coulomb.infra.meta.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2022 Erik Erlandson
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package coulomb.infra
import coulomb.rational.Rational
import coulomb.*
import coulomb.define.*
object meta:
import scala.unchecked
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.language.implicitConversions
given ctx_RationalToExpr: ToExpr[Rational] with
def apply(r: Rational)(using Quotes): Expr[Rational] = r match
// Rational(1) is a useful special case to have predefined
// could we get clever with some kind of expression caching/sharing here?
case v if (v == 1) => '{ Rational.const1 }
case _ => '{ Rational(${ Expr(r.n) }, ${ Expr(r.d) }) }
sealed class SigMode
object SigMode:
* Canonical mode yields signatures fully expand down to base units. Its
* primary purpose is to compute coefficients of unit conversion, or
* determine whether two unit types are convertable.
case object Canonical extends SigMode
* Simplify mode is for constructing operator output types. It does not
* expand derived units, and respects type aliases.
case object Simplify extends SigMode
* Constant mode is for extracting constant coefficents from derived
* unit definitions. It is used by the physical-constants library.
case object Constant extends SigMode
object rationalTE:
def unapply(using Quotes)(
tr: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr
): Option[Rational] =
import quotes.reflect.*
tr match
case AppliedType(op, List(rationalTE(n), rationalTE(d)))
if (op =:= TypeRepr.of[/]) =>
Some(n / d)
case AppliedType(op, List(rationalTE(n), rationalTE(d)))
if (op =:= TypeRepr.of[*]) =>
Some(n * d)
case AppliedType(op, List(rationalTE(b), bigintTE(e)))
if (op =:= TypeRepr.of[^]) && e.isValidInt =>
case bigintTE(v) => Some(Rational(v, 1))
case ConstantType(DoubleConstant(v)) => Some(Rational(v))
case ConstantType(FloatConstant(v)) => Some(Rational(v))
case _ => None
def apply(using Quotes)(v: Rational): quotes.reflect.TypeRepr =
import quotes.reflect.*
if (v.d == 1) then bigintTE(v.n)
else TypeRepr.of[/].appliedTo(List(bigintTE(v.n), bigintTE(v.d)))
object bigintTE:
def unapply(using Quotes)(tr: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): Option[BigInt] =
import quotes.reflect.*
tr match
case ConstantType(IntConstant(v)) => Some(BigInt(v))
case ConstantType(LongConstant(v)) => Some(BigInt(v))
case ConstantType(StringConstant(v)) => Some(BigInt(v))
case _ => None
def apply(using Quotes)(v: BigInt): quotes.reflect.TypeRepr =
import quotes.reflect.*
v match
case _ if v.isValidInt => ConstantType(IntConstant(v.toInt))
case _ if v.isValidLong => ConstantType(LongConstant(v.toLong))
case _ => ConstantType(StringConstant(v.toString()))
def coefficient[U1, U2](using Quotes, Type[U1], Type[U2]): Expr[Rational] =
import quotes.reflect.*
// this call will fail if no coefficient exists, which means that
// U1 and U2 are not convertable
val c = coef(TypeRepr.of[U1], TypeRepr.of[U2])
def coef(using
)(u1: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, u2: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): Rational =
import quotes.reflect.*
// the fundamental algorithmic unit analysis criterion:
given sigmode: SigMode = SigMode.Canonical
val (rcoef, rsig) = cansig(TypeRepr.of[/].appliedTo(List(u1, u2)))
if (rsig == Nil) then rcoef
s"unit type ${typestr(u1)} not convertable to ${typestr(u2)}"
def offset(using
)(u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, b: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): Rational =
import quotes.reflect.*
given sigmode: SigMode = SigMode.Simplify
u match
case deltaunit(offset, db) =>
if (matchingdelta(db, b)) offset
report.error(s"bad DeltaUnit in offset: ${typestr(u)}")
case baseunit() if convertible(u, b) => Rational.const0
case derivedunit(_, _) if convertible(u, b) => Rational.const0
case _ => {
s"unknown unit expression in offset: ${typestr(u)}"
); Rational.const0
def matchingdelta(using
)(db: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, b: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): Boolean =
import quotes.reflect.*
// units of db and b should cancel, and leave only a constant behind
simplify(TypeRepr.of[/].appliedTo(List(db, b))) match
case rationalTE(_) => true
case _ => false
def convertible(using
)(u1: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, u2: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): Boolean =
import quotes.reflect.*
given sigmode: SigMode = SigMode.Canonical
val (_, rsig) = cansig(TypeRepr.of[/].appliedTo(List(u1, u2)))
rsig == Nil
// returns tuple: (expr-for-coef, type-of-Res)
def cansig(using qq: Quotes, mode: SigMode)(
uu: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr
): (Rational, List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)]) =
import quotes.reflect.*
val u = mode match
// in simplification mode we respect type aliases
case SigMode.Simplify => uu
case _ => uu.dealias
// if this encounters a unit type pattern it cannot expand to a canonical signature,
// at any level, it raises a compile-time error such that the context parameter search fails.
