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package io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.datastructures
import better.files.File
import io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.passes.GlobalTypes
import io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.passes.GlobalTypes.builtinPrefix
import io.joern.x2cpg.Defines
import io.joern.rubysrc2cpg.passes.Defines as RDefines
import io.joern.x2cpg.datastructures.*
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.NodeTypes
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.{DeclarationNew, NewLocal, NewMethodParameterIn}
import as JFile
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Try
class RubyScope(summary: RubyProgramSummary, projectRoot: Option[String])
extends Scope[String, DeclarationNew, TypedScopeElement]
with TypedScope[RubyMethod, RubyField, RubyType](summary) {
private val builtinMethods = GlobalTypes.kernelFunctions
.map(m => RubyMethod(m, List.empty, Defines.Any, Some(GlobalTypes.kernelPrefix)))
override val typesInScope: mutable.Set[RubyType] =
mutable.Set(RubyType(GlobalTypes.kernelPrefix, builtinMethods, List.empty))
// Add some built-in methods that are significant
// TODO: Perhaps create an offline pre-built list of methods
List(RubyMethod("[]", List.empty, s"$builtinPrefix.Array", Option(s"$builtinPrefix.Array"))),
List(RubyMethod("[]", List.empty, s"$builtinPrefix.Hash", Option(s"$builtinPrefix.Hash"))),
override val membersInScope: mutable.Set[MemberLike] = mutable.Set(builtinMethods*)
/** @return
* using the stack, will initialize a new module scope object.
def newProgramScope: Option[ProgramScope] =
/** @return
* true if the top of the stack is the program/module.
def isSurroundedByProgramScope: Boolean = {
.filterNot {
case ScopeElement(BlockScope(_), _) => true
case _ => false
.headOption match {
case Some(ScopeElement(ProgramScope(_), _)) => true
case _ => false
def pushField(field: FieldDecl): Unit = {
popScope().foreach {
case TypeScope(fullName, fields) =>
pushNewScope(TypeScope(fullName, fields :+ field))
case x =>
def getFieldsInScope: List[FieldDecl] =
stack.collect { case ScopeElement(TypeScope(_, fields), _) => fields }.flatten
def findFieldInScope(fieldName: String): Option[FieldDecl] = {
getFieldsInScope.find( == fieldName)
override def pushNewScope(scopeNode: TypedScopeElement): Unit = {
// Use the summary to determine if there is a constructor present
val mappedScopeNode = scopeNode match {
case n: NamespaceLikeScope =>
case n: ProgramScope =>
case TypeScope(name, _) =>
case _ => scopeNode
/** Variables entering children scope persist into parent scopes, so the variables should be transferred to the
* top-level method, returning the next block so that locals can be attached.
override def addToScope(identifier: String, variable: DeclarationNew): TypedScopeElement = {
variable match {
case _: NewMethodParameterIn => super.addToScope(identifier, variable)
case _ =>
stack.collectFirst {
case x @ ScopeElement(_: MethodLikeScope, _) => x
case x @ ScopeElement(_: ProgramScope, _) => x
} match {
case Some(target) =>
val newTarget = target.addVariable(identifier, variable)
val targetIdx = stack.indexOf(target)
val prefix = stack.take(targetIdx)
val suffix = stack.takeRight(stack.size - targetIdx - 1)
stack = prefix ++ List(newTarget) ++ suffix
case None => super.addToScope(identifier, variable)
def addRequire(
projectRoot: String,
currentFilePath: String,
requiredPath: String,
isRelative: Boolean,
isWildCard: Boolean = false
): Unit = {
val path = requiredPath.stripSuffix(":") // Sometimes the require call provides a processed path
// We assume the project root is the sole LOAD_PATH of the project sources
// NB: Tracking whatever has been added to $LOADER is dynamic and requires post-processing step!
val resolvedPath =
if (isRelative) {
Try((File(currentFilePath).parent / path).pathAsString).toOption
} else {
val pathsToImport =
if (isWildCard) {
val dir = File(projectRoot) / resolvedPath
if (dir.isDirectory)
_.pathAsString.stripPrefix(s"$projectRoot${JFile.separator}").stripSuffix(".rb").replaceAll("\\\\", "/")
else Nil
} else {
resolvedPath :: Nil
pathsToImport.foreach { pathName =>
// Pull in type / module defs
summary.pathToType.getOrElse(pathName, Set()) match {
case x if x.nonEmpty =>
x.foreach { ty => addImportedTypeOrModule( }
case _ =>
def addImportedFunctions(importName: String): Unit = {
val matchingTypes = summary.namespaceToType.values.flatten.filter { x =>
def addInclude(typeOrModule: String): Unit = {
def addRequireGem(gemName: String): Unit = {
val matchingTypes = summary.namespaceToType.values.flatten.filter(
/** @return
* the full name of the surrounding scope.
