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com.marklogic.flux.impl.export.ExportRdfFilesCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright © 2024 MarkLogic Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
package com.marklogic.flux.impl.export;
import com.marklogic.flux.api.FluxException;
import com.marklogic.flux.api.RdfFilesExporter;
import com.marklogic.flux.impl.AbstractCommand;
import com.marklogic.flux.impl.OptionsUtil;
import com.marklogic.spark.Options;
import org.apache.spark.sql.*;
import picocli.CommandLine;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
name = "export-rdf-files",
description = "Read triples from MarkLogic and write them to a local filesystem, HDFS, or S3."
public class ExportRdfFilesCommand extends AbstractCommand implements RdfFilesExporter {
protected ReadTriplesParams readParams = new ReadTriplesParams();
protected WriteRdfFilesParams writeParams = new WriteRdfFilesParams();
protected void validateDuringApiUsage() {
if (readParams.getQueryOptions().isEmpty()) {
throw new FluxException("Must specify at least one of the following for the triples to export: " +
"collections; a directory; graphs; a string query; a structured, serialized, or combined query; or URIs.");
public void validateCommandLineOptions(CommandLine.ParseResult parseResult) {
"--collections", "--directory", "--graphs", "--query", "--string-query", "--uris");
protected Dataset loadDataset(SparkSession session, DataFrameReader reader) {
final int fileCount = writeParams.getFileCount();
if (fileCount > 0) {
return reader.format(MARKLOGIC_CONNECTOR)
protected void applyWriter(SparkSession session, DataFrameWriter writer) {
public static class ReadTriplesParams implements Supplier>, RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions {
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--uris", description = "Newline-delimited sequence of document URIs to retrieve. Can be combined " +
"with --collections, --directory, and --string-query. If specified, --query will be ignored.")
private String uris;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--string-query", description = "A query utilizing the MarkLogic search grammar; " +
"see %n for more information.")
private String stringQuery;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--query", description = "A JSON or XML representation of a structured query, serialized CTS query, or combined query. " +
"See for more information.")
private String query;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--graphs", description = "Comma-delimited sequence of MarkLogic graph names by which to constrain the query.")
private String graphs;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--collections", description = "Comma-delimited sequence of collection names by which to constrain the query.")
private String collections;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--directory", description = "Database directory by which to constrain the query.")
private String directory;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--options", description = "Name of a set of MarkLogic REST API search options.")
private String options;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--base-iri", description = "Base IRI to prepend to the graph of a triple when the graph is relative and not absolute.")
private String baseIri;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--batch-size", description = "Number of documents to retrieve in each call to MarkLogic.")
private int batchSize = 100;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--partitions-per-forest", description = "Number of partition readers to create for each forest.")
private int partitionsPerForest = 4;
names = "--log-progress",
description = "Log a count of total triples read every time this many triples are read."
private int progressInterval = 10000;
names = "--no-snapshot",
description = "Read data from MarkLogic at multiple points in time instead of using a consistent snapshot."
private boolean noSnapshot;
public Map getQueryOptions() {
return OptionsUtil.makeOptions(
Options.READ_TRIPLES_GRAPHS, graphs,
Options.READ_TRIPLES_COLLECTIONS, collections,
Options.READ_TRIPLES_QUERY, query,
Options.READ_TRIPLES_URIS, uris,
Options.READ_TRIPLES_DIRECTORY, directory,
Options.READ_SNAPSHOT, noSnapshot ? "false" : null
public Map get() {
return OptionsUtil.addOptions(getQueryOptions(),
Options.READ_TRIPLES_OPTIONS, options,
Options.READ_DOCUMENTS_PARTITIONS_PER_FOREST, OptionsUtil.intOption(partitionsPerForest),
Options.READ_BATCH_SIZE, OptionsUtil.intOption(batchSize),
Options.READ_LOG_PROGRESS, OptionsUtil.intOption(progressInterval)
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions graphs(String... graphs) {
this.graphs = Stream.of(graphs).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions stringQuery(String stringQuery) {
this.stringQuery = stringQuery;
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions uris(String... uris) {
this.uris = Stream.of(uris).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions query(String query) {
this.query = query;
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions options(String options) {
this.options = options;
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions collections(String... collections) {
this.collections = Stream.of(collections).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions directory(String directory) { = directory;
return this;
public ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions baseIri(String baseIri) {
this.baseIri = baseIri;
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions batchSize(int batchSize) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter.ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions partitionsPerForest(int partitionsPerForest) {
this.partitionsPerForest = partitionsPerForest;
return this;
public ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions logProgress(int interval) {
this.progressInterval = interval;
return this;
public ReadTriplesDocumentsOptions noSnapshot() {
this.noSnapshot = true;
return this;
public static class WriteRdfFilesParams extends WriteFilesParams implements WriteRdfFilesOptions {
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--format", description = "RDF file format; supported values are 'nq', 'nt', 'rdfthrift', 'trig', 'trix', and 'ttl'.")
private String format = "ttl";
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--graph-override", description = "Semantic graph to include in each file. Only allowed when '--format' is 'nq' or 'trig'.")
private String graphOverride;
@CommandLine.Option(names = "--gzip", description = "GZIP each file.")
private boolean gzip;
public Map get() {
return OptionsUtil.makeOptions(
Options.WRITE_RDF_FILES_GRAPH, graphOverride,
Options.WRITE_FILES_COMPRESSION, gzip ? "gzip" : null
public WriteRdfFilesOptions format(String format) {
this.format = format;
return this;
public WriteRdfFilesOptions graphOverride(String graphOverride) {
this.graphOverride = graphOverride;
return this;
public WriteRdfFilesOptions gzip() {
this.gzip = true;
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter from(Consumer consumer) {
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter to(Consumer consumer) {
return this;
public RdfFilesExporter to(String path) {
return this;