coulomb.units.time.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2022 Erik Erlandson
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package coulomb.units
/** Units of time or duration */
object time:
import coulomb.*
import coulomb.syntax.*
import coulomb.define.*
export{Second, ctx_unit_Second}
/** A duration of 60 seconds */
final type Minute
given ctx_unit_Minute: DerivedUnit[Minute, 60 * Second, "minute", "min"] =
/** A duration of 60 minutes or 3600 seconds */
final type Hour
given ctx_unit_Hour: DerivedUnit[Hour, 3600 * Second, "hour", "h"] =
/** A duration of 24 hours */
final type Day
given ctx_unit_Day: DerivedUnit[Day, 86400 * Second, "day", "d"] =
/** A duration of 7 days */
final type Week
given ctx_unit_Week: DerivedUnit[Week, 604800 * Second, "week", "wk"] =
* Represents an instant in time measured with respect to the standard unix
* epoch `00:00:00 UTC January 1, 1970`
* -
* @tparam V
* the value type containing the time quantity
* @tparam U
* the unit type, requiring base unit [[]]
final type EpochTime[V, U] = DeltaQuantity[V, U,]
object EpochTime:
* Creates an epoch time using a given unit type
* @tparam U
* unit type, requiring base unit [[]]
* @return
* the new EpochTime quantity
* @example
* {{{
* // the instant in time one billion minutes from Jan 1, 1970
* val instant = EpochTime[Minute](1e9)
* }}}
def apply[U](using a: Applier[U]) = a
/** a shim class for the EpochTime companion `apply` method */
abstract class Applier[U]:
def apply[V](v: V): EpochTime[V, U]
object Applier:
given [U]: Applier[U] =
new Applier[U]:
def apply[V](v: V): EpochTime[V, U] =
v.withDeltaUnit[U, Second]
extension [V](v: V)
* Lift a raw value to an EpochTime instant
* @tparam U
* the unit type to use, expected to have base unit
* [[]]
* @return
* an EpochTime object representing desired instant
* @example
* {{{
* // the instant in time one million hours from Jan 1, 1970
* val instant = (1e6).withEpochTime[Hour]
* }}}
def withEpochTime[U]: EpochTime[V, U] =
/** Conversion methods between `coulomb` types and `java.time` types */
object javatime:
import java.time.{Duration, Instant}
import coulomb.*
import coulomb.syntax.*
import coulomb.units.time.*
import conversions.*
import _root_.scala.Conversion
extension (duration: Duration)
* Convert a `Duration` to a coulomb `Quantity`
* @tparam V
* the desired value type
* @tparam U
* the desired unit type
* @return
* the quantity object equivalent to the Duration
* @example
* {{{
* val d: Duration = ...
* // convert d to seconds
* d.toQuantity[Double, Second]
* }}}
def toQuantity[V, U](using
d2q: DurationQuantity[V, U]
): Quantity[V, U] =
* Convert a `Duration` to a coulomb `Quantity` using a truncating
* conversion
* @tparam V
* the desired value type - integral
* @tparam U
* the desired unit type
* @return
* the quantity object equivalent to the Duration
* @example
* {{{
* val d: Duration = ...
* // convert to an integral quantity of seconds
* d.tToQuantity[Long, Second]
* }}}
def tToQuantity[V, U](using
d2q: TruncatingDurationQuantity[V, U]
): Quantity[V, U] =
extension [V, U](quantity: Quantity[V, U])
* Convert a coulomb Quantity to `java.time.Duration`
* @return
* a `Duration` equivalent to the original `Quantity`
* @example
* {{{
* val q: Quantity[Double, Minute] = ...
* // convert to an equivalent Duration
* q.toDuration
* }}}
def toDuration(using q2d: QuantityDuration[V, U]): Duration =
extension (instant: Instant)
* Convert a java.time Instant to an EpochTime value
* @tparam V
* the desired value type
* @tparam U
* the desired unit type
* @return
* equivalent EpochTime value
* @example
* {{{
* val i: Instant = ...
* // convert i to days from Jan 1, 1970
* i.toEpochTime[Double, Day]
* }}}
def toEpochTime[V, U](using
i2e: InstantEpochTime[V, U]
): EpochTime[V, U] =
* Convert a java.time Instant to an EpochTime value using a truncating
* conversion
* @tparam V
* a desired integral value type
* @tparam U
* the desired unit type
* @return
* equivalent EpochTime value
* @example
* {{{
* val i: Instant = ...
* // convert i to an integer number of days from Jan 1, 1970
* i.tToEpochTime[Long, Day]
* }}}
def tToEpochTime[V, U](using
i2e: TruncatingInstantEpochTime[V, U]
): EpochTime[V, U] = i2e(instant)
extension [V, U](epochTime: EpochTime[V, U])
* Convert an EpochTime value to a java.time Instant
* @return
* the equivalent Instant value
* @example
* {{{
* val e: EpochTime[Double, Hour] = ...
