com.mapbox.api.isochrone.MapboxIsochrone Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.mapbox.api.isochrone;
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import com.mapbox.core.MapboxService;
import com.mapbox.core.constants.Constants;
import com.mapbox.core.exceptions.ServicesException;
import com.mapbox.core.utils.MapboxUtils;
import com.mapbox.core.utils.TextUtils;
import com.mapbox.geojson.FeatureCollection;
import com.mapbox.geojson.GeometryAdapterFactory;
import com.mapbox.geojson.Point;
import com.mapbox.geojson.gson.GeoJsonAdapterFactory;
import java.util.Locale;
import retrofit2.Call;
* An isochrone, from the Greek root words iso (equal) and chrone (time), is a line that connects
* points of equal travel time around a given location. The Mapbox Isochrone API computes areas
* that are reachable within a specified amount of time from a location, and returns the reachable
* regions as contours of polygons or lines that you can display on a map.
* Given a location and a routing profile, retrieve up to four isochrone contours. The contours
* are calculated using rasters and are returned as either polygon or line features, depending
* on your input setting for the polygons parameter.
* The Isochrone API is limited to 300 requests per minute. The Isochrone API supports 1 coordinate
* per request. The Isochrone API can support a maximum of 4 isochrone contours per request.
* The maximum time that can be specified for an isochrone contour is 60 minutes. Results must be
* displayed on a Mapbox map using one of the Mapbox libraries or SDKs. If you require a higher
* rate limit, contact us.
* @see API documentation
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract class MapboxIsochrone extends MapboxService {
protected MapboxIsochrone() {
protected GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder() {
return new GsonBuilder()
protected Call initializeCall() {
return getService().getCall(
* Build a new {@link MapboxIsochrone} object with the initial value set for
* {@link #baseUrl()}.
* @return a {@link MapboxIsochrone.Builder} object for creating this object
* @since 4.6.0
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_MapboxIsochrone.Builder()
protected abstract String baseUrl();
abstract String accessToken();
abstract String user();
abstract String profile();
abstract String coordinates();
abstract String contoursMinutes();
abstract String contoursColors();
abstract Boolean polygons();
abstract Float denoise();
abstract Float generalize();
* This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Isochrone API. At a bare minimum,
* your request must include an access token, a directions routing profile (driving, walking,
* or cycling),and a comma separated list of time for the contours. All other fields can be
* left alone in order to use the default behaviour of the API.
* Note to contributors: All optional booleans in this builder use the object {@code Boolean}
* rather than the primitive to allow for unset (null) values.
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract static class Builder {
private Integer[] contoursMinutes;
private String[] contoursColors;
* Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
* @param baseUrl base url used as end point
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract Builder baseUrl(@NonNull String baseUrl);
* A valid Mapbox access token.
* @param accessToken the Mapbox access token to use for the Isochrone API call
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract Builder accessToken(@NonNull String accessToken);
* The username for the account that the Isochrone engine runs on. In most cases, this should
* always remain the default value of {@link IsochroneCriteria#PROFILE_DEFAULT_USER}.
* @param user a non-null string which will replace the default user used in the Isochrone
* request
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.7.0
public abstract Builder user(@NonNull String user);
* A Mapbox Directions routing profile ID. Options are
* {@link IsochroneCriteria#PROFILE_DRIVING} for travel times by car,
* {@link IsochroneCriteria#PROFILE_WALKING} for pedestrian and hiking travel times,
* and {@link IsochroneCriteria#PROFILE_CYCLING} for travel times by bicycle.
* @param profile a Mapbox Directions profile
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract Builder profile(@Nullable @IsochroneCriteria.IsochroneProfile String profile);
* A {@link Point} object which represents a {longitude,latitude} coordinate
* pair around which to center the isochrone lines.
* @param queryPoint center query point for the isochrone calculation
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public Builder coordinates(@NonNull Point queryPoint) {
coordinates(String.format(Locale.US, "%s,%s",
return this;
* A string which represents a {longitude,latitude} coordinate pair
* around which to center the isochrone lines. The String should be
* "longitude,latitude".
* @param queryPoint center query point for the isochrone calculation
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract Builder coordinates(@NonNull String queryPoint);
* An integer list of minute values to use for each isochrone contour.
* You must pass in at least one minute amount and you can specify
* up to four contours. Times must be in increasing order. For example,
* "5,20,40,50" and not "20,10,40,55". The maximum time that can be
* specified is 60 minutes.
