org.spongycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.dh.IESCipher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Spongy Castle is a package-rename (org.bouncycastle.* to org.spongycastle.*) of Bouncy Castle
intended for the Android platform. Android unfortunately ships with a stripped-down version of
Bouncy Castle, which prevents easy upgrades - Spongy Castle overcomes this and provides a full,
up-to-date version of the Bouncy Castle cryptographic libs.
The newest version!
package org.spongycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.dh;
import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.CipherSpi;
import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
import javax.crypto.ShortBufferException;
import javax.crypto.interfaces.DHKey;
import javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPrivateKey;
import javax.crypto.interfaces.DHPublicKey;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.InvalidCipherTextException;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.KeyEncoder;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.agreement.DHBasicAgreement;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.engines.AESEngine;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.engines.DESedeEngine;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.engines.IESEngine;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.generators.DHKeyPairGenerator;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.generators.EphemeralKeyPairGenerator;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.generators.KDF2BytesGenerator;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.macs.HMac;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.modes.CBCBlockCipher;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.paddings.PaddedBufferedBlockCipher;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.AsymmetricKeyParameter;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.DHKeyGenerationParameters;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.DHKeyParameters;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.DHParameters;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.DHPublicKeyParameters;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.IESWithCipherParameters;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.parsers.DHIESPublicKeyParser;
import org.spongycastle.crypto.util.DigestFactory;
import org.spongycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.util.DHUtil;
import org.spongycastle.jcajce.provider.asymmetric.util.IESUtil;
import org.spongycastle.jcajce.provider.util.BadBlockException;
import org.spongycastle.jcajce.util.BCJcaJceHelper;
import org.spongycastle.jcajce.util.JcaJceHelper;
import org.spongycastle.jce.interfaces.IESKey;
import org.spongycastle.jce.spec.IESParameterSpec;
import org.spongycastle.util.BigIntegers;
import org.spongycastle.util.Strings;
public class IESCipher
extends CipherSpi
private final JcaJceHelper helper = new BCJcaJceHelper();
private final int ivLength;
private IESEngine engine;
private int state = -1;
private ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
private AlgorithmParameters engineParam = null;
private IESParameterSpec engineSpec = null;
private AsymmetricKeyParameter key;
private SecureRandom random;
private boolean dhaesMode = false;
private AsymmetricKeyParameter otherKeyParameter = null;
public IESCipher(IESEngine engine)
this.engine = engine;
this.ivLength = 0;
public IESCipher(IESEngine engine, int ivLength)
this.engine = engine;
this.ivLength = ivLength;
public int engineGetBlockSize()
if (engine.getCipher() != null)
return engine.getCipher().getBlockSize();
return 0;
public int engineGetKeySize(Key key)
if (key instanceof DHKey)
return ((DHKey)key).getParams().getP().bitLength();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a DH key");
public byte[] engineGetIV()
if (engineSpec != null)
return engineSpec.getNonce();
return null;
public AlgorithmParameters engineGetParameters()
if (engineParam == null && engineSpec != null)
engineParam = helper.createAlgorithmParameters("IES");
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
return engineParam;
public void engineSetMode(String mode)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
String modeName = Strings.toUpperCase(mode);
if (modeName.equals("NONE"))
dhaesMode = false;
else if (modeName.equals("DHAES"))
dhaesMode = true;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't support mode " + mode);
public int engineGetOutputSize(int inputLen)
int len1, len2, len3;
if (key == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("cipher not initialised");
len1 = engine.getMac().getMacSize();
if (otherKeyParameter == null)
len2 = 1 + 2 * (((DHKeyParameters)key).getParameters().getP().bitLength() + 7) / 8;
len2 = 0;
if (engine.getCipher() == null)
len3 = inputLen;
else if (state == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE || state == Cipher.WRAP_MODE)
len3 = engine.getCipher().getOutputSize(inputLen);
else if (state == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE || state == Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE)
len3 = engine.getCipher().getOutputSize(inputLen - len1 - len2);
throw new IllegalStateException("cipher not initialised");
if (state == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE || state == Cipher.WRAP_MODE)
return buffer.size() + len1 + len2 + len3;
else if (state == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE || state == Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE)
return buffer.size() - len1 - len2 + len3;
throw new IllegalStateException("IESCipher not initialised");
public void engineSetPadding(String padding)
throws NoSuchPaddingException
String paddingName = Strings.toUpperCase(padding);
// TDOD: make this meaningful...
