org.spongycastle.math.ec.ECFieldElement Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Spongy Castle is a package-rename (org.bouncycastle.* to org.spongycastle.*) of Bouncy Castle
intended for the Android platform. Android unfortunately ships with a stripped-down version of
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up-to-date version of the Bouncy Castle cryptographic libs.
package org.spongycastle.math.ec;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Random;
import org.spongycastle.math.raw.Mod;
import org.spongycastle.math.raw.Nat;
import org.spongycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.spongycastle.util.BigIntegers;
public abstract class ECFieldElement
implements ECConstants
public abstract BigInteger toBigInteger();
public abstract String getFieldName();
public abstract int getFieldSize();
public abstract ECFieldElement add(ECFieldElement b);
public abstract ECFieldElement addOne();
public abstract ECFieldElement subtract(ECFieldElement b);
public abstract ECFieldElement multiply(ECFieldElement b);
public abstract ECFieldElement divide(ECFieldElement b);
public abstract ECFieldElement negate();
public abstract ECFieldElement square();
public abstract ECFieldElement invert();
public abstract ECFieldElement sqrt();
public int bitLength()
return toBigInteger().bitLength();
public boolean isOne()
return bitLength() == 1;
public boolean isZero()
return 0 == toBigInteger().signum();
public ECFieldElement multiplyMinusProduct(ECFieldElement b, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
return multiply(b).subtract(x.multiply(y));
public ECFieldElement multiplyPlusProduct(ECFieldElement b, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
return multiply(b).add(x.multiply(y));
public ECFieldElement squareMinusProduct(ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
return square().subtract(x.multiply(y));
public ECFieldElement squarePlusProduct(ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
return square().add(x.multiply(y));
public ECFieldElement squarePow(int pow)
ECFieldElement r = this;
for (int i = 0; i < pow; ++i)
r = r.square();
return r;
public boolean testBitZero()
return toBigInteger().testBit(0);
public String toString()
return this.toBigInteger().toString(16);
public byte[] getEncoded()
return BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray((getFieldSize() + 7) / 8, toBigInteger());
public static class Fp extends ECFieldElement
BigInteger q, r, x;
static BigInteger calculateResidue(BigInteger p)
int bitLength = p.bitLength();
if (bitLength >= 96)
BigInteger firstWord = p.shiftRight(bitLength - 64);
if (firstWord.longValue() == -1L)
return ONE.shiftLeft(bitLength).subtract(p);
return null;
* @deprecated Use ECCurve.fromBigInteger to construct field elements
public Fp(BigInteger q, BigInteger x)
this(q, calculateResidue(q), x);
Fp(BigInteger q, BigInteger r, BigInteger x)
if (x == null || x.signum() < 0 || x.compareTo(q) >= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("x value invalid in Fp field element");
this.q = q;
this.r = r;
this.x = x;
public BigInteger toBigInteger()
return x;
* return the field name for this field.
* @return the string "Fp".
