com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.MapView Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.location.Location;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Scroller;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.R;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.api.ILatLng;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.constants.MapboxConstants;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.BoundingBox;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.GeoJSONPainter;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.GpsLocationProvider;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.ItemizedIconOverlay;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.ItemizedOverlay;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.MapEventsOverlay;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.MapEventsReceiver;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.Marker;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.Overlay;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.OverlayManager;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.TilesOverlay;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.overlay.UserLocationOverlay;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.MapTileLayerBase;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.MapTileLayerBasic;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.constants.TileLayerConstants;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.tilesource.ITileLayer;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.tilesource.MapboxTileLayer;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.tileprovider.util.SimpleInvalidationHandler;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.util.BitmapUtils;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.util.DataLoadingUtils;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.util.GeometryMath;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.util.MapboxUtils;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.util.NetworkUtils;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.util.constants.UtilConstants;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.OnMapOrientationChangeListener;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.Projection;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.TileLoadedListener;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.TilesLoadedListener;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.constants.MapViewConstants;
import com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.util.constants.MapViewLayouts;
import org.json.JSONException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* The MapView class manages all of the content and
* state of a single map, including layers, markers,
* and interaction code.
public class MapView extends ViewGroup implements MapViewConstants, MapEventsReceiver, MapboxConstants {
* The default marker Overlay, automatically added to the view to add markers directly.
private ItemizedIconOverlay defaultMarkerOverlay;
* List linked to the default marker overlay.
private ArrayList defaultMarkerList = new ArrayList();
* Overlay for basic map touch events.
private MapEventsOverlay eventsOverlay;
* A copy of the app context.
private Context context;
* Whether or not a marker has been placed already.
private boolean firstMarker = true;
private static final String TAG = "MapBox MapView";
private static Method sMotionEventTransformMethod;
* Current zoom level for map tiles.
private float mZoomLevel = 11;
protected float mRequestedMinimumZoomLevel = 0;
private float mMinimumZoomLevel = 0;
private float mMaximumZoomLevel = 22;
* The MapView listener
private MapViewListener mMapViewListener;
private final OverlayManager mOverlayManager;
private Projection mProjection;
private boolean mLayedOut;
private final TilesOverlay mTilesOverlay;
private final GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
* Handles map scrolling
protected final Scroller mScroller;
protected boolean mIsFlinging;
private final AtomicInteger mTargetZoomLevel = new AtomicInteger();
private final AtomicBoolean mIsAnimating = new AtomicBoolean(false);
private final MapController mController;
protected ScaleGestureDetector mScaleGestureDetector;
protected RotateGestureDetector mRotateGestureDetector;
protected boolean mMapRotationEnabled;
protected OnMapOrientationChangeListener mOnMapOrientationChangeListener;
protected float mMultiTouchScale = 1.0f;
protected PointF mMultiTouchScalePoint = new PointF();
protected Matrix mInvTransformMatrix = new Matrix();
protected List mListeners = new ArrayList();
private float mapOrientation = 0;
private final float[] mRotatePoints = new float[2];
private final Rect mInvalidateRect = new Rect();
protected BoundingBox mScrollableAreaBoundingBox = null;
protected RectF mScrollableAreaLimit = null;
private boolean mConstraintRegionFit;
protected RectF mTempRect = new RectF();
private BoundingBox mBoundingBoxToZoomOn = null;
private boolean mBoundingBoxToZoomOnRegionFit = false;
// for speed (avoiding allocations)
protected final MapTileLayerBase mTileProvider;
private final Handler mTileRequestCompleteHandler;
/* a point that will be reused to design added views */
private final PointF mPoint = new PointF();
private TilesLoadedListener tilesLoadedListener;
TileLoadedListener tileLoadedListener;
private InfoWindow currentTooltip;
private int mDefaultPinRes = R.drawable.defpin;
private Drawable mDefaultPinDrawable;
private PointF mDefaultPinAnchor = DEFAULT_PIN_ANCHOR;
private UserLocationOverlay mLocationOverlay;
* Constructor for XML layout calls. Should not be used programmatically.
* @param aContext A copy of the app context
* @param attrs An AttributeSet object to get extra info from the XML, such as mapbox id or
* type
* of baselayer
protected MapView(final Context aContext, final int tileSizePixels,
MapTileLayerBase tileProvider, final Handler tileRequestCompleteHandler,
final AttributeSet attrs) {
super(aContext, attrs);
mLayedOut = false;
mConstraintRegionFit = false;
this.mController = new MapController(this);
this.mScroller = new Scroller(aContext);
if (tileProvider == null) {
tileProvider = new MapTileLayerBasic(aContext, null, this);
mTileRequestCompleteHandler =
tileRequestCompleteHandler == null ? new SimpleInvalidationHandler(this)
: tileRequestCompleteHandler;
mTileProvider = tileProvider;
mTilesOverlay = new TilesOverlay(mTileProvider);
mOverlayManager = new OverlayManager(mTilesOverlay);
this.mGestureDetector =
new GestureDetector(aContext, new MapViewGestureDetectorListener(this));
this.mScaleGestureDetector =
new ScaleGestureDetector(aContext, new MapViewScaleGestureDetectorListener(this));
this.mRotateGestureDetector =
new RotateGestureDetector(aContext, new MapViewRotateGestureDetectorListener(this));
this.context = aContext;
eventsOverlay = new MapEventsOverlay(aContext, this);
TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.MapView);
String mapid = a.getString(R.styleable.MapView_mapid);
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mapid)) {
setTileSource(new MapboxTileLayer(mapid));
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "mapid not set.");
String centerLat = a.getString(R.styleable.MapView_centerLat);
String centerLng = a.getString(R.styleable.MapView_centerLng);
if (centerLat != null && centerLng != null) {
double lat, lng;
lat = Double.parseDouble(centerLat);
lng = Double.parseDouble(centerLng);
this.setCenter(new LatLng(lat, lng));
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "centerLatLng is not specified in XML.");
String zoomLvl = a.getString(R.styleable.MapView_zoomLevel);
if (zoomLvl != null) {
float lvl = Float.parseFloat(zoomLvl);
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "zoomLevel is not specified in XML.");
public MapView(final Context aContext) {
this(aContext, 256, null, null, null);
public MapView(final Context aContext, AttributeSet attrs) {
this(aContext, 256, null, null, attrs);
protected MapView(Context aContext, int tileSizePixels, MapTileLayerBase aTileProvider) {
this(aContext, tileSizePixels, aTileProvider, null, null);
* Add a new MapListener that observes changes in this map.
