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* Copyright (c) 2013 mgm technology partners GmbH
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.generation;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.mgmtp.perfload.loadprofiles.model.LoadCurve;
* Contains calculations involving load curves including statistics and the utilities necessary to
* create event lists. For all time calculations it is assumed, that the time and rate values of the
* load curve are in the units [hour] and [events/hour].
* @author mvarendo
public class LoadCurveCalculator {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoadCurveCalculator.class);
/** Defined time units (hour, minute, second, millisecond. */
public static final String timeUnit_hour = "[h]";
public static final String timeUnit_minute = "[m]";
public static final String timeUnit_second = "[s]";
public static final String timeUnit_millisecond = "[ms]";
/** Defined rate units (per hour, per minute, per second, per millisecond. */
public static final String rateUnit_perHour = "[1/h]";
public static final String rateUnit_perMinute = "[1/m]";
public static final String rateUnit_perSecond = "[1/s]";
public static final String rateUnit_perMillisecond = "[1/ms]";
/** value, which is smaller than the shortest distance between two events (= 1./maximal rate. */
public static double EPSILON = 1. / 1000000;
/** value, which is smaller than all non zero rate values */
public static double EPSILON_RATE = 0.001;
/** value, which is smaller than all non zero rate changes */
public static double EPSILON_RATE_CHANGE = 0.001;
* Calculates start times of load test events from a given load curve for a given event index.
* The time value is in the same unit as the time units in the load curve. The load curve
* consists of line segments. Each line segment defines the linear devolution of the rate within
* its time interval. First the relevant line segment, into which the given eventIndex falls is
* searched. Then the time and number of events up to this time is derived for the lower and
* upper boundary of the time interval. This values are used calculating the start time of the
* event using the formula derived from the following algorithm: The integral over the time
* interval of the load curve from the last event up to this event is 1. More details can be
* found in the accompanying document in SVN at
* elsterportal\trunk\dokumente\QA\Konzepte\Lastkurven\Lasttest_AbfahrenVonLastkurven.doc
* @param loadCurve
* Contains the time and rate values of the load curve definition
* @param eventIndex
* Index of event, for which the start time is calculated, could be a fractional
* value
* @return The start time for the given event index
public static double deriveStartTime(final LoadCurve loadCurve, final double eventIndex) {
double Tn;
int nPoints = loadCurve.getTimeValues().length;
double nEvents = loadCurve.getNEvents();
double normalizedIndex = eventIndex / nEvents;
// find appropriate line segment, make sure iSegment is the point at the lower end of the
// segment
int iSegment = getLineSegment(loadCurve, normalizedIndex);
// check values outside allowed range
if (iSegment < 0) {
// return a time, which is definitely before the start of the load curve
Tn = loadCurve.getTimeValues(0) - loadCurve.getTimeValues(1);
return Tn;
if (iSegment >= nPoints) {
// return a time, which is definitely beyond the load curve end
Tn = loadCurve.getTimeValues(nPoints - 1) * 2.;
return Tn;
// derive Tn
double r0 = loadCurve.getRateValues(iSegment);
double rN = loadCurve.getRateValues(iSegment + 1);
double T0 = loadCurve.getTimeValues(iSegment);
double TN = loadCurve.getTimeValues(iSegment + 1);
double n = eventIndex - nEvents * loadCurve.getNormedEvents(iSegment);
double N = nEvents * (loadCurve.getNormedEvents(iSegment + 1) - loadCurve.getNormedEvents(iSegment));
Tn = Tn(n, N, r0, rN, T0, TN);
if (Tn < 0) {
log.warn("Time of event with index " + eventIndex + " < 0 (=" + Tn + "), nEvents = " + nEvents +
", nPoints = " + nPoints + ", setting time to 0.");
Tn = 0.;
log.debug("Tn= " + Tn + ", iSegment=" + iSegment + ", n= " + n + ", N=" + N + ", r0=" + r0 + ", rN=" + rN + ", T0=" + T0
+ ", TN=" + TN);
return Tn;
* Find the line segment containing the normalized event number. The lower index of the points
* defining the line segment is returned.