public String getFieldName()
return "Fp";
public int getFieldSize()
return q.bitLength();
public BigInteger getQ()
return q;
public ECFieldElement add(ECFieldElement b)
return new Fp(q, r, modAdd(x, b.toBigInteger()));
public ECFieldElement addOne()
BigInteger x2 = x.add(ECConstants.ONE);
if (x2.compareTo(q) == 0)
x2 = ECConstants.ZERO;
return new Fp(q, r, x2);
public ECFieldElement subtract(ECFieldElement b)
return new Fp(q, r, modSubtract(x, b.toBigInteger()));
public ECFieldElement multiply(ECFieldElement b)
return new Fp(q, r, modMult(x, b.toBigInteger()));
public ECFieldElement multiplyMinusProduct(ECFieldElement b, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
BigInteger ax = this.x, bx = b.toBigInteger(), xx = x.toBigInteger(), yx = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ab = ax.multiply(bx);
BigInteger xy = xx.multiply(yx);
return new Fp(q, r, modReduce(ab.subtract(xy)));
public ECFieldElement multiplyPlusProduct(ECFieldElement b, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
BigInteger ax = this.x, bx = b.toBigInteger(), xx = x.toBigInteger(), yx = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ab = ax.multiply(bx);
BigInteger xy = xx.multiply(yx);
return new Fp(q, r, modReduce(ab.add(xy)));
public ECFieldElement divide(ECFieldElement b)
return new Fp(q, r, modMult(x, modInverse(b.toBigInteger())));
public ECFieldElement negate()
return x.signum() == 0 ? this : new Fp(q, r, q.subtract(x));
public ECFieldElement square()
return new Fp(q, r, modMult(x, x));
public ECFieldElement squareMinusProduct(ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
BigInteger ax = this.x, xx = x.toBigInteger(), yx = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger aa = ax.multiply(ax);
BigInteger xy = xx.multiply(yx);
return new Fp(q, r, modReduce(aa.subtract(xy)));
public ECFieldElement squarePlusProduct(ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
BigInteger ax = this.x, xx = x.toBigInteger(), yx = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger aa = ax.multiply(ax);
BigInteger xy = xx.multiply(yx);
return new Fp(q, r, modReduce(aa.add(xy)));
public ECFieldElement invert()
// TODO Modular inversion can be faster for a (Generalized) Mersenne Prime.
return new Fp(q, r, modInverse(x));
// D.1.4 91
* return a sqrt root - the routine verifies that the calculation
* returns the right value - if none exists it returns null.
public ECFieldElement sqrt()
if (this.isZero() || this.isOne()) // earlier JDK compatibility
return this;
if (!q.testBit(0))
throw new RuntimeException("not done yet");
// note: even though this class implements ECConstants don't be tempted to
// remove the explicit declaration, some J2ME environments don't cope.
if (q.testBit(1)) // q == 4m + 3
BigInteger e = q.shiftRight(2).add(ECConstants.ONE);
return checkSqrt(new Fp(q, r, x.modPow(e, q)));
if (q.testBit(2)) // q == 8m + 5
BigInteger t1 = x.modPow(q.shiftRight(3), q);
BigInteger t2 = modMult(t1, x);
BigInteger t3 = modMult(t2, t1);
if (t3.equals(ECConstants.ONE))
return checkSqrt(new Fp(q, r, t2));
// TODO This is constant and could be precomputed
BigInteger t4 = ECConstants.TWO.modPow(q.shiftRight(2), q);
BigInteger y = modMult(t2, t4);
return checkSqrt(new Fp(q, r, y));
// q == 8m + 1
BigInteger legendreExponent = q.shiftRight(1);
if (!(x.modPow(legendreExponent, q).equals(ECConstants.ONE)))
return null;
BigInteger X = this.x;
BigInteger fourX = modDouble(modDouble(X));
BigInteger k = legendreExponent.add(ECConstants.ONE), qMinusOne = q.subtract(ECConstants.ONE);
BigInteger U, V;
Random rand = new Random();
BigInteger P;
P = new BigInteger(q.bitLength(), rand);
while (P.compareTo(q) >= 0
|| !modReduce(P.multiply(P).subtract(fourX)).modPow(legendreExponent, q).equals(qMinusOne));
BigInteger[] result = lucasSequence(P, X, k);
U = result[0];
V = result[1];
if (modMult(V, V).equals(fourX))
return new ECFieldElement.Fp(q, r, modHalfAbs(V));