* @param listOfMinuteValues an integer list with at least one number
* for the minutes which represent each contour
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public Builder addContoursMinutes(@NonNull @IntRange(from = 0, to = 60)
Integer... listOfMinuteValues) {
this.contoursMinutes = listOfMinuteValues;
return this;
* A single String which is a comma-separated list of time(s) in minutes
* to use for each isochrone contour. You must pass in at least one minute
* amount and you can specify up to four contours. Times must be in increasing order.
* For example "5,20,40,50" is valid and "20,10,40,55" is invalid.
* The maximum time that can be specified is 60 minutes.
* @param stringListOfMinuteValues a String of at least one number for the
* minutes which represent each contour
* @return this builder for chaining optio.ns together
// Required for matching with MapboxIsochrone addContoursMinutes() method.
abstract Builder contoursMinutes(@NonNull String stringListOfMinuteValues);
* A list of separate String which has a list of comma-separated
* HEX color values to use for each isochrone contour.
* For example, .contoursColors("6706ce","04e813","4286f4")
* The colors should be specified as hex values without a
* leading # (for example, ff0000 for red). If this parameter is
* used, there must be the same number of colors as there are entries in
* contours_minutes. If no colors are specified, the Isochrone API will
* assign a default rainbow color scheme to the output.
* @param contoursColors the list of at least one color value to use for
* the polygon fill areas in the API response
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public Builder addContoursColors(@Nullable String... contoursColors) {
this.contoursColors = contoursColors;
return this;
// Required for matching with MapboxIsochrone addContoursColors() method.
abstract Builder contoursColors(@Nullable String countoursColorList);
* Specify whether to return the contours as GeoJSON
* {@link com.mapbox.geojson.Polygon} (true) or {@link com.mapbox.geojson.LineString} (false).
* If no boolean is set, false is the default, which results in
* {@link com.mapbox.geojson.LineString} being delivered.
* When polygons=true, any contour that forms a ring is returned as
* a {@link com.mapbox.geojson.Polygon}.
* @param polygons a boolean whether you want the API response to include
* {@link com.mapbox.geojson.Polygon} geometries to represent the
* various contours.
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract Builder polygons(@Nullable Boolean polygons);
* A floating point value from 0.0 to 1.0 that can be used to remove smaller contours.
* The default is 1.0. A value of 1.0 will only return the largest contour for a given time
* value. A value of 0.5 drops any contours that are less than half the area of the
* largest contour in the set of contours for that same time value.
* @param denoise an optional number to determine the shape of small contours
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract Builder denoise(@Nullable @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) Float denoise);
* A positive floating point value in meters used as the tolerance for Douglas-Peucker
* generalization. There is no upper bound. If no value is specified in the request,
* the Isochrone API will choose the most optimized generalization to use for the request.
* Note that the generalization of contours can lead to self-intersections, as well as
* intersections of adjacent contours.
* @param generalize an optional number to determine how smooth or jagged the contour
* lines/polygons contours are
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public abstract Builder generalize(@Nullable @FloatRange(from = 0.0) Float generalize);
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
abstract MapboxIsochrone autoBuild();
* Build a new {@link MapboxIsochrone} object.
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.6.0
public MapboxIsochrone build() {
if (contoursMinutes != null) {
if (contoursMinutes.length < 1) {
throw new ServicesException("A query with at least one specified "
+ "minute amount is required.");
if (contoursMinutes.length >= 2) {
for (int x = 0; x < contoursMinutes.length - 1; x++) {
if (contoursMinutes[x] > contoursMinutes[x + 1]) {
throw new ServicesException("The minutes must be listed"
+ " in order from the lowest number to the highest number.");
contoursMinutes(TextUtils.join(",", contoursMinutes));
if (contoursColors != null) {
contoursColors(TextUtils.join(",", contoursColors));
if (contoursColors != null
&& contoursMinutes != null
&& contoursColors.length != contoursMinutes.length) {
throw new ServicesException("Number of color elements "
+ "must match number of minute elements provided.");
MapboxIsochrone isochrone = autoBuild();
if (!MapboxUtils.isAccessTokenValid(isochrone.accessToken())) {
throw new ServicesException("Using the Mapbox Isochrone API requires setting "
+ "a valid access token.");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(isochrone.coordinates())) {
throw new ServicesException("A query with longitude and latitude values is "
+ "required.");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(isochrone.profile())) {
throw new ServicesException("A query with a set Directions profile (cycling,"
+ " walking, or driving) is required.");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(isochrone.contoursMinutes())) {
throw new ServicesException("A query with at least one specified minute amount"
+ " is required.");
if (isochrone.contoursColors() != null) {
if (isochrone.contoursColors().contains("#")) {
throw new ServicesException("Make sure that none of the contour color HEX"
+ " values have a # in front of it. Provide a list of the HEX values "
+ "without any # symbols.");
return isochrone;