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package io.joern.joerncli
import better.files.File
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.layers.dataflows.{OssDataFlow, OssDataFlowOptions}
import io.joern.joerncli.JoernParse.ParserConfig
import io.joern.x2cpg.X2Cpg
import io.joern.x2cpg.layers.Base
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.layers.LayerCreatorContext
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.{Try, Using}
object JoernSlice {
import io.joern.dataflowengineoss.slicing.*
private val configParser = new scopt.OptionParser[BaseConfig[?]]("joern-slice") {
head("Extract various slices from the CPG.")
.text("input CPG file name, or source code - defaults to `cpg.bin`")
.action((x, c) => c.withInputPath(File(x)))
.validate { x =>
val path = File(x)
if (path.isRegularFile || path.isDirectory) success
else failure(s"File at '$x' not found or not regular, e.g. a directory or source file.")
opt[String]('o', "out")
.text("the output file to write slices to - defaults to `slices`. The file is suffixed based on the mode.")
.action((x, c) => c.withOutputSliceFile(File(x)))
.text(s"for generating CPGs that use type recovery, enables the use of dummy types - defaults to false.")
.action((_, c) => c.withDummyTypesEnabled(true))
.text(s"the name of the source file to generate slices from.")
.action((x, c) => c.withFileFilter(Option(x)))
.text(s"filters in slices that go through specific methods by names. Uses regex.")
.action((x, c) => c.withMethodNameFilter(Option(x)))
.text(s"filters in slices that go through methods with specific types on the method parameters. Uses regex.")
.action((x, c) => c.withMethodParamTypeFilter(Option(x)))
.text(s"filters in slices that go through methods with specific annotations on the methods. Uses regex.")
.action((x, c) => c.withMethodAnnotationFilter(Option(x)))
opt[Int]('p', "parallelism")
.text(s"the number of threads the executor pool should be specified with.")
.action((x, c) => c.withParallelism(x))
.validate(x => if (x <= 0) failure("Parallelism should be greater than 0") else success)
.action((_, _) => DataFlowConfig())
.text(s"the max depth to traverse the DDG for the data-flow slice - defaults to 20.")
.action((x, c) =>
c match {
case c: DataFlowConfig => c.copy(sliceDepth = x)
case _ => c
.text(s"filters on the sink's `code` property. Uses regex.")
.action((x, c) =>
c match {
case c: DataFlowConfig => c.copy(sinkPatternFilter = Option(x))
case _ => c
.text(s"all slices must end at a call to an external method - defaults to false.")
.action((_, c) =>
c match {
case c: DataFlowConfig => c.copy(mustEndAtExternalMethod = true)
case _ => c
.action((_, _) => UsagesConfig())
.text(s"the minimum number of calls required for a usage slice - defaults to 1.")
.action((x, c) =>
c match {
case c: UsagesConfig => c.copy(minNumCalls = x)
case _ => c
.text(s"excludes operator calls in the slices - defaults to false.")
.action((_, c) =>
c match {
case c: UsagesConfig => c.copy(excludeOperatorCalls = true)
case _ => c
.text(s"excludes method source code in the slices - defaults to false.")
.action((_, c) =>
c match {
case c: UsagesConfig => c.copy(excludeMethodSource = true)
case _ => c
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
parseConfig(args).foreach { config =>
if (config.isInstanceOf[DefaultSliceConfig]) {
configParser.reportError("No command specified! Use --help for more information.")
} else {
val inputCpgPath =
if (
config.inputPath.isDirectory || !config.inputPath
.extension(includeDot = false)
) {
} else {
Using.resource(CpgBasedTool.loadFromFile(inputCpgPath)) { cpg =>
// Slice the CPG
(config match {
case x: DataFlowConfig => DataFlowSlicing.calculateDataFlowSlice(cpg, x)
case x: UsagesConfig => Option(UsageSlicing.calculateUsageSlice(cpg, x))
case _ => None
}) match {
case Some(programSlice: ProgramSlice) => saveSlice(config.outputSliceFile, programSlice)
case None => println("Empty slice, no file generated.")
/** Makes sure necessary passes are overlaid
private def checkAndApplyOverlays(cpg: Cpg): Unit = {
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
if (!cpg.metaData.overlays.contains(Base.overlayName)) {
println("Default overlays are not detected, applying defaults now")
if (!cpg.metaData.overlays.contains(OssDataFlow.overlayName)) {
println("Data-flow overlay is not detected, applying now")
new OssDataFlow(new OssDataFlowOptions()).run(new LayerCreatorContext(cpg))
private def generateTempCpg(config: BaseConfig[?]): Try[String] = {
val tmpFile = File.newTemporaryFile("joern-slice", ".bin")
println(s"Generating CPG from code at ${config.inputPath.pathAsString}")
ParserConfig(config.inputPath.pathAsString, outputCpgFile = tmpFile.pathAsString),
if (config.dummyTypesEnabled) List.empty else List("--no-dummyTypes")
.map { _ =>
println(s"Temporary CPG has been successfully generated at ${tmpFile.pathAsString}")
tmpFile.deleteOnExit(swallowIOExceptions = true).pathAsString
private def parseConfig(args: Array[String]): Option[BaseConfig[?]] =
configParser.parse(args, DefaultSliceConfig())
private def saveSlice(outFile: File, programSlice: ProgramSlice): Unit = {
def normalizePath(path: String, ext: String): String =
if (path.endsWith(ext)) path
else path + ext
val finalOutputPath =
File(normalizePath(outFile.pathAsString, ".json"))
println(s"Slices have been successfully generated and written to $finalOutputPath")