while (U.equals(ECConstants.ONE) || U.equals(qMinusOne));
return null;
private ECFieldElement checkSqrt(ECFieldElement z)
return z.square().equals(this) ? z : null;
private BigInteger[] lucasSequence(
BigInteger P,
BigInteger Q,
BigInteger k)
// TODO Research and apply "common-multiplicand multiplication here"
int n = k.bitLength();
int s = k.getLowestSetBit();
// assert k.testBit(s);
BigInteger Uh = ECConstants.ONE;
BigInteger Vl = ECConstants.TWO;
BigInteger Vh = P;
BigInteger Ql = ECConstants.ONE;
BigInteger Qh = ECConstants.ONE;
for (int j = n - 1; j >= s + 1; --j)
Ql = modMult(Ql, Qh);
if (k.testBit(j))
Qh = modMult(Ql, Q);
Uh = modMult(Uh, Vh);
Vl = modReduce(Vh.multiply(Vl).subtract(P.multiply(Ql)));
Vh = modReduce(Vh.multiply(Vh).subtract(Qh.shiftLeft(1)));
Qh = Ql;
Uh = modReduce(Uh.multiply(Vl).subtract(Ql));
Vh = modReduce(Vh.multiply(Vl).subtract(P.multiply(Ql)));
Vl = modReduce(Vl.multiply(Vl).subtract(Ql.shiftLeft(1)));
Ql = modMult(Ql, Qh);
Qh = modMult(Ql, Q);
Uh = modReduce(Uh.multiply(Vl).subtract(Ql));
Vl = modReduce(Vh.multiply(Vl).subtract(P.multiply(Ql)));
Ql = modMult(Ql, Qh);
for (int j = 1; j <= s; ++j)
Uh = modMult(Uh, Vl);
Vl = modReduce(Vl.multiply(Vl).subtract(Ql.shiftLeft(1)));
Ql = modMult(Ql, Ql);
return new BigInteger[]{ Uh, Vl };
protected BigInteger modAdd(BigInteger x1, BigInteger x2)
BigInteger x3 = x1.add(x2);
if (x3.compareTo(q) >= 0)
x3 = x3.subtract(q);
return x3;
protected BigInteger modDouble(BigInteger x)
BigInteger _2x = x.shiftLeft(1);
if (_2x.compareTo(q) >= 0)
_2x = _2x.subtract(q);
return _2x;
protected BigInteger modHalf(BigInteger x)
if (x.testBit(0))
x = q.add(x);
return x.shiftRight(1);
protected BigInteger modHalfAbs(BigInteger x)
if (x.testBit(0))
x = q.subtract(x);
return x.shiftRight(1);
protected BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger x)
int bits = getFieldSize();
int len = (bits + 31) >> 5;
int[] p = Nat.fromBigInteger(bits, q);
int[] n = Nat.fromBigInteger(bits, x);
int[] z = Nat.create(len);
Mod.invert(p, n, z);
return Nat.toBigInteger(len, z);
protected BigInteger modMult(BigInteger x1, BigInteger x2)
return modReduce(x1.multiply(x2));
protected BigInteger modReduce(BigInteger x)
if (r != null)
boolean negative = x.signum() < 0;
if (negative)
x = x.abs();
int qLen = q.bitLength();
boolean rIsOne = r.equals(ECConstants.ONE);
while (x.bitLength() > (qLen + 1))
BigInteger u = x.shiftRight(qLen);
BigInteger v = x.subtract(u.shiftLeft(qLen));
if (!rIsOne)
u = u.multiply(r);
x = u.add(v);
while (x.compareTo(q) >= 0)
x = x.subtract(q);
if (negative && x.signum() != 0)
x = q.subtract(x);
x = x.mod(q);
return x;
protected BigInteger modSubtract(BigInteger x1, BigInteger x2)
BigInteger x3 = x1.subtract(x2);
if (x3.signum() < 0)
x3 = x3.add(q);
return x3;
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (other == this)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof ECFieldElement.Fp))
return false;
ECFieldElement.Fp o = (ECFieldElement.Fp)other;
return q.equals(o.q) && x.equals(o.x);
public int hashCode()
return q.hashCode() ^ x.hashCode();
* Class representing the Elements of the finite field
* F2m
in polynomial basis (PB)
* representation. Both trinomial (TPB) and pentanomial (PPB) polynomial
* basis representations are supported. Gaussian normal basis (GNB)
* representation is not supported.
public static class F2m extends ECFieldElement
* Indicates gaussian normal basis representation (GNB). Number chosen
* according to X9.62. GNB is not implemented at present.
public static final int GNB = 1;
* Indicates trinomial basis representation (TPB). Number chosen
* according to X9.62.
public static final int TPB = 2;
* Indicates pentanomial basis representation (PPB). Number chosen
* according to X9.62.
public static final int PPB = 3;
* TPB or PPB.
private int representation;
* The exponent m
of F2m
private int m;
private int[] ks;
* The LongArray
holding the bits.
private LongArray x;
* Constructor for PPB.
