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com.malliina.web.TwitterAuthFlow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.malliina.web

import cats.effect.{IO, Sync}
import cats.syntax.all.*
import com.malliina.http.{FullUrl, HttpClient}
import com.malliina.values.{AccessToken, TokenValue}
import com.malliina.web.TwitterAuthFlow.*
import com.malliina.web.Utils.{randomString, urlEncode}
import com.malliina.web.WebHeaders.{Authorization, ContentType}
import okhttp3.Request
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.{HmacAlgorithms, HmacUtils}

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.Base64
import scala.collection.SortedMap

object TwitterAuthFlow:
  val OauthTokenKey = "oauth_token"
  val OauthVerifierKey = "oauth_verifier"

  def sign(key: String, in: String): String =
    val digest = new HmacUtils(HmacAlgorithms.HMAC_SHA_1, key).hmac(in)
    new String(Base64.getEncoder.encode(digest), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

  def signingKey(clientSecret: ClientSecret, tokenSecret: Option[String]): String =
    val clientPart = percentEncode(clientSecret.value)
    val tokenPart = tokenSecret.fold("")(percentEncode)

  def percentEncode(in: String): String =
    val encoded = urlEncode(in)
    val strb = new StringBuilder
    var skip = -1
    encoded.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (c, i) =>
      if i != skip then
        if c == '*' then strb.append("%2A")
        else if c == '+' then strb.append("%20")
        else if c == '%' && i + 1 < encoded.length && (encoded.charAt(i + 1) == '7') && (encoded
            .charAt(i + 2) == 'E')
          strb += '~'
          skip = i + 1
        else strb.append(c)

class TwitterAuthFlow[F[_]: Sync](conf: AuthConf, val http: HttpClient[F]) extends FlowStart[F]:
  val brandName = "Twitter"
  val baseUrl = FullUrl.https("", "")
  val requestTokenUrl = baseUrl / "oauth" / "request_token"
  val accessTokenUrl = baseUrl / "oauth" / "access_token"
  val userInfoUrl = baseUrl / "1.1" / "account" / "verify_credentials.json"

  def authTokenUrl(token: AccessToken) =
    FullUrl("https", "", s"/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=$token")

  // TODO this doesn't work, reimplement locally
  def start(redirectUrl: FullUrl, extraParams: Map[String, String]): F[Start] =
    Sync[F].pure(Start(redirectUrl, extraParams, None))

  def requestToken(redirectUrl: FullUrl): F[Either[OAuthError, AccessToken]] =
    fetchRequestToken(redirectUrl).map { optTokens =>
        .map { tokens => tokens.oauthToken }
        .toRight(OAuthError("Callback not confirmed."))

  def validateTwitterCallback(
    oauthToken: AccessToken,
    requestToken: AccessToken,
    oauthVerifier: String
  ): F[Either[OAuthError, TwitterUser]] =
    if oauthToken == requestToken then
      fetchAccessToken(oauthToken, oauthVerifier).flatMap { optAccess => { access => fetchUser(access).map(Right.apply) }
          .getOrElse(Sync[F].pure(Left(OAuthError("No access token in response."))))
    else Sync[F].pure(Left(OAuthError(s"Invalid callback parameters.")))

  private def fetchRequestToken(redirUrl: FullUrl): F[Option[TwitterTokens]] =
    val encodable = Encodable(buildNonce, Map("oauth_callback" -> redirUrl.url))
    val authHeaderValue = encodable.signed("POST", requestTokenUrl, None)
      .postForm(requestTokenUrl, form = Map.empty, headers = Map(Authorization -> authHeaderValue))
      .map { r => TwitterTokens.fromString(r.asString) }

  private def fetchAccessToken(
    requestToken: AccessToken,
    verifier: String
  ): F[Option[TwitterAccess]] =
    val encodable = paramsStringWith(requestToken, buildNonce)
    val authHeaderValue = encodable.signed("POST", accessTokenUrl, None)
        form = Map(OauthVerifierKey -> verifier),
        headers = Map(Authorization -> authHeaderValue, ContentType -> HttpConstants.FormUrlEncoded)
      .map { res => TwitterAccess.fromString(res.asString) }

  private def fetchUser(access: TwitterAccess): F[TwitterUser] =
    val queryParams = Map(
      "skip_status" -> "true",
      "include_entities" -> "false",
      "include_email" -> "true"
    val encodable = paramsStringWith(access.oauthToken, buildNonce, queryParams)
    val authHeaderValue = encodable.signed("GET", userInfoUrl, Option(access.oauthTokenSecret))
    val queryString = { case (k, v) => s"$k=$v" }.mkString("&")
    val reqUrl = userInfoUrl.append(s"?$queryString")

    val req =
      new Request.Builder().url(reqUrl.url).addHeader(Authorization, authHeaderValue)
    http.execute(req).flatMap { res =>
          err => Sync[F].raiseError(com.malliina.http.JsonError(err, res, reqUrl).toException),
          user => Sync[F].pure(user)

  private def buildNonce =
    new String(

  private def paramsStringWith(
    token: TokenValue,
    nonce: String,
    map: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
  ) =
    Encodable(nonce, Map(OauthTokenKey -> token.value) ++ map)

  case class Encodable(nonce: String, map: Map[String, String]):
    private val params = map ++ Map(
      "oauth_consumer_key" -> conf.clientId.value,
      "oauth_nonce" -> nonce,
      "oauth_signature_method" -> "HMAC-SHA1",
      "oauth_timestamp" -> s"${}",
      "oauth_version" -> "1.0"
    private val encoded = { case (k, v) => (percentEncode(k), percentEncode(v)) }
    val encodedParams = SortedMap(encoded.toSeq*)
    val paramsString = percentEncode( { case (k, v) => s"$k=$v" }.mkString("&"))

    def signed(method: String, url: FullUrl, oauthTokenSecret: Option[String]): String =
      val signatureBaseString = s"$method&${percentEncode(url.url)}&$paramsString"
      val key = signingKey(conf.clientSecret, oauthTokenSecret)
      val signature = sign(key, signatureBaseString)
      val headerParams = encodedParams ++ Map("oauth_signature" -> percentEncode(signature))
      val authHeaderValues = { case (k, v) => s"""$k="$v"""" }.mkString(", ")
      s"OAuth $authHeaderValues"

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