldSet.groupBy(
var exprSchema = new StructType(fieldList.toArray.sortBy(f =>"Created combined schema with ${exprSchema.fieldNames.length} fields for streaming expression: ${exprSchema}: ${exprSchema.fields.mkString("Array(", ", ", ")")}")
} else if (initialQuery.getRequestHandler == QT_SQL) {
val sqlStmt = initialQuery.get(SOLR_SQL_STMT)
val fieldSet: scala.collection.mutable.Set[StructField] = scala.collection.mutable.Set[StructField]()"Determining schema for Solr SQL: ${sqlStmt}")
if (conf.getSolrSQLSchema.isDefined) {
val solrSQLSchema = conf.getSolrSQLSchema.get"Using '$solrSQLSchema' from config property '$SOLR_SQL_SCHEMA' to compute the SQL schema")
solrSQLSchema.split(',').foreach(f => {
val pair : Array[String] = f.split(':')
fieldSet.add(StructField(pair.apply(0), DataType.fromJson("\""+pair.apply(1)+"\"")))
} else {
val allFieldsSchema : StructType = getBaseSchemaFromConfig(collection, Array.empty)
baseSchema = Some(allFieldsSchema)
val sqlColumns = SolrSQLSupport.parseColumns(sqlStmt).asScala"Parsed SQL fields: ${sqlColumns}")
if (sqlColumns.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot determine schema for DataFrame backed by Solr SQL query: ${sqlStmt}; be sure to specify desired columns explicitly instead of relying on the 'SELECT *' syntax.")
sqlColumns.foreach(kvp => {
var lower = kvp._1.toLowerCase
var col = kvp._2
if (lower.startsWith("count(")) {
fieldSet.add(StructField(kvp._2, LongType))
} else if (lower.startsWith("avg(") || lower.startsWith("min(") || lower.startsWith("max(") || lower.startsWith("sum(")) {
val column = kvp._2
// todo: this is hacky but needed to work around SOLR-9372 where the type returned from Solr differs
// based on the aggregation mode used to execute the SQL statement
val metadata = new MetadataBuilder().putBoolean(Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE, value = true).build()"Set ${Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE} for col: $column")
fieldSet.add(StructField(column, DoubleType, metadata = metadata))
} else if (col.equals("score")) {
fieldSet.add(StructField(col, DoubleType))
} else {
if (allFieldsSchema.fieldNames.contains(kvp._2)) {
val existing = allFieldsSchema.fields(allFieldsSchema.fieldIndex(kvp._2))
logger.debug(s"Found existing field ${kvp._2}: ${existing}")
} else {
fieldSet.add(StructField(kvp._2, StringType))
if (fieldSet.isEmpty) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to extract schema fields for streaming expression: " + sqlStmt)
val sqlSchema = new StructType(fieldSet.toArray.sortBy(f =>"Created schema ${sqlSchema} for SQL: ${sqlStmt}")
} else {
// don't return the _version_ field unless specifically asked for by the user
val solrFields = conf.getFields
baseSchema = Some(getBaseSchemaFromConfig(collection, if (solrFields.isEmpty) solrFields else solrFields ++ Array(uniqueKey)))
if (solrFields.contains("_version_")) {
// user specifically requested _version_, so keep it
var tmp = applyExcludeFieldsToSchema(baseSchema.get)
StructType(tmp.fields.sortBy(f =>
} else {
var tmp = baseSchema.get
if (tmp.fieldNames.contains("_version_")) {
tmp = StructType(tmp.filter(p => != "_version_"))
tmp = applyExcludeFieldsToSchema(tmp)
StructType(tmp.fields.sortBy(f =>
private def applyExcludeFieldsToSchema(querySchema: StructType) : StructType = {
if (conf.getExcludeFields.isEmpty)
return querySchema
val excludeFields = conf.getExcludeFields.get.trim()
if (excludeFields.isEmpty)
return querySchema
logger.debug(s"Found field name exclusion patterns: ${excludeFields}")
val excludePatterns = excludeFields.split(",").map(pat => {
var namePattern = pat.trim()
val len = namePattern.length()
// since leading or trailing wildcards are so common, we'll convert those to proper regex for the user
// otherwise, newbies will get the ol' "Dangling meta character '*' near index 0" error
if (namePattern.startsWith("*") && namePattern.indexOf("*", 1) == -1) {
namePattern = "^.*"+namePattern.substring(1)+"$"
} else if (namePattern.endsWith("*") && namePattern.substring(0,len-1).indexOf("*") == -1) {
namePattern = "^"+namePattern.substring(0,len-1)+".*$"
Pattern.compile(namePattern, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
StructType(querySchema.filter(p => {
var isExcluded = false
for (regex <- excludePatterns) {
if (regex.matcher( {
isExcluded = true
logger.debug(s"Excluding ${} from the query schema because it matches exclude pattern: ${regex.pattern()}")
