Download com.maxifier.mxcache JAR files with all dependencies
mxcache-idea-api-stubs from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.8)
Contains stubs of JetBrains Idea plugin API. This is necessary due to JetBrains provides no
artifacts available in public maven repositories.
This stuff was automatically generated with APIfier stub generator.
jconsole-stub from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.8)
JConsole plugin stub
mxcache-gradle-plugin from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.8)
jconsole-stub from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.1)
JConsole plugin stub
Group: com.maxifier.mxcache Artifact: jconsole-stub
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mxcache-instrumentator from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.5.11)
Instrumentator core. This jar can also be used for dynamic instrumentation.
Group: com.maxifier.mxcache Artifact: mxcache-instrumentator
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mxcache-asm from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 7.1)
A repackage of ASM byte code manipulation library with some fixes from 3.3.
All classes put into com.maxifier.mxcache.asm package.
(It was done because different versions ASM are incompatible)
The repackaging is done via maven-shade-plugin.
This project is located in MxCache repository but it is not liked with its parent project as
IDEA doesn't perform well when used with shade plugin.
mxcache-ehcache-integration from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
A set of custom caching strategies for EhCache framework
mxcache-jmx from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
MxCache management extensions and JConsole plugin
mxcache-maven-plugin from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.4)
MxCache instrumentation plugin for maven
mxcache-generation from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
Contains a set of templates and Generator class that generates various cache classes for a combination of different primitive key and value types.
mxcache from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
MxCache parent project.
MxCache adds an annotation-driven caching facility to java projects.
Group: com.maxifier.mxcache Artifact: mxcache
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stubgen from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
Stubgen allows to generate API stub source code for third-party libraries.
It extracts only a skeleton of trird-party libraries that are used by your code.
Skeletons are brief and don't contain any extra information.
jconsole-stub from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
JConsole plugin stub
mxcache-tests from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
MxCache tests for instrumentation
mxcache-instrumentator from group com.maxifier.mxcache (version 2.6.9)
Instrumentator core. This jar can also be used for dynamic instrumentation.
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