com.madgag.git.bfg.cli.CLIConfig.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Roberto Tyley
* This file is part of 'BFG Repo-Cleaner' - a tool for removing large
* or troublesome blobs from Git repositories.
* BFG Repo-Cleaner is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* BFG Repo-Cleaner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package com.madgag.git.bfg.cli
import util.matching.Regex
import com.madgag.git.bfg.GitUtil._
import com.madgag.git.bfg.cleaner.{ObjectProtection, BlobTextModifier, BlobReplacer, TreeBlobsCleaner}
import com.madgag.globs.openjdk.Globs
import com.madgag.git.bfg.cleaner.TreeBlobsCleaner.Kit
import com.madgag.git.bfg.textmatching.RegexReplacer._
import com.madgag.git.bfg.model.FileName.ImplicitConversions._
import scopt.immutable.OptionParser
import io.Source
import com.madgag.git.bfg.model.TreeBlobEntry
import com.madgag.git.bfg.Timing
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.{TextProgressMonitor, ProgressMonitor}
import collection.immutable.SortedSet
object CLIConfig {
val parser = new OptionParser[CLIConfig]("bfg") {
def options = Seq(
opt("b", "strip-blobs-bigger-than", "", "strip blobs bigger than X (eg '128K', '1M', etc)") {
(v: String, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(stripBlobsBiggerThan = Some(ByteSize.parse(v)))
intOpt("B", "strip-biggest-blobs", "NUM", "strip the top NUM biggest blobs") {
(v: Int, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(stripBiggestBlobs = Some(v))
opt("p", "protect-blobs-from", "", "protect blobs that appear in the most recent versions of the specified refs") {
(v: String, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(protectBlobsFromRevisions = v.split(',').toSet)
opt("D", "delete-files", "", "delete files with the specified names (eg '*.class', '*.{txt,log}' - matches on file name, not path)") {
(v: String, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(deleteFiles = Some(v))
opt("f", "filter-contents-of", "", "filter only files with the specified names (eg '*.txt', '*.{properties}')") {
(v: String, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(filterFiles = v)
opt("rs", "replace-banned-strings", "", "replace strings specified in file, one string per line") {
(v: String, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(replaceBannedStrings = Source.fromFile(v).getLines().toSeq)
opt("rr", "replace-banned-regex", "", "replace regex specified in file, one regex per line") {
(v: String, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(replaceBannedRegex = Source.fromFile(v).getLines().map(_.r).toSeq)
argOpt("", "repo to clean") {
(v: String, c: CLIConfig) => c.copy(repoLocation = new File(v).getCanonicalFile)
case class CLIConfig(stripBiggestBlobs: Option[Int] = None,
stripBlobsBiggerThan: Option[Int] = None,
protectBlobsFromRevisions: Set[String] = Set("HEAD"),
deleteFiles: Option[String] = None,
filterFiles: String = "*",
replaceBannedStrings: Traversable[String] = List.empty,
replaceBannedRegex: Traversable[Regex] = List.empty,
repoLocation: File = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))) {
lazy val gitdir = resolveGitDirFor(repoLocation) getOrElse (throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"'$repoLocation' is not a valid Git repository."))
implicit lazy val repo = new FileRepository(gitdir)
lazy val objectProtection = ObjectProtection(protectBlobsFromRevisions)
lazy val fileDeletion = {
glob =>
val filePattern = Globs.toUnixRegexPattern(glob).r
new TreeBlobsCleaner {
def fixer(kit: Kit) = _.entries.filterNot(e => filePattern.matches(e.filename))
lazy val lineModifier: Option[String => String] = {
val allRegex = replaceBannedRegex ++ => regex --> (_ => "***REMOVED***")).reduceOption((f, g) => Function.chain(Seq(f, g)))
lazy val blobTextModifier: Option[BlobTextModifier] = {
replacer =>
val globPattern = Globs.toUnixRegexPattern(filterFiles).r
new BlobTextModifier {
def lineCleanerFor(entry: TreeBlobEntry) = if (globPattern.matches(entry.filename)) Some(replacer) else None
lazy val blobRemover = {
implicit val progressMonitor = new TextProgressMonitor()
val sizeBasedBlobTargetSources = Seq( => (s: Stream[SizedObject]) => s.takeWhile(_.size > threshold)), => (s: Stream[SizedObject]) => s.take(num))
sizeBasedBlobTargetSources match {
case sources if sources.size > 0 =>
Timing.measureTask("Finding target blobs", ProgressMonitor.UNKNOWN) {
val biggestUnprotectedBlobs = biggestBlobs(repo).filterNot(o => objectProtection.blobIds(o.objectId))
val sizedBadIds = SortedSet(sources.flatMap(_(biggestUnprotectedBlobs)): _*)
println("Found " + sizedBadIds.size + " blob ids to remove biggest=" + sizedBadIds.max.size + " smallest=" + sizedBadIds.min.size)
println("Total size (unpacked)=" +
Some(new BlobReplacer(
case _ => None
lazy val treeBlobCleaners = TreeBlobsCleaner.chain(Seq(blobRemover, fileDeletion, blobTextModifier).flatten)
object ByteSize {
val magnitudeChars = List('B', 'K', 'M', 'G')
def parse(v: String): Int = {
magnitudeChars.indexOf(v.takeRight(1)(0).toUpper) match {
case -1 => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size unit is missing (ie %s)".format(magnitudeChars.mkString(", ")))
case index => v.dropRight(1).toInt << (index * 10)
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