def getBaseSchemaFromConfig(collection: String, solrFields: Array[String]) : StructType = {
def findStreamingExpressionFields(expr: StreamExpressionParameter, streamOutputFields: ListBuffer[StreamFields], depth: Int) : Unit = {"findStreamingExpressionFields(depth=$depth): expr = $expr")
var currDepth = depth
expr match {
case subExpr : StreamExpression =>
val funcName = subExpr.getFunctionName
if (funcName == "search" || funcName == "random" || funcName == "facet") {
extractSearchFields(subExpr).foreach(fld => streamOutputFields += fld)
} else if (funcName == "select") {
// the top-level select is the schema we care about so we don't need to scan expressions below the
// top-level select for fields in the schema, hence the special casing here
if (depth == 0) {
currDepth += 1"Extracting search fields from top-level select")
var exprCollection : Option[String] = Option.empty[String]
var fields = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[StreamField]
var metrics = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[StreamField]
var replaceFields = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, DataType]()
subExpr.getParameters.asScala.foreach(sub => {
sub match {
case v : StreamExpressionValue => {
val selectFieldName = v.getValue
val asAt = selectFieldName.indexOf(" as ")
if (asAt != -1) {
val key = selectFieldName.substring(0, asAt).trim()
val alias = selectFieldName.substring(asAt + 4).trim()
if (key.indexOf("(") != -1 && key.endsWith(")")) {
metrics += getStreamMetricField(key, Some(alias))
} else {
fields += StreamField(key, StringType, Some(alias))
} else {
if (selectFieldName.indexOf("(") != -1 && selectFieldName.endsWith(")")) {
metrics += getStreamMetricField(selectFieldName, None)
} else {
fields += StreamField(selectFieldName, StringType, None)
case e : StreamExpression => {
val exprFuncName = e.getFunctionName
if (exprFuncName == "replace") {
// we have to handle type-conversion from the Solr type to the replace type
logger.debug(s"Found a replace expression in select: $e")
val params = e.getParameters.asScala
val tmp = params.head
tmp match {
case v: StreamExpressionValue => replaceFields += (v.getValue -> StringType)
} else if (exprFuncName == "search" || exprFuncName == "random" || exprFuncName == "facet") {
val maybeSF = extractSearchFields(e)
if (maybeSF.isDefined) {
exprCollection = Some(maybeSF.get.collection)
logger.debug(s"Found exprCollection name ")
case _ => // ugly, but let's not fail b/c of unhandled stuff as the expression stuff is changing rapidly
// for any fields that have a replace function applied, we need to override the
fields = => {
if (replaceFields.contains( StreamField(, replaceFields.getOrElse(, StringType), None, true) else f
val streamFields = StreamFields(exprCollection.getOrElse(collection), fields, metrics)"Extracted $streamFields for $subExpr")
streamOutputFields += streamFields
} else {
// not a top-level select, so just push it down to find fields
extractSearchFields(subExpr).foreach(fld => streamOutputFields += fld)
} else {
subExpr.getParameters.asScala.foreach(subParam => findStreamingExpressionFields(subParam, streamOutputFields, currDepth))
case namedParam : StreamExpressionNamedParameter => findStreamingExpressionFields(namedParam.getParameter, streamOutputFields, currDepth)
case _ => // no op
private def getStreamMetricField(key: String, alias: Option[String]) : StreamField = {
return if (key.startsWith("count(")) {
StreamField(key, LongType, alias)
} else {
// just treat all other metrics as double type
StreamField(key, DoubleType, alias)
def extractSearchFields(subExpr: StreamExpression) : Option[StreamFields] = {
logger.debug(s"Extracting search fields from ${subExpr.getFunctionName} stream expression ${subExpr} of type ${subExpr.getClass.getName}")
var collection : Option[String] = Option.empty[String]
var fields = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[StreamField]
var metrics = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[StreamField]
subExpr.getParameters.asScala.foreach(sub => {
logger.debug(s"Next expression param is $sub of type ${sub.getClass.getName}")
sub match {
case p : StreamExpressionNamedParameter =>
if (p.getName == "fl" || p.getName == "buckets" && subExpr.getFunctionName == "facet") {
p.getParameter match {
case value : StreamExpressionValue => value.getValue.split(",").foreach(v => fields += StreamField(v, StringType, None))
case _ => // ugly!
