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com.melvinlow.task.Task.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.melvinlow.task
import cats.effect.kernel.{Concurrent, Deferred}
import cats.effect.std.MapRef
import cats.syntax.all.*
import cats.{Applicative, Parallel}
final case class Task[
] private (
dependencies: List[Task[F, ?]],
pf: PartialFunction[Tuple, F[O]]
) derives CanEqual {
/** Run the task and all dependencies in parallel, caching intermediary
* results to prevent duplicate computation.
* The result will be `F[None]` if the task or any of its upstream
* dependencies are not executed due to conditional logic in the partial
* functions.
* @param shards
* The number of shards to use for the cache. Increase this value to reduce
* contention caused by multiple tasks trying to write to the cache at the
* same time.
def parRun(shards: Int)(using Concurrent[F], Parallel[F]): F[Option[O]] =
for {
cache <- MapRef.ofShardedImmutableMap[F, Task[F, ?], Deferred[
result <- parRun(cache)
} yield result
def parRun(cache: MapRef[
Task[F, ?],
Option[Deferred[F, Option[?]]]
])(using Concurrent[F], Parallel[F]): F[Option[O]] = {
val deferred = Deferred[F, Option[?]].flatMap { d =>
cache(this).flatModify {
case None =>
d.some -> parExecute(cache).flatMap(v => d.complete(v).as(d))
case Some(e) => e.some -> e.pure[F]
val result: F[Option[?]] = deferred.flatMap(_.get)
/** Run the task and all dependencies sequentially, caching intermediary
* results to prevent duplicate computation.
* The result will be `F[None]` if the task or any of its upstream
* dependencies are not executed due to conditional logic in the partial
* functions.
* @param shards
* The number of shards to use for the cache. Increase this value to reduce
* contention caused by multiple tasks trying to write to the cache at the
* same time.
def run(using Concurrent[F]): F[Option[O]] =
for {
cache <- MapRef.ofSingleImmutableMap[F, Task[F, ?], Deferred[
result <- run(cache)
} yield result
def run(cache: MapRef[
Task[F, ?],
Option[Deferred[F, Option[?]]]
])(using Concurrent[F]): F[Option[O]] = {
val deferred = Deferred[F, Option[?]].flatMap { d =>
cache(this).flatModify {
case None =>
d.some -> execute(cache).flatMap(v => d.complete(v).as(d))
case Some(e) => e.some -> e.pure[F]
val result: F[Option[?]] = deferred.flatMap(_.get)
private def parExecute(
cache: MapRef[
Task[F, ?],
Option[Deferred[F, Option[?]]]
)(using Concurrent[F], Parallel[F]): F[Option[O]] = {
val deps: F[List[Option[?]]] = dependencies.parTraverse { d =>
val args: F[Option[List[?]]] =
args.flatMap {
case None => None.pure[F]
case Some(f) =>
val t = Tuple.fromArray(f.toArray)
private def execute(
cache: MapRef[
Task[F, ?],
Option[Deferred[F, Option[Any]]]
)(using Concurrent[F]): F[Option[O]] = {
val deps: F[List[Option[?]]] = dependencies.traverse { d =>[F[Option[?]]]
val args: F[Option[List[?]]] =
args.flatMap {
case None => None.pure[F]
case Some(f) =>
val t = Tuple.fromArray(f.toArray)
object Task {
given applicativeParInstance[F[_]: Applicative]
: Applicative[[O] =>> Task[F, O]]
with {
override def ap[A, B](ff: Task[F, A => B])(fa: Task[F, A]): Task[F, B] =
ff.dependencies ++ fa.dependencies,
Function.unlift {
inputs =>
val ffd =
val fbd =
val rf: Option[F[A => B]] =
val rb: Option[F[A]] =
(rf, rb).mapN(_ `ap` _)
override def product[A, B](
fa: Task[F, A],
fb: Task[F, B]
): Task[F, (A, B)] =
fa.dependencies ++ fa.dependencies,
Function.unlift {
inputs =>
val fad =
val fbd =
val ra: Option[F[A]] =
val rb: Option[F[B]] =
(ra, rb).mapN(_ `product` _)
override def map[A, B](fa: Task[F, A])(f: A => B): Task[F, B] =
override def pure[A](x: A): Task[F, A] = Task(Nil, _ => x.pure[F])
opaque type PureOps[F[_]] = Boolean
object PureOps {
inline def apply[F[_]]: PureOps[F] = true
extension [F[_]](dummy: PureOps[F]) {
def apply[O](value: O)(using Applicative[F]): Task[F, O] =
Task(Nil, _ => value.pure[F])
def apply[D <: Tuple, O](dependencies: D)(
pf: PartialFunction[Inputs[F, D], O]
)(using Applicative[F]): Task[F, O] = {
val dependencies_ = dependencies.toList.asInstanceOf[List[Task[F, ?]]]
val pf_ = pf.asInstanceOf[PartialFunction[Tuple, O]]
Task(dependencies_, pf_.andThen(_.pure[F]))
def apply[I, O](dependency: Task[F, I])(
pf: PartialFunction[I, O]
)(using Applicative[F]): Task[F, O] = {
val dependencies_ = List(dependency).asInstanceOf[List[Task[F, ?]]]
val head: PartialFunction[Any, I] = _.asInstanceOf[Tuple1[I]].head
val pf_ = pf
.asInstanceOf[PartialFunction[Tuple, F[O]]]
Task(dependencies_, pf_)
/** Construct a task from pure values.
inline def pure[F[_]] = PureOps.apply[F]
def apply[F[_], O](value: F[O]): Task[F, O] =
Task(Nil, _ => value)
def apply[F[_], D <: Tuple, I, O](dependencies: Task[F, I] *: D)(
pf: PartialFunction[Inputs[F, Task[F, I] *: D], F[O]]
): Task[F, O] = {
val dependencies_ = dependencies.toList.asInstanceOf[List[Task[F, ?]]]
val pf_ = pf.asInstanceOf[PartialFunction[Tuple, F[O]]]
Task(dependencies_, pf_)
def apply[F[_], I, O](dependency: Task[F, I])(
pf: PartialFunction[I, F[O]]
): Task[F, O] = {
val dependencies_ = List(dependency).asInstanceOf[List[Task[F, ?]]]
val head: PartialFunction[Any, I] = _.asInstanceOf[Tuple1[I]].head
val pf_ = pf.compose(head).asInstanceOf[PartialFunction[Tuple, F[O]]]
Task(dependencies_, pf_)
type Inputs[F[_], D <: Tuple] <: Tuple = D match {
case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
case Task[F, h] *: t => h *: Inputs[F, t]