com.marklogic.client.pojo.PojoQueryBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2012-2016 MarkLogic Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.marklogic.client.pojo;
import com.marklogic.client.query.RawStructuredQueryDefinition;
import com.marklogic.client.query.StructuredQueryBuilder;
import com.marklogic.client.query.StructuredQueryDefinition;
import com.marklogic.client.pojo.annotation.GeospatialLatitude;
import com.marklogic.client.pojo.annotation.GeospatialLongitude;
import com.marklogic.client.pojo.annotation.GeospatialPathIndexProperty;
import com.marklogic.client.pojo.annotation.PathIndexProperty;
import com.marklogic.client.pojo.annotation.PathIndexProperty.ScalarType;
import com.marklogic.client.pojo.util.GenerateIndexConfig;
/** Specific to pojos yet similar to StructuredQueryBuilder, this class generates structured queries.
* It adds convenience methods specific to working with pojos and does not replicate
* StructuredQueryBuilder methods that don't make sense for pojos.
* The goal of {@link com.marklogic.client.pojo the pojo facade} is to simplify working with
* custom pojos. PojoQueryBuilder keeps all the powerful queries available via
* StructuredQueryBuilder while enabling queries across objects persisted using
* {@link PojoRepository}.
* For methods which accept a "pojoProperty" argument we are refering to
* properties appropriate for
* JavaBeans,
* including properties accessible via public getters and setters, or public fields.
* Where StructuredQueryBuilder accepts StructuredQueryBuilder.TextIndex as a first argument
* to
* {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#value(StructuredQueryBuilder.TextIndex, String...) value(TextIndex, String...)}
* and
* {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#word(StructuredQueryBuilder.TextIndex, String...) word(TextIndex, String...)}
* methods,
* PojoQueryBuilder adds shortcut methods which accept as the first argument a String name of the
* pojoProperty. Similarly, PojoQueryBuilder accepts String pojoProperty arguments wherever
* StructuredQueryBuilder accepts StructuredQueryBuilder.Element,
* StructuredQueryBuilder.Attribute, and StructuredQueryBuilder.PathIndex
* as arguments to
* {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#geoAttributePair(StructuredQueryBuilder.Element, StructuredQueryBuilder.Attribute,
* StructuredQueryBuilder.Attribute)
* geoAttributePair(Element, Attribute, Attribute)},
* {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#geoElement(StructuredQueryBuilder.Element)
* geoElement(Element)},
* {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#geoElement(StructuredQueryBuilder.Element, StructuredQueryBuilder.Element)
* geoElement(Element, Element)},
* {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#geoElementPair(StructuredQueryBuilder.Element, StructuredQueryBuilder.Element,
* StructuredQueryBuilder.Element)
* geoElementPair(Element, Element, Element)},
* {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#geoPath(StructuredQueryBuilder.PathIndex)
* geoPath(PathIndex)}
* Here are a couple examples. Without the pojo facade you might persist your products using
* {@link com.marklogic.client.io.JacksonDatabindHandle JacksonDatabindHandle} and query the
* json property thusly:
* {@code StructuredQueryBuilder sqb = new StructuredQueryBuilder();
* QueryDefinition query = sqb.value(sqb.jsonProperty("productId"), 12345);}
* If you use {@link PojoRepository} to persist your products, you can query more simply:
* {@code PojoQueryBuilder pqb = pojoRepository.getQueryBuilder();
* QueryDefinition query = pqb.value("productId", 12345);}
* Similarly, without the pojo facade you might persist your pojos using
* {@link com.marklogic.client.io.JAXBHandle JAXBHandle} and if they
* have a geoPosition property which is an object with latitude and longitude pojoProperty's
* (which persist as elements) you might query them thusly:
* {@code StructuredQueryBuilder sqb = new StructuredQueryBuilder();
* StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex geoIdx = sqb.geoElementPair(
* sqb.element("geoPosition"), sqb.element("latitude"), sqb.element("longitude"));}
* But if you use {@link PojoRepository} to persist your pojos with a latitude and longitude
* pojoProperty's, you can query them more simply:
* {@code PojoQueryBuilder pqb = pojoRepository.getQueryBuilder();
* StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex geoIdx =
* pqb.geoPair("latitude", "longitude");}
* As custom pojos may have nested pojos, PojoQueryBuilder also makes it easy to query
* those nested pojos. For example, if you had the following classes:
* class City {
* {@literal @}Id int id;
* Country country;
* int getId();
* void setId(int id);
* Country getCountry();
* void setCountry(Country country);
* }
* class Country {
* String continent;
* String getContinent();
* void setContinent();
* }
* That is, you have a pojo class City with a property "country" of type
* Country, you could query properties on the nested country thusly:
* {@code PojoRepository cities =
* databaseClient.newPojoRepository(City.class, Integer.class);
* PojoQueryBuilder citiesQb = cities.getQueryBuilder();
* PojoQueryBuilder countriesQb = citiesQb.containerQueryBuilder("country");
* QueryDefinition query = countriesQb.value("continent", "EU"); }
public interface PojoQueryBuilder {
/** Copied directly from {@link com.marklogic.client.query.StructuredQueryBuilder.Operator}.