case v : StreamExpressionValue => collection = Some(v.getValue)
case e : StreamExpression => if (subExpr.getFunctionName == "facet") {
// a metric for a facet stream
metrics += getStreamMetricField(e.toString, None)
case _ => // ugly!
if (collection.isDefined && fields.nonEmpty) {
val streamFields = StreamFields(collection.get, fields, metrics)"Extracted $streamFields for $subExpr")
return Some(streamFields)
override def schema: StructType = querySchema
override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = buildScan(Array.empty, Array.empty)
override def buildScan(fields: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row] = {
logger.debug(s"buildScan: uniqueKey: ${uniqueKey}, querySchema: ${querySchema}, baseSchema: ${baseSchema}, push-down fields: [${fields.mkString(",")}], filters: [${filters.mkString(",")}]")
val query = initialQuery.getCopy
var qt = query.getRequestHandler
// ignore any filters when processing a streaming expression
if (qt == QT_STREAM || qt == QT_SQL) {
// we still have to adapt the querySchema to the requested projected fields if avaiable
val projectedQuerySchema = if (fields != null && fields.length > 0) StructType( => querySchema.apply(f))) else querySchema
return SolrRelationUtil.toRows(projectedQuerySchema, new StreamingSolrRDD(
uKey = Some(uniqueKey)
// this check is probably unnecessary, but I'm putting it here so that it's clear to other devs
// that the baseSchema must be defined if we get to this point
if (baseSchema.isEmpty) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No base schema defined for collection "+collection)
val collectionBaseSchema = baseSchema.get
var scanSchema = schema
// we need to know this so that we don't try to use the /export handler if the user requested a function query or
// is using field aliases
var hasFuncQueryOrFieldAlias = userRequestedFields.isDefined &&
userRequestedFields.get.filter(qf => qf.alias.isDefined || qf.funcReturnType.isDefined).size > 0
if (fields != null && fields.length > 0) {
fields.zipWithIndex.foreach({ case (field, i) => fields(i) = field.replaceAll("`", "") })
// userRequestedFields is only defined if the user set the "fields" option explicitly
// create the schema for the push-down scan results using QueryFields to account for aliases and function queries
if (userRequestedFields.isDefined) {
val scanQueryFields = ListBuffer[QueryField]()
fields.foreach(f => {
userRequestedFields.get.foreach(qf => {
// if the field refers to an alias, then we need to add the alias:field to the query
if (f == {
scanQueryFields += qf
} else if (qf.alias.isDefined && f == qf.alias.get) {
scanQueryFields += qf
val scanFields = scanQueryFields.toArray
scanSchema = SolrRelationUtil.deriveQuerySchema(scanFields, collectionBaseSchema)
} else {
scanSchema = SolrRelationUtil.deriveQuerySchema(, collectionBaseSchema)
logger.debug(s"Set query fl=${query.getFields} from table scan fields=${fields.mkString(", ")}")
// Clear all existing filters except the original filters set in the config.
if (!filters.isEmpty) {
filters.foreach(filter => SolrRelationUtil.applyFilter(filter, query, querySchema))
} else {
// spark 2.1 started sending in an unnecessary NOT NULL fq, remove those if present
val fqs = removeSuperfluousNotNullFilterQuery(query)
if (!fqs.isEmpty) query.setFilterQueries(fqs.toSeq:_*)
if (conf.sampleSeed.isDefined) {
// can't support random sampling & intra-shard splitting
if (conf.splits.getOrElse(false) || conf.getSplitField.isDefined) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot do sampling if intra-shard splitting feature is enabled!");
query.addSort(SolrQuery.SortClause.asc("random_" + conf.sampleSeed.get))
query.add(ConfigurationConstants.SAMPLE_PCT, conf.samplePct.getOrElse(0.1f).toString)
if (scanSchema.fields.length == 0) {
throw new CollectionEmptyException(s"No fields defined in query schema for query: ${query}. This is likely an issue with the Solr collection ${collection}, does it have data?")
