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com.mchange.v2.beans.BeansUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Distributed as part of mchange-commons-java v.0.2.3
* Copyright (C) 2012 Machinery For Change, Inc.
* Author: Steve Waldman
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this software; see the file LICENSE. If not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package com.mchange.v2.beans;
import java.beans.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.mchange.v2.log.*;
import com.mchange.v2.lang.Coerce;
public final class BeansUtils
final static MLogger logger = MLog.getLogger( BeansUtils.class );
final static Object[] EMPTY_ARGS = new Object[0];
public static PropertyEditor findPropertyEditor( PropertyDescriptor pd )
PropertyEditor out = null;
Class editorClass = null;
editorClass = pd.getPropertyEditorClass();
if (editorClass != null)
out = (PropertyEditor) editorClass.newInstance();
catch (Exception e)
// e.printStackTrace();
// System.err.println("WARNING: Bad property editor class " + editorClass.getName() +
// " registered for property " + pd.getName());
if (logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ) )
logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, "Bad property editor class " + editorClass.getName() + " registered for property " + pd.getName(), e);
if ( out == null )
out = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor( pd.getPropertyType() );
return out;
public static boolean equalsByAccessibleProperties( Object bean0, Object bean1 )
throws IntrospectionException
{ return equalsByAccessibleProperties( bean0, bean1, Collections.EMPTY_SET ); }
public static boolean equalsByAccessibleProperties( Object bean0, Object bean1, Collection ignoreProps )
throws IntrospectionException
Map m0 = new HashMap();
Map m1 = new HashMap();
extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( m0, bean0, ignoreProps );
extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( m1, bean1, ignoreProps );
//System.err.println("Map0 -> " + m0);
//System.err.println("Map1 -> " + m1);
return m0.equals(m1);
public static void overwriteAccessibleProperties( Object sourceBean, Object destBean )
throws IntrospectionException
{ overwriteAccessibleProperties( sourceBean, destBean, Collections.EMPTY_SET ); }
public static void overwriteAccessibleProperties( Object sourceBean, Object destBean, Collection ignoreProps )
throws IntrospectionException
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( sourceBean.getClass(), Object.class ); //so we don't see message about getClass()
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
for( int i = 0, len = pds.length; i < len; ++i)
PropertyDescriptor pd = pds[i];
if ( ignoreProps.contains( pd.getName() ) )
Method getter = pd.getReadMethod();
Method setter = pd.getWriteMethod();
if ( getter == null || setter == null )
if ( pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor )
// System.err.println("WARNING: BeansUtils.overwriteAccessibleProperties() does not");
// System.err.println("support indexed properties that do not provide single-valued");
// System.err.println("array getters and setters! [The indexed methods provide no means");
// System.err.println("of modifying the size of the array in the destination bean if");
// System.err.println("it does not match the source.]");
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ) )
logger.warning("BeansUtils.overwriteAccessibleProperties() does not" +
" support indexed properties that do not provide single-valued" +
" array getters and setters! [The indexed methods provide no means" +
" of modifying the size of the array in the destination bean if" +
" it does not match the source.]");
//System.err.println("Property inaccessible for overwriting: " + pd.getName());
if (logger.isLoggable( MLevel.INFO ))"Property inaccessible for overwriting: " + pd.getName());
Object value = getter.invoke( sourceBean, EMPTY_ARGS );
setter.invoke( destBean, new Object[] { value } );
catch ( IntrospectionException e )
{ throw e; }
catch ( Exception e )
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.TRACE >= Debug.TRACE_MED && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE ))
logger.log( MLevel.FINE, "Converting exception to throwable IntrospectionException" );
throw new IntrospectionException( e.getMessage() );
public static void overwriteAccessiblePropertiesFromMap( Map sourceMap, Object destBean, boolean skip_nulls )
throws IntrospectionException
{ overwriteAccessiblePropertiesFromMap( sourceMap, destBean, skip_nulls, Collections.EMPTY_SET ); }
public static void overwriteAccessiblePropertiesFromMap( Map sourceMap, Object destBean, boolean skip_nulls, Collection ignoreProps )
throws IntrospectionException
overwriteAccessiblePropertiesFromMap( sourceMap,
public static void overwriteAccessiblePropertiesFromMap( Map sourceMap,
Object destBean,
boolean skip_nulls,
Collection ignoreProps,
boolean coerce_strings,
MLevel cantWriteLevel,
MLevel cantCoerceLevel,
boolean die_on_one_prop_failure)
throws IntrospectionException
if (cantWriteLevel == null)
cantWriteLevel = MLevel.WARNING;
if (cantCoerceLevel == null)
cantCoerceLevel = MLevel.WARNING;
Set sourceMapProps = sourceMap.keySet();
String propName = null;
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( destBean.getClass(), Object.class ); //so we don't see message about getClass()
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
//System.err.println("ignoreProps: " + ignoreProps );
for( int i = 0, len = pds.length; i < len; ++i)
PropertyDescriptor pd = pds[i];
propName = pd.getName();
if (! sourceMapProps.contains( propName ))
if ( ignoreProps != null && ignoreProps.contains( propName ) )
//System.err.println("ignoring: " + propName);
// System.err.println("not ignoring: " + propName);
Object propVal = sourceMap.get( propName );
if (propVal == null)
if (skip_nulls) continue;
//do we need to worry about primitives here?
