com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.MapboxMatrix Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.DirectionsAdapterFactory;
import com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.DirectionsCriteria;
import com.mapbox.api.directions.v5.utils.FormatUtils;
import com.mapbox.api.matrix.v1.models.MatrixResponse;
import com.mapbox.core.MapboxService;
import com.mapbox.core.constants.Constants;
import com.mapbox.core.exceptions.ServicesException;
import com.mapbox.core.utils.ApiCallHelper;
import com.mapbox.core.utils.MapboxUtils;
import com.mapbox.core.utils.TextUtils;
import com.mapbox.geojson.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import retrofit2.Call;
* the Matrix API returns all travel times between many points. The Matrix API will always return
* the duration on the fastest route. Durations between points may not be symmetric (for example A
* to B may have a different duration than B to A), as the routes may differ by direction due to
* one-way streets or turn restrictions. The Matrix API returns durations in seconds. It does not
* return route geometries or distances.
* This API allows you to build tools that efficiently check the reachability of coordinates from
* each other, filter points by travel time, or run your own algorithms for solving optimization
* problems.
* The standard limit for request are a maximum 60 requests per minute and maximum 25 input
* coordinates. For example you can request a symmetric 25x25 matrix, an asymmetric 1x24 matrix with
* distinct coordinates or a 12x24 where sources and destinations share some coordinates. For higher
* volumes contact us.
* @see API documentation
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract class MapboxMatrix extends MapboxService {
protected MapboxMatrix() {
protected GsonBuilder getGsonBuilder() {
return new GsonBuilder()
protected Call initializeCall() {
return getService().getCall(
abstract String clientAppName();
abstract String user();
abstract String coordinates();
abstract String accessToken();
abstract String profile();
abstract String sources();
abstract String annotations();
abstract String approaches();
abstract String destinations();
protected abstract String baseUrl();
* Build a new {@link MapboxMatrix} object with the initial values set for {@link #baseUrl()},
* {@link #profile()}, and {@link #user()}.
* @return a {@link Builder} object for creating this object
* @since 3.0.0
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_MapboxMatrix.Builder()
* This builder is used to create a new request to the Mapbox Matrix API. At a bare minimum,
* your request must include an access token, and a list of coordinates. All other fields can
* be left alone inorder to use the default behaviour of the API.
* By default, the directions profile is set to driving (without traffic) but can be changed to
* reflect your users use-case.
* Note to contributors: All optional booleans in this builder use the object {@code Boolean}
* rather than the primitive to allow for unset (null) values.
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract static class Builder {
private List coordinates = new ArrayList<>();
private String[] annotations;
private String[] approaches;
private Integer[] destinations;
private Integer[] sources;
private Integer coordinateListSizeLimit;
* The username for the account that the directions engine runs on. In most cases, this should
* always remain the default value of {@link DirectionsCriteria#PROFILE_DEFAULT_USER}.
* @param user a non-null string which will replace the default user used in the directions
* request
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder user(String user);
* Add a list of {@link Point}'s which define the points to perform the matrix on. The minimum
* points is 2 and the maximum points allowed in totals 25. You can use this method in
* conjunction with {@link #coordinate(Point)}.
* @param coordinates a List full of {@link Point}s which define the points to perform the
* matrix on
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public Builder coordinates(List coordinates) {
return this;
// Required for matching with MapboxMatrix coordinates() method.
abstract Builder coordinates(@NonNull String coordinates);
* This will add a single {@link Point} to the coordinate list which is used to determine the
* duration between points. This can be called up to 25 times until you hit the maximum allowed
* points. You can use this method in conjunction with {@link #coordinates(List)}.
* @param coordinate a {@link Point} which you'd like the duration between all other points
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 3.0.0
public Builder coordinate(@NonNull Point coordinate) {
return this;
* This selects which mode of transportation the user will be using to accurately give the
* matrix durations. The options include driving, driving considering traffic, walking, and
* cycling. Using each of these profiles will result in different durations.
* @param profile required to be one of the String values found in the
* {@link DirectionsCriteria.ProfileCriteria}
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder profile(@NonNull @DirectionsCriteria.ProfileCriteria String profile);
* Required to call when this is being built. If no access token provided,
* {@link ServicesException} will be thrown.
* @param accessToken Mapbox access token, You must have a Mapbox account inorder to use
* the Optimization API
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder accessToken(@NonNull String accessToken);
* Optionally pass in annotations to control to change which data to return.
