com.mchange.unifyrss.config.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.mchange.unifyrss
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.collection.*
import scala.xml.{Elem,XML}
import unstatic.UrlPath.*
import java.nio.file.{Path as JPath}
trait BaseConfig:
* URLPath.Abs resolving to the directory from which rss will be served, either as static files or from memory by the daemon
def appPathAbs : Abs
* The set of feeds (merged from multiple sources) to serve
def mergedFeeds : immutable.Set[MergedFeed]
* Set to true for more verbose logging
def verbose : Boolean
end BaseConfig
* @param appPathAbs URLPath.Abs resolving to the directory from which rss will be served, either as static files or from memory by the daemon
* @param appStaticDir Directory into which static files will be generated, from which they will be served
* @param mergedFeeds The set of feeds (merged from multiple sources) to serve
* @param verbose Set to true for more verbose logging
case class StaticGenConfig( appPathAbs : Abs, appStaticDir : JPath, mergedFeeds : immutable.Set[MergedFeed], verbose : Boolean = false ) extends BaseConfig
case class DaemonConfig( serverUrl : Abs, proxiedPort : Option[Int], appPathServerRooted : Rooted, mergedFeeds : immutable.Set[MergedFeed], verbose : Boolean = false ) extends BaseConfig:
def appPathAbs : Abs = serverUrl.embedRoot(appPathServerRooted)
def servicePort =
def fromUrlOrDefault : Int =
val fromUrl = serverUrl.server.getPort
if fromUrl >= 0 then fromUrl else 80
proxiedPort.getOrElse( fromUrlOrDefault )
* Beware! SourceUrl transformers might see atom feeds rather than RSS, or who knows what!
* Try to make them resilient to these.
* There is no need to supply a transformer just to convert atom to RSS. We handle that
* automatically later in the pipeline. But if you want to do more than that, then you might
* first normalize feeds to RSS (from atom) before doing whatever else it is you are doing.
object SourceUrl:
def apply( url : URL ) : SourceUrl = SourceUrl(url, identity)
def apply( url : String) : SourceUrl = SourceUrl(new URL(url))
def apply( url : String, transformer : Elem => Elem) : SourceUrl = SourceUrl( new URL(url), transformer )
final case class SourceUrl( url : URL, transformer : Elem => Elem )
* Beware! MetaSource eachFeedTransformers might see atom feeds rather than RSS, or who knows what!
* Try to make them resilient to these.
* There is no need to supply a transformer just to convert atom to RSS. We handle that
* automatically later in the pipeline. But if you want to do more than that, then you might
* first normalize feeds to RSS (from atom) before doing whatever else it is you are doing.
* MetaSource outputTransformers will reliably see RSS.
object MetaSource:
case class OPML( opmlUrl : URL, opmlTransformer : Elem => Elem = identity, eachFeedTransformer : Elem => Elem = identity, urlFilter : String => Boolean = _ => true ) extends MetaSource:
def sourceUrls : immutable.Seq[SourceUrl] =
val opmlElem =
// XML.load(opmlUrl) // in practice, loading via requests-scala proves more reliable, especially for long documents opmlUrl.toString ).readBytesThrough( XML.load )
( opmlTransformer( opmlElem ) \\ "outline")
.map( _ \@ "xmlUrl" )
.filter( _.nonEmpty)
.filter( urlFilter )
.map( feedUrl => SourceUrl( feedUrl, eachFeedTransformer ) )
trait MetaSource:
def sourceUrls : immutable.Seq[SourceUrl]
end MetaSource
trait MergedFeed:
def sourceUrls : immutable.Seq[SourceUrl]
def metaSources : immutable.Seq[MetaSource]
def itemLimit : Int
def title( rootElems : immutable.Seq[Elem] ) : String
def description( rootElems : immutable.Seq[Elem] ) : String
def feedPath : Rel
def stubSitePath : Rel
def stubSite( rootElems : immutable.Seq[Elem] ) : String
def stubSiteContentType : String
def refreshSeconds : Int
def outputTransformer : Elem => Elem
object MergedFeed:
class Default(
val baseName : String,
override val sourceUrls : immutable.Seq[SourceUrl] = Nil,
override val metaSources : immutable.Seq[MetaSource] = Nil,
override val itemLimit : Int = Int.MaxValue,
override val refreshSeconds : Int = 600,
override val outputTransformer : Elem => Elem = identity,
) extends MergedFeed:
require( sourceUrls.nonEmpty || metaSources.nonEmpty, s"Bad MergedFeed '${baseName}' configured, no sources or metasources specified." )
override def feedPath = Rel(s"${baseName}.rss")
override def stubSiteContentType = "text/html"
override def stubSitePath =
val suffix = stubSiteContentType match
case "text/html" => "html"
case "text/plain" => "txt"
case _ => "txt"
private def titleDesc( rootElems : immutable.Seq[Elem] ) : String =
val titlesRaw = elem => (elem \ "channel" \ "title").headOption.fold("\"untitled\"")( s => s"\"${s.text}\"" ) )
val titleList = titlesRaw.length match
case 0 => "(no feeds provided)"
case 1 => titlesRaw(0)
case 2 => titlesRaw(0) + " and " + titlesRaw(1)
case _ => => s"${s}, ").mkString + " and " + titlesRaw.last
s"Merger of feeds ${titleList}"
override def title( rootElems : immutable.Seq[Elem] ) : String = titleDesc(rootElems)
override def description( rootElems : immutable.Seq[Elem] ) : String = titleDesc(rootElems)
override def stubSite( rootElems : immutable.Seq[Elem]) : String =
val t = title(rootElems)
val titles = _ \ "title").headOption.fold("untitled")( _.text )
val desc = _ \ "description").headOption.fold("no description")( _.text )
val dlEntries = (a,b) => s"$a $b ").mkString
| ${title}
| ${title}
| ${dlEntries}
end Default
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