com.lucidworks.spark.util.SolrRelationUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.lucidworks.spark.util
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.util
import java.util.Date
import com.lucidworks.spark.LazyLogging
import com.lucidworks.spark.rdd.{SelectSolrRDD, StreamingSolrRDD}
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.GenericSolrRequest
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.RequestWriter.StringPayloadContentWriter
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.{SolrQuery, SolrRequest}
import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument
import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat
import scala.collection.convert.ImplicitConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
case class QueryField(name:String, alias: Option[String] = None, funcReturnType: Option[DataType] = None) {
def fl() : String = {
if (alias.isDefined) s"${alias.get}:${name}" else name
object SolrRelationUtil extends LazyLogging {
def isValidDynamicFieldName(fieldName: String, dynamicExtensionSuffixes: Set[String]): Boolean = {
dynamicExtensionSuffixes.foreach(ext => {
if (fieldName.startsWith(ext) || fieldName.endsWith(ext)) return true
def parseQueryFields(solrFields: Array[String]) : Array[QueryField] = { => {
val colonAt = f.indexOf(':') // there can be multiple colons, so just split on the first for now
if (colonAt != -1) {
val alias = f.substring(0,colonAt)
var field = f.substring(colonAt+1)
var funcReturnType : Option[DataType] = None
if (field.indexOf('(') != -1 && field.indexOf(')') != -1) {
// this is a Solr function query
val lix = field.lastIndexOf(':')
if (lix != -1) {
funcReturnType = Some(DataType.fromJson("\""+field.substring(lix+1)+"\""))
field = field.substring(0,lix) // strip off the additional type info from the function query
} else {
funcReturnType = Some(LongType)
logger.debug(s"Found a Solr function query: ${field} with return type: ${funcReturnType}")
} else if (field.equals("score")) { //Support the "score" pseudo-field as a double
funcReturnType = Some(DoubleType)
QueryField(URLDecoder.decode(field, "UTF-8"), Some(alias), funcReturnType)
} else {
def getBaseSchema(
zkHost: String,
collection: String,
numShardsToSample: Option[Int],
escapeFields: Boolean,
flattenMultivalued: Option[Boolean],
skipNonDocValueFields: Boolean,
dynamicExtensions: Set[String]): StructType =
getBaseSchema(Set.empty[String], zkHost, collection, numShardsToSample, escapeFields, flattenMultivalued, skipNonDocValueFields, dynamicExtensions)
def getBaseSchema(
fields: Set[String],
zkHost: String,
collection: String,
numShardsToSample: Option[Int],
escapeFields: Boolean,
flattenMultivalued: Option[Boolean],
skipNonDocValueFields: Boolean,
dynamicExtensions: Set[String]): StructType = {
// If the collection is empty (no documents), return an empty schema
if (SolrQuerySupport.getNumDocsFromSolr(collection, zkHost, None) == 0)
return new StructType()
val cloudClient = SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost)
val solrBaseUrl = SolrSupport.getSolrBaseUrl(zkHost)
val solrUrl = solrBaseUrl + collection + "/"
val fieldTypeMap =
if (fields.isEmpty) {
val fieldsFromLuke = SolrQuerySupport.getFieldsFromLuke(zkHost, collection, numShardsToSample)
logger.debug("Fields from luke handler: {}", fieldsFromLuke.mkString(","))
if (fieldsFromLuke.isEmpty)
return new StructType()
// Retain the keys that are present in the Luke handler
SolrQuerySupport.getFieldTypes(fieldsFromLuke, solrUrl, cloudClient, collection).filterKeys(fieldsFromLuke.contains)
} else {
SolrQuerySupport.getFieldTypes(fields, solrUrl, cloudClient, collection)
logger.debug("Fields from schema handler: {}", fieldTypeMap.keySet.mkString(","))
val structFields = new ListBuffer[StructField]
// Retain the keys that are present in the Luke handler
fieldTypeMap.foreach{ case(fieldName, fieldMeta) =>
val metadata = new MetadataBuilder
var dataType: DataType = {
if (fieldMeta.fieldTypeClass.isDefined) {
if (SolrQuerySupport.SOLR_DATA_TYPES.contains(fieldMeta.fieldTypeClass.get)) {
} else {
metadata.putString("name", fieldName)
metadata.putString("type", fieldMeta.fieldType)
val keepFieldMultivalued = if (flattenMultivalued.isEmpty) {
SolrRelationUtil.isValidDynamicFieldName(fieldName, dynamicExtensions)
} else {
if (keepFieldMultivalued && fieldMeta.isMultiValued.isDefined) {
if (fieldMeta.isMultiValued.get) {
dataType = new ArrayType(dataType, true)
metadata.putBoolean("multiValued", value = true)
if (!keepFieldMultivalued &&
fieldMeta.isMultiValued.isDefined &&
fieldMeta.isMultiValued.get &&
(dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType] ||
dataType.isInstanceOf[LongType] ||
dataType.isInstanceOf[IntegerType] ||
dataType.isInstanceOf[DoubleType] ||
dataType.isInstanceOf[FloatType])) {
* Reset the dataType to a String if
* we are flattening a multi-value
* String, Long, Integer, Double or Float field.
