com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.MapboxStaticMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1;
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticMarkerAnnotation;
import com.mapbox.api.staticmap.v1.models.StaticPolylineAnnotation;
import com.mapbox.core.constants.Constants;
import com.mapbox.core.exceptions.ServicesException;
import com.mapbox.core.utils.MapboxUtils;
import com.mapbox.core.utils.TextUtils;
import com.mapbox.geojson.GeoJson;
import com.mapbox.geojson.Point;
import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
* Static maps are standalone images that can be displayed in your mobile app without the aid of a
* mapping library like the Mapbox Android SDK. They look like an embedded map without interactivity
* or controls. the returned image can be a raster tile ans pulls from any map style in the Mapbox
* Style Specification.
* This class helps make a valid request and gets the information correctly formatted for Picaso or
* Glide libraries which help download the image and place it into an Image View.
* @see API Documentation
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract class MapboxStaticMap {
private static final String BEFORE_LAYER = "before_layer";
private static final String CAMERA_AUTO = "auto";
abstract String accessToken();
abstract String baseUrl();
abstract String user();
abstract String styleId();
abstract boolean logo();
abstract boolean attribution();
abstract boolean retina();
abstract Point cameraPoint();
abstract double cameraZoom();
abstract double cameraBearing();
abstract double cameraPitch();
abstract boolean cameraAuto();
abstract String beforeLayer();
abstract int width();
abstract int height();
abstract GeoJson geoJson();
abstract List staticMarkerAnnotations();
abstract List staticPolylineAnnotations();
abstract int precision();
* Returns the formatted URL string meant to be passed to your Http client for retrieval of the
* actual Mapbox Static Image.
* @return a {@link HttpUrl} which can be used for making the request for the image
* @since 3.0.0
public HttpUrl url() {
HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse(baseUrl()).newBuilder()
.addQueryParameter("access_token", accessToken());
List annotations = new ArrayList<>();
if (staticMarkerAnnotations() != null) {
List markerStrings = new ArrayList<>(staticMarkerAnnotations().size());
for (StaticMarkerAnnotation marker : staticMarkerAnnotations()) {
if (staticPolylineAnnotations() != null) {
String[] polylineStringArray = new String[staticPolylineAnnotations().size()];
for (StaticPolylineAnnotation polyline : staticPolylineAnnotations()) {
polylineStringArray[staticPolylineAnnotations().indexOf(polyline)] = polyline.url();
if (geoJson() != null) {
annotations.add(String.format(Locale.US, "geojson(%s)", geoJson().toJson()));
if (!annotations.isEmpty()) {
urlBuilder.addPathSegment(TextUtils.join(",", annotations.toArray()));
urlBuilder.addPathSegment(cameraAuto() ? CAMERA_AUTO
: generateLocationPathSegment());
if (beforeLayer() != null) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter(BEFORE_LAYER, beforeLayer());
if (!attribution()) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter("attribution", "false");
if (!logo()) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter("logo", "false");
// Has to be last segment in URL
private String generateLocationPathSegment() {
if (precision() > 0) {
List geoInfo = new ArrayList<>();
geoInfo.add(TextUtils.formatCoordinate(cameraPoint().longitude(), precision()));
geoInfo.add(TextUtils.formatCoordinate(cameraPoint().latitude(), precision()));
geoInfo.add(TextUtils.formatCoordinate(cameraZoom(), precision()));
geoInfo.add(TextUtils.formatCoordinate(cameraBearing(), precision()));
geoInfo.add(TextUtils.formatCoordinate(cameraPitch(), precision()));
return TextUtils.join(",", geoInfo.toArray());
} else {
return String.format(Locale.US, "%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", cameraPoint().longitude(),
cameraPoint().latitude(), cameraZoom(), cameraBearing(), cameraPitch());
private String generateSizePathSegment() {
return String.format(Locale.US, "%dx%d%s", width(), height(), retina() ? "@2x" : "");
* Build a new {@link MapboxStaticMap} object with the initial values set for
* {@link #baseUrl()}, {@link #user()}, {@link #attribution()}, {@link #styleId()},
* and {@link #retina()}.
* @return a {@link Builder} object for creating this object
* @since 3.0.0
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_MapboxStaticMap.Builder()
.cameraPoint(Point.fromLngLat(0d, 0d))
* Static image builder used to customize the image, including location, image width/height,
* and camera position.
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract static class Builder {
* Required to call when this is being built. If no access token provided,
* {@link ServicesException} will be thrown.
* @param accessToken Mapbox access token, You must have a Mapbox account inorder to use
* the Optimization API
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder accessToken(@NonNull String accessToken);
* Optionally change the APIs base URL to something other then the default Mapbox one.
