system.reflection.emit.EnumBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* MIT License
* Copyright (c) 2024 MASES s.r.l.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* This code was generated from a template using JCOReflector v.
* Manual changes to this file may cause unexpected behavior in your application.
* Manual changes to this file will be overwritten if the code is regenerated.
package system.reflection.emit;
import org.mases.jcobridge.*;
import org.mases.jcobridge.netreflection.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
// Import section
import system.reflection.TypeInfo;
import system.reflection.BindingFlags;
import system.reflection.Binder;
import system.reflection.ParameterModifier;
import system.globalization.CultureInfo;
import system.reflection.ConstructorInfo;
import system.reflection.emit.FieldBuilder;
import system.reflection.EventInfo;
import system.reflection.FieldInfo;
import system.reflection.InterfaceMapping;
import system.reflection.MemberInfo;
import system.reflection.MemberTypes;
import system.reflection.MethodInfo;
import system.reflection.PropertyInfo;
import system.reflection.emit.CustomAttributeBuilder;
import system.Guid;
import system.UInt32;
import system.reflection.Assembly;
import system.reflection.emit.TypeToken;
import system.reflection.Module;
import system.RuntimeTypeHandle;
* The base .NET class managing System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089.
* .NET documentation at
* Powered by JCOBridge: more info at
* @author MASES s.r.l
* @version
public class EnumBuilder extends TypeInfo {
* Fully assembly qualified name: mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
public static final String assemblyFullName = "mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";
* Assembly name: mscorlib
public static final String assemblyShortName = "mscorlib";
* Qualified class name: System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder
public static final String className = "System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder";
static JCOBridge bridge = JCOBridgeInstance.getInstance(assemblyFullName);
* The type managed from JCOBridge. See {@link JCType}
public static JCType classType = createType();
static JCEnum enumInstance = null;
JCObject classInstance = null;
static JCType createType() {
try {
String classToCreate = className + ", "
+ (JCOReflector.getUseFullAssemblyName() ? assemblyFullName : assemblyShortName);
if (JCOReflector.getDebug())
JCOReflector.writeLog("Creating %s", classToCreate);
JCType typeCreated = bridge.GetType(classToCreate);
if (JCOReflector.getDebug())
JCOReflector.writeLog("Created: %s",
(typeCreated != null) ? typeCreated.toString() : "Returned null value");
return typeCreated;
} catch (JCException e) {
return null;
void addReference(String ref) throws Throwable {
try {
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
* Internal constructor. Use with caution
public EnumBuilder(java.lang.Object instance) throws Throwable {
if (instance instanceof JCObject) {
classInstance = (JCObject) instance;
} else
throw new Exception("Cannot manage object, it is not a JCObject");
public String getJCOAssemblyName() {
return assemblyFullName;
public String getJCOClassName() {
return className;
public String getJCOObjectName() {
return className + ", " + (JCOReflector.getUseFullAssemblyName() ? assemblyFullName : assemblyShortName);
public java.lang.Object getJCOInstance() {
return classInstance;
public void setJCOInstance(JCObject instance) {
classInstance = instance;
public JCType getJCOType() {
return classType;
* Try to cast the {@link IJCOBridgeReflected} instance into {@link EnumBuilder}, a cast assert is made to check if types are compatible.