// prevent users from trying to export a func query as /export doesn't do that
if (hasFuncQueryOrFieldAlias && qt == "/export") {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Can't request function queries using the /export handler!")
try {
// Determine the request handler to use if not explicitly set by the user
if (!hasFuncQueryOrFieldAlias &&
conf.requestHandler.isEmpty &&
!requiresStreamingRDD(qt) &&
!conf.useCursorMarks.getOrElse(false) &&
conf.maxRows.isEmpty) {
logger.debug(s"Checking the query and sort fields to determine if streaming is possible for ${collection}")
// Determine whether to use Streaming API (/export handler) if 'use_export_handler' or 'use_cursor_marks' options are not set
val isFDV: Boolean = if (fields.isEmpty && query.getFields == null) true else SolrRelation.checkQueryFieldsForDV(scanSchema)
var sortClauses: ListBuffer[SortClause] = ListBuffer.empty
if (!query.getSorts.isEmpty) {
for (sort: SortClause <- query.getSorts.asScala) {
sortClauses += sort
} else {
val sortParams = query.getParams(CommonParams.SORT)
if (sortParams != null && sortParams.nonEmpty) {
for (sortString <- sortParams) {
sortClauses = sortClauses ++ SolrRelation.parseSortParamFromString(sortString)
logger.debug(s"Existing sort clauses: ${sortClauses.mkString}")
val isSDV: Boolean =
if (sortClauses.nonEmpty)
SolrRelation.checkSortFieldsForDV(collectionBaseSchema, sortClauses.toList)
if (isFDV) {
SolrRelation.addSortField(querySchema, scanSchema, query, uniqueKey)
logger.debug(s"Added sort field '${query.getSortField}' to the query")
if (isFDV && isSDV) {
logger.debug("Using the /export handler because docValues are enabled for all fields and no unsupported field types have been requested.")
} else {
logger.debug(s"Using requestHandler: $qt isFDV? $isFDV and isSDV? $isSDV")
// For DataFrame operations like count(), no fields are passed down but the export handler only works when fields are present
if (query.getFields == null)
if (qt == QT_EXPORT) {
if (query.getSorts.isEmpty && (query.getParams(CommonParams.SORT) == null || query.getParams(CommonParams.SORT).isEmpty))
query.setSort(uniqueKey, SolrQuery.ORDER.asc)
}"Sending ${query} to SolrRDD using ${qt} with maxRows: ${conf.maxRows}")
// Register an accumulator for counting documents
val acc: SparkSolrAccumulator = new SparkSolrAccumulator
val accName = if (conf.getAccumulatorName.isDefined) conf.getAccumulatorName.get else "Records Read"
sparkSession.sparkContext.register(acc, accName)
val modifiedCollection =
if (collection.indexOf(",") != -1) {
new TimePartitioningQuery(conf, query, Some(collection.split(",").toList))
} else {
// Construct the SolrRDD based on the request handler
val solrRDD: SolrRDD[_] = SolrRDD.apply(
splitsPerShard = conf.getSplitsPerShard,
splitField = getSplitField(conf),
uKey = Some(uniqueKey),
maxRows = conf.maxRows,
accumulator = Some(acc))
val docs = solrRDD.query(query)
logger.debug(s"Converting SolrRDD of type ${docs.getClass.getName} to rows matching schema: ${scanSchema}")
val rows = SolrRelationUtil.toRows(scanSchema, docs)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(e)
// this method scans over the filter queries looking for superfluous is not null fqs, such as:
// gender:[* TO *] and gender:F being in the query, we don't need the not null check
def removeSuperfluousNotNullFilterQuery(solrQuery: SolrQuery) : Set[String] = {
val fqs = solrQuery.getFilterQueries
if (fqs == null || fqs.isEmpty)
return Set.empty[String]
val fqList = // get a key/value tuple for the fq
val fqSet = => {
var fq: Option[String] = Some(t._1+":"+t._2)
if (t._2 == "[* TO *]") {
fqList.foreach(u => {
if (t._1 == u._1 && t._2 != u._2) {
// same key different value, don't need this null check
fq = None
def filterQueryAsTuple(fq: String) : (String,String) = {
val firstColonAt = fq.indexOf(':')
