Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.util.Locale
import com.lucidworks.spark.{LazyLogging, SparkApp}
import com.lucidworks.spark.util.SolrSupport
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option.{builder => OptionBuilder}
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.input.PortableDataStream
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone
import org.joda.time.format.{DateTimeFormat, DateTimeFormatterBuilder, ISODateTimeFormat}
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.convert.ImplicitConversions._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
/** Example application to index each article in the 20 newsgroups data as a Solr document.
* The 20 newsgroups data is downloadable from [[]].
* Articles in any of the three archives available there can be indexed,
* after first downloading it from the above page and unpacking it.
* The path you supply as an argument to the `--path` cmdline option (see the
* "Example invocation" section below) should be the directory containing the newsgroup
* folders. All files found recursively under this path will be indexed to Solr.
* == Prerequisites ==
* Start Solr in cloud mode, and create a target collection, e.g. (after downloading the
* binary Solr distribution - see [[]] - then unpacking and
* changing to the unpacked root directory, e.g. `solr-5.4.1/`):
* {{{
* bin/solr -c && bin/solr create -c testing -shards 2
* }}}
* == Document fields ==
* Each header present in the newsgroup articles will be indexed to a Solr dynamic field
* name prefixed with the header name, e.g. Subject: text will be indexed into a field
* named Subject_txt_en`.
* Note that the set of headers in each of the three available archives is different; details
* are on the download page above.
* The body of each article will be indexed into the `content_txt_en` field.
* The `newsgroup_s` field will contain the name of the article's parent directory.
* The `id` field value will be in the format `newsgroup_articlenum`, e.g. "comp.graphics_38659",
* where `newsgroup` is the name of the article's parent directory, and `articlenum` is the
* article filename.
* The `filepath_s` field will contain the full path of the article source file.
* If you downloaded the `20news-19997.tar.gz` archive, the only one with the Date: header,
* dates will be indexed into two fields: the `Date_s` field will contain the original Date:
* text, and the `Date_tdt` field will contain the date reformatted in ISO-8601 format.
* == Example invocation ==
* You must first run `mvn -DskipTests package` in the spark-solr project, and you must download
* a Spark 1.6.1 binary distribution and point the environment variable `$SPARK_HOME`
* to the unpacked distribution directory.
* {{{
* $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --master 'local[2]' --class com.lucidworks.spark.SparkApp \
* target/spark-solr-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar newsgroups2solr -zkHost localhost:9983 \
* -collection ml20news -path /relative/or/absolute/path/to/20news-18828`
* }}}
* To see a description of all available options, run the following:
* {{{
* $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class com.lucidworks.spark.SparkApp \
* target/spark-solr-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-shaded.jar newsgroups2solr --help
* }}}
class NewsgroupsIndexer extends SparkApp.RDDProcessor with LazyLogging {
import NewsgroupsIndexer._
def getName = "newsgroups2solr"
def getOptions = Array(
.desc("Path from which to recursively load newsgroup articles").build,
.desc("Target Solr collection; default: $DefaultCollection").build)
def run(conf: SparkConf, cli: CommandLine): Int = {
val path = cli.getOptionValue("path")
val collection = cli.getOptionValue("collection", DefaultCollection)
val zkHost = cli.getOptionValue("zkHost", DefaultZkHost)
val batchSize = cli.getOptionValue("batchSize", DefaultBatchSize).toInt
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
sc.hadoopConfiguration.setBoolean("mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.input.dir.recursive", true)
// Use binaryFiles() because wholeTextFiles() assumes files are UTF-8, but article encoding is Latin-1
sc.binaryFiles(path).foreachPartition(rows => {
var numDocs = 0
val solrServer = SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost)
val batch = ListBuffer.empty[SolrInputDocument]
def sendBatch(): Unit = {
SolrSupport.sendBatchToSolr(solrServer, collection, batch.toList)
numDocs += batch.size"Sent $numDocs docs to Solr from $path")
rows.foreach(row => { // each row is a Tuple: (path, PortableDataStream)
val (group, articleNum) = parseFilePath(path, row._1)
val doc = loadNewsgroupArticle(row._2)
// Newsgroup name is the parent directory; if this file's path doesn't have a parent directory
// after removing the source path, use the first listed newsgroup from the article content
val newsgroup = group.getOrElse(doc.getFieldValues("Newsgroups_ss").head)