u match
// identify embedded coefficients (includes '1' aka unitless)
case unitconst(c) =>
mode match
case SigMode.Simplify =>
// in simplify mode we preserve constants in the signature
if (c == 1) (Rational.const1, Nil)
else (Rational.const1, (u, Rational.const1) :: Nil)
case _ => (c, Nil)
// traverse down the operator types first, since that can be done without
// any attempts to look up context variables for BaseUnit and DerivedUnit,
// which only happen at the leaves of expressions
case AppliedType(op, List(lu, ru)) if (op =:= TypeRepr.of[*]) =>
val (lcoef, lsig) = cansig(lu)
val (rcoef, rsig) = cansig(ru)
val usig = unifyOp(lsig, rsig, _ + _)
(lcoef * rcoef, usig)
case AppliedType(op, List(lu, ru)) if (op =:= TypeRepr.of[/]) =>
val (lcoef, lsig) = cansig(lu)
val (rcoef, rsig) = cansig(ru)
val usig = unifyOp(lsig, rsig, _ - _)
(lcoef / rcoef, usig)
case AppliedType(op, List(b, p)) if (op =:= TypeRepr.of[^]) =>
val (bcoef, bsig) = cansig(b)
val rationalTE(e) = p: @unchecked
if (e == 0) (Rational.const1, Nil)
else if (e == 1) (bcoef, bsig)
else if (e.n.isValidInt && e.d.isValidInt)
val ucoef =
if (e.d == 1) bcoef.pow(e.n.toInt)
else bcoef.pow(e.n.toInt).root(e.d.toInt)
val usig = unifyPow(e, bsig)
(ucoef, usig)
report.error(s"bad exponent in cansig: ${typestr(u)}")
(Rational.const0, Nil)
case baseunit() => (Rational.const1, (u, Rational.const1) :: Nil)
case derivedunit(ucoef, usig) =>
mode match
case SigMode.Canonical => (ucoef, usig)
case _ => (Rational.const1, (u, Rational.const1) :: Nil)
case _ =>
// treat any other type as if it were a BaseUnit
(Rational.const1, (u, Rational.const1) :: Nil)
def sortsig(using Quotes)(
sig: List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)]
): (
List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)],
List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)]
) =
sig match
case Nil => (Nil, Nil)
case (u, e) :: tail =>
val (nsig, dsig) = sortsig(tail)
if (e > 0) ((u, e) :: nsig, dsig) else (nsig, (u, -e) :: dsig)
def simplify(using Quotes)(
u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr
): quotes.reflect.TypeRepr =
import quotes.reflect.*
given sigmode: SigMode = SigMode.Simplify
def simplifysig(using Quotes)(
sig: List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)]
): quotes.reflect.TypeRepr =
import quotes.reflect.*
val (un, ud) = sortsig(sig)
(uProd(un), uProd(ud)) match
case (unitconst1(), unitconst1()) => TypeRepr.of[1]
case (n, unitconst1()) => n
case (unitconst1(), d) =>
TypeRepr.of[/].appliedTo(List(TypeRepr.of[1], d))
case (n, d) => TypeRepr.of[/].appliedTo(List(n, d))
def uProd(using Quotes)(
sig: List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)]
): quotes.reflect.TypeRepr =
import quotes.reflect.*
sig match
case Nil => TypeRepr.of[1]
case (u, e) :: Nil => uTerm(u, e)
case (u1, e1) :: (u2, e2) :: Nil =>
TypeRepr.of[*].appliedTo(List(uTerm(u1, e1), uTerm(u2, e2)))
case (u, e) :: tail =>
TypeRepr.of[*].appliedTo(List(uTerm(u, e), uProd(tail)))
def uTerm(using
)(u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, p: Rational): quotes.reflect.TypeRepr =
import quotes.reflect.*
if (p == 1) u else TypeRepr.of[^].appliedTo(List(u, rationalTE(p)))
object unitconst1:
def unapply(using Quotes)(u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): Boolean =
u match
case rationalTE(v) if (v == 1) => true
case _ => false
object unitconst:
def unapply(using Quotes)(
u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr
): Option[Rational] =
u match