* A comparison operator for use in range queries.
public enum Operator {
* @param pojoProperty the property container to match against
* @param query the query to match within the container
* @return a query matching pojos of type T containing the pojoProperty with contents
* or children matching the specified query
public StructuredQueryDefinition containerQuery(String pojoProperty,
StructuredQueryDefinition query);
/** Use this method to provide a query builder that can query a nested object within your pojo.
* All other PojoQueryBuilder methods create queries for direct children of T which are native
* types. If a child of T is a pojo, and you need to query one of its children, this method
* provides you a query builder that is specific to that child object. To query further levels of
* nested objects you may use this method on the each returned PojoQueryBuilder which represents
* one level deeper.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* that is a pojo of type clazz
* @param clazz the class type of the nested pojo
* @param the type of the class contained by pojoProperty
* @return a PojoQueryBuilder for nested pojos of the type corresponding with pojoProperty
public PojoQueryBuilder containerQueryBuilder(String pojoProperty, Class clazz);
* For use in a {@link #geospatial geospatial} query, reference a pair of properties. These properties
* should ideally have Geospatial Element Pair Indexes configured in the database. For help
* creating these indexes, see {@link GenerateIndexConfig}, {@link GeospatialLatitude}, and
* {@link GeospatialLongitude}.
* @param latitudePropertyName the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter)
* ideally annotated with {@literal @}{@link GeospatialLatitude}
* @param longitudePropertyName the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter)
* ideally annotated with {@literal @}{@link GeospatialLongitude}
* @return the geospatial element pair range query
public StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex
geoPair(String latitudePropertyName, String longitudePropertyName);
/* no reason to expose geoProperty for now because it's redundant with geoPath
public StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex
geoProperty(String pojoProperty);
* For use in a {@link #geospatial geospatial} query, reference a geo property which has
* a corresponding Geospatial Path Range Index configured in the database. For help
* creating this index, see {@link GenerateIndexConfig} and {@link GeospatialPathIndexProperty}.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* ideally annotated with {@literal @}{@link GeospatialPathIndexProperty}
* @return the geospatial path range query
public StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex geoPath(String pojoProperty);
* Query a Path Range Index configured in the database for a pojo property. Make sure the datatype for
* your values parameter match the {@link ScalarType datatype} configured. For help
* creating this index, see {@link GenerateIndexConfig} and {@link PathIndexProperty}.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* annotated with {@literal @}{@link PathIndexProperty}
* @param operator the operator used to compare property values with passed values
* @param values the possible datatyped values for the comparison. Make sure the datatypes
* match the {@link ScalarType datatype} configured.
* @return the range query
public StructuredQueryDefinition range(String pojoProperty,
PojoQueryBuilder.Operator operator, Object... values);
* Query a Path Range Index configured in the database for a pojo property. Make sure the datatype for
* your values parameter match the {@link ScalarType datatype} configured. For help
* creating this index, see {@link GenerateIndexConfig} and {@link PathIndexProperty}.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* annotated with {@literal @}{@link PathIndexProperty}
* @param options
* options for fine tuning the query
* @param operator the operator used to compare property values with passed values
* @param values the possible datatyped values for the comparison. Make sure the datatypes
* match the {@link ScalarType datatype} configured.
