com.malliina.web.flows.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.malliina.web
import cats.effect.{IO, Sync}
import com.malliina.http.FullUrl
import com.malliina.util.AppLogger
import com.malliina.values.{Email, ErrorMessage}
import com.malliina.web.OAuthKeys.*
import scala.concurrent.Future
class EmailAuthFlow[F[_]: Sync](conf: AuthCodeConf[F]) extends StandardAuthFlow[F, Email](conf):
override def parse(v: Verified): Either[JWTError, Email] =
trait AuthFlow[F[_], U] extends FlowStart[F] with CallbackValidator[F, U]
trait FlowStart[F[_]]:
def start(redirectUrl: FullUrl, extraParams: Map[String, String]): F[Start]
def extraRedirParams(redirectUrl: FullUrl): Map[String, String] = Map.empty
protected def commonAuthParams(
authScope: String,
redirectUrl: FullUrl,
clientId: ClientId
): Map[String, String] =
RedirectUri -> redirectUrl.url,
ClientIdKey -> clientId.value,
Scope -> authScope
trait StaticFlowStart[F[_]: Sync] extends FlowStart[F]:
def conf: StaticConf
override def start(redirectUrl: FullUrl, extraParams: Map[String, String]): F[Start] =
val params =
commonAuthParams(conf.scope, redirectUrl, conf.authConf.clientId) ++ extraRedirParams(
) ++ extraParams
Sync[F].pure(Start(conf.authorizationEndpoint, params, None))
trait LoginHint[F[_]]:
self: FlowStart[F] =>
def startHinted(
redirectUrl: FullUrl,
loginHint: Option[String],
extraParams: Map[String, String]
): F[Start] =
extraParams ++ loginHint.map(lh => Map(LoginHint -> lh)).getOrElse(Map.empty)
abstract class StandardAuthFlow[F[_]: Sync, V](conf: AuthCodeConf[F])
extends DiscoveringAuthFlow[F, V](conf)
with LoginHint[F]
object CallbackValidator:
private val log = AppLogger(getClass)
trait CallbackValidator[F[_]: Sync, U]:
import CallbackValidator.log
/** Returns either a successfully validated user object or an AuthError if validation fails.
* The returned Future fails with a ResponseException if any network request fails.
* @param code
* auth code
* @param redirectUrl
* redir url
* @return
* a user object or a failure
def validate(
code: Code,
redirectUrl: FullUrl,
requestNonce: Option[String]
): F[Either[AuthError, U]]
def validateCallback(cb: Callback): F[Either[AuthError, U]] =
val isStateOk = cb.requestState.exists(rs => cb.sessionState.contains(rs))
if isStateOk then
cb.codeQuery.map { code => validate(Code(code), cb.redirectUrl, cb.requestNonce) }.getOrElse {
log.error(s"Authentication failed, code missing.")
Sync[F].pure(Left(OAuthError(ErrorMessage("Code missing."))))
val detailed = (cb.requestState, cb.sessionState) match
case (Some(rs), Some(ss)) => s"Got '$rs', expected '$ss'."
case (Some(rs), None) => s"Got '$rs', but found nothing to compare to."
case (None, Some(ss)) => s"No state in request, expected '$ss'."
case _ => "No state in request and nothing to compare to either."
log.error(s"Authentication failed, state mismatch. $detailed")
Sync[F].pure(Left(OAuthError(ErrorMessage("State mismatch."))))
/** Not encoded.
protected def validationParams(
code: Code,
redirectUrl: FullUrl,
conf: AuthConf
): Map[String, String] = Map(
ClientIdKey -> conf.clientId.value,
ClientSecretKey -> conf.clientSecret.value,
RedirectUri -> redirectUrl.url,
CodeKey -> code.code
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