(fq.substring(0, firstColonAt), fq.substring(firstColonAt + 1))
def getSplitField(conf: SolrConf): Option[String] = {
if (conf.getSplitField.isDefined) conf.getSplitField
else if (conf.splits.getOrElse(false)) Some(DEFAULT_SPLIT_FIELD)
else None
def requiresStreamingRDD(rq: String): Boolean = {
return rq == QT_EXPORT || rq == QT_STREAM || rq == QT_SQL
override def insert(df: DataFrame, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = {
val zkHost = conf.getZkHost.get
val collectionId = conf.getCollection.get
val dfSchema = df.schema
val solrBaseUrl = SolrSupport.getSolrBaseUrl(zkHost)
val cloudClient = SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost)
// build up a list of updates to send to the Solr Schema API
val fieldsToAddToSolr = SolrRelation.getFieldsToAdd(dfSchema, conf, solrVersion, dynamicSuffixes)
if (fieldsToAddToSolr.nonEmpty) {
SolrRelation.addFieldsForInsert(fieldsToAddToSolr, collectionId, cloudClient)
if (conf.softAutoCommitSecs.isDefined) {"softAutoCommitSecs? "+conf.softAutoCommitSecs)
val softAutoCommitSecs = conf.softAutoCommitSecs.get
val softAutoCommitMs = softAutoCommitSecs * 1000
SolrRelationUtil.setAutoSoftCommit(zkHost, collectionId, softAutoCommitMs)
val batchSize: Int = if (conf.batchSize.isDefined) conf.batchSize.get else 1000
val batchSizeType: BatchSizeType = if (conf.batchSizeType.isDefined) BatchSizeType.valueOf(conf.batchSizeType.get) else BatchSizeType.NUM_DOCS
// Convert RDD of rows in to SolrInputDocuments
val uk = SolrQuerySupport.getUniqueKey(zkHost, collectionId)"Converting rows to input docs with zkHost=${zkHost}, collectionId=${collectionId}, uniqueKey=${uk}")
val docs = => SolrRelation.convertRowToSolrInputDocument(row, conf, uk))
val acc: SparkSolrAccumulator = new SparkSolrAccumulator
val accName = if (conf.getAccumulatorName.isDefined) conf.getAccumulatorName.get else "Records Written"
sparkSession.sparkContext.register(acc, accName)
SolrSupport.indexDocs(zkHost, collectionId, batchSize, batchSizeType, docs, conf.commitWithin, Some(acc))"Written {} documents to Solr collection {}", acc.value, collectionId)
private def checkRequiredParams(): Unit = {
require(conf.getZkHost.isDefined, "Param '" + SOLR_ZK_HOST_PARAM + "' is required")
object SolrRelation extends LazyLogging {
val solrCollectionInSqlPattern = Pattern.compile("\\sfrom\\s([\\w\\-\\.]+)\\s?", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)
def parseSchemaExprSchemaToStructFields(streamingExprSchema: String): Set[StructField] = {
var fieldBuffer = ListBuffer.empty[StructField]
SolrRelationUtil.parseCommaSeparatedValuesToList(streamingExprSchema).foreach(f => {
val colonIndex = f.indexOf(":")
if (colonIndex != -1) {
val fieldName = f.substring(0, colonIndex)
var fieldValue = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJson(f.substring(colonIndex+1))
if (fieldValue.startsWith("\"{") && fieldValue.endsWith("}\"")) {
fieldValue = fieldValue.substring(1, fieldValue.length-1)
} else if (!fieldValue.startsWith("\"") || !fieldValue.endsWith("\"")){
fieldValue = s""""${fieldValue}""""
val dataType = DataType.fromJson(fieldValue)
dataType match {
case _ : ArrayType =>
val metadataBuilder = new MetadataBuilder
metadataBuilder.putBoolean("multiValued", true)
fieldBuffer.+=(StructField(fieldName, dataType,
case _ => fieldBuffer.+=(StructField(fieldName, DataType.fromJson(fieldValue)))
def resolveCollection(conf: SolrConf, initialQuery: SolrQuery): Unit = {
var collection = conf.getCollection.getOrElse({
var coll = Option.empty[String]
if (conf.getSqlStmt.isDefined) {
val collectionFromSql = SolrRelation.findSolrCollectionNameInSql(conf.getSqlStmt.get)
if (collectionFromSql.isDefined) {
coll = collectionFromSql
if (coll.isDefined) {"resolved collection option from sql to be ${coll.get}")
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("collection option is required!")