* @param from {@link IJCOBridgeReflected} instance to be casted
* @return {@link EnumBuilder} instance
* @throws java.lang.Throwable in case of error during cast operation
public static EnumBuilder cast(IJCOBridgeReflected from) throws Throwable {
NetType.AssertCast(classType, from);
return new EnumBuilder(from.getJCOInstance());
// Constructors section
public EnumBuilder() throws Throwable {
// Methods section
public boolean IsAssignableFrom(TypeInfo typeInfo) throws Throwable, system.InvalidOperationException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
return (boolean)classInstance.Invoke("IsAssignableFrom", typeInfo == null ? null : typeInfo.getJCOInstance());
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public boolean IsDefined(NetType attributeType, boolean inherit) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
return (boolean)classInstance.Invoke("IsDefined", attributeType == null ? null : attributeType.getJCOInstance(), inherit);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetObject InvokeMember(java.lang.String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, NetObject target, NetObject[] args, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, java.lang.String[] namedParameters) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objInvokeMember = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("InvokeMember", name, invokeAttr == null ? null : invokeAttr.getJCOInstance(), binder == null ? null : binder.getJCOInstance(), target == null ? null : target.getJCOInstance(), toObjectFromArray(args), toObjectFromArray(modifiers), culture == null ? null : culture.getJCOInstance(), namedParameters);
return new NetObject(objInvokeMember);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetObject InvokeMember(java.lang.String dupParam0, BindingFlags dupParam1, Binder dupParam2, NetObject dupParam3, NetObject[] dupParam4, ParameterModifier[] dupParam5, CultureInfo dupParam6, JCORefOut dupParam7) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objInvokeMember = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("InvokeMember", dupParam0, dupParam1 == null ? null : dupParam1.getJCOInstance(), dupParam2 == null ? null : dupParam2.getJCOInstance(), dupParam3 == null ? null : dupParam3.getJCOInstance(), toObjectFromArray(dupParam4), toObjectFromArray(dupParam5), dupParam6 == null ? null : dupParam6.getJCOInstance(), dupParam7.getJCRefOut());
return new NetObject(objInvokeMember);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetObject[] GetCustomAttributes(boolean inherit) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetCustomAttributes", inherit);
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new NetObject(resultingObject));
NetObject[] resultingArray = new NetObject[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetObject[] GetCustomAttributes(NetType attributeType, boolean inherit) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetCustomAttributes", attributeType == null ? null : attributeType.getJCOInstance(), inherit);
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new NetObject(resultingObject));
NetObject[] resultingArray = new NetObject[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetConstructors", bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new ConstructorInfo(resultingObject));
ConstructorInfo[] resultingArray = new ConstructorInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public FieldBuilder DefineLiteral(java.lang.String literalName, NetObject literalValue) throws Throwable, system.ArgumentException, system.InvalidOperationException, system.NotImplementedException, system.ArgumentNullException, system.NotSupportedException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objDefineLiteral = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("DefineLiteral", literalName, literalValue == null ? null : literalValue.getJCOInstance());
return new FieldBuilder(objDefineLiteral);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public EventInfo GetEvent(java.lang.String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objGetEvent = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetEvent", name, bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
return new EventInfo(objGetEvent);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public EventInfo[] GetEvents() throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetEvents");
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new EventInfo(resultingObject));
EventInfo[] resultingArray = new EventInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetEvents", bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new EventInfo(resultingObject));
EventInfo[] resultingArray = new EventInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public FieldInfo GetField(java.lang.String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objGetField = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetField", name, bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
return new FieldInfo(objGetField);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetFields", bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new FieldInfo(resultingObject));
FieldInfo[] resultingArray = new FieldInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public InterfaceMapping GetInterfaceMap(NetType interfaceType) throws Throwable, system.NotSupportedException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objGetInterfaceMap = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetInterfaceMap", interfaceType == null ? null : interfaceType.getJCOInstance());
return new InterfaceMapping(objGetInterfaceMap);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public MemberInfo[] GetMember(java.lang.String name, MemberTypes type, BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable, system.NotSupportedException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetMember", name, type == null ? null : type.getJCOInstance(), bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new MemberInfo(resultingObject));
MemberInfo[] resultingArray = new MemberInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public MemberInfo[] GetMembers(BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetMembers", bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new MemberInfo(resultingObject));
MemberInfo[] resultingArray = new MemberInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetMethods", bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new MethodInfo(resultingObject));
MethodInfo[] resultingArray = new MethodInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetProperties", bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new PropertyInfo(resultingObject));
PropertyInfo[] resultingArray = new PropertyInfo[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public TypeInfo CreateTypeInfo() throws Throwable, system.ArgumentException, system.InvalidOperationException, system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, system.ArgumentNullException, system.NotImplementedException, system.NotSupportedException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objCreateTypeInfo = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("CreateTypeInfo");
