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com.malliina.web.models.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.malliina.web

import java.text.ParseException
import java.time.Instant
import cats.effect.{IO, MonadCancel, Sync}
import com.malliina.http.FullUrl
import com.malliina.json.PrimitiveFormats.durationCodec
import com.malliina.values.*
import com.malliina.web.OAuthKeys.{ClientIdKey, ClientSecretKey, CodeKey, RedirectUri, Scope}
import com.nimbusds.jose.JWSAlgorithm
import com.nimbusds.jose.jwk.KeyUse
import com.nimbusds.jose.util.Base64URL
import com.nimbusds.jwt.{JWTClaimsSet, SignedJWT}
import io.circe.*
import io.circe.generic.semiauto.*

import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationLong}

case class ClientId(value: String) extends AnyVal with WrappedString
object ClientId extends StringCompanion[ClientId]

case class ClientSecret(value: String) extends AnyVal with WrappedString
object ClientSecret extends StringCompanion[ClientSecret]

case class Issuer(value: String) extends AnyVal with WrappedString
object Issuer extends StringCompanion[Issuer]

case class Code(code: String) extends AnyVal with WrappedString:
  override def value = code
object Code extends StringCompanion[Code]

case class AuthConf(clientId: ClientId, clientSecret: ClientSecret)

case class Start(
  authorizationEndpoint: FullUrl,
  params: Map[String, String],
  nonce: Option[String]

case class Callback(
  requestState: Option[String],
  sessionState: Option[String],
  codeQuery: Option[String],
  requestNonce: Option[String],
  redirectUrl: FullUrl

object RequestToken:
  val Key = "request_token"

case class CognitoTokensJson(
  access_token: AccessToken,
  id_token: IdToken,
  refresh_token: RefreshToken
  def canonical = CognitoTokens(access_token, id_token, refresh_token)

object CognitoTokensJson:
  implicit val json: Codec[CognitoTokensJson] = deriveCodec[CognitoTokensJson]

case class CognitoTokens(accessToken: AccessToken, idToken: IdToken, refreshToken: RefreshToken):
  def json = CognitoTokensJson(accessToken, idToken, refreshToken)

object CognitoTokens:
  implicit val json: Codec[CognitoTokens] = Codec.from(,

case class GitHubTokensJson(access_token: AccessToken, token_type: Option[String]):
  def canonical = GitHubTokens(access_token, token_type)

object GitHubTokensJson:
  implicit val json: Codec[GitHubTokensJson] = deriveCodec[GitHubTokensJson]

case class GitHubTokens(accessToken: AccessToken, tokenType: Option[String]):
  def json = GitHubTokensJson(accessToken, tokenType)

object GitHubTokens:
  implicit val json: Codec[GitHubTokens] = Codec.from(,

case class GitHubEmail(
  email: Email,
  primary: Boolean,
  verified: Boolean,
  visibility: Option[String]

object GitHubEmail:
  implicit val json: Codec[GitHubEmail] = deriveCodec[GitHubEmail]

trait OpenIdConf:
  def jwksUri: FullUrl

case class SimpleOpenIdConf(jwksUri: FullUrl) extends OpenIdConf

object SimpleOpenIdConf:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[SimpleOpenIdConf] =

case class AuthEndpoints(authorizationEndpoint: FullUrl, tokenEndpoint: FullUrl, jwksUri: FullUrl)
  extends OpenIdConf

object AuthEndpoints:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[AuthEndpoints] =
    Decoder.forProduct3("authorization_endpoint", "token_endpoint", "jwks_uri")(apply)

case class MicrosoftOAuthConf(
  authorizationEndpoint: FullUrl,
  tokenEndpoint: FullUrl,
  jwksUri: FullUrl,
  endSessionEndpoint: FullUrl,
  scopesSupported: Seq[String],
  issuer: Issuer,
  claimsSupported: Seq[String]
) extends OpenIdConf

object MicrosoftOAuthConf:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[MicrosoftOAuthConf] =

trait TokenSet:
  def idToken: IdToken

case class SimpleTokens(idToken: IdToken)

object SimpleTokens:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[SimpleTokens] =

  * @param idToken
  *   only returned if scope "openid" is requested
  * @param refreshToken
  *   only returned if scope "offline_access" is requested
  * @param tokenType
  *   Bearer
  * @param expiresIn
  *   seconds
case class MicrosoftTokens(
  idToken: IdToken,
  accessToken: Option[AccessToken],
  refreshToken: Option[RefreshToken],
  tokenType: Option[String],
  expiresIn: Option[Duration],
  scope: Option[String]
) extends TokenSet

object MicrosoftTokens:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[MicrosoftTokens] =

case class GoogleTokens(
  idToken: IdToken,
  accessToken: AccessToken,
  expiresIn: Duration,
  tokenType: String
) extends TokenSet

object GoogleTokens:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[GoogleTokens] =

case class FacebookTokens(accessToken: AccessToken, tokenType: String, expiresIn: Duration)

object FacebookTokens:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[FacebookTokens] =

case class TwitterTokens(
  oauthToken: AccessToken,
  oauthTokenSecret: String,
  oauthCallbackConfirmed: Boolean