if (conf.partitionBy.isDefined && conf.partitionBy.get == "time" && conf.getStreamingExpr.isEmpty) {
if (collection.indexOf(",") != -1) {
new TimePartitioningQuery(conf, initialQuery, Some(collection.split(",").toList))
} else {
val timePartitionQuery = new TimePartitioningQuery(conf, initialQuery)
val allCollections = timePartitionQuery.getPartitionsForQuery()"Collection rewritten from ${collection} to ${allCollections}")
collection = allCollections.mkString(",")
initialQuery.set("collection", collection)
def buildQuery(conf: SolrConf): SolrQuery = {
val query = SolrQuerySupport.toQuery(conf.getQuery.getOrElse("*:*"))
val solrParams = conf.getArbitrarySolrParams
if (conf.getStreamingExpr.isDefined) {
query.set(SOLR_STREAMING_EXPR, conf.getStreamingExpr.get.replaceAll("\\s+", " "))
} else if (conf.getSqlStmt.isDefined) {
query.set(SOLR_SQL_STMT, conf.getSqlStmt.get.replaceAll("\\s+", " "))
} else if (conf.requestHandler.isDefined) {
} else {
val fqParams = solrParams.remove("fq")
if (fqParams != null && fqParams.nonEmpty) {
for (fq <- fqParams) {
if (conf.getSort.isDefined) {
val sortClauses = SolrRelation.parseSortParamFromString(conf.getSort.get)
for (sortClause <- sortClauses) {
val sortParams = solrParams.remove("sort")
if (sortParams != null && sortParams.nonEmpty) {
for (p <- sortParams) {
val sortClauses = SolrRelation.parseSortParamFromString(p)
for (sortClause <- sortClauses) {
// Resolve time series partitions
resolveCollection(conf, query)
def findSolrCollectionNameInSql(sqlText: String): Option[String] = {
val collectionIdMatcher = solrCollectionInSqlPattern.matcher(sqlText)
if (!collectionIdMatcher.find()) {
logger.warn(s"No push-down to Solr! Cannot determine collection name from Solr SQL query: ${sqlText}")
return None
def checkUnknownParams(keySet: Set[String]): Set[String] = {
var knownParams = Set.empty[String]
var unknownParams = Set.empty[String]
// Use reflection to get all the members of [ConfigurationConstants] except 'CONFIG_PREFIX'
val rm = scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
val accessors = rm.classSymbol(ConfigurationConstants.getClass).toType.members.collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isGetter && m.isPublic => m
val instanceMirror = rm.reflect(ConfigurationConstants)
for(acc <- accessors) {
knownParams += instanceMirror.reflectMethod(acc).apply().toString
// Check for any unknown options
keySet.foreach(key => {
if (!knownParams.contains(key)) {
unknownParams += key
def checkQueryFieldsForDV(querySchema: StructType) : Boolean = {
// Check if all the fields in the querySchema have docValues enabled
for (structField <- querySchema.fields) {
val metadata = structField.metadata
if (!metadata.contains("docValues"))
return false
if (metadata.contains("docValues") && !metadata.getBoolean("docValues"))
return false
def checkSortFieldsForDV(baseSchema: StructType, sortClauses: List[SortClause]): Boolean = {
if (sortClauses.nonEmpty) {
// Check if the sorted field (if exists) has docValue enabled
for (sortClause: SortClause <- sortClauses) {
val sortField = sortClause.getItem
if (baseSchema.fieldNames.contains(sortField)) {
val sortFieldMetadata = baseSchema(sortField).metadata
if (!sortFieldMetadata.contains("docValues"))
return false
if (sortFieldMetadata.contains("docValues") && !sortFieldMetadata.getBoolean("docValues"))
return false
} else {
logger.warn(s"The sort field '${sortField}' does not exist in the base schema")
return false
} else {
def addSortField(baseSchema: StructType, querySchema: StructType, query: SolrQuery, uniqueKey: String): Unit = {
//Always sort on _version_ asc
query.addSort("_version_", SolrQuery.ORDER.asc)
def parseSortParamFromString(sortParam: String): List[SortClause] = {