* // convert to an equivalent java.time Instant
* e.toInstant
* }}}
def toInstant(using e2i: EpochTimeInstant[V, U]): Instant =
/** Conversion typeclasses between `coulomb` types and `java.time` types */
object conversions:
import coulomb.conversion.*
import coulomb.rational.Rational
* A typeclass for converting a `Duration` to an equivalent `Quantity`
* @tparam V
* the quantity value type
* @tparam U
* the quantity unit type
abstract class DurationQuantity[V, U]
extends (Duration => Quantity[V, U])
* A typeclass for converting a `Quantity` to an equivalent `Duration`
* @tparam V
* the quantity value type
* @tparam U
* the quantity unit type
abstract class QuantityDuration[V, U]
extends (Quantity[V, U] => Duration)
// Quantity -> Duration will never truncate
* A typeclass for converting a `Duration` to an equivalent `Quantity`
* involving a truncation to some integral value type
* @tparam V
* the quantity value type
* @tparam U
* the quantity unit type
abstract class TruncatingDurationQuantity[V, U]
extends (Duration => Quantity[V, U])
abstract class InstantEpochTime[V, U]
extends (Instant => EpochTime[V, U])
abstract class EpochTimeInstant[V, U]
extends (EpochTime[V, U] => Instant)
abstract class TruncatingInstantEpochTime[V, U]
extends (Instant => EpochTime[V, U])
* exports both explicit and implicit conversion typeclasses
* @example
* {{{
* // import both explicit and implicit conversion typeclasses into scope
* import coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.all.given
* }}}
object all:
export coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.scala.given
export coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.explicit.given
* defines implicit `scala.Conversion` typeclasses
* @example
* {{{
* // import implicit conversion typeclasses into scope
* import coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.scala.given
* }}}
object scala:
given ctx_Conversion_QD[V, U](using
q2d: QuantityDuration[V, U]
): Conversion[Quantity[V, U], Duration] =
(q: Quantity[V, U]) => q2d(q)
given ctx_Conversion_DQ[V, U](using
d2q: DurationQuantity[V, U]
): Conversion[Duration, Quantity[V, U]] =
(d: Duration) => d2q(d)
given ctx_Conversion_EI[V, U](using
e2i: EpochTimeInstant[V, U]
): Conversion[EpochTime[V, U], Instant] =
(e: EpochTime[V, U]) => e2i(e)
given ctx_Conversion_IE[V, U](using
i2e: InstantEpochTime[V, U]
): Conversion[Instant, EpochTime[V, U]] =
(i: Instant) => i2e(i)
* defines typeclasses for explicit conversions
* @example
* {{{
* // import typeclasses for explicit conversions into scope
* import coulomb.units.javatime.conversions.explicit.given
* }}}
object explicit:
given ctx_DurationQuantity[V, U](using
uc: UnitConversion[Rational, Second, U],
vc: ValueConversion[Rational, V]
): DurationQuantity[V, U] =
(duration: Duration) =>
val seconds: Long = duration.getSeconds()
val nano: Int = duration.getNano()
val qsec: Rational =
Rational(seconds) + Rational(nano, 1000000000)
given ctx_TruncatingDurationQuantity[V, U](using
uc: UnitConversion[Rational, Second, U],
vc: TruncatingValueConversion[Rational, V]
): TruncatingDurationQuantity[V, U] =
(duration: Duration) =>
val seconds: Long = duration.getSeconds()
val nano: Int = duration.getNano()
val qsec: Rational =
Rational(seconds) + Rational(nano, 1000000000)
given ctx_QuantityDuration[V, U](using
vc: ValueConversion[V, Rational],
uc: UnitConversion[Rational, U, Second]
): QuantityDuration[V, U] =
(q: Quantity[V, U]) =>
val qsec: Rational = uc(vc(q.value))
val secs: Long = qsec.toLong
val nano: Int =
((qsec - Rational(secs)) * Rational(1000000000)).toInt
Duration.ofSeconds(secs, nano)
given ctx_EpochTimeInstant[V, U](using
vc: ValueConversion[V, Rational],
uc: DeltaUnitConversion[
): EpochTimeInstant[V, U] =
(et: EpochTime[V, U]) =>
val qsec: Rational = uc(vc(et.value))
val secs: Long = qsec.toLong
val nano: Int =
((qsec - Rational(secs)) * Rational(1000000000)).toInt, nano))
given ctx_InstantEpochTime[V, U](using
vc: ValueConversion[Rational, V],
uc: DeltaUnitConversion[
): InstantEpochTime[V, U] =
(instant: Instant) =>
val duration: Duration =
Duration.between(Instant.EPOCH, instant)
val seconds: Long = duration.getSeconds()
val nano: Int = duration.getNano()
val qsec: Rational =
Rational(seconds) + Rational(nano, 1000000000)
given ctx_TruncatingInstantEpochTime[V, U](using
vc: TruncatingValueConversion[Rational, V],
uc: DeltaUnitConversion[
): TruncatingInstantEpochTime[V, U] =
(instant: Instant) =>
val duration: Duration =
Duration.between(Instant.EPOCH, instant)
val seconds: Long = duration.getSeconds()
val nano: Int = duration.getNano()
val qsec: Rational =
Rational(seconds) + Rational(nano, 1000000000)
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