dataType = DataTypes.StringType
if (fieldMeta.isRequired.isDefined)
metadata.putBoolean("required", value = fieldMeta.isRequired.get)
if (fieldMeta.isDocValues.isDefined)
metadata.putBoolean("docValues", value = fieldMeta.isDocValues.get)
if (fieldMeta.isStored.isDefined)
metadata.putBoolean("stored", value = fieldMeta.isStored.get)
if (fieldMeta.fieldTypeClass.isDefined)
metadata.putString("class", fieldMeta.fieldTypeClass.get)
if (fieldMeta.dynamicBase.isDefined)
metadata.putString("dynamicBase", fieldMeta.dynamicBase.get)
val name = if (escapeFields) fieldName.replaceAll("\\.", "_") else fieldName
val structField = DataTypes.createStructField(name, dataType, !fieldMeta.isRequired.getOrElse(false),
if (skipNonDocValueFields) {
if (structField.metadata.contains("docValues") && structField.metadata.getBoolean("docValues")) {
} else {
def deriveQuerySchema(fields: Array[QueryField], schema: StructType): StructType = {
val fieldMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, StructField]()
for (structField <- schema.fields) fieldMap.put(, structField)
val listOfFields = new ListBuffer[StructField]
for (field <- fields.distinct) {
if (field.funcReturnType.isDefined) {
listOfFields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(field.alias.get, field.funcReturnType.get, false, Metadata.empty))
} else {
val fieldName =
if (fieldMap.contains(fieldName)) {
if (fieldMap.contains(fieldName)) {
val structField = fieldMap(fieldName)
if (field.alias.isDefined) {
// have to use the alias here!!
listOfFields.add(DataTypes.createStructField(field.alias.get, structField.dataType, structField.nullable, structField.metadata))
} else {
} else {"No structField definition found for field '" + fieldName + "'")
} else {
if (fieldName == "score") {
listOfFields.add(DataTypes.createStructField("score", DataTypes.DoubleType, false, Metadata.empty))
} else {"Base schema does not contain field '" + field + "'")
if (listOfFields.isEmpty) schema else DataTypes.createStructType(listOfFields.toList)
def applyDefaultFields(baseSchema: StructType, solrQuery: SolrQuery, flattenMultivalued: Boolean): Unit = {
val schemaFields = baseSchema.fields
val fieldList = new ListBuffer[String]
for (schemaField <- schemaFields) {
val meta = schemaField.metadata
val isMultiValued = if (!flattenMultivalued && meta.contains("multiValued")) meta.getBoolean("multiValued") else false
val isDocValues = if (meta.contains("docValues")) meta.getBoolean("docValues") else false
val isStored = if (meta.contains("stored")) meta.getBoolean("stored") else false
if (isStored || (isDocValues && !isMultiValued)) {
def applyFilter(filter: Filter, solrQuery: SolrQuery, baseSchema: StructType): Unit = {
filter match {
case f: And =>
val values = getAllFilterValues(f, baseSchema, ListBuffer.empty[String])
values.foreach(v => solrQuery.addFilterQuery(v))
case f: Or =>
val values = getAllFilterValues(f, baseSchema, ListBuffer.empty[String])
val fqStringBuilder = new StringBuilder
for (i <- values.indices) {
if (i == 0) fqStringBuilder.append("(")
if (i != values.size-1) {
fqStringBuilder.append(" OR ")
} else {
if (fqStringBuilder.nonEmpty) solrQuery.addFilterQuery(fqStringBuilder.toString())
case f: Not =>
f.child match {
case c : IsNull => solrQuery.addFilterQuery(fq(IsNotNull(c.attribute), baseSchema))
case _ => solrQuery.addFilterQuery("NOT " + fq(f.child, baseSchema))
case _ => solrQuery.addFilterQuery(fq(filter, baseSchema))
def getAllFilterValues(filter: Filter, baseSchema: StructType, values: ListBuffer[String]): List[String] = {
filter match {
case f: And =>
f.left match {
case l: And => getAllFilterValues(l, baseSchema, values)
case l: Or =>
val nestedFqs = getAllFilterValues(l, baseSchema, ListBuffer.empty[String])
val singleFq = s"(${nestedFqs.mkString(" OR ")})"
case l: Not =>
l.child match {
case c : IsNull => values.+=(fq(IsNotNull(c.attribute), baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=("NOT " + fq(l.child, baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=(fq(f.left, baseSchema))