val sortClauses: ListBuffer[SortClause] = ListBuffer.empty
for (pair <- sortParam.split(",")) {
val sortStringParams = pair.trim.split(" ")
if (sortStringParams.nonEmpty) {
if (sortStringParams.size == 2) {
sortClauses += new SortClause(sortStringParams(0), sortStringParams(1))
} else {
sortClauses += SortClause.asc(pair)
def addNewFieldsToSolrIfNeeded(dfSchema: StructType, zkHost: String, collectionId: String, solrVersion: String): Set[String] = {
val solrBaseUrl = SolrSupport.getSolrBaseUrl(zkHost)
val cloudClient = SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost)
val solrFields : Map[String, SolrFieldMeta] =
SolrQuerySupport.getFieldTypes(Set(), solrBaseUrl + collectionId + "/", cloudClient, collectionId)
val fieldsToAddToSolr = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[String,AddField]
dfSchema.fields.foreach(f => {
if (!solrFields.contains( {
fieldsToAddToSolr += ( -> new AddField(SolrRelation.toAddFieldMap(f, solrVersion).asJava))
if (fieldsToAddToSolr.nonEmpty) {
SolrRelation.addFieldsForInsert(fieldsToAddToSolr.toMap, collectionId, cloudClient)
def getFieldsToAdd(
dfSchema: StructType,
conf: SolrConf,
solrVersion: String,
dynamicSuffixes: Set[String]): Map[String, AddField] = {
val zkHost = conf.getZkHost.get
val collectionId = conf.getCollection.get
val solrBaseUrl = SolrSupport.getSolrBaseUrl(zkHost)
val cloudClient = SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost)
val solrFields : Map[String, SolrFieldMeta] =
SolrQuerySupport.getFieldTypes(Set(), solrBaseUrl + collectionId + "/", cloudClient, collectionId, skipFieldCheck = true)
val fieldNameForChildDocuments = conf.getChildDocFieldName.getOrElse(DEFAULT_CHILD_DOC_FIELD_NAME)
val customFieldTypes =
if (conf.getSolrFieldTypes.isDefined)
Map.empty[String, String]
// build up a list of updates to send to the Solr Schema API
val fieldsToAddToSolr = scala.collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[String,AddField]
dfSchema.fields.foreach(f => {
if (!solrFields.contains( && !SolrRelationUtil.isValidDynamicFieldName(, dynamicSuffixes)) {
if( == fieldNameForChildDocuments) {
val e = f.dataType.asInstanceOf[ArrayType].elementType.asInstanceOf[StructType]
e.foreach(ef => {
val addFieldMap = SolrRelation.toAddFieldMap(ef, solrVersion, customFieldTypes.get("adding new field: ${addFieldMap.mkString(", ")}")
fieldsToAddToSolr += ( -> new AddField(addFieldMap.asJava))
} else {
val addFieldMap = SolrRelation.toAddFieldMap(f, solrVersion, customFieldTypes.get("adding new field: ${addFieldMap.mkString(", ")}")
fieldsToAddToSolr += ( -> new AddField(addFieldMap.asJava))
def addFieldsForInsert(fieldsToAddToSolr: Map[String,AddField], collectionId: String, cloudClient: CloudSolrClient): Unit = {"Sending request to Solr schema API to add ${fieldsToAddToSolr.size} fields.")
val solrParams = new ModifiableSolrParams()
val updateList : java.util.ArrayList[Update] = new java.util.ArrayList[Update]
fieldsToAddToSolr.values.foreach(v => updateList.add(v))
val addFieldsUpdateRequest = new MultiUpdate(updateList, solrParams)
val updateResponse : org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.schema.SchemaResponse.UpdateResponse =
addFieldsUpdateRequest.process(cloudClient, collectionId)
if (updateResponse.getStatus >= 400) {
val errMsg = "Schema update request failed due to: "+updateResponse
throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.getErrorCode(updateResponse.getStatus), errMsg)
} else {"Request to add ${fieldsToAddToSolr.size} fields returned: ${updateResponse}")
val respNL = updateResponse.getResponse
if (respNL != null) {
val errors = respNL.get("errors")
if (errors != null) {
logger.error(s"Request to add ${fieldsToAddToSolr.size} fields failed with errors: ${errors}. Will re-try each add individually ...")