* @arg LoadCurve containing the load curve (normedEvents must be defined), in which the line
* segment is searched
* @arg normalizedEventIndex The index of the event to be searched divided by the total number
* of events
* @return the lower index of the line segment containing the given normalized eventIndex
public static int getLineSegment(final LoadCurve loadCurve, final double normalizedEventIndex) {
int nPoints = loadCurve.getTimeValues().length;
double[] normedEvents = loadCurve.getNormedEvents();
// first check values outside the range of the normed events
if (normalizedEventIndex < normedEvents[0] - EPSILON) {
// the event index is definitely outside
return -1;
if (normalizedEventIndex <= normedEvents[0] - EPSILON) {
// this case should only occur due to numeric deviations (dont throw away possible start
// or end events)
return 0;
if (normalizedEventIndex > normedEvents[nPoints - 1] && normalizedEventIndex < normedEvents[nPoints - 1] + EPSILON) {
// this case is for events, which should occur at the end, but deviate numerically
return nPoints - 1;
if (normalizedEventIndex > normedEvents[nPoints - 1]) {
// if it is beyond the interval time, return the last index. This occurs for the last
// event +1,
// which is the first event outside the boundary of the load curve and thus not
// executed.
return nPoints;
// execute binary search for the index of the line segment
int iLow = 0;
int iUp = nPoints - 1;
while (iUp - iLow > 1) {
int halfIndex = (iUp + iLow) / 2;
if (normalizedEventIndex >= normedEvents[halfIndex]) {
iLow = halfIndex;
} else {
iUp = halfIndex;
return iLow;
* Find the time interval containing the given time. The lower index of the points defining the
* time interval is returned. This method is used by the calculation of the event rate for a
* given time and load curve. The given time must be in the same time unit as the time values in
* the load curve.
* @arg LoadCurve containing the load curve (normedEvents must be defined), in which the line
* segment is searched
* @arg t The time for which the time interval in the rate curve is searched (time unit is the
* same as in the load curve)
* @return the lower index of the time interval containing the given time
public static int getTimeInterval(final LoadCurve loadCurve, final double t) {
int nPoints = loadCurve.getTimeValues().length;
double[] timeValues = loadCurve.getTimeValues();
// first check values outside the range of the load curve
if (t < timeValues[0]) {
// the event index is definitely outside
return -1;
if (t > timeValues[nPoints - 1]) {
// if t is beyond the range of the load curve
return nPoints;
// execute binary search for the index of time interval
int iLow = 0;
int iUp = nPoints - 1;
while (iUp - iLow > 1) {
int halfIndex = (iUp + iLow) / 2;
if (t >= timeValues[halfIndex]) {
iLow = halfIndex;
} else {
iUp = halfIndex;
return iLow;
* Derive the time unit from the given column descriptor. The column descriptor is normally
* taken from the first line of the time column of a load curve in .csv-format.
* @param columnDescriptor
* containing the column descriptor of the time column of a load curve
* @return a string containing the time unit.
public static String getTimeUnit(final String columnDescriptor) {
if (columnDescriptor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GivenColumnDescriptor is null");
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(timeUnit_hour) >= 0) {
return timeUnit_hour;
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(timeUnit_minute) >= 0) {
return timeUnit_minute;
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(timeUnit_second) >= 0) {
return timeUnit_second;
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(timeUnit_millisecond) >= 0) {
return timeUnit_millisecond;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No known time unit found in columnDescriptor " + columnDescriptor);
* Derive the rate unit from the given column descriptor. The column descriptor is normally
* taken from the first line of the rate column of a load curve in .csv-format.
* @param columnDescriptor
* containing the column descriptor of the rate column of a load curve
* @return a string containing the rate unit.
public static String getRateUnit(final String columnDescriptor) {
if (columnDescriptor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GivenColumnDescriptor is null");
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(rateUnit_perHour) >= 0) {
return rateUnit_perHour;
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(rateUnit_perMinute) >= 0) {
return rateUnit_perMinute;
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(rateUnit_perSecond) >= 0) {
return rateUnit_perSecond;
if (columnDescriptor.indexOf(rateUnit_perMillisecond) >= 0) {
return rateUnit_perMillisecond;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No known rate unit found in columnDescriptor " + columnDescriptor);
* derive the scaling factor to scale time values from the origin time unit to the destination
* time unit. The original time values have to be multiplied by this scaling factor to convert
* them to the destination time unit.