if (paddingName.equals("NOPADDING"))
else if (paddingName.equals("PKCS5PADDING") || paddingName.equals("PKCS7PADDING"))
throw new NoSuchPaddingException("padding not available with IESCipher");
// Initialisation methods
public void engineInit(
int opmode,
Key key,
AlgorithmParameters params,
SecureRandom random)
throws InvalidKeyException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException
AlgorithmParameterSpec paramSpec = null;
if (params != null)
paramSpec = params.getParameterSpec(IESParameterSpec.class);
catch (Exception e)
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("cannot recognise parameters: " + e.toString());
engineParam = params;
engineInit(opmode, key, paramSpec, random);
public void engineInit(
int opmode,
Key key,
AlgorithmParameterSpec engineSpec,
SecureRandom random)
throws InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException
// Use default parameters (including cipher key size) if none are specified
if (engineSpec == null)
byte[] nonce = null;
if (ivLength != 0 && opmode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE)
nonce = new byte[ivLength];
this.engineSpec = IESUtil.guessParameterSpec(engine.getCipher(), nonce);
else if (engineSpec instanceof IESParameterSpec)
this.engineSpec = (IESParameterSpec)engineSpec;
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("must be passed IES parameters");
byte[] nonce = this.engineSpec.getNonce();
if (ivLength != 0 && (nonce == null || nonce.length != ivLength))
throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("NONCE in IES Parameters needs to be " + ivLength + " bytes long");
// Parse the recipient's key
if (opmode == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE || opmode == Cipher.WRAP_MODE)
if (key instanceof DHPublicKey)
this.key = DHUtil.generatePublicKeyParameter((PublicKey)key);
else if (key instanceof IESKey)
IESKey ieKey = (IESKey)key;
this.key = DHUtil.generatePublicKeyParameter(ieKey.getPublic());
this.otherKeyParameter = DHUtil.generatePrivateKeyParameter(ieKey.getPrivate());
throw new InvalidKeyException("must be passed recipient's public DH key for encryption");
else if (opmode == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE || opmode == Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE)
if (key instanceof DHPrivateKey)
this.key = DHUtil.generatePrivateKeyParameter((PrivateKey)key);
else if (key instanceof IESKey)
IESKey ieKey = (IESKey)key;
this.otherKeyParameter = DHUtil.generatePublicKeyParameter(ieKey.getPublic());
this.key = DHUtil.generatePrivateKeyParameter(ieKey.getPrivate());
throw new InvalidKeyException("must be passed recipient's private DH key for decryption");
throw new InvalidKeyException("must be passed EC key");
this.random = random;
this.state = opmode;
public void engineInit(
int opmode,
Key key,
SecureRandom random)
throws InvalidKeyException
engineInit(opmode, key, (AlgorithmParameterSpec)null, random);
catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot handle supplied parameter spec: " + e.getMessage());
// Update methods - buffer the input
public byte[] engineUpdate(
byte[] input,
int inputOffset,
int inputLen)
buffer.write(input, inputOffset, inputLen);
return null;
public int engineUpdate(
byte[] input,
int inputOffset,
int inputLen,
byte[] output,
int outputOffset)
buffer.write(input, inputOffset, inputLen);
return 0;
// Finalisation methods
public byte[] engineDoFinal(
byte[] input,
int inputOffset,
int inputLen)
throws IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException
if (inputLen != 0)
buffer.write(input, inputOffset, inputLen);
byte[] in = buffer.toByteArray();
// Convert parameters for use in IESEngine
CipherParameters params = new IESWithCipherParameters(engineSpec.getDerivationV(),
if (engineSpec.getNonce() != null)
params = new ParametersWithIV(params, engineSpec.getNonce());
DHParameters dhParams = ((DHKeyParameters)key).getParameters();
byte[] V;
if (otherKeyParameter != null)
if (state == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE || state == Cipher.WRAP_MODE)
engine.init(true, otherKeyParameter, key, params);
engine.init(false, key, otherKeyParameter, params);
return engine.processBlock(in, 0, in.length);
catch (Exception e)
throw new BadBlockException("unable to process block", e);
if (state == Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE || state == Cipher.WRAP_MODE)
// Generate the ephemeral key pair
DHKeyPairGenerator gen = new DHKeyPairGenerator();
gen.init(new DHKeyGenerationParameters(random, dhParams));
EphemeralKeyPairGenerator kGen = new EphemeralKeyPairGenerator(gen, new KeyEncoder()
public byte[] getEncoded(AsymmetricKeyParameter keyParameter)
byte[] Vloc = new byte[(((DHKeyParameters)keyParameter).getParameters().getP().bitLength() + 7) / 8];
byte[] Vtmp = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(((DHPublicKeyParameters)keyParameter).getY());
if (Vtmp.length > Vloc.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Senders's public key longer than expected.");
System.arraycopy(Vtmp, 0, Vloc, Vloc.length - Vtmp.length, Vtmp.length);
return Vloc;
// Encrypt the buffer
engine.init(key, params, kGen);
return engine.processBlock(in, 0, in.length);
catch (Exception e)
throw new BadBlockException("unable to process block", e);
else if (state == Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE || state == Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE)
// Decrypt the buffer
engine.init(key, params, new DHIESPublicKeyParser(((DHKeyParameters)key).getParameters()));
return engine.processBlock(in, 0, in.length);
catch (InvalidCipherTextException e)
throw new BadBlockException("unable to process block", e);
throw new IllegalStateException("IESCipher not initialised");
public int engineDoFinal(
byte[] input,
int inputOffset,
int inputLength,
byte[] output,
int outputOffset)
throws ShortBufferException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException
byte[] buf = engineDoFinal(input, inputOffset, inputLength);
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, output, outputOffset, buf.length);
return buf.length;
* Classes that inherit from us
static public class IES
extends IESCipher
public IES()
super(new IESEngine(new DHBasicAgreement(),
new KDF2BytesGenerator(DigestFactory.createSHA1()),
new HMac(DigestFactory.createSHA1())));
static public class IESwithDESedeCBC
extends IESCipher
public IESwithDESedeCBC()
super(new IESEngine(new DHBasicAgreement(),
new KDF2BytesGenerator(DigestFactory.createSHA1()),
new HMac(DigestFactory.createSHA1()),
new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CBCBlockCipher(new DESedeEngine()))), 8);
static public class IESwithAESCBC
extends IESCipher
public IESwithAESCBC()
super(new IESEngine(new DHBasicAgreement(),
new KDF2BytesGenerator(DigestFactory.createSHA1()),
new HMac(DigestFactory.createSHA1()),
new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(new CBCBlockCipher(new AESEngine()))), 16);