com.mark59.selenium.corejmeterimpl.SeleniumAbstractJavaSamplerClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2019 Insurance Australia Group Limited
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mark59.selenium.corejmeterimpl;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.jmeter.config.Arguments;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult;
import org.apache.jmeter.threads.AbstractThreadGroup;
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.openqa.selenium.PageLoadStrategy;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import com.mark59.core.utils.IpUtilities;
import com.mark59.core.utils.Log4jConfigurationHelper;
import com.mark59.core.utils.Mark59Constants;
import com.mark59.core.utils.Mark59Utils;
import com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverFactory;
import com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverWrapper;
* Selenium flavored extension of the JMeter Java Sampler AbstractJavaSamplerClient.
* This a core class of the Mark59 Selenium implementation, and should be extended when creating
* a JMeter-ready Selenium script.
* Implementation of abstract method {@link #runSeleniumTest(JavaSamplerContext, JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts, WebDriver)}
* should contain the test, with parameterisation handled by {@link #additionalTestParameters()}.
* See the 'DataHunter' samples provided for implementation details.
Includes a number of standard parameters expected for a Selenium WebDriver.
* @see SeleniumDriverFactory#makeDriverWrapper(Map)
* @see SeleniumDriverFactory#getDriverBuilderOfType
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setHeadless(boolean)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setPageLoadStrategy(PageLoadStrategy)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setSize(int width, int height)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setProxy(org.openqa.selenium.Proxy)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setAdditionalOptions(java.util.List)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setWriteBrowserLogfile(boolean)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setAlternateBrowser(java.nio.file.Path)
* @see IpUtilities#localIPisNotOnListOfIPaddresses(String)
* @see JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts
* @author Philip Webb
* Written: Australian Winter 2019
public abstract class SeleniumAbstractJavaSamplerClient extends AbstractJavaSamplerClient {
public static Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(SeleniumAbstractJavaSamplerClient.class);
protected Arguments jmeterArguments = new Arguments();
protected JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts jm;
protected SeleniumDriverWrapper seleniumDriverWrapper;
protected WebDriver driver;
private KeepBrowserOpen keepBrowserOpen = KeepBrowserOpen.NEVER;
protected String thread = Thread.currentThread().getName();
protected String tgName = null;
protected AbstractThreadGroup tg = null;
protected static final Map defaultArgumentsMap;
static {
Map staticMap = new LinkedHashMap();
staticMap.put("______________________ driver settings: ________________________", "Refer Mark59 User Guide :");
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.DRIVER, Mark59Constants.DEFAULT_DRIVER);
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.HEADLESS_MODE, String.valueOf(true));
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.PAGE_LOAD_STRATEGY, PageLoadStrategy.NORMAL.toString());
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.BROWSER_DIMENSIONS, Mark59Constants.DEFAULT_BROWSER_DIMENSIONS);
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.PROXY, "");
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.ADDITIONAL_OPTIONS, "");
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.WRITE_FFOX_BROWSER_LOGFILE, String.valueOf(false));
staticMap.put("______________________ logging settings: _______________________", "Expected values: 'default', 'buffer', 'write' or 'off' ");
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverWrapper.LOG_SCREENSHOTS_AT_START_OF_TRANSACTIONS, SeleniumDriverWrapper.DEFAULT);
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverWrapper.LOG_SCREENSHOTS_AT_END_OF_TRANSACTIONS, SeleniumDriverWrapper.DEFAULT);
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverWrapper.LOG_PAGE_SOURCE_AT_START_OF_TRANSACTIONS, SeleniumDriverWrapper.DEFAULT);
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverWrapper.LOG_PAGE_SOURCE_AT_END_OF_TRANSACTIONS, SeleniumDriverWrapper.DEFAULT);
staticMap.put(SeleniumDriverWrapper.LOG_PERF_LOG_AT_END_OF_TRANSACTIONS, SeleniumDriverWrapper.DEFAULT);
staticMap.put("______________________ miscellaneous: __________________________", "");
staticMap.put(IpUtilities.RESTRICT_TO_ONLY_RUN_ON_IPS_LIST, "");
staticMap.put("___________________" , "");
staticMap.put("script build information: ", "using mark59-selenium-implementation version " + Mark59Constants.MARK59_VERSION);
defaultArgumentsMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(staticMap);
* Creates the list of parameters with default values, as they would appear on the JMeter GUI for the JavaSampler being implemented.
* A standard set of parameters are defined (defaultArgumentsMap). Additionally,an implementing class (the script extending this class)
* can add additional parameters (or override the standard defaults) via the additionalTestParameters() method.
* @see #additionalTestParameters()
* @see
public Arguments getDefaultParameters() {
return Mark59Utils.mergeMapWithAnOverrideMap(defaultArgumentsMap, additionalTestParameters());
public void setupTest(JavaSamplerContext context) {
* Used to define required parameters for the test and their default values.