* @param baseUrl base url used as end point
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder baseUrl(@NonNull String baseUrl);
* The username for the account that the directions engine runs on. In most cases, this should
* always remain the default value of {@link Constants#MAPBOX_USER}.
* @param user a non-null string which will replace the default user used in the directions
* request
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder user(@NonNull String user);
* The returning map images style, which can be one of the provided Mapbox Styles or a custom
* style made inside Mapbox Studio. Passing null will revert to using the default map Street
* style.
* @param styleId either one of the styles defined inside {@link StaticMapCriteria} or a custom
* url pointing to a styled map made in Mapbox Studio
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder styleId(@NonNull String styleId);
* Optionally, control whether there is a Mapbox logo on the image. Default is true. Check that
* the current Mapbox plan you are under allows for hiding the Mapbox Logo from the mao.
* @param logo true places Mapbox logo on image
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder logo(boolean logo);
* Optionally, control whether there is attribution on the image. Default is true. Check that
* the current Mapbox plan you are under allows for hiding the Mapbox Logo from the mao.
* @param attribution true places attribution on image
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder attribution(boolean attribution);
* Enhance your image by toggling retina to true. This will double the amount of pixels the
* returning image will have.
* @param retina true if the desired image being returned should contain double pixels
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder retina(boolean retina);
* Center point where the camera will be focused on.
* @param cameraPoint a GeoJSON Point object which defines the cameras center position
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder cameraPoint(@Nullable Point cameraPoint);
* Static maps camera zoom level. This can be though of as how far away the camera is from the
* subject (earth) thus a zoom of 0 will display the entire world vs zoom 16 which is street\
* level zoom level. Fractional zoom levels will be rounded to two decimal places.
* @param cameraZoom double number between 0 and 22
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder cameraZoom(@FloatRange(from = 0, to = 22) double cameraZoom);
* Optionally, bearing rotates the map around its center defined point given in
* {@link #cameraPoint(Point)}. A value of 90 rotates the map 90 to the left. 180 flips the map.
* Defaults is 0.
* @param cameraBearing double number between 0 and 360, interpreted as decimal degrees
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder cameraBearing(@FloatRange(from = 0, to = 360) double cameraBearing);
* Optionally, pitch tilts the map, producing a perspective effect. Defaults is 0.
* @param cameraPitch double number between 0 and 60
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder cameraPitch(@FloatRange(from = 0, to = 60) double cameraPitch);
* If auto is set to true, the viewport will fit the bounds of the overlay. Using this will
* replace any latitude or longitude you provide.
* @param auto true if you'd like the viewport to be centered to display all map annotations,
* defaults false
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder cameraAuto(boolean auto);
* String value for controlling where the overlay is inserted in the style. All overlays will be
* inserted before this specified layer.
* @param beforeLayer s string representing the map layer you'd like to place your overlays
* below.
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder beforeLayer(@Nullable String beforeLayer);
* Width of the image.
* @param width int number between 1 and 1280.
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder width(@IntRange(from = 1, to = 1280) int width);
* Height of the image.
* @param height int number between 1 and 1280.
* @return Builder
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder height(@IntRange(from = 1, to = 1280) int height);
* GeoJSON object which represents a specific annotation which will be placed on the static map.
* The GeoJSON must be value.
* @param geoJson a formatted string ready to be added to the static map image URL
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder geoJson(@Nullable GeoJson geoJson);
* Optionally provide a list of marker annotations which can be placed on the static map image
* during the rendering process.
* @param staticMarkerAnnotations a list made up of {@link StaticMarkerAnnotation} objects
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder staticMarkerAnnotations(
@Nullable List staticMarkerAnnotations);
* Optionally provide a list of polyline annotations which can be placed on the static map image
* during the rendering process.
* @param staticPolylineAnnotations a list made up of {@link StaticPolylineAnnotation} objects
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 2.1.0
public abstract Builder staticPolylineAnnotations(
@Nullable List staticPolylineAnnotations);
* In order to make the returned image better cache-able on the client, you can set the
* precision in decimals instead of manually round the parameters.
* @param precision integer value greater than zero which represents the decimal precision of
* coordinate values
* @return this builder for chaining options together
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract Builder precision(@IntRange(from = 0) int precision);
abstract MapboxStaticMap autoBuild();
* This uses the provided parameters set using the {@link Builder} and creates a new
* {@link MapboxStaticMap} object.
* @return a new instance of {@link MapboxStaticMap}
* @since 2.1.0
public MapboxStaticMap build() {
MapboxStaticMap staticMap = autoBuild();
if (!MapboxUtils.isAccessTokenValid(staticMap.accessToken())) {
throw new ServicesException("Using Mapbox Services requires setting a valid access"
+ " token.");
if (staticMap.styleId().isEmpty()) {
throw new ServicesException("You need to set a map style.");
return staticMap;