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package io.joern.pythonparser
import io.joern.pythonparser.CharStreamImpl.{defaultInputBufferSize, defaultMinimumReadSize}
import{IOException, InputStream, InputStreamReader}
object CharStreamImpl {
private val defaultInputBufferSize = 4096
private val defaultMinimumReadSize = 2048
class CharStreamImpl(inputStream: InputStream, inputBufferSize: Int, minimumReadSize: Int) extends CharStream {
private val inputReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream)
private var inputBuffer = new Array[Char](inputBufferSize)
private var posToLine = new Array[Int](inputBufferSize)
private var posToColumn = new Array[Int](inputBufferSize)
private var readPos = 1
private var writePos = 1
private var tokenBeginPos = 1
private var inputBufferOffset = 0 // From start of inputStream
private var tabSize = 1
private var firstIOException = true
// The first slot of inputBuffer, posToLine, posToColumn represents the last value
// from the previous chunk red from inputStream. For the very first chunk we
// initialise the values by hand so that requires no special cases in the implementation.
inputBuffer(0) = 'a' // We could have picked any char that is not '\n' or '\r'.
posToLine(0) = 1
posToColumn(0) = 0
def this(inputStream: InputStream) = {
this(inputStream, defaultInputBufferSize, defaultMinimumReadSize)
def getBeginPos: Int = inputBufferOffset + tokenBeginPos - 1
private def fillBuffer(): Unit = {
if (readPos == writePos) {
// No more data to read
if (writePos == inputBuffer.length) {
// No more space in inputBuffer
val keepStartPos = tokenBeginPos - 1
val charsToKeep = writePos - keepStartPos
if (inputBuffer.length - charsToKeep < minimumReadSize) {
// Resize buffer and move content to the front.
val newBufferLen = charsToKeep + minimumReadSize
val newInputBuffer = new Array[Char](newBufferLen)
Array.copy(inputBuffer, keepStartPos, newInputBuffer, 0, charsToKeep)
inputBuffer = newInputBuffer
val newPosToLine = new Array[Int](newBufferLen)
Array.copy(posToLine, keepStartPos, newPosToLine, 0, charsToKeep)
posToLine = newPosToLine
val newPosToColumn = new Array[Int](newBufferLen)
Array.copy(posToColumn, keepStartPos, newPosToColumn, 0, charsToKeep)
posToColumn = newPosToColumn
} else {
// Enough space left to just move content to the front.
Array.copy(inputBuffer, keepStartPos, inputBuffer, 0, charsToKeep)
Array.copy(posToLine, keepStartPos, posToLine, 0, charsToKeep)
Array.copy(posToColumn, keepStartPos, posToColumn, 0, charsToKeep)
writePos = charsToKeep
readPos = readPos - keepStartPos
inputBufferOffset += keepStartPos
tokenBeginPos = 1
val charsRed =, writePos, inputBuffer.length - writePos)
if (charsRed != -1) {
writePos += charsRed
} else {
throw new IOException()
private def lastRedPos: Int = {
readPos - 1
private def updateLineAndColumn(pos: Int, char: Char, prevChar: Char): Unit = {
val newLine =
prevChar match {
case '\n' =>
case '\r' =>
if (char == '\n') {
} else {
case _ =>
if (newLine) {
posToLine(pos) = posToLine(pos - 1) + 1
posToColumn(pos) = 1
} else {
posToLine(pos) = posToLine(pos - 1)
posToColumn(pos) = posToColumn(pos - 1) + 1
if (char == '\t') {
posToColumn(pos) += -1 + (tabSize - (posToColumn(pos) % tabSize))
/** Returns the next character from the selected input. The method of selecting the input is the responsibility of the
* class implementing this interface. Can throw any
override def readChar(): Char = {
val char = inputBuffer(readPos)
val prevChar = inputBuffer(lastRedPos)
updateLineAndColumn(readPos, char, prevChar)
readPos += 1
/** Returns the column position of the character last read.
* @deprecated
* @see
* #getEndColumn
override def getColumn: Int = ???
/** Returns the line number of the character last read.
* @deprecated
* @see
* #getEndLine
override def getLine: Int = ???
/** Returns the column number of the last character for current token (being matched after the last call to
* BeginTOken).
override def getEndColumn: Int = {
/** Returns the line number of the last character for current token (being matched after the last call to BeginTOken).
override def getEndLine: Int = {
/** Returns the column number of the first character for current token (being matched after the last call to
* BeginTOken).
override def getBeginColumn: Int = {
/** Returns the line number of the first character for current token (being matched after the last call to
* BeginTOken).
override def getBeginLine: Int = {
/** Backs up the input stream by amount steps. Lexer calls this method if it had already read some characters, but
* could not use them to match a (longer) token. So, they will be used again as the prefix of the next token and it
* is the implementation's responsibility to do this right.
override def backup(amount: Int): Unit = {
readPos -= amount
/** Returns the next character that marks the beginning of the next token. All characters must remain in the buffer
* between two successive calls to this method to implement backup correctly.
override def BeginToken(): Char = {
tokenBeginPos = readPos
try {
} catch {
case exception: IOException =>
// For the first IOException which occurs if there is no more data, we emit
// '\u0019' which is the ASCII code for 'End of medium'.
// We need to do this to work around the EOF handling of JavaCC which does
// not work well with our zero length consuming lexer state.
// This dedicated emit step which consumes zero characters, would not be
// triggered in case we reach the end of data. Thus we emit an otherwise
// unused character '\u0019' to keep things going for one more character to
// do the newline emit.
if (firstIOException) {
firstIOException = false
} else {
throw exception
/** Returns a string made up of characters from the marked token beginning to the current buffer position.
* Implementations have the choice of returning anything that they want to. For example, for efficiency, one might
* decide to just return null, which is a valid implementation.
override def GetImage(): String = {
new String(inputBuffer, tokenBeginPos, readPos - tokenBeginPos)
/** Returns an array of characters that make up the suffix of length 'len' for the currently matched token. This is
* used to build up the matched string for use in actions in the case of MORE. A simple and inefficient
* implementation of this is as follows :
* { String t = GetImage(); return t.substring(t.length() - len, t.length()).toCharArray(); }
override def GetSuffix(len: Int): Array[Char] = {
val suffix = new Array[Char](len)
Array.copy(inputBuffer, readPos - len, suffix, 0, len)
/** The lexer calls this function to indicate that it is done with the stream and hence implementations can free any
* resources held by this class. Again, the body of this function can be just empty and it will not affect the
* lexer's operation.
override def Done(): Unit = {
override def setTabSize(i: Int): Unit = {
tabSize = i
override def getTabSize: Int = {
override def getTrackLineColumn: Boolean = ???
override def setTrackLineColumn(trackLineColumn: Boolean): Unit = ???