f.right match {
case r: And => getAllFilterValues(r, baseSchema, values)
case r: Or =>
val nestedFqs = getAllFilterValues(r, baseSchema, ListBuffer.empty[String])
val singleFq = s"(${nestedFqs.mkString(" OR ")})"
case r: Not =>
r.child match {
case c : IsNull => values.+=(fq(IsNotNull(c.attribute), baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=("NOT " + fq(r.child, baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=(fq(f.right, baseSchema))
case f: Or =>
f.left match {
case l: Or => getAllFilterValues(l, baseSchema, values)
case l: And =>
val nestedFqs = getAllFilterValues(l, baseSchema, ListBuffer.empty[String])
val singleFq = s"(${nestedFqs.mkString(" AND ")})"
case l: Not =>
l.child match {
case c : IsNull => values.+=(fq(IsNotNull(c.attribute), baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=("NOT " + fq(l.child, baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=(fq(f.left, baseSchema))
f.right match {
case r: Or => getAllFilterValues(r, baseSchema, values)
case r: And =>
val nestedFqs = getAllFilterValues(r, baseSchema, ListBuffer.empty[String])
val singleFq = s"(${nestedFqs.mkString(" AND ")})"
case r: Not =>
r.child match {
case c : IsNull => values.+=(fq(IsNotNull(c.attribute), baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=("NOT " + fq(r.child, baseSchema))
case _ => values.+=(fq(f.right, baseSchema))
def getFilterValue(attr: String, value: String, baseSchema: StructType) = {
val fieldType = baseSchema(attr)
fieldType.dataType match {
case TimestampType => convertToISO(value)
case _ => value
def convertToISO(ts: String): String = {
val unixSeconds = Timestamp.valueOf(ts).getTime
val isoValue = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().withZoneUTC().print(unixSeconds)
String.format("\"%s\"", isoValue)
def fq(filter: Filter, baseSchema: StructType): String = {
var negate = ""
var crit : Option[String] = None
var attr: Option[String] = None
filter match {
case f: EqualTo =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
val equalToValue: String = getFilterValue(f.attribute, String.valueOf(f.value), baseSchema)
if (equalToValue.startsWith("\"") && equalToValue.endsWith("\"")) {
crit = Some(equalToValue)
} else {
// Surround the value with double quotes to escape special characters in Strings
crit = Some(s""""$equalToValue"""")
case f: EqualNullSafe =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some(getFilterValue(f.attribute, String.valueOf(f.value), baseSchema))
case f: GreaterThan =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("{" + getFilterValue(f.attribute, String.valueOf(f.value), baseSchema)+ " TO *]")
case f: GreaterThanOrEqual =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("[" + getFilterValue(f.attribute, String.valueOf(f.value), baseSchema)+ " TO *]")
case f: LessThan =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("[* TO " + getFilterValue(f.attribute, String.valueOf(f.value), baseSchema)+ "}")
case f: LessThanOrEqual =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("[* TO " + getFilterValue(f.attribute, String.valueOf(f.value), baseSchema)+ "]")
case f: In =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
val sb = new StringBuilder()
val values = f.values
values.zipWithIndex.foreach{case(value, i) =>
if (i>0) sb.append(" ")
crit = Some(sb.result())
case f: IsNotNull =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("[* TO *]")
case f: IsNull =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("[* TO *]")
negate = "-"
case f: StringContains =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("(*" + f.value + "*)")
case f: StringEndsWith =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("(*" + f.value + ")")
case f: StringStartsWith =>
attr = Some(f.attribute)
crit = Some("(" + f.value + "*)")
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Filters of type '" + filter + " (" + filter.getClass.getName + ")' not supported!")