* @param listener
public void addListener(final MapListener listener) {
if (!mListeners.contains(listener)) {
* Remove a listener object that observed changes in this map.
* @param listener
public void removeListener(MapListener listener) {
if (mListeners.contains(listener)) {
* Add an overlay to this map. If the overlay is already included,
* does nothing. After adding the overlay, invalidates the map to
* redraw it.
* @param overlay
public void addOverlay(final Overlay overlay) {
if (!mOverlayManager.contains(overlay)) {
if (overlay instanceof MapListener) {
addListener((MapListener) overlay);
* Remove an overlay from displaying in this map and invalidates
* the map to trigger a redraw.
* @param overlay
public void removeOverlay(final Overlay overlay) {
if (mOverlayManager.contains(overlay)) {
if (overlay instanceof MapListener) {
removeListener((MapListener) overlay);
private void updateAfterSourceChange() {
if (!isLayedOut()) {
this.scrollTo(mDScroll.x, mDScroll.y);
* Set the tile source of this map as an array of tile layers,
* which will be presented on top of each other.
* @param value
public void setTileSource(final ITileLayer[] value) {
if (value != null && mTileProvider != null && mTileProvider instanceof MapTileLayerBasic) {
((MapTileLayerBasic) mTileProvider).setTileSources(value);
* Set the tile source of this map as a single source, and trigger
* an update.
* @param aTileSource
public void setTileSource(final ITileLayer aTileSource) {
if (aTileSource != null && mTileProvider != null && mTileProvider instanceof MapTileLayerBasic) {
public void addTileSource(final ITileLayer aTileSource) {
if (aTileSource != null && mTileProvider != null && mTileProvider instanceof MapTileLayerBasic) {
((MapTileLayerBasic) mTileProvider).addTileSource(aTileSource);
public void addTileSource(final ITileLayer aTileSource, final int index) {
if (aTileSource != null && mTileProvider != null && mTileProvider instanceof MapTileLayerBasic) {
((MapTileLayerBasic) mTileProvider).addTileSource(aTileSource, index);
public void removeTileSource(final ITileLayer aTileSource) {
if (aTileSource != null && mTileProvider != null && mTileProvider instanceof MapTileLayerBasic) {
((MapTileLayerBasic) mTileProvider).removeTileSource(aTileSource);
public void removeTileSource(final int index) {
if (mTileProvider != null && mTileProvider instanceof MapTileLayerBasic) {
((MapTileLayerBasic) mTileProvider).removeTileSource(index);
* Adds a marker to the default marker overlay.
* @param marker the marker object to be added
* @return the marker object
public Marker addMarker(final Marker marker) {
if (firstMarker) {
} else {
firstMarker = false;
return marker;
* Remove a marker from the map's display.
public void removeMarker(final Marker marker) {
* Remove all markers from the map's display.
public void clear() {
if (defaultMarkerOverlay != null) {
* Select a marker, showing a tooltip if the marker has content that would appear within it.
public void selectMarker(final Marker marker) {
InfoWindow toolTip = marker.getToolTip(MapView.this);
if (mMapViewListener != null) {
mMapViewListener.onTapMarker(MapView.this, marker);
if (toolTip != currentTooltip && marker.hasContent()) {
if (mMapViewListener != null) {
mMapViewListener.onShowMarker(MapView.this, marker);
currentTooltip = toolTip;
marker.showBubble(currentTooltip, MapView.this, true);
* Adds a new ItemizedOverlay to the MapView
* @param itemizedOverlay the itemized overlay
public void addItemizedOverlay(final ItemizedOverlay itemizedOverlay) {
if (itemizedOverlay instanceof ItemizedIconOverlay) {
// Make sure Markers are added to MapView
ItemizedIconOverlay overlay = (ItemizedIconOverlay) itemizedOverlay;
for (int lc = 0; lc < overlay.size(); lc++) {
* Get all itemized overlays on the map as an ArrayList.
* @return
public ArrayList getItemizedOverlays() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
for (Overlay overlay : getOverlays()) {
if (overlay instanceof ItemizedOverlay) {
list.add((ItemizedIconOverlay) overlay);
return list;
* Load and parse a GeoJSON file at a given URL
* @param URL the URL from which to load the GeoJSON file
public void loadFromGeoJSONURL(String URL) {
if (NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(getContext())) {
new GeoJSONPainter(this, null).loadFromURL(URL);
* Parse a GeoJSON file at a given URL
* @param url The URL of GeoJSON string to parse
* @return FeatureCollection Parsed GeoJSON
public FeatureCollection parseFromGeoJSONURL(final String url) throws IOException, JSONException {
return DataLoadingUtils.loadGeoJSONFromUrl(url);
* Close the currently-displayed tooltip, if any.
public void closeCurrentTooltip() {
if (currentTooltip != null) {
if (mMapViewListener != null) {
mMapViewListener.onHideMarker(this, currentTooltip.getBoundMarker());
currentTooltip = null;
* Get the current tooltip of this map if there is one being displayed.
* @return
public InfoWindow getCurrentTooltip() {
return currentTooltip;
* Sets the default itemized overlay.
private void setDefaultItemizedOverlay() {
defaultMarkerOverlay = new ItemizedIconOverlay(getContext(), defaultMarkerList,
new ItemizedIconOverlay.OnItemGestureListener() {
public boolean onItemSingleTapUp(final int index, final Marker item) {
return true;
public boolean onItemLongPress(final int index, final Marker item) {
if (mMapViewListener != null) {
mMapViewListener.onLongPressMarker(MapView.this, item);
return true;
* @param p the position where the event occurred.
