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package io.joern.pysrc2cpg
import better.files.File
import io.joern.x2cpg.passes.frontend.XImportResolverPass
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.*
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.*
import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.language.importresolver.*
import as JFile
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import scala.collection.mutable
/** Attempts to solve imports similar Python, and will use heuristics to build out unresolved imports.
* @see
* Python 3 Import Searching Reference
class PythonImportResolverPass(cpg: Cpg) extends XImportResolverPass(cpg) {
/** Stores all CPG entities with their associated Pythonic import paths as keys.
private val moduleCache: mutable.HashMap[String, ImportableEntity] = mutable.HashMap.empty
override def init(): Unit = {
cpg.typeDecl.isExternal(false).nameExact("").foreach { moduleType =>
val modulePath = fileToPythonImportNotation(moduleType.filename)
cpg.method.fullNameExact(moduleType.fullName).headOption.foreach { moduleMethod =>
moduleCache.put(modulePath, Module(moduleType, moduleMethod))
moduleMethod.astChildren.foreach {
case moduleFunction: Method =>
moduleCache.put(s"$modulePath.${}", ImportableFunction(moduleFunction))
// Ignore types for functions that are used for method pointers
case moduleType: TypeDecl if moduleMethod.astChildren.isMethod.fullNameExact(moduleType.fullName).isEmpty =>
moduleCache.put(s"$modulePath.${}", ImportableType(moduleType))
case _ => // do nothing
moduleType.member.foreach { moduleMember =>
.getOrElseUpdate(s"$modulePath.${}", ModuleVariable(moduleType.fullName, moduleMember))
private def fileToPythonImportNotation(filename: String): String =
.replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(JFile.separator), ".")
override protected def optionalResolveImport(
fileName: String,
importCall: Call,
importedEntity: String,
importedAs: String,
diffGraph: DiffGraphBuilder
): Unit = {
val currDir = File(codeRootDir) / fileName match
case x if x.isDirectory => x
case x => x.parent
val importedEntityAsFullyQualifiedImport =
// If the path/entity uses Python's `from .import x` syntax, we will need to remove these
fileToPythonImportNotation(importedEntity.replaceFirst("^\\.+", ""))
val importedEntityAsRelativeImport = Seq(
// We evaluated both variations, based on what we could expect from different versions of Python and how the package
// layout is interpreted by the presence of lack of `` files. Additionally, external packages are always
// fully qualified.
val resolvedImports =
if (resolvedImports.nonEmpty) {
// The import was resolved to an entity successfully
resolvedImports.foreach(x => evaluatedImportToTag(x, importCall, diffGraph))
} else {
// Here we use heuristics to guess the correct paths, and make the types look friendly for querying
createPseudoImports(importedEntity, importedAs).map(x => evaluatedImportToTag(x, importCall, diffGraph)).l
/** For an unresolveable import, create a best-effort path of what could be imported, as well as what kind of entity
* may be imported.
* @param expEntity
* the name of the imported entity. This could be a function, module, or variable/field.
* @param alias
* how the imported entity is named.
* @return
* the possible callee names
private def createPseudoImports(expEntity: String, alias: String): Set[EvaluatedImport] = {
val pathSep = '.'
val isMaybeConstructor = expEntity.split(pathSep).lastOption.exists(s => s.nonEmpty && s.charAt(0).isUpper)
def toUnresolvedImport(pseudoPath: String): Set[EvaluatedImport] = {
if (isMaybeConstructor) {
Set(UnknownMethod(Seq(pseudoPath, "__init__").mkString(pathSep.toString), alias), UnknownTypeDecl(pseudoPath))
} else {
expEntity.split(pathSep).reverse.toList match
case name :: Nil => toUnresolvedImport(s"$")
case name :: xs => toUnresolvedImport(s"${xs.reverse.mkString(JFile.separator)}.py:$pathSep$name")
case Nil => Set.empty
private sealed trait ImportableEntity {
def toResolvedImport(alias: String): List[EvaluatedImport]
private case class Module(moduleType: TypeDecl, moduleMethod: Method) extends ImportableEntity {
override def toResolvedImport(alias: String): List[EvaluatedImport] =
List(ResolvedTypeDecl(moduleType.fullName), ResolvedMethod(moduleMethod.fullName,
private case class ModuleVariable(baseTypeFullName: String, member: Member) extends ImportableEntity {
override def toResolvedImport(alias: String): List[EvaluatedImport] = List(
private case class ImportableFunction(function: Method) extends ImportableEntity {
override def toResolvedImport(alias: String): List[EvaluatedImport] = List(ResolvedMethod(function.fullName, alias))
private case class ImportableType(typ: TypeDecl) extends ImportableEntity {
override def toResolvedImport(alias: String): List[EvaluatedImport] =
List(ResolvedTypeDecl(typ.fullName), ResolvedMethod(s"${typ.fullName}.__init__",