com.medallia.word2vec.Word2VecTrainerBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.medallia.word2vec;
import com.medallia.word2vec.util.AutoLog;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import com.medallia.word2vec.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkConfig;
import com.medallia.word2vec.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetworkType;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Builder pattern for training a new {@link Word2VecModel}
* This is a port of the open source C implementation of word2vec
* Note that this isn't a completely faithful rewrite, specifically:
* - When building the vocabulary from the training file:
* - The original version does a reduction step when learning the vocabulary from the file
* when the vocab size hits 21 million words, removing any words that do not meet the
* minimum frequency threshold. This Java port has no such reduction step.
- The original version injects a </s> token into the vocabulary (with a word count of 0)
* as a substitute for newlines in the input file. This Java port's vocabulary excludes the token.
* - In partitioning the file for processing
* - The original version assumes that sentences are delimited by newline characters and injects a sentence
* boundary per 1000 non-filtered tokens, i.e. valid token by the vocabulary and not removed by the randomized
* sampling process. Java port mimics this behavior for now ...
- When the original version encounters an empty line in the input file, it re-processes the first word of the
* last non-empty line with a sentence length of 0 and updates the random value. Java port omits this behavior.
* - In the sampling function
* - The original C documentation indicates that the range should be between 0 and 1e-5, but the default value is 1e-3.
* This Java port retains that confusing information.
- The random value generated for comparison to determine if a token should be filtered uses a float.
* This Java port uses double precision for twice the fun
* - In the distance function to find the nearest matches to a target query
* - The original version includes an unnecessary normalization of the vector for the input query which
* may lead to tiny inaccuracies. This Java port foregoes this superfluous operation.
- The original version has an O(n * k) algorithm for finding top matches and is hardcoded to 40 matches.
* This Java port uses Google's lovely {@link, int)}
* which is O(n + k log k) and takes in arbitrary k.
* - The k-means clustering option is excluded in the Java port
* Please do not hesitate to peek at the source code.
* It should be readable, concise, and correct.
* I ask you to reach out if it is not.
public class Word2VecTrainerBuilder {
private static final Log LOG = AutoLog.getLog();
private Integer layerSize;
private Integer windowSize;
private Integer numThreads;
private NeuralNetworkType type;
private int negativeSamples;
private boolean useHierarchicalSoftmax;
private Multiset vocab;
private Integer minFrequency;
private Double initialLearningRate;
private Double downSampleRate;
private Integer iterations;
private TrainingProgressListener listener;
Word2VecTrainerBuilder() {
* Size of the layers in the neural network model
* Defaults to 100
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder setLayerSize(int layerSize) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(layerSize > 0, "Value must be positive");
this.layerSize = layerSize;
return this;
* Size of the window to consider
* Default window size is 5 tokens
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder setWindowSize(int windowSize) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(windowSize > 0, "Value must be positive");
this.windowSize = windowSize;
return this;
* Specify number of threads to use for parallelization
* Defaults to {@link Runtime#availableProcessors()}
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder useNumThreads(int numThreads) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(numThreads > 0, "Value must be positive");
this.numThreads = numThreads;
return this;
* @see {@link NeuralNetworkType}
* By default, word2vec uses the {@link NeuralNetworkType#SKIP_GRAM}
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder type(NeuralNetworkType type) {
this.type = Preconditions.checkNotNull(type);
return this;
* Specify to use hierarchical softmax
* By default, word2vec does not use hierarchical softmax
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder useHierarchicalSoftmax() {
this.useHierarchicalSoftmax = true;
return this;
* Number of negative samples to use
* Common values are between 5 and 10
* Defaults to 0
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder useNegativeSamples(int negativeSamples) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(negativeSamples >= 0, "Value must be non-negative");
this.negativeSamples = negativeSamples;
return this;
* Use a pre-built vocabulary
* If this is not specified, word2vec will attempt to learn a vocabulary from the training data
* @param vocab {@link Map} from token to frequency
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder useVocab(Multiset vocab) {
this.vocab = Preconditions.checkNotNull(vocab);
return this;
* Specify the minimum frequency for a valid token to be considered
* part of the vocabulary
* Defaults to 5
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder setMinVocabFrequency(int minFrequency) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(minFrequency >= 0, "Value must be non-negative");
this.minFrequency = minFrequency;
return this;
* Set the starting learning rate
* Default is 0.025 for skip-gram and 0.05 for CBOW
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder setInitialLearningRate(double initialLearningRate) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(initialLearningRate >= 0, "Value must be non-negative");
this.initialLearningRate = initialLearningRate;
return this;
* Set threshold for occurrence of words. Those that appear with higher frequency in the training data,
* e.g. stopwords, will be randomly removed
* Default is 1e-3, useful range is (0, 1e-5)
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder setDownSamplingRate(double downSampleRate) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(downSampleRate >= 0, "Value must be non-negative");
this.downSampleRate = downSampleRate;
return this;
/** Set the number of iterations */
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder setNumIterations(int iterations) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(iterations > 0, "Value must be positive");
this.iterations = iterations;
return this;
/** Set a progress listener */
public Word2VecTrainerBuilder setListener(TrainingProgressListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
return this;
/** Train the model */
public Word2VecModel train(Iterable> sentences) throws InterruptedException {
this.type = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(type, NeuralNetworkType.CBOW);
this.initialLearningRate = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(initialLearningRate, type.getDefaultInitialLearningRate());
if (this.numThreads == null)
this.numThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
this.iterations = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(iterations, 5);
this.layerSize = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(layerSize, 100);
this.windowSize = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(windowSize, 5);
this.downSampleRate = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(downSampleRate, 0.001);
this.minFrequency = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(minFrequency, 5);
this.listener = MoreObjects.firstNonNull(listener, new TrainingProgressListener() {
public void update(Stage stage, double progress) {
System.out.println(String.format("Stage %s, progress %s%%", stage, progress));
Optional> vocab = this.vocab == null
? Optional.>absent()
: Optional.of(this.vocab);
return new Word2VecTrainer(
new NeuralNetworkConfig(
).train(LOG, listener, sentences);
/** Listener for model training progress */
public interface TrainingProgressListener {
/** Sequential stages of processing */
enum Stage {
* Called during word2vec training
* Note that this is called in a separate thread from the processing thread
* @param stage Current {@link Stage} of processing
* @param progress Progress of the current stage as a double value between 0 and 1
void update(Stage stage, double progress);