* @return whether the event action is triggered or not
public boolean singleTapUpHelper(final ILatLng p) {
return true;
* @param p the position where the event occurred.
* @return whether the event action is triggered or not
public boolean longPressHelper(final ILatLng p) {
return false;
public void onLongPress(final ILatLng p) {
if (mMapViewListener != null) {
mMapViewListener.onLongPressMap(MapView.this, p);
public void onTap(final ILatLng p) {
if (mMapViewListener != null) {
mMapViewListener.onTapMap(MapView.this, p);
* Returns the map's controller
public MapController getController() {
return this.mController;
* Returns the map's overlay
public TilesOverlay getMapOverlay() {
return mTilesOverlay;
* You can add/remove/reorder your Overlays using the List of {@link Overlay}. The first (index
* 0) Overlay gets drawn first, the one with the highest as the last one.
public List getOverlays() {
return this.getOverlayManager();
public OverlayManager getOverlayManager() {
return mOverlayManager;
public MapTileLayerBase getTileProvider() {
return mTileProvider;
* Returns the map's scroller
public Scroller getScroller() {
return mScroller;
public Handler getTileRequestCompleteHandler() {
return mTileRequestCompleteHandler;
public BoundingBox getBoundingBoxInternal() {
if (getMeasuredWidth() == 0 || getMeasuredHeight() == 0) {
return null;
final Rect screenRect = GeometryMath.viewPortRect(getProjection(), null);
ILatLng neGeoPoint =
Projection.pixelXYToLatLong(screenRect.right,, mZoomLevel);
ILatLng swGeoPoint =
Projection.pixelXYToLatLong(screenRect.left, screenRect.bottom, mZoomLevel);
return new BoundingBox(neGeoPoint.getLatitude(), neGeoPoint.getLongitude(),
swGeoPoint.getLatitude(), swGeoPoint.getLongitude());
* Returns the current bounding box of the map.
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
return getProjection().getBoundingBox();
* Get centerpoint of the phone as latitude and longitude.
* @return centerpoint
public LatLng getCenter() {
final int worldSize_current_2 = Projection.mapSize(mZoomLevel) >> 1;
return Projection.pixelXYToLatLong((float) mDScroll.x
+ worldSize_current_2, (float) mDScroll.y + worldSize_current_2,
public Rect getIntrinsicScreenRect(Rect reuse) {
if (reuse == null) {
reuse = new Rect();
final int width_2 = getMeasuredWidth() >> 1;
final int height_2 = getMeasuredHeight() >> 1;
final int scrollX = getScrollX();
final int scrollY = getScrollY();
reuse.set(scrollX - width_2, scrollY - height_2, scrollX + width_2, scrollY + height_2);
return reuse;
* Get a projection for converting between screen-pixel coordinates and latitude/longitude
* coordinates. You should not hold on to this object for more than one draw, since the
* projection of the map could change.
* @return The Projection of the map in its current state. You should not hold on to this object
* for more than one draw, since the projection of the map could change.
public Projection getProjection() {
if (mProjection == null) {
mProjection = new Projection(this);
return mProjection;
* Set the centerpoint of the map view, given a latitude and
* longitude position.
* @return the map view, for chaining
public MapView setCenter(final ILatLng aCenter) {
return setCenter(aCenter, false);
public MapView setCenter(final ILatLng aCenter, final boolean userAction) {
return this;
* Pan the map by a given number of pixels in the x and y dimensions.
public MapView panBy(int x, int y) {
this.mController.panBy(x, y);
return this;
public MapView setScale(float scale) {
float zoomDelta = (float) (Math.log(scale) / Math.log(2d));
float newZoom = mZoomLevel + zoomDelta;
if (newZoom <= mMaximumZoomLevel && newZoom >= mMinimumZoomLevel) {
mMultiTouchScale = scale;
return this;
public float getScale() {
return mMultiTouchScale;
private final void updateInversedTransformMatrix() {
mInvTransformMatrix.preScale(1 / mMultiTouchScale, 1 / mMultiTouchScale, mMultiTouchScalePoint.x,
public final Matrix getInversedTransformMatrix() {
return mInvTransformMatrix;
private void snapItems() {
// snap for all snappables
final Point snapPoint = new Point();
if (this.getOverlayManager().onSnapToItem(getScrollX(), getScrollY(), snapPoint, this)) {
scrollTo(snapPoint.x, snapPoint.y);
* @param aZoomLevel the zoom level bound by the tile source
* @return the map view, for chaining
public MapView setZoom(final float aZoomLevel) {
return this.mController.setZoom(aZoomLevel);
protected MapView setZoomInternal(final float aZoomLevel) {
return setZoomInternal(aZoomLevel, null, null);
protected MapView setZoomInternal(final float aZoomLevel, ILatLng center, final PointF decale) {
if (center == null) {
center = getCenter();
final float newZoomLevel = getClampedZoomLevel(aZoomLevel);
final float curZoomLevel = this.mZoomLevel;
// reset the touchScale because from now on the zoom is the new one
mMultiTouchScale = 1.0f;
if (newZoomLevel != curZoomLevel) {
this.mZoomLevel = newZoomLevel;
// just to be sure any one got the right one
mIsFlinging = false;
if (center != null) {
// we cant use the mProjection because the values are not the right
// one yet
final PointF centerPoint = Projection.toMapPixels(
center.getLatitude(), center.getLongitude(), newZoomLevel,
mDScroll.x, mDScroll.y, null);
if (decale != null) {
centerPoint.offset(decale.x, decale.y);
scrollTo(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y);
} else {
if (newZoomLevel > curZoomLevel) {
// We are going from a lower-resolution plane to a higher-resolution plane, so we have
// to do it the hard way.
final int worldSize_new_2 = Projection.mapSize(newZoomLevel) >> 1;
final ILatLng centerGeoPoint = getCenter();
final PointF centerPoint = Projection.latLongToPixelXY(centerGeoPoint.getLatitude(),
centerGeoPoint.getLongitude(), newZoomLevel, null);
scrollTo((int) centerPoint.x - worldSize_new_2, (int) centerPoint.y - worldSize_new_2);
} else if (newZoomLevel < curZoomLevel) {
// We are going from a higher-resolution plane to a lower-resolution plane, so we can do
// it the easy way.
