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io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.astcreation.AstForStatementsCreator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.astcreation
import io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.astcreation.RubyIntermediateAst.*
import io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.datastructures.BlockScope
import io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.passes.Defines
import io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.passes.Defines.getBuiltInType
import io.joern.x2cpg.{Ast, ValidationMode}
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.ControlStructureTypes
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.{NewControlStructure, NewMethod, NewMethodRef, NewTypeDecl}
trait AstForStatementsCreator(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) { this: AstCreator =>
protected def astsForStatement(node: RubyNode): Seq[Ast] = node match
case node: WhileExpression => astForWhileStatement(node) :: Nil
case node: DoWhileExpression => astForDoWhileStatement(node) :: Nil
case node: UntilExpression => astForUntilStatement(node) :: Nil
case node: IfExpression => astForIfStatement(node) :: Nil
case node: UnlessExpression => astForUnlessStatement(node) :: Nil
case node: ForExpression => astForForExpression(node) :: Nil
case node: CaseExpression => astsForCaseExpression(node)
case node: StatementList => astForStatementList(node) :: Nil
case node: SimpleCallWithBlock => astForCallWithBlock(node) :: Nil
case node: MemberCallWithBlock => astForCallWithBlock(node) :: Nil
case node: ReturnExpression => astForReturnStatement(node) :: Nil
case node: AnonymousTypeDeclaration => astForAnonymousTypeDeclaration(node) :: Nil
case node: TypeDeclaration => astForClassDeclaration(node)
case node: FieldsDeclaration => astsForFieldDeclarations(node)
case node: MethodDeclaration => astForMethodDeclaration(node)
case node: SingletonMethodDeclaration => astForSingletonMethodDeclaration(node)
case node: MultipleAssignment =>
case node: BreakStatement => astForBreakStatement(node) :: Nil
case node: SingletonStatementList => astForSingletonStatementList(node)
case _ => astForExpression(node) :: Nil
private def astForWhileStatement(node: WhileExpression): Ast = {
val conditionAst = astForExpression(node.condition)
val bodyAsts = astsForStatement(node.body)
whileAst(Some(conditionAst), bodyAsts, Option(code(node)), line(node), column(node))
private def astForDoWhileStatement(node: DoWhileExpression): Ast = {
val conditionAst = astForExpression(node.condition)
val bodyAsts = astsForStatement(node.body)
doWhileAst(Some(conditionAst), bodyAsts, Option(code(node)), line(node), column(node))
// `until T do B` is lowered as `while !T do B`
private def astForUntilStatement(node: UntilExpression): Ast = {
val notCondition = astForExpression(UnaryExpression("!", node.condition)(node.condition.span))
val bodyAsts = astsForStatement(node.body)
whileAst(Some(notCondition), bodyAsts, Option(code(node)), line(node), column(node))
private def astForIfStatement(node: IfExpression): Ast = {
def builder(node: IfExpression, conditionAst: Ast, thenAst: Ast, elseAsts: List[Ast]): Ast = {
val ifNode = controlStructureNode(node, ControlStructureTypes.IF, code(node))
controlStructureAst(ifNode, Some(conditionAst), thenAst :: elseAsts)
// Rewrites a nested `if T_1 then E_1 elsif T_2 then E_2 elsif ... elsif T_n then E_n else E_{n+1}`
// as `B(T_1, E_1, B(T_2, E_2, ..., B(T_n, E_n, E_{n+1})..)`
protected def foldIfExpression(builder: (IfExpression, Ast, Ast, List[Ast]) => Ast)(node: IfExpression): Ast = {
val conditionAst = astForExpression(node.condition)
val thenAst = astForThenClause(node.thenClause)
val elseAsts = astsForElseClauses(node.elsifClauses, node.elseClause, foldIfExpression(builder))
builder(node, conditionAst, thenAst, elseAsts)