* @return the range query
public StructuredQueryDefinition range(String pojoProperty, String[] options,
PojoQueryBuilder.Operator operator, Object... values);
* Filter search results by properties matching specified values.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param values match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with any of the values
* @return the value query
public StructuredQueryDefinition value(String pojoProperty, String... values);
* Filter search results by properties matching specified value.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param value match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with the boolean value
* @return the value query
public StructuredQueryDefinition value(String pojoProperty, Boolean value);
* Filter search results by properties matching specified values.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param values match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with any of the numeric values
* @return the value query
public StructuredQueryDefinition value(String pojoProperty, Number... values);
* Filter search results by properties matching specified values.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param options
* options for fine tuning the query
* @param weight the multiplier for the match in the document ranking
* @param values match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with any of the values
* @return the value query
public StructuredQueryDefinition value(String pojoProperty, String[] options,
double weight, String... values);
* Filter search results by properties matching specified values.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param options
* options for fine tuning the query
* @param weight the multiplier for the match in the document ranking
* @param value match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with the boolean value
* @return the value query
public StructuredQueryDefinition value(String pojoProperty, String[] options,
double weight, Boolean value);
* Filter search results by properties matching specified values.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param options
* options for fine tuning the query
* @param weight the multiplier for the match in the document ranking
* @param values match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with any of the numeric values
* @return the value query
public StructuredQueryDefinition value(String pojoProperty, String[] options,
double weight, Number... values);
* Filter search results by properties with at least one of the specified words or phrases.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param words match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with any of the words or phrases
* @return the word query
public StructuredQueryDefinition word(String pojoProperty, String... words);
* Filter search results by properties with at least one of the specified words or phrases.
* @param pojoProperty the name of a field or JavaBean property (accessed via getter or setter) on class T
* @param options
* options for fine tuning the query
* @param weight the multiplier for the match in the document ranking
* @param words match a persisted pojo of type T if it has the property with any of the words or phrases
* @return the word query
public StructuredQueryDefinition word(String pojoProperty, String[] options,
double weight, String... words);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#and StructuredQuerybuilder.and}.
* Defines an AND query over the list of query definitions.
* @param queries the query definitions
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the AND query
public StructuredQueryDefinition and(StructuredQueryDefinition... queries);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#andNot StructuredQuerybuilder.andNot}.
* Defines an AND NOT query combining a positive and negative
* query. You can use an AND or OR query over a list of query
* definitions as the positive or negative query.
* @param positive the positive query definition
* @param negative the negative query definition
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the AND NOT query
public StructuredQueryDefinition andNot(StructuredQueryDefinition positive, StructuredQueryDefinition negative);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#boost StructuredQuerybuilder.boost}.
* Defines a boost query for the matching and boosting query definitions. The matching
* or boosting query definitions can each be an AND or OR query definition for complex
* combinations of criteria.
* @param matchingQuery the query definition that filters documents
* @param boostingQuery the query definition that increases the rank for some filtered documents
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the boost query
public StructuredQueryDefinition boost(StructuredQueryDefinition matchingQuery, StructuredQueryDefinition boostingQuery);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#box StructuredQuerybuilder.box}.
* Specifies a geospatial region as a box, supplying
* the coordinates for the perimeter.
* @param south the latitude of the south coordinate
* @param west the longitude of the west coordinate
* @param north the latitude of the north coordinate
* @param east the longitude of the east coordinate
* @return the definition of the box
public StructuredQueryBuilder.Region box(double south, double west, double north, double east);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#build StructuredQuerybuilder.build}.
* Builds a structured query in XML from the list of query definitions.
* The structured query can be passed to the search() method of QueryManager.
* @param queries the query definitions
* @return the structured query
public RawStructuredQueryDefinition build(StructuredQueryDefinition... queries);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#circle(double, double, double) StructuredQuerybuilder.circle(double, double, double)}.
* Specifies a geospatial region as a circle,
* supplying coordinates for the center.
* @param latitude the latitude coordinate of the center
* @param longitude the longitude coordinate of the center
* @param radius the radius of the circle
* @return the definition of the circle
public StructuredQueryBuilder.Region circle(double latitude, double longitude, double radius);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#circle(StructuredQueryBuilder.Point, double) StructuredQuerybuilder.circle(StructuredQueryBuilder.Point, double)}.
* Specifies a geospatial region as a circle,
* supplying a point for the center.
* @param center the point defining the center
* @param radius the radius of the circle
* @return the definition of the circle
public StructuredQueryBuilder.Region circle(@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") StructuredQueryBuilder.Point center, double radius);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#collection(String...) StructuredQuerybuilder.collection(String...)}.
* Matches documents belonging to at least one
* of the criteria collections.