* @param originTimeUnit
* time unit of the original time values
* @param targetTimeUnit
* time unit to which the time values have to be converted.
public static double getTimeScalingFactor(final String originTimeUnit, final String targetTimeUnit) {
double originScaling = 0.;
if (timeUnit_hour.equals(originTimeUnit)) {
originScaling = 1.;
} else if (timeUnit_minute.equals(originTimeUnit)) {
originScaling = 60.;
} else if (timeUnit_second.equals(originTimeUnit)) {
originScaling = 3600.;
} else if (timeUnit_millisecond.equals(originTimeUnit)) {
originScaling = 3600000.;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("originTimeUnit is unkown: " + originTimeUnit);
double targetScaling = 0.;
if (timeUnit_hour.equals(targetTimeUnit)) {
targetScaling = 1.;
} else if (timeUnit_minute.equals(targetTimeUnit)) {
targetScaling = 60.;
} else if (timeUnit_second.equals(targetTimeUnit)) {
targetScaling = 3600.;
} else if (timeUnit_millisecond.equals(targetTimeUnit)) {
targetScaling = 3600000.;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("targetTimeUnit is unkown: " + targetTimeUnit);
double timeScalingFactor = targetScaling / originScaling;
return timeScalingFactor;
* Transform the load curve to the time unit [h] and rate unit [1/h]. The calculation of event
* start times is based on time units of [h] and rate units of [1/h]. After the transformation
* the statistics of the load curve is recalculated.
* @arg LoadCurve containing the load curve to be transformed
* @return the transformed load curve object, the same object as given in the argument.
public static LoadCurve transformToHours(final LoadCurve loadCurve) {
if (loadCurve == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given loadCurve is null.");
}"Transforming load curve " + loadCurve.getName() + " to hours.");
int nPoints = loadCurve.getTimeValues().length;
double[] timeValues = loadCurve.getTimeValues();
double[] rateValues = loadCurve.getRateValues();
if (rateValues.length != timeValues.length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Length of arrayy timeValues <> length of array rateValues in load curve with name " +
double timeScaling = getTimeScalingFactor(loadCurve.getTimeUnit(), timeUnit_hour);
double rateScaling = 0.;
if (rateUnit_perHour.equals(loadCurve.getRateUnit())) {
rateScaling = 1.;
} else if (rateUnit_perMinute.equals(loadCurve.getRateUnit())) {
rateScaling = 1. / 60.;
} else if (rateUnit_perSecond.equals(loadCurve.getRateUnit())) {
rateScaling = 1. / 3600.;
} else if (rateUnit_perMillisecond.equals(loadCurve.getRateUnit())) {
rateScaling = 1. / 3600000.;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rate Unit of load curve is unkown: " + loadCurve.getTimeUnit());
}"Scaling factors for loadCurve " + loadCurve.getName() + " from time unit " +
loadCurve.getTimeUnit() + " is " + timeScaling +
", from rate unit " + loadCurve.getRateUnit() + " is " + rateScaling);
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < nPoints; iPoint++) {
timeValues[iPoint] *= timeScaling;
rateValues[iPoint] *= rateScaling;
// update minima and maxima after scaling
// ToDo the following call should be replaced by a call only updating the minima and maxima
return loadCurve;
* Find the time interval containing the given time. The lower index of the points defining the
* time interval is returned. This method is used by the calculation of the event rate for a
* given time and load curve.
* @arg LoadCurve containing the load curve to be scaled
* @arg factor The factor used for scaling the load curve
* @return the scaled load curve in the same object, given as input
public static LoadCurve scaleLoadCurve(final LoadCurve loadCurve, final double factor) {
int nPoints = loadCurve.getTimeValues().length;
double[] rateValues = loadCurve.getRateValues();
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < nPoints; iPoint++) {
rateValues[iPoint] *= factor;
return loadCurve;
* Derive minimum and maximum value of rates in the loadcurve and the number of events
* integrated over the entire duration of the load curve. Finally derive normalized event curve
* = integral value up to each defined timepoint in the load curve divided by the total number
* of events integrated over the entire duration of the load curve. Fill in all derived values
* in the properties of the given load curve bean. The statistics are only valid if time and
* rate values are based on the same time unit.
