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com.malliina.config.ConfigReadable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.malliina.config
import com.malliina.config.ConfigReadable.append
import com.malliina.values.{ErrorMessage, Readable}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigException}
import java.nio.file.{InvalidPathException, Path, Paths}
sealed abstract class ConfigError(
val message: ErrorMessage,
val path: NonEmptyList[String],
inner: Option[Exception]
) extends Exception(message.message, inner.orNull) {
def key: String = path.last
class MissingValue(path: NonEmptyList[String])
extends ConfigError(
ErrorMessage(s"Missing: ${path.toList.mkString(".")}."),
class InvalidValue(
message: ErrorMessage,
path: NonEmptyList[String],
e: Option[Exception]
) extends ConfigError(message, path, e) {
def this(path: NonEmptyList[String], e: Option[Exception]) =
this(ErrorMessage(s"Failed to read '${path.last}' at ${path.toList.mkString(".")}."), path, e)
trait ConfigReadable[T] {
def parseOpt(key: String, c: ConfigNode): Either[ConfigError, Option[T]]
def read(key: String, c: ConfigNode): Either[ErrorMessage, T] =
parse(key, c)
def parse(key: String, c: ConfigNode): Either[ConfigError, T] =
parseOpt(key, c).flatMap { opt =>
opt.toRight(new MissingValue(append(key, to = c.position)))
def flatMap[U](f: T => ConfigReadable[U]): ConfigReadable[U] = {
val parent = this
(key: String, c: ConfigNode) =>
.parseOpt(key, c)
.flatMap(opt => => f(t).parseOpt(key, c)).getOrElse(Right(None)))
def emap[U](f: T => Either[ConfigError, U]): ConfigReadable[U] =
flatMap { t => (key, _) =>
f(t).map(u => Option(u))
def emapParsed[U](f: T => Either[ErrorMessage, U]): ConfigReadable[U] =
flatMap { t => (key, c) =>
.map(u => Option(u))
.map(err => new InvalidValue(err, append(key, c.position), None))
def map[U](f: T => U): ConfigReadable[U] =
emapParsed(t => Right(f(t)))
object ConfigReadable {
implicit class ConfigOps(val c: Config) extends AnyVal {
def read[T](key: String)(implicit r: ConfigReadable[T]): Either[ErrorMessage, T] =, ConfigNode.root(c))
def parse[T](key: String)(implicit r: ConfigReadable[T]): Either[ConfigError, T] =
r.parse(key, ConfigNode.root(c))
def opt[T](key: String)(implicit r: ConfigReadable[T]): Either[ConfigError, Option[T]] =
r.parseOpt(key, ConfigNode.root(c))
def bool(key: String, position: List[String]) = recovered(key, position, c.getBoolean)
def int(key: String, position: List[String]) = recovered(key, position, c.getInt)
def string(key: String, position: List[String]) = recovered(key, position, c.getString)
def config(key: String, position: List[String]) = recovered(key, position, c.getConfig)
implicit val string: ConfigReadable[String] = (key: String, c: ConfigNode) =>
c.conf.string(key, c.position)
implicit val int: ConfigReadable[Int] = (key: String, c: ConfigNode) =>, c.position)
implicit val bool: ConfigReadable[Boolean] = (key: String, c: ConfigNode) =>
c.conf.bool(key, c.position)
implicit val node: ConfigReadable[ConfigNode] = (key: String, c: ConfigNode) =>
.config(key, c.position)
.map(optConf => => new ConfigNode(next, c.position ++ key.split('.'))))
implicit val path: ConfigReadable[Path] = ConfigReadable.string.emapParsed { s =>
try Right(Paths.get(s))
catch {
case ipe: InvalidPathException => Left(ErrorMessage(s"Invalid path: '$s'."))
implicit def readable[T](implicit r: Readable[T]): ConfigReadable[T] =
string.emapParsed(s =>
def recovered[T](
key: String,
position: List[String],
unsafe: String => T
): Either[ConfigError, Option[T]] =
try {
} catch {
case m: ConfigException.Missing =>
case e: Exception =>
Left(new InvalidValue(append(key, position), Option(e)))
private def append(key: String, to: List[String]) =
NonEmptyList.fromList(to ++ key.split('.')).getOrElse(NonEmptyList.of(key))