fieldsToAddToSolr.foreach(pair => {
try {
val resp = pair._2.process(cloudClient, collectionId)
if (resp.getResponse.get("errors") != null) {
val e2 = resp.getResponse.get("errors")
logger.warn(s"Add field ${pair._1} failed due to: ${e2}")
} else {"Add field ${pair._1} returned: $resp")
} catch {
case se: SolrServerException => logger.warn(s"Add schema field ${pair._1} failed due to: $se")
case ioe: IOException => logger.warn(s"Add schema field ${pair._1} failed due to: $ioe")
def convertRowToSolrInputDocument(row: Row, conf: SolrConf, idField: String): SolrInputDocument = {
val generateUniqKey: Boolean = conf.genUniqKey.getOrElse(false)
val generateUniqChildKey: Boolean = conf.genUniqChildKey.getOrElse(false)
val fieldNameForChildDocuments = conf.getChildDocFieldName.getOrElse(DEFAULT_CHILD_DOC_FIELD_NAME)
val schema: StructType = row.schema
val doc = new SolrInputDocument
schema.fields.foreach(field => {
val fname =
breakable {
if (fname.equals("_version_")) break()
val isChildDocument = fname == fieldNameForChildDocuments
val fieldIndex = row.fieldIndex(fname)
val fieldValue : Option[Any] = if (row.isNullAt(fieldIndex)) None else Some(row.get(fieldIndex))
if (fieldValue.isDefined) {
val value = fieldValue.get
if(isChildDocument) {
val it = value.asInstanceOf[Iterable[GenericRowWithSchema]].iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
val elem =
val childDoc = new SolrInputDocument
for (i <- elem.schema.fields.indices) {
childDoc.setField(elem.schema.fields(i).name, elem.get(i))
// Generate unique key if the child document doesn't have one
if (generateUniqChildKey) {
if (!childDoc.containsKey(idField)) {
childDoc.setField(idField, UUID.randomUUID().toString)
value match {
//TODO: Do we need to check explicitly for ArrayBuffer and WrappedArray
case v: Iterable[Any] =>
val it = v.iterator
while (it.hasNext) doc.addField(fname,
case bd: java.math.BigDecimal =>
doc.setField(fname, bd.doubleValue())
case _ => doc.setField(fname, value)
// Generate unique key if the document doesn't have one
if (generateUniqKey) {
if (!doc.containsKey(idField)) {
doc.setField(idField, UUID.randomUUID().toString)
def toAddFieldMap(sf: StructField, solrVersion: String, solrType: Option[String] = None): Map[String,AnyRef] = {
val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,AnyRef]()
map += ("name" ->
map += ("indexed" -> "true")
map += ("stored" -> "true")
val dataType = sf.dataType
if (solrType.isEmpty) {
map += ("docValues" -> isDocValuesSupported(dataType))
dataType match {
case at: ArrayType =>
map += ("multiValued" -> "true")
if (SolrSupport.isSolrVersionAtleast(solrVersion, 7, 0, 0))
map += ("type" -> solrType.getOrElse(toNewSolrType(at.elementType)))
map += ("type" -> solrType.getOrElse(toOldSolrType(at.elementType)))
case _ =>
map += ("multiValued" -> "false")
if (SolrSupport.isSolrVersionAtleast(solrVersion, 7, 0, 0))
map += ("type" -> solrType.getOrElse(toNewSolrType(dataType)))
map += ("type" -> solrType.getOrElse(toOldSolrType(dataType)))
def toOldSolrType(dataType: DataType): String = {
dataType match {
case BinaryType => "binary"
case BooleanType => "boolean"
case DateType | TimestampType => "tdate"
case DoubleType | _: DecimalType => "tdouble"
case FloatType => "tfloat"
case IntegerType | ShortType => "tint"
case LongType => "tlong"
case _ => "string"
def isDocValuesSupported(dataType: DataType): String = {
dataType match {
case BinaryType => "false"
case _ => "true"
def toNewSolrType(dataType: DataType): String = {
dataType match {
case BinaryType => "binary"
case BooleanType => "boolean"
case DateType | TimestampType => "pdate"
case DoubleType | _: DecimalType => "pdouble"
case FloatType => "pfloat"
case IntegerType | ShortType => "pint"
case LongType => "plong"
case _ => "string"
def parseUserSuppliedFieldTypes(solrFieldTypes: String): Map[String, String] = {
val fieldTypeMapBuffer = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, String]
if (solrFieldTypes != null) {
solrFieldTypes.split(",").foreach(f => {
val nameAndType = f.split(":")
if (nameAndType.length == 2) {
val fieldName = nameAndType(0).trim
val fieldType = nameAndType(1).trim
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fieldName) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fieldType)) {
fieldTypeMapBuffer.put(fieldName, fieldType)
case class StreamField(name:String, dataType: DataType, alias:Option[String], hasReplace: Boolean = false)
case class StreamFields(collection:String,fields:ListBuffer[StreamField],metrics:ListBuffer[StreamField])
class CollectionEmptyException(message: String) extends IllegalStateException(message)
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