private def astForThenClause(node: RubyNode): Ast = astForStatementList(node.asStatementList)
private def astsForElseClauses(
elsIfClauses: List[RubyNode],
elseClause: Option[RubyNode],
astForIf: IfExpression => Ast
): List[Ast] = {
elsIfClauses match
case Nil =>
case elsIfNode :: rest =>
elsIfNode match
case elsIfNode: ElsIfClause =>
val newIf = IfExpression(elsIfNode.condition, elsIfNode.thenClause, rest, elseClause)(elsIfNode.span)
val wrappingBlock = blockNode(elsIfNode)
val wrappedAst = Ast(wrappingBlock).withChild(astForIf(newIf))
wrappedAst :: Nil
case elsIfNode =>
logger.warn(s"Expecting elsif clause in ${code(elsIfNode)} ($relativeFileName), skipping")
private def astForElseClause(node: RubyNode): Ast = {
node match
case elseNode: ElseClause =>
elseNode.thenClause match
case stmtList: StatementList => astForStatementList(stmtList)
case node =>
logger.warn(s"Expecting statement list in ${code(node)} ($relativeFileName), skipping")
case elseNode =>
logger.warn(s"Expecting else clause in ${code(elseNode)} ($relativeFileName), skipping")
// `unless T do B` is lowered as `if !T then B`
private def astForUnlessStatement(node: UnlessExpression): Ast = {
val notConditionAst = astForExpression(UnaryExpression("!", node.condition)(node.condition.span))
val thenAst = node.trueBranch match
case stmtList: StatementList => astForStatementList(stmtList)
case _ => astForStatementList(StatementList(List(node.trueBranch))(node.trueBranch.span))
val elseAsts =
val ifNode = controlStructureNode(node, ControlStructureTypes.IF, code(node))
controlStructureAst(ifNode, Some(notConditionAst), thenAst :: elseAsts)
private def astForForExpression(node: ForExpression): Ast = {
val forEachNode = controlStructureNode(node, ControlStructureTypes.FOR, code(node))
val doBodyAst = astsForStatement(node.doBlock)
val iteratorNode = astForExpression(node.forVariable)
val iterableNode = astForExpression(node.iterableVariable)
protected def astsForCaseExpression(node: CaseExpression): Seq[Ast] = {
def goCase(expr: Option[SimpleIdentifier]): List[RubyNode] = {
val elseThenClause: Option[RubyNode] =[ElseClause].thenClause)
val whenClauses =[WhenClause])
val ifElseChain = whenClauses.foldRight[Option[RubyNode]](elseThenClause) {
(whenClause: WhenClause, restClause: Option[RubyNode]) =>
// We translate multiple match expressions into an or expression.
// A single match expression is compared using `.===` to the case target expression if it is present
// otherwise it is treated as a conditional.
// There may be a splat as the last match expression,
// `case y when *x then c end` or
// `case when *x then c end`
// which is translated to `x.include? y` and `x.any?` conditions respectively
val conditions = { mExpr => => BinaryExpression(mExpr, "===", e)(mExpr.span)).getOrElse(mExpr)
} ++ (whenClause.matchSplatExpression.iterator.flatMap {
case splat @ SplattingRubyNode(exprList) =>
.map { e =>
List(MemberCall(exprList, ".", "include?", List(e))(splat.span))
.getOrElse {
List(MemberCall(exprList, ".", "any?", List())(splat.span))
case e =>
logger.warn(s"Unrecognised RubyNode (${e.getClass}) in case match splat expression")
// There is always at least one match expression or a splat
// a splat will become an unknown in condition at the end
val condition = conditions.init.foldRight(conditions.last) { (cond, condAcc) =>
BinaryExpression(cond, "||", condAcc)(whenClause.span)
val conditional = IfExpression(
List(), { els => ElseClause(els.asStatementList)(els.span) }
def generatedNode: StatementList = node.expression
.map { e =>
val tmp = SimpleIdentifier(None)(e.span.spanStart(tmpGen.fresh))
List(SingleAssignment(tmp, "=", e)(e.span)) ++
protected def astForStatementList(node: StatementList): Ast = {
val block = blockNode(node)
val statementAsts = node.statements.flatMap(astsForStatement)
blockAst(block, statementAsts)