scrollTo((int) (GeometryMath.rightShift(getScrollX(), curZoomLevel - newZoomLevel)),
(int) (GeometryMath.rightShift(getScrollY(), curZoomLevel - newZoomLevel)));
mProjection = new Projection(this);
// snap for all snappables
if (isLayedOut()) {
getMapOverlay().rescaleCache(newZoomLevel, curZoomLevel, getProjection());
// do callback on listener
if (newZoomLevel != curZoomLevel && mListeners.size() > 0) {
final ZoomEvent event = new ZoomEvent(this, newZoomLevel, mController.currentlyInUserAction());
for (MapListener listener : mListeners) {
// Allows any views fixed to a Location in the MapView to adjust
return this;
* compute the minimum zoom necessary to show a BoundingBox
* @param boundingBox the box to compute the zoom for
* @param regionFit if true computed zoom will make sure the whole box is visible
* @param roundedZoom if true the required zoom will be rounded (for better
* graphics)
* @return the minimum zoom necessary to show the bounding box
private double minimumZoomForBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox,
final boolean regionFit, final boolean roundedZoom) {
final RectF rect = Projection.toMapPixels(boundingBox,
TileLayerConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL, mTempRect);
final float requiredLatitudeZoom = TileLayerConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL
- (float) ((Math.log(rect.height() / getMeasuredHeight()) / Math
final float requiredLongitudeZoom = TileLayerConstants.MAXIMUM_ZOOMLEVEL
- (float) ((Math.log(rect.width() / getMeasuredWidth()) / Math
double result = regionFit ? Math.min(requiredLatitudeZoom,
requiredLongitudeZoom) : Math.max(requiredLatitudeZoom,
if (roundedZoom) {
result = regionFit ? Math.floor(result) : Math.round(result);
return result;
* Zoom the map to enclose the specified bounding box, as closely as
* possible.
* @param boundingBox the box to compute the zoom for
* @param regionFit if true computed zoom will make sure the whole box is visible
* @param animated if true the zoom will be animated
* @param roundedZoom if true the required zoom will be rounded (for better
* graphics)
* @param userAction set to true if it comes from a userAction
* @return the map view, for chaining
public MapView zoomToBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox,
final boolean regionFit, final boolean animated,
final boolean roundedZoom, final boolean userAction) {
BoundingBox inter = (mScrollableAreaBoundingBox != null) ? mScrollableAreaBoundingBox
.intersect(boundingBox) : boundingBox;
if (inter == null || !inter.isValid()) {
return this;
if (!mLayedOut) {
mBoundingBoxToZoomOn = inter;
mBoundingBoxToZoomOnRegionFit = regionFit;
return this;
// Zoom to boundingBox center, at calculated maximum allowed zoom level
final LatLng center = inter.getCenter();
final float zoom = (float) minimumZoomForBoundingBox(inter, regionFit,
if (animated) {
getController().setZoomAnimated(zoom, center, true, userAction);
} else {
getController().setZoom(zoom, center, userAction);
return this;
* Zoom the map to enclose the specified bounding box, as closely as
* possible.
* @param boundingBox the box to compute the zoom for
* @param regionFit if true computed zoom will make sure the whole box is visible
* @param animated if true the zoom will be animated
* @param roundedZoom if true the required zoom will be rounded (for better
* graphics)
* @return the map view, for chaining
public MapView zoomToBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox,
final boolean regionFit, final boolean animated,
final boolean roundedZoom) {
return zoomToBoundingBox(boundingBox, regionFit, animated, roundedZoom,
* Zoom the map to enclose the specified bounding box, as closely as
* possible.
* @param boundingBox the box to compute the zoom for
* @param regionFit if true computed zoom will make sure the whole box is visible
* @param animated if true the zoom will be animated
* @return the map view, for chaining
public MapView zoomToBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox,
final boolean regionFit, final boolean animated) {
return zoomToBoundingBox(boundingBox, regionFit, animated, false, false);
* Zoom the map to enclose the specified bounding box, as closely as
* possible.
* @param boundingBox the box to compute the zoom for
* @param regionFit if true computed zoom will make sure the whole box is visible
* @return the map view, for chaining
public MapView zoomToBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox,
final boolean regionFit) {
return zoomToBoundingBox(boundingBox, regionFit, false, false);
* Zoom the map to enclose the specified bounding box, as closely as
* possible.
* @param boundingBox the box to compute the zoom for
* @return the map view, for chaining
public MapView zoomToBoundingBox(final BoundingBox boundingBox) {
return zoomToBoundingBox(boundingBox, false);
public float getClampedZoomLevel(float zoom) {
final float minZoomLevel = getMinZoomLevel();
final float maxZoomLevel = getMaxZoomLevel();
return Math.max(minZoomLevel, Math.min(maxZoomLevel, zoom));
* Get the current ZoomLevel for the map tiles.
* @return the current ZoomLevel between 0 (equator) and 18/19(closest), depending on the tile
* source chosen.
public float getZoomLevel() {
return getZoomLevel(true);
protected float getAnimatedZoom() {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(mTargetZoomLevel.get());
protected void setAnimatedZoom(float value) {
protected void clearAnimatedZoom(float value) {
protected boolean isAnimatedZoomSet() {
return Float.intBitsToFloat(mTargetZoomLevel.get()) != -1;
* Get the current ZoomLevel for the map tiles.