Method setter = pd.getWriteMethod();
boolean rethrow = false;
Class propType = pd.getPropertyType();;
// try
// {
if ( setter == null )
if ( pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor )
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINER ) )
logger.finer("BeansUtils.overwriteAccessiblePropertiesFromMap() does not" +
" support indexed properties that do not provide single-valued" +
" array getters and setters! [The indexed methods provide no means" +
" of modifying the size of the array in the destination bean if" +
" it does not match the source.]");
if ( logger.isLoggable( cantWriteLevel ))
String msg = "Property inaccessible for overwriting: " + propName;
logger.log( cantWriteLevel, msg );
if (die_on_one_prop_failure)
rethrow = true;
throw new IntrospectionException( msg );
if (coerce_strings &&
propVal != null &&
propVal.getClass() == String.class &&
(propType = pd.getPropertyType()) != String.class &&
Coerce.canCoerce( propType ))
Object coercedPropVal;
coercedPropVal = Coerce.toObject( (String) propVal, propType );
//System.err.println(propName + "-> coercedPropVal: " + coercedPropVal);
setter.invoke( destBean, new Object[] { coercedPropVal } );
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// thrown by Coerce.toObject()
// recall that NumberFormatException inherits from IllegalArgumentException
String msg =
"Failed to coerce property: " + propName +
" [propVal: " + propVal + "; propType: " + propType + "]";
if ( logger.isLoggable( cantCoerceLevel ) )
logger.log( cantCoerceLevel, msg, e );
if (die_on_one_prop_failure)
rethrow = true;
throw new IntrospectionException( msg );
catch (Exception e)
String msg =
"Failed to set property: " + propName +
" [propVal: " + propVal + "; propType: " + propType + "]";
if ( logger.isLoggable( cantWriteLevel ) )
logger.log( cantWriteLevel, msg, e );
if (die_on_one_prop_failure)
rethrow = true;
throw new IntrospectionException( msg );
//System.err.println("invoking method: " + setter);
setter.invoke( destBean, new Object[] { propVal } );
catch (Exception e)
String msg =
"Failed to set property: " + propName +
" [propVal: " + propVal + "; propType: " + propType + "]";
if ( logger.isLoggable( cantWriteLevel ) )
logger.log( cantWriteLevel, msg, e );
if (die_on_one_prop_failure)
rethrow = true;
throw new IntrospectionException( msg );
// }
// catch (Exception e)
// {
// if (e instanceof IntrospectionException && rethrow)
// throw (IntrospectionException) e;
// else
// {
// String msg =
// "An exception occurred while trying to set property '" + propName +
// "' to value '" + propVal + "'. ";
// logger.log(MLevel.WARNING, msg, e);
// if (die_on_one_prop_failure)
// {
// rethrow = true;
// throw new IntrospectionException( msg + e.toString());
// }
// }
// }
public static void appendPropNamesAndValues(StringBuffer appendIntoMe, Object bean, Collection ignoreProps) throws IntrospectionException
Map tmp = new TreeMap( String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER );
extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( tmp, bean, ignoreProps );
boolean first = true;
for (Iterator ii = tmp.keySet().iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
String key = (String);
Object val = tmp.get( key );
if (first)
first = false;
appendIntoMe.append( ", " );
appendIntoMe.append( key );
appendIntoMe.append( " -> ");
appendIntoMe.append( val );
public static void extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( Map fillMe, Object bean ) throws IntrospectionException
{ extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( fillMe, bean, Collections.EMPTY_SET ); }
public static void extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( Map fillMe, Object bean, Collection ignoreProps ) throws IntrospectionException
String propName = null;
BeanInfo bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo( bean.getClass(), Object.class );
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = bi.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (int i = 0, len = pds.length; i < len; ++i)
PropertyDescriptor pd = pds[i];
propName = pd.getName();
if (ignoreProps.contains( propName ))
Method readMethod = pd.getReadMethod();
Object propVal = readMethod.invoke( bean, EMPTY_ARGS );
fillMe.put( propName, propVal );
catch ( IntrospectionException e )
// if (propName != null)