Ultimately used to build a Map of key-value pairs that will be available throughout the 'Mark59' framework
* for whatever customization is required for your test or driver implementation.
* Note: Can be used to override predefined parameters (the defaultArgumentsMap in SeleniumAbstractJavaSamplerClient)
* @see SeleniumDriverFactory#makeDriverWrapper(Map)
* @see SeleniumDriverFactory#getDriverBuilderOfType
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setHeadless(boolean)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setPageLoadStrategy(PageLoadStrategy)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setSize(int width, int height)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setProxy(org.openqa.selenium.Proxy)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setAdditionalOptions(java.util.List)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setWriteBrowserLogfile(boolean)
* @see com.mark59.selenium.drivers.SeleniumDriverBuilder#setAlternateBrowser(java.nio.file.Path)
* @see IpUtilities#localIPisNotOnListOfIPaddresses(String)
* @see JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts
* @return the updated list of JMeter arguments with any required changes
protected abstract Map additionalTestParameters();
* {@inheritDoc}
* Note the use of the catch on AssertionError - as this is NOT an Exception but an Error, and therefore need to be explicitly caught.
public SampleResult runTest(JavaSamplerContext context) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(this.getClass().getName() + " : exectuing runTest" );
if ( context.getJMeterContext() != null && context.getJMeterContext().getThreadGroup() != null ) {
tg = context.getJMeterContext().getThreadGroup();
tgName = tg.getName();
if (IpUtilities.localIPisNotOnListOfIPaddresses(context.getParameter(IpUtilities.RESTRICT_TO_ONLY_RUN_ON_IPS_LIST))){"Thread Group " + tgName + " is stopping (not on 'Restrict to IP List')" );
if (tg!=null) tg.stop();
return null;
Map jmeterRuntimeArgumentsMap = convertJmeterArgumentsToMap(context);
try {
seleniumDriverWrapper = new SeleniumDriverFactory().makeDriverWrapper(jmeterRuntimeArgumentsMap) ;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("ERROR : " + this.getClass() + ". Fatal error has occured for Thread Group " + tgName
+ " while attempting to initiate the selenium Driver!" );
return null;
driver = (WebDriver)seleniumDriverWrapper.getDriverPackage() ;
jm = new JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts(Thread.currentThread().getName(), seleniumDriverWrapper, jmeterRuntimeArgumentsMap);
try {
LOG.debug(">> running test ");
runSeleniumTest(context, jm, driver);
LOG.debug("<< finished test" );
} catch (Exception | AssertionError e) {
scriptExceptionHandling(context, e);
} finally {
if (! keepBrowserOpen.equals(KeepBrowserOpen.ALWAYS ) ) {
return jm.getMainResult();
* Log and record this script execution as a failure.
* @see #userActionsOnScriptFailure(JavaSamplerContext, JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts, WebDriver)
* @param context the current JavaSamplerContext
* @param e can be an exception or Assertion error
protected void scriptExceptionHandling(JavaSamplerContext context, Throwable e) {
System.err.println("ERROR : " + this.getClass() + ". Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " thrown. See log and screenshot directory for details. Stack trace:");
LOG.error("ERROR : " + this.getClass() + ". Exception " + e.getClass().getName() + " thrown", e);
try {
seleniumDriverWrapper.documentExceptionState(new Exception(e));
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("ERROR : " + this.getClass() + ". An exception occured during scriptExceptionHandling (documentExceptionState) " + ex.getClass().getName() + " thrown", e);
try {
userActionsOnScriptFailure(context, jm, driver);
} catch (Exception errorHandlingException) {
LOG.error("ERROR : " + this.getClass() + ". An exception occured during scriptExceptionHandling (userActionsOnScriptFailure) " + errorHandlingException.getClass().getName() + " thrown", errorHandlingException);
if (keepBrowserOpen.equals(KeepBrowserOpen.ONFAILURE)){
// force browser to stay open
keepBrowserOpen = KeepBrowserOpen.ALWAYS;
* Intended to be an override in scripts where some user interactions is required when a script fails
* (via the browser if still available, or other application interface such as an API call).
* An example of such an interaction may be to force a user-id logout, where re-entry into the user is
* needed, and the user may be otherwise be left in an uncertain state.
If an exception occurs during execution the of this method, the exception is logged and the method simply exited
* (the original failure will still be handled by the Mark59 framework).
* @param context the current JavaSamplerContext
* @param jm the current JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts
* @param driver the current WebDriver
protected void userActionsOnScriptFailure(JavaSamplerContext context, JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts jm, WebDriver driver) {
* Method to be implemented containing the actual test steps.