* @param aPending if true and we're animating then return the zoom level that we're animating
* towards, otherwise return the current zoom level
* @return the zoom level
public float getZoomLevel(final boolean aPending) {
if (aPending && isAnimating()) {
return getAnimatedZoom();
} else {
return mZoomLevel;
* Get the minimum allowed zoom level for the maps.
public float getMinZoomLevel() {
return Math.max(mMinimumZoomLevel, 0);
* Get the maximum allowed zoom level for the maps.
public float getMaxZoomLevel() {
return mMaximumZoomLevel;
* Set the minimum allowed zoom level, or pass null to use the minimum zoom level from the tile
* provider.
public void setMinZoomLevel(float zoomLevel) {
mRequestedMinimumZoomLevel = mMinimumZoomLevel = zoomLevel;
* Set the maximum allowed zoom level, or pass null to use the maximum zoom level from the tile
* provider.
public void setMaxZoomLevel(float zoomLevel) {
mMaximumZoomLevel = zoomLevel;
* Determine whether the map is at its maximum zoom
* @return whether the map can zoom in
protected boolean canZoomIn() {
final float maxZoomLevel = getMaxZoomLevel();
if ((isAnimating() ? getAnimatedZoom() : mZoomLevel) >= maxZoomLevel) {
return false;
return true;
* Determine whether the map is at its minimum zoom
* @return whether the map can zoom out
protected boolean canZoomOut() {
final float minZoomLevel = getMinZoomLevel();
if ((isAnimating() ? getAnimatedZoom() : mZoomLevel) <= minZoomLevel) {
return false;
return true;
* Zoom in by one zoom level.
public boolean zoomIn() {
return getController().zoomIn();
public boolean zoomInFixing(final ILatLng point, final boolean userAction) {
return getController().zoomInAbout(point, userAction);
public boolean zoomInFixing(final ILatLng point) {
return zoomInFixing(point, false);
* Zoom out by one zoom level.
public boolean zoomOut() {
return getController().zoomOut();
public boolean zoomOutFixing(final ILatLng point, final boolean userAction) {
return getController().zoomOutAbout(point, userAction);
public boolean zoomOutFixing(final ILatLng point) {
return zoomOutFixing(point, false);
* Set the rotation of the map, in degrees. A value of 0, meaning straight up, is default.
* @param degrees the angle of the map
public void setMapOrientation(float degrees) {
this.mapOrientation = degrees % 360.0f;
this.mProjection = null;
* Gets the current angle of rotation of the map
* @return the current angle in degrees.
public float getMapOrientation() {
return mapOrientation;
* Gets whether the current map rotation feature is enabled or not
* default: disabled
public boolean isMapRotationEnabled() {
return mMapRotationEnabled;
* Sets whether to enable or disable the map rotation features
* default: disabled
public void setMapRotationEnabled(boolean enable) {
mMapRotationEnabled = enable;
* Gets the mapView onMapOrientationChangeListener
* @return the onMapOrientationChangeListener
public OnMapOrientationChangeListener getOnMapOrientationChangeListener() {
return mOnMapOrientationChangeListener;
* Gets the mapView onMapOrientationChangeListener
* @Param l the onMapOrientationChangeListener
public void setOnMapOrientationChangeListener(OnMapOrientationChangeListener l) {
this.mOnMapOrientationChangeListener = l;
* Whether to use the network connection if it's available.
public boolean useDataConnection() {
return mTilesOverlay.useDataConnection();
* Set whether to use the network connection if it's available.
* @param aMode if true use the network connection if it's available. if false don't use the
* network connection even if it's available.
public void setUseDataConnection(final boolean aMode) {
private void updateMinZoomLevel() {
if (mScrollableAreaBoundingBox == null || !mLayedOut) {
mMinimumZoomLevel = (float) Math.max(
minimumZoomForBoundingBox(mScrollableAreaBoundingBox, mConstraintRegionFit,
if (mZoomLevel < mMinimumZoomLevel) {
* Everytime we update the zoom or the view size we must re compute the real scrollable area
* limit in pixels
public void updateScrollableAreaLimit() {
if (mScrollableAreaBoundingBox == null || !isLayedOut()) {
if (mScrollableAreaLimit == null) {
mScrollableAreaLimit = new RectF();
Projection.toMapPixels(mScrollableAreaBoundingBox, getZoomLevel(false),
// if (mConstraintRegionFit) {
// int width = getMeasuredWidth();
// int height = getMeasuredHeight();
// float ratioX = mScrollableAreaLimit.width() / (float) width;
// float ratioY = mScrollableAreaLimit.height() / (float) height;
// if (ratioX != ratioY) {
// if (ratioX < ratioY)
// {
// float newWidth_2 = mScrollableAreaLimit.height() * width / (float) height / 2;
// float centerX = mScrollableAreaLimit.centerX();
// mScrollableAreaLimit.set(centerX - newWidth_2,, centerX + newWidth_2, mScrollableAreaLimit.bottom);
// } else {
// float newHeight_2 = width * ratioX / 2;
// float centerY = mScrollableAreaLimit.centerY();
// mScrollableAreaLimit.set(mScrollableAreaLimit.left, centerY - newHeight_2, mScrollableAreaLimit.right, centerY + newHeight_2);
// }
// }
// }
* Set the map to limit it's scrollable view to the specified BoundingBox. Note this does not
* limit zooming so it will be possible for the user to zoom to an area that is larger than the
* limited area.
* @param boundingBox A lat/long bounding box to limit scrolling to, or null to remove any
* scrolling
* limitations
public void setScrollableAreaLimit(BoundingBox boundingBox) {
mScrollableAreaBoundingBox = boundingBox;
// Clear scrollable area limit if null passed.
if (mScrollableAreaBoundingBox == null) {
mMinimumZoomLevel = mRequestedMinimumZoomLevel;
mScrollableAreaLimit = null;
} else {
* Returns if the map can go to a specified geo point
public boolean canGoTo(ILatLng point) {
return (mScrollableAreaBoundingBox == null || mScrollableAreaBoundingBox.contains(point));
* Returns if the map can go to a specified point (in map coordinates)
public boolean canGoTo(final float x, final float y) {
return (mScrollableAreaLimit == null || mScrollableAreaLimit.contains(x, y));
* Returns the map current scrollable bounding box
public BoundingBox getScrollableAreaBoundingBox() {
return mScrollableAreaBoundingBox;
* Returns the map current scrollable bounding limit int map PX
public RectF getScrollableAreaLimit() {
return mScrollableAreaLimit;
* Returns true if the view has been layed out
public boolean isLayedOut() {
return mLayedOut;
public void invalidateMapCoordinates(final Rect dirty) {
final int width_2 = this.getWidth() / 2;
final int height_2 = this.getHeight() / 2;
// Since the canvas is shifted by getWidth/2, we can just return our natural scrollX/Y value
// since that is the same as the shifted center.