case rationalTE(v) => Some(v)
case _ => None
object baseunit:
def unapply(using Quotes)(u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): Boolean =
import quotes.reflect.*
.appliedTo(List(u, TypeBounds.empty, TypeBounds.empty))
) match
case iss: ImplicitSearchSuccess => true
case _ => false
object derivedunit:
def unapply(using qq: Quotes, mode: SigMode)(
u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr
): Option[(Rational, List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)])] =
import quotes.reflect.*
) match
case iss: ImplicitSearchSuccess =>
mode match
case SigMode.Simplify =>
// don't expand the signature definition in simplify mode
Some((Rational.const1, (u, Rational.const1) :: Nil))
case _ =>
val AppliedType(_, List(_, d, _, _)) =
): @unchecked
case _ => None
object deltaunit:
def unapply(using Quotes)(
u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr
): Option[(Rational, quotes.reflect.TypeRepr)] =
import quotes.reflect.*
) match
case iss: ImplicitSearchSuccess =>
val AppliedType(_, List(_, b, o, _, _)) =
): @unchecked
val rationalTE(offset) = o: @unchecked
Some((offset, b))
case _ => None
def unifyOp(using Quotes)(
sig1: List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)],
sig2: List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)],
op: (Rational, Rational) => Rational
): List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)] =
sig2 match
case Nil => sig1
case (u, e) :: tail => unifyOp(insertTerm(u, e, sig1, op), tail, op)
def insertTerm(using Quotes)(
u: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr,
e: Rational,
sig: List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)],
op: (Rational, Rational) => Rational
): List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)] =
sig match
case Nil => (u, op(Rational.const0, e)) :: Nil
case (u0, e0) :: tail if (u =:= u0) =>
val ei = op(e0, e)
if (ei == Rational.const0) tail else (u, ei) :: tail
case (u0, e0) :: tail => (u0, e0) :: insertTerm(u, e, tail, op)
def unifyPow(using Quotes)(
e: Rational,
sig: List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)]
): List[(quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, Rational)] =
sig match
case _ if (e == Rational.const0) => Nil
case Nil => Nil
case (u, e0) :: tail => (u, e0 * e) :: unifyPow(e, tail)
def typestr(using Quotes)(t: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr): String =
// The policy goal here is that type aliases are never expanded.
typestring(t, false)
def typestring(using
)(t: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr, dealias: Boolean): String =
import quotes.reflect.*
def work(trp: TypeRepr): String =
val tr = if (dealias) trp.dealias else trp
tr match
case typealias(_) =>
case unitconst(v) => s"$v"
case AppliedType(op, List(lhs, rhs)) if op =:= TypeRepr.of[*] =>
s"(${work(lhs)} * ${work(rhs)})"
case AppliedType(op, List(lhs, rhs)) if op =:= TypeRepr.of[/] =>
s"(${work(lhs)} / ${work(rhs)})"
case AppliedType(op, List(lhs, rhs)) if op =:= TypeRepr.of[^] =>
s"(${work(lhs)} ^ ${work(rhs)})"
case AppliedType(tc, ta) =>
val tcn =
val as =
if (as.length == 0) tcn
tcn + "[" + as.mkString(",") + "]"
case t =>
object typealias:
def unapply(using Quotes)(
t: quotes.reflect.TypeRepr
): Option[quotes.reflect.TypeRepr] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val d = t.dealias
// "=:=" doesn't work here, it will test 'true' even if dealiasing happened
if ( == None else Some(d)
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