if (attr.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not get filter attribute for '" + filter + " (" + filter.getClass.getName + ")'")
if (attr.isEmpty)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not get filter criteria for '" + filter + " (" + filter.getClass.getName + ")'")
negate + attributeToFieldName(attr.get, baseSchema) + ":" + crit.get
def attributeToFieldName(attr: String, baseSchema: StructType): String = {
val fieldMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, StructField]()
for (schemaField <- baseSchema.fields) fieldMap.put(, schemaField)
if (fieldMap.contains(attr)) {
val structField = fieldMap.get(attr.replaceAll("`", ""))
if (structField.isDefined) {
val meta = structField.get.metadata
if (meta.contains("name")) meta.getString("name") else
} else {
} else {
def setAliases(fields: Array[String], solrQuery: SolrQuery, schema: StructType) = {
val fieldMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, StructField]()
for (structField <- schema.fields) fieldMap.put(, structField)
val fieldList = new ListBuffer[String]
for (field <- fields) {
if (fieldMap.contains(field)) {
if (fieldMap.contains(field)) {
val structField = fieldMap(field)
val metadata = structField.metadata
val fieldName = if (metadata.contains("name")) metadata.getString("name") else field
val isMultiValued = if (metadata.contains("multiValued")) metadata.getBoolean("multiValued") else false
val isDocValues = if (metadata.contains("docValues")) metadata.getBoolean("docValues") else false
val isStored = if (metadata.contains("stored")) metadata.getBoolean("stored") else false
if (!isStored && isDocValues && !isMultiValued) {
fieldList.add( + ":field(" + fieldName + ")")
} else {
fieldList.add( + ":" + fieldName)
} else {
fieldList.add(field)"StructField def. not found for field '" + field + "' in the base schema")
} else {
fieldList.add(field)"Field '" + field + "' not found in the schema")
def toRows(schema: StructType, docs:RDD[_]): RDD[Row] = {
docs match {
case streamingRDD: StreamingSolrRDD => solrDocToRows[util.Map[_,_]](schema, streamingRDD)
case selectRDD: SelectSolrRDD => solrDocToRows[SolrDocument](schema, selectRDD)
case _ => throw new Exception("Unknown SolrRDD type")
def processFieldValue(fieldValue: Any, fieldType: DataType, multiValued: Boolean): Any = {
fieldValue match {
case d: Date => new Timestamp(d.getTime)
case s: String =>
// This is a workaround. When date fields are streamed through export handler, they are represented with String class type
if (fieldType.eq(TimestampType)) new Timestamp(DateTime.parse(s).getMillis)
else s
case i: java.lang.Integer => {
fieldType match {
case it: IntegerType => i
case lt: LongType => new java.lang.Long(i.longValue())
case st: StringType => i.toString
case ft: FloatType => new java.lang.Float(i.floatValue())
case dt: DoubleType => new java.lang.Double(i.doubleValue())
case ht: ShortType => new java.lang.Short(i.shortValue())
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Integer value ${i} to ${fieldType}")
case l: java.lang.Long => {
fieldType match {
case lt: LongType => l
case st: StringType => l.toString
case dt: DoubleType => new java.lang.Double(l.doubleValue())
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Long value ${l} to ${fieldType}")
case f: java.lang.Float => {
fieldType match {
case ft: FloatType => f
case st: StringType => f.toString
case lt: LongType => new java.lang.Long(f.longValue())
case dt: DoubleType => new java.lang.Double(f.doubleValue())
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Float value ${f} to ${fieldType}")
case d: java.lang.Double => {
fieldType match {