int centerX = this.getScrollX();
int centerY = this.getScrollY();
if (this.getMapOrientation() != 0) {
GeometryMath.getBoundingBoxForRotatedRectangle(mInvalidateRect, centerX, centerY,
this.getMapOrientation() + 180, mInvalidateRect);
mInvalidateRect.offset(width_2, height_2);
public void invalidateMapCoordinates(final RectF dirty) {
final int width_2 = this.getWidth() / 2;
final int height_2 = this.getHeight() / 2;
// Since the canvas is shifted by getWidth/2, we can just return our natural scrollX/Y value
// since that is the same as the shifted center.
int centerX = this.getScrollX();
int centerY = this.getScrollY();
if (this.getMapOrientation() != 0) {
GeometryMath.getBoundingBoxForRotatedRectangle(mInvalidateRect, centerX, centerY,
this.getMapOrientation() + 180, mInvalidateRect);
mInvalidateRect.offset(width_2, height_2);
* Returns a set of layout parameters with a width of
* {@link android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams#WRAP_CONTENT}, a height of
* {@link android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams#WRAP_CONTENT} at the {@link
* com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.geometry.LatLng} (0, 0) align
* with {@link MapView.LayoutParams#BOTTOM_CENTER}.
protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() {
return new MapView.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, null, MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_CENTER, 0,
public ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(final AttributeSet attrs) {
return new MapView.LayoutParams(getContext(), attrs);
// Override to allow type-checking of LayoutParams.
protected boolean checkLayoutParams(final ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
return p instanceof MapView.LayoutParams;
protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(final ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
return new MapView.LayoutParams(p);
protected void onMeasure(final int widthMeasureSpec, final int heightMeasureSpec) {
final int count = getChildCount();
int maxHeight = 0;
int maxWidth = 0;
// Find out how big everyone wants to be
measureChildren(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
final Projection projection = getProjection();
// Find rightmost and bottom-most child
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final View child = getChildAt(i);
if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
final MapView.LayoutParams lp = (MapView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
final int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
projection.toMapPixels(lp.geoPoint, mPoint);
final int x = (int) mPoint.x + getWidth() / 2;
final int y = (int) mPoint.y + getHeight() / 2;
int childRight = x;
int childBottom = y;
switch (lp.alignment) {
case MapView.LayoutParams.TOP_LEFT:
childRight = x + childWidth;
childBottom = y;
case MapView.LayoutParams.TOP_CENTER:
childRight = x + childWidth / 2;
childBottom = y;
case MapView.LayoutParams.TOP_RIGHT:
childRight = x;
childBottom = y;
case MapView.LayoutParams.CENTER_LEFT:
childRight = x + childWidth;
childBottom = y + childHeight / 2;
case MapView.LayoutParams.CENTER:
childRight = x + childWidth / 2;
childBottom = y + childHeight / 2;
case MapView.LayoutParams.CENTER_RIGHT:
childRight = x;
childBottom = y + childHeight / 2;
case MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_LEFT:
childRight = x + childWidth;
childBottom = y + childHeight;
case MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_CENTER:
childRight = x + childWidth / 2;
childBottom = y + childHeight;
case MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
childRight = x;
childBottom = y + childHeight;
childRight += lp.offsetX;
childBottom += lp.offsetY;
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, childRight);
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, childBottom);
// Account for padding too
maxWidth += getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
maxHeight += getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
// Check against minimum height and width
maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());
maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());
setMeasuredDimension(resolveSize(maxWidth, widthMeasureSpec),
resolveSize(maxHeight, heightMeasureSpec));
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
if (w != 0 && h != 0) {
mProjection = null;
if (!mLayedOut) {
mLayedOut = true;
//first layout: if some actions were triggered before, they were enqueued
//let's trigger them again!
if (mBoundingBoxToZoomOn != null) {
zoomToBoundingBox(mBoundingBoxToZoomOn, mBoundingBoxToZoomOnRegionFit);
mBoundingBoxToZoomOn = null;
protected void onLayout(final boolean changed, final int l, final int t, final int r,
final int b) {
final int count = getChildCount();
final Projection projection = getProjection();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final View child = getChildAt(i);
if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
final MapView.LayoutParams lp = (MapView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
final int childHeight = child.getMeasuredHeight();
final int childWidth = child.getMeasuredWidth();
projection.toMapPixels(lp.geoPoint, mPoint);
final int x = (int) mPoint.x + getWidth() / 2;
final int y = (int) mPoint.y + getHeight() / 2;
int childLeft = x;
int childTop = y;
switch (lp.alignment) {
case MapView.LayoutParams.TOP_LEFT:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y;
case MapView.LayoutParams.TOP_CENTER:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x - childWidth / 2;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y;
case MapView.LayoutParams.TOP_RIGHT:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x - childWidth;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y;
case MapView.LayoutParams.CENTER_LEFT:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y - childHeight / 2;
case MapView.LayoutParams.CENTER:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x - childWidth / 2;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y - childHeight / 2;
case MapView.LayoutParams.CENTER_RIGHT:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x - childWidth;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y - childHeight / 2;
case MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_LEFT:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y - childHeight;
case MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_CENTER:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x - childWidth / 2;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y - childHeight;
case MapView.LayoutParams.BOTTOM_RIGHT:
childLeft = getPaddingLeft() + x - childWidth;
childTop = getPaddingTop() + y - childHeight;
childLeft += lp.offsetX;
childTop += lp.offsetY;
child.layout(childLeft, childTop, childLeft + childWidth, childTop + childHeight);
public void onDetach() {
public boolean onKeyDown(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) {
final boolean result = this.getOverlayManager().onKeyDown(keyCode, event, this);
return result || super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event);
public boolean onKeyUp(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) {
final boolean result = this.getOverlayManager().onKeyUp(keyCode, event, this);
return result || super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event);
public boolean onTrackballEvent(final MotionEvent event) {
if (this.getOverlayManager().onTrackballEvent(event, this)) {
return true;
scrollBy((int) (event.getX() * 25), (int) (event.getY() * 25));
return super.onTrackballEvent(event);
private boolean canTapTwoFingers = false;
private int multiTouchDownCount = 0;
private boolean handleTwoFingersTap(MotionEvent event) {
int pointerCount = event.getPointerCount();
for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
int action = event.getActionMasked();
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
multiTouchDownCount = 0;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (!isAnimating() && canTapTwoFingers) {
final ILatLng center =
getProjection().fromPixels(event.getX(), event.getY());
canTapTwoFingers = false;
multiTouchDownCount = 0;
return true;
canTapTwoFingers = false;
multiTouchDownCount = 0;
canTapTwoFingers = multiTouchDownCount > 1;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
// canTapTwoFingers = multiTouchDownCount > 1;
return false;
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// If map rotation is enabled, propagate onTouchEvent to the rotate gesture detector
if (mMapRotationEnabled) {
// Get rotated event for some touch listeners.