* @param context the current JavaSamplerContext
* @param jm the current JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts
* @param driver the current WebDriver
protected abstract void runSeleniumTest(JavaSamplerContext context, JmeterFunctionsForSeleniumScripts jm, WebDriver driver);
protected Map convertJmeterArgumentsToMap(JavaSamplerContext context) {
Map jmeterArgumentsAsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Iterator iterator = context.getParameterNamesIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String paramKey = (String);
jmeterArgumentsAsMap.put(paramKey, context.getParameter(paramKey) );
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("context parameters at convert... : " + Arrays.toString(jmeterArgumentsAsMap.entrySet().toArray()));
return jmeterArgumentsAsMap;
* Convenience method to a single-threaded script execution (rather than needing to use Jmeter). See method runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest to executed a multi-thread test
* It is assumed you are executing for debug purposes, so the default is to keep the browser open at test end the test fails(unless running in headless mode).
* @see com.mark59.selenium.corejmeterimpl.KeepBrowserOpen
* @see Log4jConfigurationHelper
* @see #runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int, int)
* @see #runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int, int, Map)
* @param keepBrowserOpen see KeepBrowserOpen
protected void runSeleniumTest(KeepBrowserOpen keepBrowserOpen ) {
JavaSamplerContext context = new JavaSamplerContext( getDefaultParameters() );
this.keepBrowserOpen = keepBrowserOpen;
if (String.valueOf(true).equalsIgnoreCase(context.getParameter(SeleniumDriverFactory.HEADLESS_MODE))) {
this.keepBrowserOpen = KeepBrowserOpen.NEVER;
};"keepBrowserOpen is set to "+ this.keepBrowserOpen);
* @see #runSeleniumTest(KeepBrowserOpen)
* @see #runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int, int)
* @see #runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int, int, Map)
protected void runSeleniumTest() {
* Convenience method to directly execute multiple script threads (rather than needing to use JMeter).
* For example:
* thisTest.runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(2, 2000);
* @see #runSeleniumTest(KeepBrowserOpen)
* @see #runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int, int, Map)
* @param numberOfThreads number Of Java Threads
* @param threadStartGapMs time between start of each thread in milliseconds
protected void runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int numberOfThreads, int threadStartGapMs) {
runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(numberOfThreads, threadStartGapMs, new HashMap>());
* Convenience method to directly execute multiple script threads (rather than needing to use JMeter). For example,
* if you want to user a user-defined parameter called "USER
", and switch off headless mode for one of four threads running:
* Map<String, java.util.List<String>>threadParameters = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<String,java.util.List<String>>();
* threadParameters.put("USER", java.util.Arrays.asList( "USER-MATTHEW", "USER-MARK", "USER-LUKE", "USER-JOHN"));
* threadParameters.put(SeleniumDriverFactory.HEADLESS_MODE, java.util.Arrays.asList( "true" , "false" , "true" , "true"));
* thisTest.runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(4, 2000, threadParameters);
* @see #runSeleniumTest(KeepBrowserOpen)
* @see #runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int, int)
* @param numberOfThreads number Of Java Threads
* @param threadStartGapMs time between start of each thread in milliseconds
* @param threadParameters parameter key and list of values to be passed to each thread (needs to be at least as many entries as number of threads)
protected void runMultiThreadedSeleniumTest(int numberOfThreads, int threadStartGapMs, Map>threadParameters) {
Map thisThreadParameters = new LinkedHashMap();
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfThreads; i++) {
for (Entry> entry : threadParameters.entrySet()) {
if ( entry.getValue().size() >= i) {
thisThreadParameters.put(entry.getKey() , entry.getValue().get(i-1));
if (!thisThreadParameters.isEmpty()){" Thread Override Parameters for thread " + String.format("%03d", i) + " : " + Arrays.toString(thisThreadParameters.entrySet().toArray()));
new Thread(new SeleniumTestThread(this.getClass(), thisThreadParameters), String.format("%03d", i)).start();
if (i
* If JMeter properties become relevant to a particular script for some reason, it is suggested the required
* '' file be included in the root of the project.
protected void mockJmeterProperties() {
File f = new File("./");
if(f.exists() && !f.isDirectory()) {
LOG.debug("loading supplied file");
* Convenience inner class to enable multi-thread testing outside of JMeter
public class SeleniumTestThread implements Runnable {
private Class extends SeleniumAbstractJavaSamplerClient> testClass;
private Map thisThreadParametersOverride;
public SeleniumTestThread(Class extends SeleniumAbstractJavaSamplerClient> testClass, Map thisThreadParametersOverride) {
this.testClass = testClass;
this.thisThreadParametersOverride = thisThreadParametersOverride;
public void run() {
SeleniumAbstractJavaSamplerClient testInstance = null;
try {
testInstance = testClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(" Error " + e.getMessage() ); }
Arguments thisThreadParameterAuguments = Mark59Utils.mergeMapWithAnOverrideMap(getDefaultParameters().getArgumentsAsMap(), thisThreadParametersOverride);
JavaSamplerContext context = new JavaSamplerContext( thisThreadParameterAuguments );