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import java.text.ParseException
import java.time.Instant
import com.nimbusds.jose.crypto.RSASSAVerifier
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.RSAKey
import com.nimbusds.jwt.SignedJWT
import play.api.Logger
case class Code(code: String)
object StaticTokenValidator {
private val log = Logger(getClass)
def read[T](token: TokenValue, f: => T, onMissing: => String): Either[JWTError, T] =
try {
Option(f).toRight(MissingData(token, onMissing))
} catch {
case pe: ParseException =>
log.error(s"Parse error for token '$token'.", pe)
Left(ParseError(token, pe))
* @param keys public keys used to validate tokens
* @param issuer issuer
* @tparam T type of token
* @tparam U type of user
abstract class StaticTokenValidator[T <: TokenValue, U](keys: Seq[KeyConf], issuer: String)
extends TokenValidator(issuer) {
def validate(token: T): Either[JWTError, U] =
super.validate(token, keys,
protected def toUser(v: Verified): Either[JWTError, U]
object GoogleValidator {
val issuers = Seq("", "")
def apply(clientIds: Seq[String]): GoogleValidator = new GoogleValidator(clientIds, issuers)
class GoogleValidator(clientIds: Seq[String], issuers: Seq[String]) extends TokenValidator(issuers) {
override protected def validateClaims(parsed: ParsedJWT, now: Instant): Either[JWTError, ParsedJWT] =
checkContains(Aud, clientIds, parsed).map { _ => parsed }
object MicrosoftValidator {
val issuerMicrosoftConsumer = ""
def apply(clientIds: Seq[String]): MicrosoftValidator =
new MicrosoftValidator(clientIds, issuerMicrosoftConsumer)
class MicrosoftValidator(clientIds: Seq[String], issuer: String) extends TokenValidator(issuer) {
override protected def validateClaims(parsed: ParsedJWT, now: Instant): Either[JWTError, ParsedJWT] =
for {
_ <- checkContains(Aud, clientIds, parsed)
_ <- checkNbf(parsed, now)
} yield parsed
def checkNbf(parsed: ParsedJWT, now: Instant): Either[JWTError, Instant] =
read(parsed.token,, NotBefore).flatMap { nbf =>
val nbfInstant = nbf.toInstant
if (now.isBefore(nbfInstant)) Left(NotYetValid(parsed.token, nbfInstant, now))
else Right(nbfInstant)
abstract class TokenValidator(issuers: Seq[String]) extends ClaimKeys {
def this(issuer: String) = this(Seq(issuer))
protected def validateClaims(parsed: ParsedJWT, now: Instant): Either[JWTError, ParsedJWT]
def validate(token: TokenValue, keys: Seq[KeyConf], now: Instant): Either[JWTError, Verified] =
for {
parsed <- parse(token)
verified <- verify(parsed, keys, now)
} yield verified
protected def parse(token: TokenValue): Either[JWTError, ParsedJWT] = for {
jwt <- read(token, SignedJWT.parse(token.token), "token")
claims <- read(token, jwt.getJWTClaimsSet, "claims")
kid <- read(token, jwt.getHeader.getKeyID, Kid)
iss <- read(token, claims.getIssuer, IssuerKey)
exp <- read(token, claims.getExpirationTime, Exp)
} yield ParsedJWT(jwt, claims, kid, iss, exp.toInstant, token)
protected def verify(parsed: ParsedJWT, keys: Seq[KeyConf], now: Instant): Either[JWTError, Verified] = {
val now =
val token = parsed.token
if (!issuers.contains(parsed.iss)) {
Left(IssuerMismatch(token, parsed.iss, issuers))
} else {
keys.find(_.kid == parsed.kid).map { keyConf =>
val verifier = buildVerifier(keyConf)
if (!isSignatureValid(parsed.jwt, verifier)) Left(InvalidSignature(token))
else if (!now.isBefore(parsed.exp)) Left(Expired(token, parsed.exp, now))
else validateClaims(parsed, now).map(p => Verified(p))
}.getOrElse {
Left(InvalidKeyId(token, parsed.kid,
protected def isSignatureValid(unverified: SignedJWT, verifier: RSASSAVerifier): Boolean =
def checkClaim(key: String, expected: String, parsed: ParsedJWT): Either[JWTError, ParsedJWT] = {
parsed.readString(key).flatMap { actual =>
if (actual == expected) Right(parsed)
else Left(InvalidClaims(parsed.token, s"Claim '$key' must equal '$expected', was '$actual'."))
def checkContains(key: String, expecteds: Seq[String], parsed: ParsedJWT): Either[JWTError, Seq[String]] = {
parsed.readStringListOrEmpty(key).flatMap { arr =>
if (expecteds.exists(e => arr.contains(e))) Right(arr)
else Left(InvalidClaims(parsed.token, s"Claim '$key' does not contain any of '${expecteds.mkString(", ")}', was '${arr.mkString(", ")}'."))
def buildVerifier(conf: KeyConf) = {
val rsaKey = new RSAKey.Builder(conf.n, conf.e)
new RSASSAVerifier(rsaKey)
class LiberalValidator(conf: KeyConf, issuer: String)
extends StaticTokenValidator[AccessToken, Verified](Seq(conf), issuer) {
override protected def validateClaims(parsed: ParsedJWT, now: Instant): Either[JWTError, ParsedJWT] =
override protected def toUser(v: Verified) =