MotionEvent rotatedEvent = rotateTouchEvent(event);
try {
if (this.getOverlayManager().onTouchEvent(rotatedEvent, this)) {
Log.d(TAG, "OverlayManager handled onTouchEvent");
return true;
// can't use the scale detector's onTouchEvent() result as it always returns true (Android issue #42591)
//Android seems to be able to recognize a scale with one pointer ...
// what a smart guy... let's prevent this
if (rotatedEvent.getPointerCount() != 1) {
boolean result = mScaleGestureDetector.isInProgress();
if (!result) {
result = mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(rotatedEvent);
} else {
//needs to cancel two fingers tap
canTapTwoFingers = false;
//handleTwoFingersTap should always be called because it counts pointers up/down
result |= handleTwoFingersTap(rotatedEvent);
return result;
} finally {
if (rotatedEvent != event) {
private MotionEvent rotateTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
if (this.getMapOrientation() == 0) {
return ev;
MotionEvent rotatedEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(ev);
mRotatePoints[0] = ev.getX();
mRotatePoints[1] = ev.getY();
rotatedEvent.setLocation(mRotatePoints[0], mRotatePoints[1]);
} else {
// This method is preferred since it will rotate historical touch events too
try {
if (sMotionEventTransformMethod == null) {
sMotionEventTransformMethod = MotionEvent.class.getDeclaredMethod("transform",
new Class[]{Matrix.class});
} catch (Exception e) {
return rotatedEvent;
public void computeScroll() {
if (mScroller.computeScrollOffset()) {
if (mScroller.isFinished()) {
// One last scrollTo to get to the final destination
scrollTo(mScroller.getCurrX(), mScroller.getCurrY());
// snapping-to any Snappable points.
if (!isAnimating()) {
mIsFlinging = false;
} else {
scrollTo(mScroller.getCurrX(), mScroller.getCurrY());
postInvalidate(); // Keep on drawing until the animation has
// finished.
public void updateScrollDuringAnimation() {
// updateScrollableAreaLimit();
// scrollTo(getScrollX(), getScrollY());
private PointF mDScroll = new PointF();
public final PointF getScrollPoint() {
return mDScroll;
public final void setScrollPoint(final PointF point) {
scrollTo((double) point.x, (double) point.y);
public final PointF getScalePoint() {
return mMultiTouchScalePoint;
public final void setScalePoint(final PointF point) {
public void scrollTo(int x, int y) {
// a trick for everyone to go through the double version of the method
scrollTo((double) x, (double) y);
public void scrollBy(double x, double y) {
scrollTo(mDScroll.x + x, mDScroll.y + y);
public void scrollTo(double x, double y) {
if (mScrollableAreaLimit != null) {
final RectF currentLimit = mScrollableAreaLimit;
final double xToTestWith = x;
final double yToTestWith = y;
final float width_2 = this.getMeasuredWidth() / 2;
final float height_2 = this.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;
// Adjust if we are outside the scrollable area
if (currentLimit.width() <= width_2 * 2) {
x = currentLimit.centerX();
} else if (xToTestWith - width_2 < currentLimit.left) {
x = (currentLimit.left + width_2);
} else if (xToTestWith + width_2 > currentLimit.right) {
x = (currentLimit.right - width_2);
if (currentLimit.height() <= height_2 * 2) {
y = currentLimit.centerY();
} else if (yToTestWith - height_2 < {
y = ( + height_2);
} else if (yToTestWith + height_2 > currentLimit.bottom) {
y = (currentLimit.bottom - height_2);
if (!isAnimating()) {
float deltaX = (float) (x - mDScroll.x);
float deltaY = (float) (y - mDScroll.y);
mController.offsetDeltaScroll(deltaX, deltaY);
mDScroll.set((float) x, (float) y);
final int intX = (int) Math.round(x);
final int intY = (int) Math.round(y);
// make sure the next time someone wants the projection it is the
// correct one!
mProjection = null;
super.scrollTo(intX, intY);
// do callback on listener
if (mListeners.size() > 0) {
final ScrollEvent event = new ScrollEvent(this, intX, intY, mController.currentlyInUserAction());
for (MapListener listener : mListeners) {
public void setBackgroundColor(final int pColor) {
protected void onDraw(final Canvas c) {
mProjection = updateProjection();
// Save the current canvas matrix;
c.translate(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
c.scale(mMultiTouchScale, mMultiTouchScale, mMultiTouchScalePoint.x,
// rotate Canvas
c.rotate(mapOrientation, mProjection.getScreenRect().exactCenterX(),
// Draw all Overlays.
this.getOverlayManager().draw(c, this);
* Private Helper Method for onDraw().
* @return New Projection object
private Projection updateProjection() {
return new Projection(this);
* Returns true if the safe drawing canvas is being used.
* @see {@link com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.safecanvas.ISafeCanvas}
public boolean isUsingSafeCanvas() {
return this.getOverlayManager().isUsingSafeCanvas();
* Sets whether the safe drawing canvas is being used.