/* `foo() do end` is lowered as a METHOD node shaped like so:
* ```
* = def 0()
* end
* foo(, )
* ```
protected def astForCallWithBlock[C <: RubyCall](node: RubyNode & RubyCallWithBlock[C]): Ast = {
val Seq(_, methodRefAst) = astForDoBlock(node.block): @unchecked
val methodRefDummyNode =
// Create call with argument referencing the MethodRef
val callWithLambdaArg = node.withoutBlock match {
case x: SimpleCall => astForSimpleCall(x.copy(arguments = x.arguments ++ methodRefDummyNode)(x.span))
case x: MemberCall => astForMemberCall(x.copy(arguments = x.arguments ++ methodRefDummyNode)(x.span))
case x =>
logger.warn(s"Unhandled call-with-block type ${code(x)}, creating anonymous method structures only")
protected def astForDoBlock(block: Block & RubyNode): Seq[Ast] = {
// Create closure structures: [MethodDecl, TypeRef, MethodRef]
val methodName = nextClosureName()
val methodAstsWithRefs = block.body match {
case x: Block =>
astForMethodDeclaration(x.toMethodDeclaration(methodName, Option(block.parameters)), isClosure = true)
case _ =>
astForMethodDeclaration(block.toMethodDeclaration(methodName, Option(block.parameters)), isClosure = true)
// Set span contents
methodAstsWithRefs.flatMap(_.nodes).foreach {
case m: NewMethodRef => DummyNode(m.copy)(block.span.spanStart(m.code))
case _ =>
protected def astForReturnStatement(node: ReturnExpression): Ast = {
val argumentAsts =
val returnNode_ = returnNode(node, code(node))
returnAst(returnNode_, argumentAsts)
protected def astForStatementListReturningLastExpression(node: StatementList): Ast = {
val block = blockNode(node)
val stmtAsts = node.statements.size match
case 0 => List()
case n =>
val (headStmts, lastStmt) = node.statements.splitAt(n - 1)
headStmts.flatMap(astsForStatement) ++ lastStmt.flatMap(astsForImplicitReturnStatement)
blockAst(block, stmtAsts)
private def astsForImplicitReturnStatement(node: RubyNode): Seq[Ast] = {
def elseReturnNil(span: TextSpan) = Option {
ReturnExpression(StaticLiteral(getBuiltInType(Defines.NilClass))(span.spanStart("nil")) :: Nil)(
span.spanStart("return nil")
) :: Nil
)(span.spanStart("return nil"))
)(span.spanStart("else\n\treturn nil\nend"))
node match
case expr: ControlFlowExpression =>
def transform(e: RubyNode & ControlFlowExpression): RubyNode =
transformLastRubyNodeInControlFlowExpressionBody(e, returnLastNode(_, transform), elseReturnNil)
case node: MemberCallWithBlock => returnAstForRubyCall(node)
case node: SimpleCallWithBlock => returnAstForRubyCall(node)
case _: (LiteralExpr | BinaryExpression | UnaryExpression | SimpleIdentifier | SelfIdentifier | IndexAccess |
Association | YieldExpr | RubyCall | RubyFieldIdentifier | HereDocNode | Unknown) =>
astForReturnStatement(ReturnExpression(List(node))(node.span)) :: Nil
case node: SingleAssignment =>
astForSingleAssignment(node) :: List(astForReturnStatement(ReturnExpression(List(node.lhs))(node.span)))
case node: AttributeAssignment =>
astForReturnFieldAccess(MemberAccess(, node.op, node.attributeName)(node.span))
case node: MemberAccess => astForReturnMemberCall(node) :: Nil
case ret: ReturnExpression => astForReturnStatement(ret) :: Nil
case node: (MethodDeclaration | SingletonMethodDeclaration) =>
(astsForStatement(node) :+ astForReturnMethodDeclarationSymbolName(node)).toList
case _: BreakStatement => astsForStatement(node).toList
case node =>
s"Implicit return here not supported yet: ${node.text} (${node.getClass.getSimpleName}), only generating statement"
private def returnAstForRubyCall[C <: RubyCall](node: RubyNode & RubyCallWithBlock[C]): Seq[Ast] = {
val callAst = astForCallWithBlock(node)
returnAst(returnNode(node, code(node)), List(callAst)) :: Nil
private def astForReturnFieldAccess(node: MemberAccess): Ast = {
returnAst(returnNode(node, code(node)), List(astForFieldAccess(node)))
// The evaluation of a MethodDeclaration returns its name in symbol form.