return new TypeInfo(objCreateTypeInfo);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType CreateType() throws Throwable, system.ArgumentException, system.InvalidOperationException, system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, system.ArgumentNullException, system.NotImplementedException, system.NotSupportedException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objCreateType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("CreateType");
return new NetType(objCreateType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType GetElementType() throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objGetElementType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetElementType");
return new NetType(objGetElementType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType GetEnumUnderlyingType() throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objGetEnumUnderlyingType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetEnumUnderlyingType");
return new NetType(objGetEnumUnderlyingType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType GetInterface(java.lang.String name, boolean ignoreCase) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objGetInterface = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetInterface", name, ignoreCase);
return new NetType(objGetInterface);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType GetNestedType(java.lang.String name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objGetNestedType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetNestedType", name, bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
return new NetType(objGetNestedType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType MakeArrayType() throws Throwable, system.ArgumentException, system.ArgumentNullException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objMakeArrayType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("MakeArrayType");
return new NetType(objMakeArrayType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType MakeArrayType(int rank) throws Throwable, system.IndexOutOfRangeException, system.ArgumentNullException, system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, system.OutOfMemoryException, system.FormatException, system.ArgumentException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objMakeArrayType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("MakeArrayType", rank);
return new NetType(objMakeArrayType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType MakeByRefType() throws Throwable, system.ArgumentException, system.ArgumentNullException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objMakeByRefType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("MakeByRefType");
return new NetType(objMakeByRefType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType MakePointerType() throws Throwable, system.ArgumentException, system.ArgumentNullException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject objMakePointerType = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("MakePointerType");
return new NetType(objMakePointerType);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType[] GetInterfaces() throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetInterfaces");
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new NetType(resultingObject));
NetType[] resultingArray = new NetType[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public NetType[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr) throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
ArrayList resultingArrayList = new ArrayList();
JCObject resultingObjects = (JCObject)classInstance.Invoke("GetNestedTypes", bindingAttr == null ? null : bindingAttr.getJCOInstance());
for (java.lang.Object resultingObject : resultingObjects) {
resultingArrayList.add(new NetType(resultingObject));
NetType[] resultingArray = new NetType[resultingArrayList.size()];
resultingArray = resultingArrayList.toArray(resultingArray);
return resultingArray;
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public void SetCustomAttribute(ConstructorInfo con, byte[] binaryAttribute) throws Throwable, system.ArgumentNullException, system.NotImplementedException, system.ArgumentException, system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, system.InvalidOperationException, system.NotSupportedException, system.MissingMethodException, system.FormatException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
classInstance.Invoke("SetCustomAttribute", con == null ? null : con.getJCOInstance(), binaryAttribute);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public void SetCustomAttribute(ConstructorInfo dupParam0, JCORefOut dupParam1) throws Throwable, system.ArgumentNullException, system.NotImplementedException, system.ArgumentException, system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, system.InvalidOperationException, system.NotSupportedException, system.MissingMethodException, system.FormatException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
classInstance.Invoke("SetCustomAttribute", dupParam0 == null ? null : dupParam0.getJCOInstance(), dupParam1.getJCRefOut());
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public void SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder) throws Throwable, system.ArgumentNullException, system.NotImplementedException, system.ArgumentException, system.ArgumentOutOfRangeException, system.InvalidOperationException, system.NotSupportedException, system.FormatException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
classInstance.Invoke("SetCustomAttribute", customBuilder == null ? null : customBuilder.getJCOInstance());
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
* @deprecated Not for public use because the method is implemented in .NET with an explicit interface.
* Use the static To_EnumBuilder method available in _EnumBuilder to obtain an object with an invocable method
public void GetTypeInfoCount(JCORefOut pcTInfo) throws Throwable {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not for public use because the method is implemented with an explicit interface. Use To_EnumBuilder to obtain the full interface.");
// Properties section
public FieldBuilder getUnderlyingField() throws Throwable {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject val = (JCObject)classInstance.Get("UnderlyingField");
return new FieldBuilder(val);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
public TypeToken getTypeToken() throws Throwable, system.InvalidOperationException {
if (classInstance == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("classInstance is null.");
try {
JCObject val = (JCObject)classInstance.Get("TypeToken");
return new TypeToken(val);
} catch (JCNativeException jcne) {
throw translateException(jcne);
// Instance Events section