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io.joern.joerncli.JoernVectors.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joern.joerncli
import io.joern.joerncli.CpgBasedTool.exitIfInvalid
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.PropertyNames
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.{AstNode, Method}
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
import org.json4s.DefaultFormats
import org.json4s.native.Serialization
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
import scala.util.Using
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
class BagOfPropertiesForNodes extends EmbeddingGenerator[AstNode, (String, String)] {
override def structureToString(pair: (String, String)): String = pair._1 + ":" + pair._2
override def extractObjects(cpg: Cpg): Iterator[AstNode] = cpg.astNode
override def enumerateSubStructures(obj: AstNode): List[(String, String)] = {
val relevantFieldTypes = Set(PropertyNames.NAME, PropertyNames.FULL_NAME, PropertyNames.CODE)
val relevantFields = obj
.filter { e => relevantFieldTypes.contains(e.getKey) }
.map { e =>
(e.getKey, e.getValue.toString)
List(("id", ++ relevantFields ++ List(("label", obj.label))
override def objectToString(node: AstNode): String =
override def hash(label: String): String = label
override def vectorToString(vector: Map[(String, String), Double]): String = {
ujson.write( { case (k, v) => (k, ujson.Str(v)) })
class BagOfAPISymbolsForMethods extends EmbeddingGenerator[Method, AstNode] {
override def extractObjects(cpg: Cpg): Iterator[Method] = cpg.method
override def enumerateSubStructures(method: Method): List[AstNode] = method.ast.l
override def structureToString(astNode: AstNode): String = astNode.code
override def objectToString(method: Method): String = method.fullName
object EmbeddingGenerator {
type SparseVectorWithExplicitFeature[S] = Map[String, (Double, S)]
type SparseVector = Map[Int, Double]
/** Creates an embedding from a code property graph by following three steps: (1) Objects are extracted from the graph,
* each of which is ultimately to be mapped to one vector (2) For each object, enumerate its sub structures. (3) Employ
* feature hashing to associate each sub structure with a dimension. See "Pattern-based Vulnerability Discovery -
* Chapter 3"
* T: Object type S: Sub structure type
trait EmbeddingGenerator[T, S] {
import EmbeddingGenerator.*
case class Embedding(data: () => Iterator[(T, SparseVectorWithExplicitFeature[S])]) {
lazy val dimToStructure: Map[String, S] = {
val m = mutable.HashMap[String, S]()
data().foreach { case (_, vector) =>
vector.foreach { case (hash, (_, structure)) =>
m.put(hash, structure)
lazy val structureToDim: Map[S, String] = for ((k, v) <- dimToStructure) yield (v, k)
def objects: Iterator[String] = data().map { case (obj, _) => objectToString(obj) }
def vectors: Iterator[Map[S, Double]] = data().map { case (_, vector) => { case (_, (v, structure)) => structure -> v }
/** Extract a sequence of (object, vector) pairs from a cpg.
def embed(cpg: Cpg): Embedding = {
Embedding({ () =>
.map { obj =>
val substructures = enumerateSubStructures(obj)
obj -> vectorize(substructures)
private def vectorize(substructures: List[S]): Map[String, (Double, S)] = {
.groupBy(x => structureToString(x))
.map { case (_, l) =>
val v = l.size
hash(structureToString(l.head)) -> (v.toDouble, l.head)
def hash(label: String): String = MurmurHash3.stringHash(label).toString
def structureToString(s: S): String
/** A function that creates a sequence of objects from a CPG
def extractObjects(cpg: Cpg): Iterator[T]
/** A function that, for a given object, extracts its sub structures
def enumerateSubStructures(obj: T): List[S]
def objectToString(t: T): String
implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
def vectorToString(vector: Map[S, Double]): String = defaultToString(vector)
def defaultToString[M](v: M): String = Serialization.write(v)
object JoernVectors {
implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats
case class Config(cpgFileName: String = "cpg.bin", outDir: String = "out", dimToFeature: Boolean = false)
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
parseConfig(args).foreach { config =>
exitIfInvalid(config.outDir, config.cpgFileName)
Using.resource(CpgBasedTool.loadFromFile(config.cpgFileName)) { cpg =>
val generator = new BagOfPropertiesForNodes()
val embedding = generator.embed(cpg)
traversalToJson(embedding.objects, generator.defaultToString)
if (config.dimToFeature) {
println(",\"dimToFeature\": ")
traversalToJson(embedding.vectors, generator.vectorToString)
traversalToJson( { edge =>
Map("src" ->, "dst" ->, "label" -> edge.label)
private def parseConfig(args: Array[String]): Option[Config] =
new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("joern-vectors") {
head("Extract vector representations of code from CPG")
.text("input CPG file name - defaults to `cpg.bin`")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(cpgFileName = x))
opt[String]('o', "out")
.text("output directory - will be created and must not yet exist")
.action((x, c) => c.copy(outDir = x))
.text("Provide map from dimensions to features")
.action((_, c) => c.copy(dimToFeature = true))
}.parse(args, Config())
private def traversalToJson[X](trav: Iterator[X], vectorToString: X => String): Unit = {
trav.nextOption().foreach { vector => print(vectorToString(vector)) }
trav.foreach { vector => print(",\n" + vectorToString(vector)) }