case dt: DoubleType => d
case lt: LongType => new java.lang.Long(d.longValue())
case st: StringType => d.toString
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Double value ${d} to ${fieldType}")
case n: java.lang.Number => {
fieldType match {
case it: IntegerType => new Integer(n.intValue())
case lt: LongType => new java.lang.Long(n.longValue())
case st: StringType => n.toString
case ft: FloatType => new java.lang.Float(n.floatValue())
case dt: DoubleType => new java.lang.Double(n.doubleValue())
case ht: ShortType => new java.lang.Short(n.shortValue())
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert number value ${n} (${n.getClass.getName}) to ${fieldType}")
case al: java.util.ArrayList[_] =>
val jlist = {
case d: Date => new Timestamp(d.getTime)
case s: String => {
fieldType match {
case at: ArrayType => if (at.elementType.eq(TimestampType)) new Timestamp(DateTime.parse(s).getMillis) else s
case _: TimestampType => new Timestamp(DateTime.parse(s).getMillis)
case _ => s
case i: java.lang.Integer => new java.lang.Long(i.longValue())
case f: java.lang.Float => new java.lang.Double(f.doubleValue())
case v => v
val jlistArray = jlist.toArray
if (multiValued)
else {
if (jlistArray.nonEmpty) jlistArray(0) else null
case it : Iterable[_] =>
val iterableValues = {
case d: Date => new Timestamp(d.getTime)
case s: String =>
fieldType match {
case at: ArrayType => if (at.elementType.eq(TimestampType)) new Timestamp(DateTime.parse(s).getMillis) else s
case _: TimestampType => new Timestamp(DateTime.parse(s).getMillis)
case _ => s
case i: java.lang.Integer => new java.lang.Long(i.longValue())
case f: java.lang.Float => new java.lang.Double(f.doubleValue())
case v => v
val iterArray = iterableValues.toArray
if (multiValued)
else {
if (iterArray.nonEmpty) iterArray(0) else null
case i: Int => {
fieldType match {
case _: IntegerType => i
case _: LongType => new java.lang.Long(i.longValue())
case _: StringType => i.toString
case _: FloatType => new java.lang.Float(i.floatValue())
case _: DoubleType => new java.lang.Double(i.doubleValue())
case _: ShortType => new java.lang.Short(i.shortValue())
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Integer value ${i} to ${fieldType}")
case l: Long => {
fieldType match {
case _: LongType => l
case _: StringType => l.toString
case _: DoubleType => new java.lang.Double(l.doubleValue())
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Long value ${l} to ${fieldType}")
case f: Float => {
fieldType match {
case _: FloatType => f
case _: StringType => f.toString
case _: LongType => new java.lang.Long(f.longValue())
case _: DoubleType => new java.lang.Double(f.doubleValue())
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Float value ${f} to ${fieldType}")
case d: Double => {
fieldType match {
case _: DoubleType => d
case _: LongType => new java.lang.Long(d.longValue())
case _: StringType => d.toString
case _ => throw new MatchError(s"Can't convert Double value ${d} to ${fieldType}")
case a => a
def processMultipleFieldValues(fieldValues: util.Collection[Object], fieldType: DataType): Array[AnyRef] = {
if (fieldValues != null) {
val iterableValues = fieldValues.iterator().map {
case d: Date => new Timestamp(d.getTime)
case s: String => {
fieldType match {
// This is a workaround. When date fields are streamed through export handler, they are represented with String class type
case t: ArrayType =>
if (t.asInstanceOf[ArrayType].elementType.eq(TimestampType))
new Timestamp(DateTime.parse(s).getMillis)
case _ => s
case i: java.lang.Integer => new java.lang.Long(i.longValue())
case f: java.lang.Float => new java.lang.Double(f.doubleValue())