def surroundingScopeFullName: Option[String] = stack.collectFirst {
case ScopeElement(x: NamespaceLikeScope, _) => x.fullName
case ScopeElement(x: TypeLikeScope, _) => x.fullName
case ScopeElement(x: MethodLikeScope, _) => x.fullName
/** Locates a position in the stack matching a partial function, modifies it and emits a result
* @param pf
* Tests ScopeElements of the stack. If they match, return the new value and the result to emi
* @return
* the emitted result if the position was found and modifies
def updateSurrounding[T](
pf: PartialFunction[
ScopeElement[String, DeclarationNew, TypedScopeElement],
(ScopeElement[String, DeclarationNew, TypedScopeElement], T)
): Option[T] = {
.collectFirst { case (pf(elem, res), i) =>
(elem, res, i)
.map { case (elem, res, i) =>
stack = stack.updated(i, elem)
/** Get the name of the implicit or explict proc param and mark the method scope as using the proc param
def useProcParam: Option[String] = updateSurrounding {
case ScopeElement(MethodScope(fullName, param, _), variables) =>
(ScopeElement(MethodScope(fullName, param, true), variables), param.fold(x => x, x => x))
/** Get the name of the implicit or explict proc param */
def anonProcParam: Option[String] = stack.collectFirst { case ScopeElement(MethodScope(_, Left(param), true), _) =>
/** Set the name of explict proc param */
def setProcParam(param: String): Unit = updateSurrounding {
case ScopeElement(MethodScope(fullName, _, _), variables) =>
(ScopeElement(MethodScope(fullName, Right(param)), variables), ())
def surroundingTypeFullName: Option[String] = stack.collectFirst { case ScopeElement(x: TypeLikeScope, _) =>
/** Searches the surrounding classes for a class that matches the given value. Returns it if found.
def getSurroundingType(value: String): Option[TypeLikeScope] = {
.collect { case ScopeElement(x: TypeLikeScope, _) => x }
.collectFirst {
case x: TypeLikeScope if x.fullName.split('.').toSeq.endsWith(value.split('.')) =>
/** @return
* the corresponding node label according to the scope element.
def surroundingAstLabel: Option[String] = stack.collectFirst {
case ScopeElement(_: NamespaceLikeScope, _) => NodeTypes.NAMESPACE_BLOCK
case ScopeElement(_: ProgramScope, _) => NodeTypes.METHOD
case ScopeElement(_: TypeLikeScope, _) => NodeTypes.TYPE_DECL
case ScopeElement(_: MethodLikeScope, _) => NodeTypes.METHOD
def surrounding[T <: TypedScopeElement](implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = stack.collectFirst {
case ScopeElement(elem: T, _) => elem
/** @return
* true if one should still generate a default constructor for the enclosing type decl.
def shouldGenerateDefaultConstructor: Boolean = stack
.collectFirst {
case ScopeElement(_: ModuleScope, _) => false
case ScopeElement(x: TypeLikeScope, _) => !typesInScope.find( == x.fullName).exists(_.hasConstructor)
case _ => false
/** When a singleton class is introduced into the scope, the base variable will now have the singleton's functionality
* mixed in. This method finds base variable and appends the singleton type.
* @param singletonClassName
* the singleton type full name.
* @param variableName
* the base variable
def pushSingletonClassDeclaration(singletonClassName: String, variableName: String): Unit = {
lookupVariable(variableName).foreach {
case local: NewLocal =>
local.possibleTypes(local.possibleTypes :+ singletonClassName)
case param: NewMethodParameterIn => param.possibleTypes(param.possibleTypes :+ singletonClassName)
case _ =>
override def typeForMethod(m: RubyMethod): Option[RubyType] = {
typesInScope.find(t => Option( == m.baseTypeFullName).orElse { super.typeForMethod(m) }
override def tryResolveTypeReference(typeName: String): Option[RubyType] = {
val normalizedTypeName = typeName.replaceAll("::", ".")
/** Given a typeName, attempts to resolve full name using internal types currently in scope
* @param typeName
* the shorthand name
* @return
* the type meta-data if found
def tryResolveInternalTypeReference(typeName: String): Option[RubyType] = {
typesInScope.collectFirst {
case typ if !typ.isInstanceOf[RubyStubbedType] &&"[.]").endsWith(typeName.split("[.]")) => typ
/** Given a typeName, attempts to resolve full name using stubbed types currently in scope
* @param typeName
* the shorthand name
* @return
* the type meta-data if found
def tryResolveStubbedTypeReference(typeName: String): Option[RubyType] = {
typesInScope.collectFirst {
case typ if typ.isInstanceOf[RubyStubbedType] &&"[.]").endsWith(typeName.split("[.]")) => typ
// TODO: While we find better ways to understand how the implicit class loading works,
// we can approximate that all types are in scope in the mean time.
.orElse {
super.tryResolveTypeReference(normalizedTypeName) match {
case None if GlobalTypes.kernelFunctions.contains(normalizedTypeName) =>
Option(RubyType(s"${GlobalTypes.kernelPrefix}.$normalizedTypeName", List.empty, List.empty))
case None if GlobalTypes.bundledClasses.contains(normalizedTypeName) =>
Option(RubyType(s"<${GlobalTypes.builtinPrefix}.$normalizedTypeName>", List.empty, List.empty))
case None =>
case x => x