com.mchange.unifyrss.RssMerger.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.mchange.unifyrss
import java.time.Instant
import scala.xml.*
import scala.xml.transform.*
import scala.collection.*
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import audiofluidity.rss.*
import audiofluidity.rss.util.*
object RssMerger:
def stableEarlyInstant( s : String ) = Instant.ofEpochMilli(s.hashCode * 1_000_000)
def extractPrefixedNamespaces( roots : Elem* ) : Set[Namespace] =
val raw = Namespace.fromElemsRecursive( roots* )
val prefixed = raw.toSet.filter( _.prefix != None )
val excludingConflicts = Namespace.canonicalizeConflicts( prefixed )
if excludingConflicts.excluded.nonEmpty then
throw new IncompatibleNamespaces( excludingConflicts.excludedNamespaces )
def toText( node : Node ) : String =
val pp = new PrettyPrinter(120,2)
pp.format( node )
//NOT given or implicit please!
val ItemOrdering =
def parsePubDate( str : String ) : Instant =
attemptLenientParsePubDateToInstant(str) match
case Success( instant ) => instant
case Failure( t ) =>
System.err.println(s"Found unparsable date: ${str}, using an arbitrary very early date.")
def pubDate( itemElem : Elem ) : Instant =
val pds = (itemElem \ "pubDate").map( _.text )
if pds.length > 1 then
//throw BadItemXml(s"Expected precisely one 'pubDate' in item, found ${pds.length}:${linesep}${toText(itemElem)}")
System.err.println(s"Expected precisely one 'pubDate' in item, found ${pds.length}:${linesep}${toText(itemElem)}, will use first.")
parsePubDate( pds.head )
else if pds.length == 1 then
parsePubDate( pds.head )
System.err.println(s"Expected precisely one 'pubDate' in item, found ${pds.length}:${linesep}${toText(itemElem)}, will use an arbitrary early timestamp!")
stableEarlyInstant( itemElem.toString )[Elem,Instant]( pubDate ).reverse
end ItemOrdering
extension ( ns : NodeSeq )
def stripElem(prefix : String, label : String) : NodeSeq = ns.collect { case el : Elem if el.prefix != prefix || el.label != label => el; case n if !n.isInstanceOf[Elem] => n }
def embedReplaceProvenance( item : Elem, href : String ) : Elem =
def viaLink = Element.Atom.Link(href=href,rel=Some(Element.Atom.LinkRelation.via),`type`=Some("application/rss+xml"))
val newItem =
val provenances = (item \ "provenance").filter( _.prefix == "iffy" )
if provenances.nonEmpty then
if provenances.size > 1 then
System.err.println("Found an item with more than one 'iffy:provenance' element. Will drop all but the first!")
val newProvenance =
val provenance = provenances.head.asInstanceOf[Elem]
provenance.copy( child = (viaLink.toElem +: provenance.child) )
val newChildren = item.child.stripElem("iffy", "provenance") :+ newProvenance
item.copy( child = newChildren )
item.copy( child = item.child :+ Element.Iffy.Provenance(viaLink::Nil).toElem )
def embedProvenance( root : Elem ) : Elem =
val origChannel = (root \ "channel").headOption.getOrElse( throw new BadRssXml("Expected a channel, found none.") ).asInstanceOf[Elem]
val atomSelfLinks =
(origChannel \ "link")
.collect { case elem : scala.xml.Elem if elem.prefix == "atom" => elem }
.filter( _ \@ "rel" == "self" )
if atomSelfLinks.length != 1 then
System.err.println("No unique atom:link with rel=\"self\" found in channel. Cannot embed provenance.");
val href = atomSelfLinks.head \@ "href"
val items = (origChannel \ "item")
val newItems = elem => embedReplaceProvenance(elem.asInstanceOf[Elem],href) )
val newChannelChildren = origChannel.child.stripElem(null, "item") ++ newItems
val newChannel = origChannel.copy( child = newChannelChildren )
val newRssChildren = root.child.stripElem(null, "channel") :+ newChannel
root.copy( child = newRssChildren )
def attemptEmbedProvenance( root : Elem ) : Elem =
try embedProvenance( root )
case NonFatal(e) =>
System.err.println("An Exception occurred while trying to embed provenance. Skipping.")
def merge(mergedFeedUrl : String, spec : Element.Channel.Spec, itemLimit : Int, roots : Elem* ) : Element.Rss =
val allPrefixedNamespaces = extractPrefixedNamespaces(roots*).toList
val noprefixed = stripPrefixedNamespaces ).map( _.asInstanceOf[Elem] )
val withProvenances = attemptEmbedProvenance )
val allItems = withProvenances.flatMap( _ \\ "item" ).map( _.asInstanceOf[Elem] ).sorted(ItemOrdering)
val limitedItems = allItems.take( itemLimit )
val atomSelfLink = Element.Atom.Link(href=mergedFeedUrl,rel=Some(Element.Atom.LinkRelation.self),`type`=Some("application/rss+xml")) // see
val channel = Element.Channel.create(spec, Iterable.empty[Element.Item]).withExtra(atomSelfLink).withExtras( limitedItems )
Element.Rss(channel).overNamespaces(allPrefixedNamespaces :+ Namespace.Iffy) // Namespace.Iffy for provenance element
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