// E.g. `def f = 0` ===> `:f`
private def astForReturnMethodDeclarationSymbolName(node: RubyNode & ProcedureDeclaration): Ast = {
val literalNode_ = literalNode(node, s":${node.methodName}", getBuiltInType(Defines.Symbol))
val returnNode_ = returnNode(node, literalNode_.code)
returnAst(returnNode_, Seq(Ast(literalNode_)))
private def astForReturnMemberCall(node: MemberAccess): Ast = {
returnAst(returnNode(node, code(node)), List(astForMemberAccess(node)))
private def astForReturnMemberCall(node: MemberCall): Ast = {
returnAst(returnNode(node, code(node)), List(astForMemberCall(node)))
protected def astForBreakStatement(node: BreakStatement): Ast = {
val _node = NewControlStructure()
protected def astForSingletonStatementList(list: SingletonStatementList): Seq[Ast] = {
/** Wraps the last RubyNode with a ReturnExpression.
* @param x
* the node to wrap a return around. If a StatementList is given, then the ReturnExpression will wrap around the
* final element.
* @return
* the RubyNode with an explicit expression
private def returnLastNode(x: RubyNode, transform: (RubyNode & ControlFlowExpression) => RubyNode): RubyNode = {
def statementListReturningLastExpression(stmts: List[RubyNode]): List[RubyNode] = stmts match {
case (head: ControlFlowClause) :: Nil => clauseReturningLastExpression(head) :: Nil
case (head: ControlFlowExpression) :: Nil => transform(head) :: Nil
case (head: ReturnExpression) :: Nil => head :: Nil
case head :: Nil => ReturnExpression(head :: Nil)(head.span) :: Nil
case Nil => List.empty
case head :: tail => head :: statementListReturningLastExpression(tail)
def clauseReturningLastExpression(x: RubyNode & ControlFlowClause): RubyNode = x match {
case RescueClause(exceptionClassList, assignment, thenClause) =>
RescueClause(exceptionClassList, assignment, returnLastNode(thenClause, transform))(x.span)
case EnsureClause(thenClause) => EnsureClause(returnLastNode(thenClause, transform))(x.span)
case ElsIfClause(condition, thenClause) => ElsIfClause(condition, returnLastNode(thenClause, transform))(x.span)
case ElseClause(thenClause) => ElseClause(returnLastNode(thenClause, transform))(x.span)
case WhenClause(matchExpressions, matchSplatExpression, thenClause) =>
WhenClause(matchExpressions, matchSplatExpression, returnLastNode(thenClause, transform))(x.span)
x match {
case StatementList(statements) => StatementList(statementListReturningLastExpression(statements))(x.span)
case clause: ControlFlowClause => clauseReturningLastExpression(clause)
case node: ControlFlowExpression => transform(node)
case node: BreakStatement => node
case node: ReturnExpression => node
case _ => ReturnExpression(x :: Nil)(x.span)
/** @param node
* \- Control Flow Expression RubyNode
* @param transform
* \- RubyNode => RubyNode function for transformation on the clauses of the ControlFlowExpression
* @return
* RubyNode with transform function applied
protected def transformLastRubyNodeInControlFlowExpressionBody(
node: RubyNode & ControlFlowExpression,
transform: RubyNode => RubyNode,
defaultElseBranch: TextSpan => Option[ElseClause]
): RubyNode = {
node match {
case RescueExpression(body, rescueClauses, elseClause, ensureClause) =>
// Ensure never returns a value, only the main body, rescue & else clauses
transform(body), { case x: RescueClause => x }, { case x: ElseClause => x },
case WhileExpression(condition, body) => WhileExpression(condition, transform(body))(node.span)
case DoWhileExpression(condition, body) => DoWhileExpression(condition, transform(body))(node.span)
case UntilExpression(condition, body) => UntilExpression(condition, transform(body))(node.span)
case IfExpression(condition, thenClause, elsifClauses, elseClause) =>
case UnlessExpression(condition, trueBranch, falseBranch) =>
case ForExpression(forVariable, iterableVariable, doBlock) =>
ForExpression(forVariable, iterableVariable, transform(doBlock))(node.span)
case CaseExpression(expression, whenClauses, elseClause) =>