* @param annotations 1 or more annotations
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.1.0
public Builder addAnnotations(
@Nullable @DirectionsCriteria.AnnotationCriteria String... annotations) {
this.annotations = annotations;
return this;
// Required for matching with MapboxMatrix annotations() method.
abstract Builder annotations(@Nullable String annotations);
* A semicolon-separated list indicating the side of the road from
* which to approach waypoints in a requested route.
* Accepts unrestricted (default, route can arrive at the waypoint from either
* side of the road) or curb (route will arrive at the waypoint on
* the driving_side of the region).
* If provided, the number of approaches must be the same as the number of waypoints.
* However, you can skip a coordinate and show its position in the list with the ; separator.
* @param approaches null if you'd like the default approaches,
* else one of the options found in
* {@link DirectionsCriteria.ApproachesCriteria}.
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 4.1.0
public Builder addApproaches(@Nullable String... approaches) {
this.approaches = approaches;
return this;
abstract Builder approaches(
@Nullable @DirectionsCriteria.ApproachesCriteria String approaches);
* Optionally pass in indexes to generate an asymmetric matrix.
* @param destinations 1 or more indexes as a integer, if more then one, separate with a comma
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public Builder destinations(@Nullable Integer... destinations) {
this.destinations = destinations;
return this;
// Required for matching with MapboxMatrix destinations() method.
abstract Builder destinations(@Nullable String destinations);
* Optionally pass in indexes to generate an asymmetric matrix.
* @param sources 1 or more indexes as a integer, if more then one, separate with a comma
* @return Builder
* @since 2.1.0
public Builder sources(@Nullable Integer... sources) {
this.sources = sources;
return this;
// Required for matching with MapboxMatrix sources() method.
abstract Builder sources(@Nullable String sources);
* Base package name or other simple string identifier. Used inside the calls user agent header.
* @param clientAppName base package name or other simple string identifier
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder clientAppName(@NonNull String clientAppName);
* Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
* @param baseUrl base url used as end point
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder baseUrl(@NonNull String baseUrl);
* Override the standard maximum coordinate list size of 25 so that you can
* make a Matrix API call with a list of coordinates as large as the value you give to
* this method.
* You should only use this method if the Mapbox team has enabled your Mapbox
* account to be able to request Matrix API information with a list of more than 25
* coordinates.
* @param coordinateListSizeLimit the max limit of coordinates used by a single call
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 5.1.0
public Builder coordinateListSizeLimit(@NonNull Integer coordinateListSizeLimit) {
this.coordinateListSizeLimit = coordinateListSizeLimit;
return this;
abstract MapboxMatrix autoBuild();
* This uses the provided parameters set using the {@link Builder} and first checks that all
* values are valid, formats the values as strings for easier consumption by the API, and lastly
* creates a new {@link MapboxMatrix} object with the values provided.
* @return a new instance of Mapbox Matrix
* @since 2.1.0
public MapboxMatrix build() {
if (coordinates == null || coordinates.size() < 2) {
throw new ServicesException("At least two coordinates must be provided with your API"
+ " request.");
} else if (coordinateListSizeLimit != null && coordinateListSizeLimit < 0) {
throw new ServicesException("If you're going to use the coordinateListSizeLimit() method, "
+ "please pass through a number that's greater than zero.");
} else if (coordinateListSizeLimit == null && coordinates.size() > 25) {
throw new ServicesException("A maximum of 25 coordinates is the default "
+ " allowed for this API. If your Mapbox account has been enabled by the"
+ " Mapbox team to make a request with more than 25 coordinates, please use"
+ " the builder's coordinateListSizeLimit() method and pass through your account"
+ "-specific maximum.");
} else if (coordinateListSizeLimit != null && coordinateListSizeLimit < coordinates.size()) {
throw new ServicesException("If you're going to use the coordinateListSizeLimit() method,"
+ " please pass through a number that's equal to or greater than the size of"
+ " your coordinate list.");
sources(TextUtils.join(";", sources));
destinations(TextUtils.join(";", destinations));
annotations(TextUtils.join(",", annotations));
approaches(TextUtils.join(";", approaches));
// Generate build so that we can check that values are valid.
MapboxMatrix matrix = autoBuild();
if (!MapboxUtils.isAccessTokenValid(matrix.accessToken())) {
throw new ServicesException("Using Mapbox Services requires setting a valid access token.");
return matrix;
private static String formatCoordinates(List coordinates) {
List coordinatesFormatted = new ArrayList<>();
for (Point point : coordinates) {
coordinatesFormatted.add(String.format(Locale.US, "%s,%s",
return TextUtils.join(";", coordinatesFormatted.toArray());