* @see {@link com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.views.safecanvas.ISafeCanvas}
public void setUseSafeCanvas(boolean useSafeCanvas) {
* Sets whether the scrollable area limit should take the view
* ratio into account (keeping the same ratio as the screen)
* If yes you will be able to zoom out to see the whole area
* whatever the screen ratio.
public MapView setConstraintRegionFit(boolean value) {
this.mConstraintRegionFit = value;
if (isLayedOut()) {
return this;
private UserLocationOverlay getOrCreateLocationOverlay() {
if (mLocationOverlay == null) {
mLocationOverlay = new UserLocationOverlay(new GpsLocationProvider(getContext()), this);
return mLocationOverlay;
* Show or hide the user location overlay
public MapView setUserLocationEnabled(final boolean value) {
if (value) {
} else if (mLocationOverlay != null) {
mLocationOverlay = null;
return this;
* Show or hide the user location overlay
public final boolean getUserLocationEnabled() {
if (mLocationOverlay != null) {
return mLocationOverlay.isMyLocationEnabled();
return false;
* Set the user location tracking mode
public MapView setUserLocationTrackingMode(final UserLocationOverlay.TrackingMode mode) {
return this;
* Set the user location tracking mode
public MapView setUserLocationRequiredZoom(final float zoomLevel) {
return this;
* get the user location tracking mode
public UserLocationOverlay.TrackingMode getUserLocationTrackingMode() {
if (mLocationOverlay != null) {
return mLocationOverlay.getTrackingMode();
return UserLocationOverlay.TrackingMode.NONE;
* Go to user location
public void goToUserLocation(final boolean animated) {
if (mLocationOverlay != null) {
* Get the user location overlay if created
public UserLocationOverlay getUserLocationOverlay() {
return mLocationOverlay;
* Get the user location overlay if created
public LatLng getUserLocation() {
if (mLocationOverlay != null) {
return mLocationOverlay.getMyLocation();
return null;
public boolean isUserLocationVisible() {
if (mLocationOverlay != null) {
final Location pos = mLocationOverlay.getLastFix();
if (pos != null && isLayedOut()) {
final Projection projection = getProjection();
final float accuracyInPixels = pos.getAccuracy() / (float) projection.groundResolution(
final PointF point = projection.toMapPixels(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), null);
return projection.getScreenRect().intersects((int) (point.x - accuracyInPixels),
(int) (point.y - accuracyInPixels),
(int) (point.x + accuracyInPixels),
(int) (point.y + accuracyInPixels));
return false;
* Enable or disable the diskCache
public void setDiskCacheEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
if (mTileProvider != null) {
protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
* Determines if maps are animating a zoom operation. Useful for overlays to avoid
* recalculating
* during an animation sequence.
* @return boolean indicating whether view is animating.
public boolean isAnimating() {
return mIsAnimating.get();
protected void setIsAnimating(final boolean value) {
public TileLoadedListener getTileLoadedListener() {
return tileLoadedListener;
public static void setDebugMode(boolean value) {
* Per-child layout information associated with OpenStreetMapView.
public static class LayoutParams extends ViewGroup.LayoutParams implements MapViewLayouts {
* The location of the child within the map view.
public ILatLng geoPoint;
* The alignment the alignment of the view compared to the location.
public int alignment;
public int offsetX;
public int offsetY;
* Creates a new set of layout parameters with the specified width, height and location.
* @param width the width, either {@link #FILL_PARENT}, {@link #WRAP_CONTENT} or a fixed
* size
* in pixels
* @param height the height, either {@link #FILL_PARENT}, {@link #WRAP_CONTENT} or a fixed
* size
* in pixels
* @param aGeoPoint the location of the child within the map view
* @param aAlignment the alignment of the view compared to the location {@link
* {@link #BOTTOM_LEFT}, {@link #BOTTOM_RIGHT} {@link #TOP_CENTER},
* {@link #TOP_LEFT}, {@link #TOP_RIGHT}
* @param aOffsetX the additional X offset from the alignment location to draw the child
* within
* the map view
* @param aOffsetY the additional Y offset from the alignment location to draw the child
* within
* the map view
public LayoutParams(final int width, final int height, final ILatLng aGeoPoint,
final int aAlignment, final int aOffsetX, final int aOffsetY) {
super(width, height);
if (aGeoPoint != null) {
this.geoPoint = aGeoPoint;
} else {
this.geoPoint = new LatLng(0, 0);
this.alignment = aAlignment;
this.offsetX = aOffsetX;
this.offsetY = aOffsetY;
* Since we cannot use XML files in this project this constructor is useless. Creates a new
* set of layout parameters. The values are extracted from the supplied attributes set and
* context.
* @param c the application environment
* @param attrs the set of attributes fom which to extract the layout parameters values
public LayoutParams(final Context c, final AttributeSet attrs) {
super(c, attrs);
this.geoPoint = new LatLng(0, 0);
this.alignment = BOTTOM_CENTER;
public LayoutParams(final ViewGroup.LayoutParams source) {
public void setMapViewListener(MapViewListener listener) {
this.mMapViewListener = listener;
public void setOnTileLoadedListener(TileLoadedListener aTileLoadedListener) {
this.tileLoadedListener = aTileLoadedListener;
public void setOnTilesLoadedListener(TilesLoadedListener aTilesLoadedListener) {
this.tilesLoadedListener = aTilesLoadedListener;
public TilesLoadedListener getTilesLoadedListener() {
return tilesLoadedListener;
public String toString() {
return "MapView {" + getTileProvider() + "}";
public void setDefaultPinRes(int res) {
mDefaultPinRes = res;
public void setDefaultPinDrawable(Drawable drawable) {
mDefaultPinDrawable = drawable;
public Drawable getDefaultPinDrawable() {
if (mDefaultPinDrawable == null && mDefaultPinRes != 0) {
BitmapFactory.Options opts =
mDefaultPinDrawable = new BitmapDrawable(getResources(),
BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), mDefaultPinRes, opts));
return mDefaultPinDrawable;
public void setDefaultPinAnchor(PointF point) {
mDefaultPinAnchor = point;
public PointF getDefaultPinAnchor() {
return mDefaultPinAnchor;
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