* @param m The exponent m
* F2m
* @param k1 The integer k1
where xm +
* xk3 + xk2 + xk1 + 1
* represents the reduction polynomial f(z)
* @param k2 The integer k2
where xm +
* xk3 + xk2 + xk1 + 1
* represents the reduction polynomial f(z)
* @param k3 The integer k3
where xm +
* xk3 + xk2 + xk1 + 1
* represents the reduction polynomial f(z)
* @param x The BigInteger representing the value of the field element.
* @deprecated Use ECCurve.fromBigInteger to construct field elements
public F2m(
int m,
int k1,
int k2,
int k3,
BigInteger x)
if (x == null || x.signum() < 0 || x.bitLength() > m)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("x value invalid in F2m field element");
if ((k2 == 0) && (k3 == 0))
this.representation = TPB;
this.ks = new int[]{ k1 };
if (k2 >= k3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"k2 must be smaller than k3");
if (k2 <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"k2 must be larger than 0");
this.representation = PPB;
this.ks = new int[]{ k1, k2, k3 };
this.m = m;
this.x = new LongArray(x);
* Constructor for TPB.
* @param m The exponent m
* F2m
* @param k The integer k
where xm +
* xk + 1
represents the reduction
* polynomial f(z)
* @param x The BigInteger representing the value of the field element.
* @deprecated Use ECCurve.fromBigInteger to construct field elements
public F2m(int m, int k, BigInteger x)
// Set k1 to k, and set k2 and k3 to 0
this(m, k, 0, 0, x);
private F2m(int m, int[] ks, LongArray x)
this.m = m;
this.representation = (ks.length == 1) ? TPB : PPB;
this.ks = ks;
this.x = x;
public int bitLength()
return x.degree();
public boolean isOne()
return x.isOne();
public boolean isZero()
return x.isZero();
public boolean testBitZero()
return x.testBitZero();
public BigInteger toBigInteger()
return x.toBigInteger();
public String getFieldName()
return "F2m";
public int getFieldSize()
return m;
* Checks, if the ECFieldElements a
and b
* are elements of the same field F2m
* (having the same representation).
* @param a field element.
* @param b field element to be compared.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a
and b
* are not elements of the same field
* F2m
(having the same
* representation).