// System.err.println("Problem occurred while overwriting property: " + propName);
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ) )
logger.warning("Problem occurred while overwriting property: " + propName);
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.TRACE >= Debug.TRACE_MED && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE ))
logger.logp( MLevel.FINE,
"extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( Map fillMe, Object bean, Collection ignoreProps )",
(propName != null ? "Problem occurred while overwriting property: " + propName : "") + " throwing...",
e );
throw e;
catch ( Exception e )
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.TRACE >= Debug.TRACE_MED && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE ))
logger.logp( MLevel.FINE,
"extractAccessiblePropertiesToMap( Map fillMe, Object bean, Collection ignoreProps )",
"Caught unexpected Exception; Converting to IntrospectionException.",
e );
throw new IntrospectionException( e.toString() + (propName == null ? "" : " [" + propName + ']') );
private static void overwriteProperty( String propName, Object value, Method putativeSetter, Object target )
throws Exception
if ( putativeSetter.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom( target.getClass() ) )
putativeSetter.invoke( target, new Object[] { value } );
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( target.getClass(), Object.class );
PropertyDescriptor pd = null;
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
for( int i = 0, len = pds.length; i < len; ++i)
if (propName.equals( pds[i].getName() ))
pd = pds[i];
Method targetSetter = pd.getWriteMethod();
targetSetter.invoke( target, new Object[] { value } );
public static void overwriteSpecificAccessibleProperties( Object sourceBean, Object destBean, Collection props )
throws IntrospectionException
Set _props = new HashSet(props);
BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo( sourceBean.getClass(), Object.class ); //so we don't see message about getClass()
PropertyDescriptor[] pds = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
for( int i = 0, len = pds.length; i < len; ++i)
PropertyDescriptor pd = pds[i];
String name = pd.getName();
if (! _props.remove( name ) )
Method getter = pd.getReadMethod();
Method setter = pd.getWriteMethod();
if ( getter == null || setter == null )
if ( pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor )
// System.err.println("WARNING: BeansUtils.overwriteAccessibleProperties() does not");
// System.err.println("support indexed properties that do not provide single-valued");
// System.err.println("array getters and setters! [The indexed methods provide no means");
// System.err.println("of modifying the size of the array in the destination bean if");
// System.err.println("it does not match the source.]");
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ) )
logger.warning("BeansUtils.overwriteAccessibleProperties() does not" +
" support indexed properties that do not provide single-valued" +
" array getters and setters! [The indexed methods provide no means" +
" of modifying the size of the array in the destination bean if" +
" it does not match the source.]");
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.INFO ) )"Property inaccessible for overwriting: " + pd.getName());
Object value = getter.invoke( sourceBean, EMPTY_ARGS );
overwriteProperty( name, value, setter, destBean );
//setter.invoke( destBean, new Object[] { value } );
if ( logger.isLoggable( MLevel.WARNING ) )
for (Iterator ii = _props.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
logger.warning("failed to find expected property: " +;
//System.err.println("failed to find expected property: " +;
catch ( IntrospectionException e )
{ throw e; }
catch ( Exception e )
if (Debug.DEBUG && Debug.TRACE >= Debug.TRACE_MED && logger.isLoggable( MLevel.FINE ))
logger.logp( MLevel.FINE,
"overwriteSpecificAccessibleProperties( Object sourceBean, Object destBean, Collection props )",
"Caught unexpected Exception; Converting to IntrospectionException.",
e );
throw new IntrospectionException( e.getMessage() );
public static void debugShowPropertyChange( PropertyChangeEvent evt )
System.err.println("PropertyChangeEvent: [ propertyName -> " + evt.getPropertyName() +
", oldValue -> " + evt.getOldValue() +
", newValue -> " + evt.getNewValue() +
" ]");
private BeansUtils()