doc.addField("id", s"${newsgroup}_$articleNum")
doc.addField("newsgroup_s", newsgroup)
doc.addField("filepath_s", row._1)
batch += doc
if (batch.size >= batchSize) sendBatch()
if (batch.nonEmpty) sendBatch()
// Explicit commit to make sure all docs are visible
val solrServer = SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost)
solrServer.commit(collection, true, true)
def parseFilePath(basePath: String, filePath: String): Tuple2[Option[String],String] = {
val segments = new URI(basePath).relativize(new URI(filePath)).getPath.split('/').reverse
val articleNum = segments(0) // Trailing segment is the filename, which is the article number
// Parent segment, if there is one, is the identified newsgroup
val newsgroup = if (segments.length > 1) Some(segments(1)) else None
(newsgroup, articleNum)
def loadNewsgroupArticle(stream: PortableDataStream): SolrInputDocument = {
val doc = new SolrInputDocument
val inputStream =
try {
var noMoreHeaders = false
val content = new StringBuilder
for (line <- Source.fromInputStream(inputStream, "ISO-8859-1").getLines) {
var cleanedLine = NonXmlCharsRegex.replaceAllIn(line, " ") // (Nonprinting) non-XML chars -> spaces
if (noMoreHeaders) {
} else {
NewsgroupHeaderRegex.findFirstMatchIn(cleanedLine) match {
case None =>
noMoreHeaders = true
case Some(fieldValue) => {
val field = NonAlphaNumCharsRegex.replaceAllIn(, "_")
val value =
field match {
case "Message-ID" => doc.addField(s"${field}_s", value.trim)
case "From" | "Subject" | "Sender" => doc.addField(s"${field}_txt_en", value.trim)
case "Newsgroups" => value.split(",").map(_.trim).filter(_.length > 0)
.foreach(newsgroup => doc.addField(s"${field}_ss", newsgroup))
case "Date" => // 2 fields: original date text, and reformatted as ISO-8601
val trimmedValue = value.trim
doc.addField(s"${field}_s", trimmedValue)
DateConverter.toISO8601(trimmedValue).foreach(doc.addField(s"${field}_tdt", _))
case _ => doc.addField(s"${field}_txt", value)
doc.addField("content_txt_en", content.toString())
} finally {
object NewsgroupsIndexer {
val DefaultZkHost = "localhost:9983"
val DefaultBatchSize = "100"
val DefaultCollection = "ml20news"
val NonXmlCharsRegex = "[\u0000-\u0008\u000B\u000C\u000E-\u001F]".r
val NewsgroupHeaderRegex = "^([^: \t]+):[ \t]*(.*)".r
val NonAlphaNumCharsRegex = "[^_A-Za-z0-9]".r
/** Converts 3-letter time zone IDs to IDs that Joda-Time understands, parses dates using
* a set of date formats known to be present in the 20 newsgroups data, then converts them
* to ISO8601 format.
object DateConverter extends Serializable with LazyLogging {
// Map of time zone abbreviations to time zone IDs, from ,
// , and Joda-Time v2.2 DateTimeZone.getAvailableIds()
val ZoneMap = Map("+3000" -> "Europe/Moscow", // 19 Apr 93 16:15:19 +3000 <- invalid offset, should be +0300
"ACST" -> "Australia/Adelaide", "BST" -> "Europe/London", "CDT" -> "America/Chicago",
"CET" -> "Europe/Brussels", "CST" -> "America/Chicago", "ECT" -> "America/Guayaquil",
"EDT" -> "America/New_York", "EST" -> "America/New_York", "GMT" -> "Etc/GMT",
"GMT+12" -> "Etc/GMT+12", "IDT" -> "Asia/Jerusalem", "KST" -> "Asia/Seoul",
"MDT" -> "America/Denver", "MET" -> "Europe/Berlin", "MEZ" -> "Europe/Berlin",
"MST" -> "America/Denver", "NZDT" -> "Pacific/Auckland", "NZST" -> "Pacific/Auckland",
"PDT" -> "America/Los_Angeles", "PST" -> "America/Los_Angeles", "TUR" -> "Asia/Istanbul",
"UT" -> "Etc/UTC", "UTC" -> "Etc/UTC")
.map(e => e._1 -> DateTimeZone.forID(e._2))
// Below can't be triple quoted; interpolated raw strings and escapes don't mix:
val ZonesRegex = s"\\s+\\(?((?i)${ => s"\\Q$z\\E").mkString("|")})\\)?$$".r
val DateParsers = Array("dd MMM yy",
"dd MMM yy HH:mm",
"dd MMM yy HH:mm Z", // Z is for offsets, e.g. +0200, -0400
"dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss",
"dd MMM yy HH:mm:ss Z",
"MMM dd, yy",
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
"MMM dd HH:mm:ss yy").map(DateTimeFormat.forPattern(_).getParser)
val Formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().append(null, DateParsers)
val MultiSpaceRegex = """\s{2,}""".r
val TrailingOffsetRegex = """\s*\([-+]\d{4}\)$""".r // Sun, 18 Apr 93 13:35:23 EDT(-0400)
val DayOfWeekPattern = "(?i:Sun|Mon|Tue(?:s)?|Wed(?:nes)?|Thu(?:rs)?|Fri|Sat(?:ur)?)(?i:day)?"
val DowRegex = s"$DayOfWeekPattern,?\\s*|\\s*\\($DayOfWeekPattern\\)$$".r
def toISO8601(date: String): Option[String] = {
try {
var zone = DateTimeZone.UTC
val dateSingleSpaced = MultiSpaceRegex.replaceAllIn(date, " ")
val dateNoExtraTrailingOffset = TrailingOffsetRegex.replaceFirstIn(dateSingleSpaced, "")
val dateNoDow = DowRegex.replaceFirstIn(dateNoExtraTrailingOffset, "")
val dateNoZone = ZonesRegex.replaceAllIn(dateNoDow, m => {
zone = ZoneMap(
""}) // remove time zone abbreviations
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => logger.error(s"Failed to parse date '$date': $e")
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