object TwitterTokens:
  def fromString(in: String) =
    val map = parseMap(in)
      ot <- map.get("oauth_token").map(AccessToken.apply)
      ots <- map.get("oauth_token_secret")
      c <- map.get("oauth_callback_confirmed")
    yield TwitterTokens(ot, ots, c == "true")

  def parseMap(in: String) = in
    .flatMap { kv =>
      val parts = kv.split("=")
      if parts.length == 2 then
        val Array(k, v) = parts
        Option(k -> v)
      else None

case class TwitterAccess(oauthToken: AccessToken, oauthTokenSecret: String)

object TwitterAccess:
  def fromString(in: String) =
    val map = TwitterTokens.parseMap(in)
      ot <- map.get("oauth_token").map(AccessToken.apply)
      ots <- map.get("oauth_token_secret")
    yield TwitterAccess(ot, ots)

case class TwitterUser(id: String, name: String, screenName: String, email: Option[Email])

object TwitterUser:
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[TwitterUser] =

case class EmailResponse(email: Email)

object EmailResponse:
  implicit val json: Codec[EmailResponse] = deriveCodec[EmailResponse]

case class ParsedJWT(
  jwt: SignedJWT,
  claims: JWTClaimsSet,
  kid: String,
  iss: Issuer,
  exp: Instant,
  token: TokenValue

  import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.CollectionHasAsScala

  def parse[T](key: String)(implicit r: Readable[T]): Either[JWTError, T] =
    readString(key).flatMap { s => => InvalidClaims(token, err)) }

  def readString(key: String): Either[JWTError, String] =
    read(claims.getStringClaim(key), key)

  def readStringOpt(key: String) = read(Option(claims.getStringClaim(key)), key)

  def readStringListOrEmpty(key: String): Either[JWTError, Seq[String]] =

  def readStringList(key: String): Either[JWTError, Option[Seq[String]]] =
    read(Option(claims.getStringListClaim(key)).map(_.asScala.toList), key)

  def readBoolean(key: String): Either[JWTError, Boolean] =
    read(claims.getBooleanClaim(key), key)

  def read[T](danger: => T, key: String): Either[JWTError, T] =, danger, ErrorMessage(s"Claim missing: '$key'."))

case class Verified(parsed: ParsedJWT):
  def expiresIn: Duration = (parsed.exp.toEpochMilli -
  def readString(key: String) = parsed.readString(key)
  def readBoolean(key: String) = parsed.readBoolean(key)
  def token = parsed.token

case class KeyConf(
  n: Base64URL,
  kid: String,
  use: KeyUse,
  e: Base64URL,
  alg: JWSAlgorithm,
  kty: String

object KeyConf:
  implicit val keyUseDecoder: Decoder[KeyUse] = Decoder.decodeString.emap(s => parseUse(s))
  implicit val base64UrlDecoder: Decoder[Base64URL] = => new Base64URL(s))
  implicit val decoder: Decoder[KeyConf] =

  def rs256(n: Base64URL, kid: String, use: KeyUse, e: Base64URL, kty: String) =
    KeyConf(n, kid, use, e, JWSAlgorithm.RS256, kty)

  def parseUse(s: String): Either[String, KeyUse] =
    try Right(KeyUse.parse(s))
    catch case pe: ParseException => Left(pe.getMessage)

  def rsa(n: String, kid: String) = KeyConf(
    new Base64URL(n),
    new Base64URL("AQAB"),

case class JWTKeys(keys: Seq[KeyConf])

object JWTKeys:
  implicit val json: Decoder[JWTKeys] = deriveDecoder[JWTKeys]

trait JWTUser:
  def username: Username

case class CognitoUser(
  username: Username,
  email: Option[Email],
  groups: Seq[String],
  verified: Verified
) extends JWTUser

sealed abstract class IdentityProvider(val name: String)

object IdentityProvider:
  case object LoginWithAmazon extends IdentityProvider("LoginWithAmazon")
  case object IdentityFacebook extends IdentityProvider("Facebook")
  case object IdentityGoogle extends IdentityProvider("Google")
  case class IdentityOther(n: String) extends IdentityProvider(n)

case class AuthCodeConf[F[_]: Sync](
  brandName: String,
  conf: AuthConf,
  client: KeyClient[F],
  extraStartParams: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
  extraValidateParams: Map[String, String] = Map.empty

case class OAuthParams[F[_]: Sync](
  client: KeyClient[F],
  conf: AuthConf,
  extraStartParams: Map[String, String] = Map.empty,
  extraValidateParams: Map[String, String] = Map.empty
  protected def commonAuthParams(authScope: String, redirectUrl: FullUrl): Map[String, String] =
      RedirectUri -> redirectUrl.url,
      ClientIdKey -> conf.clientId.value,
      Scope -> authScope

  /** Not encoded.
  protected def validationParams(code: Code, redirectUrl: FullUrl): Map[String, String] = Map(
    ClientIdKey -> conf.clientId.value,
    ClientSecretKey -> conf.clientSecret.value,
    RedirectUri -> redirectUrl.url,
    CodeKey -> code.code

case class StaticConf(
  scope: String,
  authorizationEndpoint: FullUrl,
  tokenEndpoint: FullUrl,
  authConf: AuthConf
  def clientId = authConf.clientId
  def clientSecret = authConf.clientSecret

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