io.joern.ghidra2cpg.utils.Decompiler.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.joern.ghidra2cpg.utils
import{DecompInterface, DecompileOptions, DecompileResults, DecompiledFunction}
import ghidra.program.model.listing.{Function, Program}
import ghidra.program.model.pcode.HighFunction
import scala.collection.immutable
object Decompiler {
/** Create a new decompiler. Returns Some(decompiler) on success on None on failure.
def apply(program: Program): Option[Decompiler] = {
val decompilerInterface = new DecompInterface()
val opts = new DecompileOptions()
if (!decompilerInterface.openProgram(program)) {
println(s"Decompiler error: ${decompilerInterface.getLastMessage}")
} else {
Some(new Decompiler(decompilerInterface))
/** Interface to the ghidra decompiler, which performs caching to ensure that functions are not decompiled more than
* once.
class Decompiler(val decompInterface: DecompInterface) {
val timeoutInSeconds = 60
@volatile private var cache = immutable.HashMap[String, DecompileResults]()
/** Return the cache of decompile results. For debugging only.
def getCache: immutable.HashMap[String, DecompileResults] = this.cache
/** Retrieve HighFunction for given function, using the cache.
def toHighFunction(function: Function): Option[HighFunction] =
decompile(function).flatMap(decompiled => Option(decompiled.getHighFunction))
/** Retrieve DecompiledFunction for given function, using the cache.
def toDecompiledFunction(function: Function): Option[DecompiledFunction] =
decompile(function).flatMap(decompiled => Option(decompiled.getDecompiledFunction))
/** Decompile the given function, retrieving it from a cache if possible. Returns Some(highFunction) on success and
* None on error.
private def decompile(function: Function): Option[DecompileResults] = {
// ghidra decompileFunction acquires a lock on decompInterface.
// we can still run with many threads, using the cache.
// we use double-checked locking with volatile copy-on-write hashmap as a cache
val addr = function.getEntryPoint.toString(true)
val ccOld = this.cache
ccOld.get(addr) match {
case Some(null) => return None
case some @ Some(res) => return some
case _ =>
this.synchronized {
val ccCurrent = this.cache
if (!(ccOld eq ccCurrent))
ccCurrent.get(addr) match {
case Some(null) => return None
case some @ Some(res) => return some
case _ =>
val res = decompInterface.decompileFunction(function, timeoutInSeconds, null)
this.cache = ccCurrent.updated(addr, res)