* @param uris the identifiers for the criteria collections
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the collection query
public StructuredQueryDefinition collection(String... uris);
/** Copied from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#geospatial(StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex, StructuredQueryBuilder.FragmentScope, String[], StructuredQueryBuilder.Region...) StructuredQuerybuilder.geospatial(StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex, StructuredQueryBuilder.FragmentScope, String[], StructuredQueryBuilder.Region...)} but without StructuredQueryBuilder.FragmentScope.
* Matches an element, element pair, element attribute, pair, or path
* specifying a geospatial point that appears within one of the criteria regions.
* @param index the container for the coordinates of the geospatial point
* @param options options for fine tuning the query
* @param regions the possible regions containing the point
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the geospatial query
public StructuredQueryDefinition geospatial(StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex index, String[] options, StructuredQueryBuilder.Region... regions);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#geospatial(StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex, StructuredQueryBuilder.Region...) StructuredQuerybuilder.geospatial(StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex, StructuredQueryBuilder.Region...)}.
* Matches an element, element pair, element attribute, pair, or path
* specifying a geospatial point that appears within one of the criteria regions.
* @param index the container for the coordinates of the geospatial point
* @param regions the possible regions containing the point
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the geospatial query
public StructuredQueryDefinition geospatial(StructuredQueryBuilder.GeospatialIndex index, StructuredQueryBuilder.Region... regions);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#near(int, double, StructuredQueryBuilder.Ordering, StructuredQueryDefinition...) StructuredQuerybuilder.near(int, double, StructuredQueryBuilder.Ordering, StructuredQueryDefinition...)}.
* Defines a NEAR query over the list of query definitions
* with specified parameters.
* @param distance the proximity for the query terms
* @param weight the weight for the query
* @param order the ordering for the query terms
* @param queries the query definitions
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the NEAR query
public StructuredQueryDefinition near(int distance, double weight, StructuredQueryBuilder.Ordering order, StructuredQueryDefinition... queries);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#near(StructuredQueryDefinition...) StructuredQuerybuilder.near(StructuredQueryDefinition...)}.
* Defines a NEAR query over the list of query definitions
* with default parameters.
* @param queries the query definitions
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the NEAR query
public StructuredQueryDefinition near(StructuredQueryDefinition... queries);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#not StructuredQuerybuilder.not}.
* Defines a NOT query for a query definition. To negate
* a list of query definitions, define an AND or
* OR query over the list and define the NOT query over
* the AND or OR query.
* @param query the query definition
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the NOT query
public StructuredQueryDefinition not(StructuredQueryDefinition query);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#notIn StructuredQuerybuilder.and}.
* Defines a not-in query for the positive and negative query definitions. These query definitions
* can each be an AND or OR query definition for complex combinations of criteria.
* @param positive the query definition that includes documents
* @param negative the query definition that excludes documents
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the not-in query
public StructuredQueryDefinition notIn(StructuredQueryDefinition positive, StructuredQueryDefinition negative);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#or StructuredQuerybuilder.and}.
* Defines an OR query over the list of query definitions.
* @param queries the query definitions
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the OR query
public StructuredQueryDefinition or(StructuredQueryDefinition... queries);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#point StructuredQuerybuilder.point}.
* Specifies a geospatial point.
* @param latitude the latitude coordinate
* @param longitude the longitude coordinate
* @return the definition of the point
public StructuredQueryBuilder.Region point(double latitude, double longitude);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#polygon StructuredQuerybuilder.polygon}.
* Specifies a geospatial region as an arbitrary polygon.
* @param points the list of points defining the perimeter of the region
* @return the definition of the polygon
public StructuredQueryBuilder.Region polygon(@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") StructuredQueryBuilder.Point... points);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#term(double, String...) StructuredQuerybuilder.term(double, String...)}.
* Matches documents containing the specified terms, modifying
* the contribution of the match to the score with the weight.
* @param weight the multiplier for the match in the document ranking
* @param terms the possible terms to match
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the term query
public StructuredQueryDefinition term(double weight, String... terms);
/** Copied directly from {@link StructuredQueryBuilder#term(String...) StructuredQuerybuilder.term(String...)}.
* Matches documents containing the specified terms.
* @param terms the possible terms to match
* @return the StructuredQueryDefinition for the term query
public StructuredQueryDefinition term(String... terms);
/** Wraps the structured query into a combined query with options containing
* <search-option>filtered</search-option> so results are accurate
* though slower.
* @param query the query to mark as filtered
* @return a QueryDefinition that can be used with PojoRepository.search()
* (a REST combined query under the hood)
public PojoQueryDefinition filteredQuery(StructuredQueryDefinition query);