* @arg loadCurve LoadCurve to be filled with statistics and normalized values
* @return the loadCurveBean from the argument (not cloned), filled with statistics and
* normalized values.
public static LoadCurve fillStatisticsAndNormValuesOfLoadCurve(final LoadCurve loadCurve) {
int nPoints = loadCurve.getTimeValues().length;
double integralNEvents = 0.;
double[] rateValues = loadCurve.getRateValues();
double[] timeValues = loadCurve.getTimeValues();
double rateMax = rateValues[0];
double rateMin = rateValues[0];
double[] integratedEvents = new double[nPoints];
// derive maximum and minimum rate and integral value
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < nPoints; iPoint++) {
if (rateValues[iPoint] > rateMax) {
rateMax = rateValues[iPoint];
if (rateValues[iPoint] < rateMin) {
rateMin = rateValues[iPoint];
if (iPoint > 0) {
integralNEvents += (rateValues[iPoint] + rateValues[iPoint - 1]) / 2. *
(timeValues[iPoint] - timeValues[iPoint - 1]);
} else {
integralNEvents = 0.;
integratedEvents[iPoint] = integralNEvents;
// normalize Events
double[] normedEvents = new double[nPoints];
for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < nPoints; iPoint++) {
normedEvents[iPoint] = integratedEvents[iPoint] / integralNEvents;
return loadCurve;
* Derive the rate at the given time using the given load curve. If the given time is outside
* the time range of the load curve, then a rate of 0. is returned.
* @arg loadCurve Contains the definition of the load curve used for the rate calculation
* @arg T time at which the rate is derived
* @return The rate at the given time using the given load curve
public static final double r(final LoadCurve loadCurve, final double T) {
int nPoints = loadCurve.getTimeValues().length;
int index = getTimeInterval(loadCurve, T);
// the rate outside the load curve is 0.
if (index < 0 || index >= nPoints) {
return 0.;
double r0 = loadCurve.getRateValues(index);
double rN = loadCurve.getRateValues(index + 1);
double T0 = loadCurve.getTimeValues(index);
double TN = loadCurve.getTimeValues(index + 1);
double rDash = (rN - r0) / (TN - T0);
double r = rDash * (T - T0) + r0;
return r;
* Calculate the event time from the given input values. The algorithm is defined in an
* accompanying document. This calculation derives the time of the event in the given rate curve
* interval. For the interval the lower and upper time values T0 and TN and the rate at the
* lower and upper end r0 and rN are given. The value of the rate change rDash can be 0. in the
* case of constant rates. For this case (all rDash values from -EPSILON_RATE_CHANGE to
* +EPSILON_RATE_CHANGE) a different formula has to be used. The value of r0 can also be 0. This
* is usually the case in the ramp up phase of the load curve, when the rate starts at 0. For
* these cases (all r0 values from -EPSILON_RATE up to +EPSILON_RATE) a different formula for r0
* -> 0 is used.
* @arg n The number of events the integral over the rate curve from T0 should reach at the
* returned event time
* @arg N The number of events delivered by the integral over the rate curve from T0 up to TN
* @arg r0 The rate at the time T0
* @arg rN The rate at the time TN
* @arg T0 The time at the lower end of the time interval, which is used for this calculation
* @arg TN The time at the upper end of the time interval, which is used for this calculation
* @return The time, when the integral over the rate reaches n
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* in case the given values lead to an argument<0 for the sqrt-calculation.
private static final double Tn(final double n, final double N, final double r0, final double rN, final double T0,
final double TN) {
double Tn;
double rDash = (rN - r0) / (TN - T0);
if (Math.abs(rDash) > EPSILON_RATE_CHANGE) {
if (r0 < EPSILON_RATE) {
double argumentOfRoot = r0 / rDash * (r0 / rDash) + 2. * n / rDash;
// log.debug("rDash="+rDash+", argumentOfRoot="+argumentOfRoot);
if (argumentOfRoot < 0.) {
throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(
"case r0EPSILON_RATE: The given values lead to a value <0 for sqrt-calc. , n= " + n +
", N=" + N + ", r0=" + r0 + ", rN=" + rN + ", T0=" + T0 + ", TN=" + TN);
Tn = T0 + r0 / rDash * (Math.sqrt(argumentOfRoot) - 1.);
} else {
Tn = T0 + n / N * (TN - T0);
return Tn;