case a => a
} else {
def solrDocToRows[T](schema: StructType, docs: RDD[T]): RDD[Row] = {
val fields = schema.fields
val rows = => {
val values = new ListBuffer[Any]
for (field <- fields) {
val metadata = field.metadata
val fieldType = schema.get(schema.indexOf(field)).dataType
val isMultiValued = if (metadata.contains("multiValued")) metadata.getBoolean("multiValued") else false
if (isMultiValued) {
doc match {
case solrDocument: SolrDocument =>
val fieldValues = solrDocument.getFieldValues(
values.add(processMultipleFieldValues(fieldValues, fieldType))
case map: util.Map[_,_] =>
if (map.containsKey( {
val obj = map.get([Object]
val newValue = processFieldValue(obj, fieldType, multiValued = true)
newValue match {
case arr: Array[_] => values.add(arr)
case any => values.add(Array(any))
} else {
} else {
doc match {
case solrDocument: SolrDocument =>
val obj = solrDocument.get(
val newValue = processSingleValue(obj, fieldType)
if (metadata.contains(Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE) && metadata.getBoolean(Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE)) {
newValue match {
case n: java.lang.Number => values.add(n.doubleValue())
case a => values.add(a)
} else {
case map: util.Map[_,_] =>
val obj = map.get([Object]
val newValue = processSingleValue(obj, fieldType)
if (metadata.contains(Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE) && metadata.getBoolean(Constants.PROMOTE_TO_DOUBLE)) {
newValue match {
case n: java.lang.Number => values.add(n.doubleValue())
case a => values.add(a)
} else {
def processSingleValue(obj: Any, fieldType: DataType): Any = {
obj match {
case l: java.util.List[Object] => {
* Field is single valued in the schema but has a List of values.
* Most likely field flattening is on.
fieldType match {
case StringType => {
* Field is a String so let's serialize the list to a String.
* Numerics (int, long, float, double) will also report to be String when flattened.
getFieldValueForList (l)
case any => {
* Not String or numeric reporting to be a String. So let's process the field
* the default way.
processFieldValue(obj, fieldType, multiValued = false)
case any => {
processFieldValue(obj, fieldType, multiValued = false)
def setAutoSoftCommit(zkHost: String, collection: String, softAutoCommitMs: Int): Unit = {
val configJson = "{\"set-property\":{\"updateHandler.autoSoftCommit.maxTime\":\""+softAutoCommitMs+"\"}}";"POSTing: " + configJson + " to collection " + collection)
val solrRequest = new GenericSolrRequest(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST, "/config", null)
solrRequest.setContentWriter(new StringPayloadContentWriter(configJson, CommonParams.JSON_MIME))
try {
solrRequest.process(SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost), collection)
} catch {
case e: Exception => logger.error("Error setting softAutoCommit.maxTime. Exception: {}", e.getMessage)
def getFieldValueForList(values: java.util.List[Object]): String = {
if(values != null && values.size() > 0) {
if(values.get(0).isInstanceOf[Number]) {
values.mkString(", ")
} else {
values.mkString("\"", "\", \"", "\"")
} else {
// Deal with commas inside quotes like filters=a:"b, c",d:"e",c:"e, g,h"
def parseCommaSeparatedValuesToList(filters: String): List[String] = {
val filterList = ListBuffer.empty[String]
var start = 0
var inQuotes = false
for ((c, i) <- filters.zipWithIndex) {
if (c == '\"') inQuotes = !inQuotes
else if (c == ',' && !inQuotes) {
filterList.+=(filters.substring(start, i).trim)
start = i + 1
if (i == filters.length-1) filterList.+=(filters.substring(start).trim)
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