public static void checkFieldElements(
ECFieldElement a,
ECFieldElement b)
if ((!(a instanceof F2m)) || (!(b instanceof F2m)))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field elements are not "
+ "both instances of ECFieldElement.F2m");
ECFieldElement.F2m aF2m = (ECFieldElement.F2m)a;
ECFieldElement.F2m bF2m = (ECFieldElement.F2m)b;
if (aF2m.representation != bF2m.representation)
// Should never occur
throw new IllegalArgumentException("One of the F2m field elements has incorrect representation");
if ((aF2m.m != bF2m.m) || !Arrays.areEqual(aF2m.ks, bF2m.ks))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Field elements are not elements of the same field F2m");
public ECFieldElement add(final ECFieldElement b)
// No check performed here for performance reasons. Instead the
// elements involved are checked in ECPoint.F2m
// checkFieldElements(this, b);
LongArray iarrClone = (LongArray)this.x.clone();
F2m bF2m = (F2m)b;
iarrClone.addShiftedByWords(bF2m.x, 0);
return new F2m(m, ks, iarrClone);
public ECFieldElement addOne()
return new F2m(m, ks, x.addOne());
public ECFieldElement subtract(final ECFieldElement b)
// Addition and subtraction are the same in F2m
return add(b);
public ECFieldElement multiply(final ECFieldElement b)
// Right-to-left comb multiplication in the LongArray
// Input: Binary polynomials a(z) and b(z) of degree at most m-1
// Output: c(z) = a(z) * b(z) mod f(z)
// No check performed here for performance reasons. Instead the
// elements involved are checked in ECPoint.F2m
// checkFieldElements(this, b);
return new F2m(m, ks, x.modMultiply(((F2m)b).x, m, ks));
public ECFieldElement multiplyMinusProduct(ECFieldElement b, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
return multiplyPlusProduct(b, x, y);
public ECFieldElement multiplyPlusProduct(ECFieldElement b, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
LongArray ax = this.x, bx = ((F2m)b).x, xx = ((F2m)x).x, yx = ((F2m)y).x;
LongArray ab = ax.multiply(bx, m, ks);
LongArray xy = xx.multiply(yx, m, ks);
if (ab == ax || ab == bx)
ab = (LongArray)ab.clone();
ab.addShiftedByWords(xy, 0);
ab.reduce(m, ks);
return new F2m(m, ks, ab);
public ECFieldElement divide(final ECFieldElement b)
// There may be more efficient implementations
ECFieldElement bInv = b.invert();
return multiply(bInv);
public ECFieldElement negate()
// -x == x holds for all x in F2m
return this;
public ECFieldElement square()
return new F2m(m, ks, x.modSquare(m, ks));
public ECFieldElement squareMinusProduct(ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
return squarePlusProduct(x, y);
public ECFieldElement squarePlusProduct(ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
LongArray ax = this.x, xx = ((F2m)x).x, yx = ((F2m)y).x;
LongArray aa = ax.square(m, ks);
LongArray xy = xx.multiply(yx, m, ks);
if (aa == ax)
aa = (LongArray)aa.clone();
aa.addShiftedByWords(xy, 0);
aa.reduce(m, ks);
return new F2m(m, ks, aa);
public ECFieldElement squarePow(int pow)
return pow < 1 ? this : new F2m(m, ks, x.modSquareN(pow, m, ks));
public ECFieldElement invert()
return new ECFieldElement.F2m(this.m, this.ks, this.x.modInverse(m, ks));
public ECFieldElement sqrt()
return (x.isZero() || x.isOne()) ? this : squarePow(m - 1);
* @return the representation of the field
* F2m
, either of
* TPB (trinomial
* basis representation) or
* PPB (pentanomial
* basis representation).
public int getRepresentation()
return this.representation;
* @return the degree m
of the reduction polynomial
* f(z)
public int getM()
return this.m;
* @return TPB: The integer k
where xm +
* xk + 1
represents the reduction polynomial
* f(z)
* PPB: The integer k1
where xm +
* xk3 + xk2 + xk1 + 1
* represents the reduction polynomial f(z)
public int getK1()
return this.ks[0];
* @return TPB: Always returns 0
* PPB: The integer k2
where xm +
* xk3 + xk2 + xk1 + 1
* represents the reduction polynomial f(z)
public int getK2()
return this.ks.length >= 2 ? this.ks[1] : 0;
* @return TPB: Always set to 0
* PPB: The integer k3
where xm +
* xk3 + xk2 + xk1 + 1
* represents the reduction polynomial f(z)
public int getK3()
return this.ks.length >= 3 ? this.ks[2] : 0;
public boolean equals(Object anObject)
if (anObject == this)
return true;
if (!(anObject instanceof ECFieldElement.F2m))
return false;
ECFieldElement.F2m b = (ECFieldElement.F2m)anObject;
return ((this.m == b.m)
&& (this.representation == b.representation)
&& Arrays.areEqual(this.ks, b.ks)
&& (this.x.equals(b.x)));
public int hashCode()
return x.hashCode() ^ m ^ Arrays.hashCode(ks);
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